Vision audio_ref_4.5_1.pdf - Free Pro Audio Schematics

Vision audio_ref_4.5_1.pdf - Free Pro Audio Schematics

Vision audio_ref_4.5_1.pdf - Free Pro Audio Schematics

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CHAPTER 5: Acadia: Recording <strong>Audio</strong>The appearance of the waveform is determinedby the <strong>Audio</strong>>Waveform Displaysubmenu. Specifically:• Off: This display option completelydisables the waveform display. Whenyou select this option, <strong>Vision</strong> displayswaveforms as a straight line andwastes no time calculating theirappearance.• Fast: This display option allows<strong>Vision</strong> to redraw waveform displaysquickly because it draws them at alow resolution. This may be desirablewhen you’re recording or playingback <strong>audio</strong>, but the lower resolutionis not as good for detailed <strong>audio</strong>editing.• High Resolution: This displayoption allows <strong>Vision</strong> to display theactual texture of waveforms. This isdesirable when you’re editing andneed to clearly see all peaks and valleys,but it takes the longest amountof time to recalculate and draw.For more information, seeChapter 30: The <strong>Audio</strong> Menu in your<strong>Audio</strong> Reference Manual.ADVANCED RECORDINGTECHNIQUESThe following sections discuss other<strong>audio</strong> recording techniques for <strong>Vision</strong>.Stereo RecordingThis section discusses how to set up<strong>Vision</strong> to record stereo <strong>audio</strong> events usingthe Acadia <strong>audio</strong> system.To record a stereo track:In the Record Monitor Window, clickthe Link Pairs option to check it.<strong>Vision</strong> automatically switches the monohardware inputs to a stereo input pair(see Figure 5.3).NOTE: Remember, if you want to turn<strong>audio</strong> recording off so <strong>Vision</strong> records onlyMIDI, disable the Record Enable Indicatorin the Record Monitor Window, or simplyclose the window. You can see if <strong>audio</strong>recording is enabled by looking for the littledigital <strong>audio</strong> waveform in the Record Modepop-up.Figure 5.3: Link Pairs enabledIn the Record Source pop-up, makesure you have the desired input pairselected.Figure 5.4: Choosing a hardware input pair<strong>Vision</strong> & Studio <strong>Vision</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> — <strong>Audio</strong> Reference Manual 31

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