Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate


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fields and format of the examination are to be determined by the student's departmental doctoral committee. There mustbe a minimum of two weeks between completion of the written examination and the scheduled date for the oral portionof the qualifying examination.The University Oral Qualifying Examination is the oral portion of the doctoral qualifying examinations and is primarilya defense of the dissertation proposal. This examination is administered by the four-member doctoral committee.Advancement to CandidacyStudents are advanced to candidacy upon successful completion of the written and oral qualifying examinations.Doctoral DissertationEvery doctoral degree program requires the completion of an approved dissertation that demonstrates the student'sability to perform original, independent research and constitutes a distinct contribution to knowledge in the principalfield of study.Final Oral Examination (Defense of Dissertation)Not required for students in the program. The decision as to whether a defense is required is made by the doctoralcommittee.Time-to-DegreeFull-time students admitted without deficiencies normally progress after receiving the M.A. degree as follows:Selection ofthird member of departmental doctoral committee - expected time of completion: during second quarter.Completion ofdepartmentally-monitored foreign language requirement (unless exempted) - expected time ofcompletion: end ofthird quarter.Nomination of four-person doctoral committee - expected time ofcompletion: end of third quarter.Written and oral qualifying examinations (usuaJJy taken in same quarter) - expected time of completion: end of sixthquarter.Advancement to candidacy - expected time of completion: end of sixth quarter.Final oral examinations (dissertation defense) - expected time ofcompletion: 18th quarter.Pre-M.A. to Ph.D. degree - expected time of completion: 18th quarter.Post-M.A. to Ph.D. degree - expected time of completion: a maximum of 15 quarters.Normative time-to-degree: 18 quarters (six years)

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