Golf Park Dubrovnik - DalCasa

Golf Park Dubrovnik - DalCasa

Golf Park Dubrovnik - DalCasa

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h r v a t s k im a g a z i n z an e k r e t n i n ec r o a t i a nr e a l e s t a t em a g a z i n eb r o j / i s s u e47s r p a n j / j u l y 2 0 1 3Project / Project<strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong><strong>Dubrovnik</strong>N A U T I K AKraljevstvoza vezA Kingdomfor a BerthN A U T I C SANDRIJA RUSANSTEPHAN LUPINOSvjetionici / LighthousesJadranske kamene tvrđaveAdriatic Stone Fortresses

www.spina.hr | info@spina.hrPoreč Mate Vlašića 43a, Tel: +385 52 45 13 48 Pula Jurja Žakna 4a, Tel: +385 52 21 90 02Rijeka Jušići 47d, Tel: +385 51 74 13 00 Zagreb Đorđićeva 23, Tel: +385 1 34 92 552Varaždin Vilka Novaka 50f, Tel: +385 42 30 37 07 Split Sv. Duje 8, Dugopolje, Tel: +385 21 66 89 80


u v o d n i ki n t r o5Dragi čitatelji,nakon tri godine pauze, uzrokovane padom interesa za ulaganje u nekretnineuslijed globalne krize, <strong>DalCasa</strong> magazin ponovo, eto, izlazi!Magazin vam stiže u novom ruhu i novom aranžmanu. Izdavanje magazinapreuzelo je društvo Tana Imobilia iz Zagreba koje se bavi projektiranjem iposredovanjem u prodaji nekretnina.<strong>DalCasa</strong> magazin i dalje će se baviti temama vezanim uz ulaganje u nekretninena području Hrvatske, prezentacijom hrvatske baštine, ljepotama obale iunutrašnjosti, a u zadnjem djelu magazina prezentirat ćemo vam neke od najboljihnekretnina na tržištu ponuđenih na prodaju.Novost je da će <strong>DalCasa</strong> magazin od sada izlaziti svaka tri mjeseca i neće biti uslobodnoj prodaji, već će se besplatno distribuirati na ciljane adrese u Hrvatskoj i uinozemstvu.U ovom, ljetnom izdanju <strong>DalCasa</strong> magazina, pokušali smo vam predstavitii dočarati novitete u arhitekturi i graditeljstvu na području Dalmacije poputnovoizgrađene Zapadne obale u Splitu, zatim projekta <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> u <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>u, apišemo i o ljepoti baštine kroz predivni i jedinstveni Radovanov portal, donosimopriču o jadranskim svjetionicima te o slatkim delicijama rapske kuhinje.Prvoga srpnja otvorili smo vrata Europi i svijetu. Simbolično, s istim datumom,<strong>DalCasa</strong> magazin širom vam otvara svoje stranice i uvodi vas u čarobni svijetdizajna, arhitekture, nekretnina, bogate hrvatske baštine te zadivljujuće ljepotenove europske zvijezde.glavni urednik /editor-in-chiefJakša MrčelaDear Readers,after a three-year-break, caused by downfall of interest in investing in real estate dueto the global crisis, the magazine <strong>DalCasa</strong> – is being published again!The magazine comes with a new look and in a new arrangement. The publishingof the magazine was taken over by the company Tana Imobilia from Zagreb thatdeals with design and real estate brokerage.The magazine <strong>DalCasa</strong> will continue to deal with issues related to investment inreal estate in Croatia, the presentation of Croatian heritage, the beauties of the coastand inland, and in the last part of the magazine, we will present you with some of thebest properties on the market offered for sale.The novelty is that the magazine <strong>DalCasa</strong> will be published every three monthsand it will not be in free sale, but it will be distributed for free to the targeted addressesin the country and abroad.In this, summer edition of <strong>DalCasa</strong> magazine, we tried to introduce and depict foryou the innovations in architecture and construction in Dalmatia, such as the newlybuilt Western coast in Split, then the project <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, and we also writeabout the beauty of the heritage through the beautiful and unique Radovan’s portaland bring the story of Adriatic lighthouses and sweet delicacies of the island of Rab’scuisine.On July first, we opened the door to Europe and the world. Symbolically, with thesame date, <strong>DalCasa</strong> magazine opens to you its pages and introduces you to the fascinatingworld of design, architecture, real estate, rich Croatian heritage and captivatingbeauty of the new European star.

h r v a t s k im a g a z i n z an e k r e t n i n ec r o a t i a nr e a l e s t a t em a g a z i n e8s p o m e n i c im o n u m e n t sSvjetionici / LighthousesJadranskekamene tvrđaveAdriaticStone Fortressesp r o j e k t ip r o j e c t s18s a d r ž a j6c o n t e n tSplitska Zapadna obala /Split’s Western coastNovi kutaksplitskog dnevnogboravkaAndrija RusanKuća arhitektureHouse ofarchitecture24A new look inSplit’s living room34<strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>Do turističkogsna preko 18 rupaReaching the tourismdream through 18 holes

impressumo t o c ii s l a n d sVISOtok - skrovišteThe HidingPlace IslandLavanda / LavanderSvelijek opojna mirisaa r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eTrogirBezvremenski portalTimeless portal42526690116131The All-remedy ofScent Full AromaOktogonOsmerokutni ljepotanThe Octagonal Beautyn a u t i k an a u t i c sKraljevstvo za vezA Kingdom for a Berthu m j e t n i c ia r t i s t sStephan Lupinon e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sc o n t e n t7s a d r ž a jglavni urednik / editor-in-chief Jakša Mrčela izvršni urednik / executive editor Jadran Mimicamarketing Tanja Tafro, mag.oec. (voditelj marketinga) / +385 (0)91 573 4815 / magazin@dalcasa.comprijevod / translations N.T. Dalma d.o.o. Medveščak 13, Zagreb art director Stephan Lupinooblikovanje / design Igor Vranješ www.igorvranjes.com tisak / print Vjesnik d.d. Zagrebtiskana naklada / print edition 10.000 primjeraka / copies frekvencija / release frequency Tromjesečnik / Quarterlyfotografija na naslovnici / cover photo Romeo Ibriševićizdavač / publisher Tana Imobilia d.o.o., Ribnjak 40, 10 000 Zagreb / www.tana-imobilia.hrTel: +385 (0)1 4921 196, Fax: +385 (0)1 4921 195 / info@tana-imobilia.hr

8s p o m e n i c im o n u m e n t sSvjetioniciJadranskekamenetvrđave LighthousesAdriaticZidovi ovih morskihdvoraca usađeniu krajolike jedvapojmljive ljepote,mogu biti ravnopravnostavljeni uz boknajeminentnijimhrvatskim kulturnimspomenicimaThe walls of these seacastles infused intothe landscapes beyondimaginable beautycan be equally placedside-by-side mosteminent Croatiancultural monumentsStoneFortressespiše/text hedwiga hraste fotografije/photos adriatica .netSpone između čovjeka i mora neraskidive su. Ispredene od finihvlakana vremena i prošlosti, prov lačenja sudbine i legendi, kao datvore čipku obrubljenu pjenama i okrunjenu algama. Davno iskidanepovijesne konce teško je uplesti, no ne treba odmah sumnjati u kontinuitetčovjekove prisutnosti i razvoja na danas hrvatskoj obali i otocima.Naime, Jadran je autentična civilizacijska kolijevka već više od pettisuća godina, odnosno od četvrtog tisućljeća prije Krista, kada nam jeneolitski čovjek u Grapčevoj špilji na otoku Hvaru ostavio ornamentima islikarijama ukrašenu keramiku i na kamenu urezanu najstariju sliku lađeu Europi. Je li se to naš predak samo igrao ili nam je pokušao ostaviti unaslijeđe simbol iskonske veze jadranskog čovjeka s morem, veze koja je idanas jednako jaka kao i u njegovo vrijeme?


10s p o m e n i c im o n u m e n t sDevet svjetionikamože se naćiu turističkimkatalozima; onikoji vole odmoru miru i samoćis robinzonskimokusom, moguse smjestitiu komfornimapartmanima naPalagruži, Poreru,Strugi, Sušcu,Sv. Ivanu, Sv.Petru, Velom ratu,Prišnjaku i Pločici.Nevertheless, somenine lighthouses canbe found in touristbrochures; thosewho enjoy spendingholidays in peaceand solitude with thetaste of the adventurea la RobinsonCrusoe’s, can settledown in comfortableapartments ofPalagruža, Porer,Strug, Sušac, Sv. Ivan,Sv. Petar, Veli rat,Prišnjak and Pločića.Današnji Hvar, nekada je nosio naziv Pharos,točnije za vrijeme helenske kolonizacije u četvrtomestoljeću prije Krista. Dobio je ime premaistoimenom otočiću pred ulazom u današnju lukuAleksandiju, na kojem je Sosrat iz Knida, prijateljAleksandra Velikog, u III. stoljeću prije Krista sagradioprvi svjetionik u svijetu.Potreba za svjetionicima pomalo je poprimalasvjetske razmjere kako je pomorski promet postajaosve gušći, a brodovi sve veći i brži. Neminovnimse pokazalo po ve ćanje sigurnosti plovidbe,osobito noću i u lošim vre menskim uvjetima.Plamen kojim su antički pomorci upozoravanina opasne hridine hranjen je drvom koje se kaoloživo takvih svjetala održalo sve do 16. stoljeća,kada je zamijenjeno ugljenom. Dva stoljeća poslije,ugljen je zamijenjen pli nom, zatim strujom,a danas konačnu ulogu izvora svjetla ima solarnaenergija.starac na rtu SavudrijaZa izgradnju svjetioničarskih zgrada na Jadranuzaslužan je prije svega konzervativni, ali i inventivniaustrijski ministar vanjskih poslova, grofMetternich. Prvi svjetionik koji je podigla carskaAustrija, izgrađen je još 1818. godine na krajnjemsjeverozapadu hrvatske obale - na rtu Savudrija, au sljedećih osamdesetak godina po otocima i rtovimaniknulo je još oko 65 takvih objekata.Smještene u teško dostupnim jadranskim osamama,svjetionike je opsluživalo brojno ljudstvo,tako da su ta zdanja građena prostrano, čak i snekoliko stotina četvornih metara unutarnjeg prostora.Zidovi ovih pučanskih dvoraca kao da pokazujuzube vječnosti; građeni od bijelog kamena,debeli su i po nekoliko me tara. Usađeni u krajolikejedva pojmljive ljepote, mogu biti ravnopravnostavljeni uz bok najeminentnijim hrvat skim kulturnimspomenicima. Svjetioničarske zgrade upravo stoga treba i sačuvati, tim prije što je stanjezgrada iz godinu u godinu sve lošije, a neke su čaki otprije bile arheološke ruševine. Stoga je priješest-sedam godina ro đen dugo pripremani objekt:“Pharos - novo svjetlo u hrvat skome turizmu”.Ipak, dvanaest svjetionika može se naći u turističkimkatalozima; oni koji vole odmor u miru isamoći s robinzonskim okusom, mogu se smjestitiu komfornim apartmanima na Sv. Andriji, Hostu,Grebenu, Palagruži, Poreru, Strugi, Sušcu, Sv. Ivanu,Sv. Petru, Velom ratu, Prišnjaku i Pločici.Raštrkani kao rakova djeca po jadranskom arhipelagu,ali i opet čudnovato povezani za morespecifičnim tea t rom boja, pospani su danju, a budninoću. Bdiju i trepću ne umorno jedinim svojimokom kiklopskim, Po li femskim, primajući marnou zagrljaj ljubavne nalete vje tra. I svaki od njih imasvoju priču, bilo tužnu ili sretnu, koje je najljepšeslušati zimi, kraj toplog kamina dok vani huči bura.


12s p o m e n i c im o n u m e n t ssušacPrvi svjetionikkoji je podiglacarska Austrija,izgrađen je još 1818.godine na krajnjemsjeverozapaduhrvatske obale -na rtu Savudrija,a u sljedećihosamdesetak godinapo otocima i rtovimaniknulo je još oko 65takvih objekata.Tako već spomenuti savudrijski svjetionik krijeveliku ljubavnu tajnu grofa Metternicha. Razlogzašto je čuveni austrijski političar izričito naredioda se prvi svjetionik izgradi baš tamo, bio je u tajanstvenojhrvatskoj ljepotici u koju se grof zaljubio nanekome bečkom plesu. Na žalost, dama nije dočekalapoljupce u bljesku novog svjetionika. Umrla jebaš na dan dovršenja svjetioničkog tornja...Puno veselija je priča svjetionika na rtu Zub,gdje je navodno jednom došla žena novigradskogribara, krezuba baba koja je čekala i čekala na litici,tražeći pogledom muževljevu barku. Kad ga jenapokon i dočekala, pa se spustila njemu na brod,imao je muž što i vidjeti: baba je u ustima imalasve zube. I danas, kada je to čudo već zaboravljeno,ima u Novigradu starih ljudi koji vole otići naZub i s litice promatrati more.prvić kao veneraOtočić Sveti Ivan na Pučini, uz masivnu svjetioničarskuzgradu, nosi i crkvicu svog zaštitnika.Priča kaže da se jedan mletački dužd zavjetovaosv. Ivanu kako će mu u znak zahvalnosti, akodoplovi živ do Rovinja, na otočiću zapaliti svijećutako visoku kao toranj katedrale. Tek kadje stigao živ i zdrav u Rovinj shvatio je koliko jezapravo neostvarivo zadano obećanje, pa je razmišljaoo sve manjoj i manjoj svijeći zahvalnici,da bi na kraju zaključio kako će i jedna sasvimmala svijeća biti dovoljna. Ali, kako mu se žurilokući, nije zapalio ni tu malu svijeću na otoku...Neispunjenog obećanja sjetio se tek onda kad sepred Mlecima podigla neviđena oluja, u kojoj jepotonuo zajedno sa svojom galijom, prekasnose pokajavši...

First lighthouse thatwas erected by theImperial Austriawas built in 1818 inthe far northwesternportion of theCroatian seacoast- at the CapeSavurdija. Duringfollowing eightyyears additional 65lighthouses werebuild throughoutCroatian islands andcapes.Navodno je neki bogati, ali pomalo luckastikon ti nen ta lac, naumio po svaku cijenu otputovatina Veneru. Njegovi znanci, neobuzdani veseljaci,odlučiše mu tu želju ispuniti. Noću su ga odveliautom do krčkih Njivica, otkud su ga, kad je zaspao,brodom prevezli na otok Prvić, nježno polegliu neku kamenu udubinu i otišli. Kad se čovjekujutro probudio i ugledao oko sebe nezemaljskevapnenačke šiljke, pomislio je da je napo slijetkuipak stigao do Venere. Lutajući otokom. pred večerje ugledao čudne oblike svjetioničarske zgradeStražice, što ga je još više uvjerilo da je na pravommjestu. Nakon što je pokušavao uspostavitikontakt bliske vrste s “Ve ne ri jancima”, po njega jedošao brzi policijski čamac s dvojicom bolničara...Čuvši Minosa kako se hvali da na svijetu nemaničeg ravnog njegovom labirintu, razbjesni se Zeuspa mahne rukom prema velikom jadranskom otokui razmrvi ga na 147 krhotina, puštajući moru daobavi posao do kraja. Tako su, veli priča, nastaliKornati, najveća i najgušća otočna skupina naSredozemlju, kroz čije kanale nitko ne prolaziravnodušan. Smatra se da najveću kornatsku tajnukrije velika, sasvim izglačana kamena ploha zakoju ribari kažu da su je tamo donijele vile da nanjoj noću gole plešu. Smrtnike koji bi odbili njihovuljubav, pretvorile bi u koraljni cvijet, za ukrassvojeg podvodnog hrama. Cijeli arhipelag proglašenje nacionalnim parkom, čime je spriječenaprekomjerna izgradnja i nekontrolirani ribolov.Prelijepi svjetionik na Tajerskim sestricama osuđenje tako na samoću.Niz otočića koji se protežu sjeverozapadnood Murtera nosi sasvim neobično ime - Prišnjak.No, još je neobičnija priča koja govori o istinitomdogađaju koji se zbio prije četrdesetak godina.Svjetioničareva žena zaprepastila se spoznajomda će roditi znatno prije nego li je mislila. Muž juje posjeo u barku i navalio veslati, ne bi li što prijestigli do obližnjeg gradića Murtera. Ali, budući daje gradić bio daleko, a djetetu se žurilo, porođaj sezbio u čamcu. Dijete su nazvali Jadran (drugačijenisu ni mogli), danas je to zreli čovjek koji u rubrikumjesto rođenja piše Prišnjak -Murter!Na sjevernom viškom rtu je 1865. godine podignutsvjetionik Stončica, koji je imao prigodubiti svjedokom pomorske bitke između austrijskei talijanske armade, koja se odigrala godinu danakasnije, nekoliko milja istočnije, a okončana jepobjedom flote austrijskog ad mirala Teggethoffa.Drugi viški svjetionik, koji s otočića zatvaravišku luku, također vuče paralelu s okršajem ratnihbrodova. Taj svjetionik se zakasnio uključiti ubitku, ali je zato na pravom mjestu u pravo vrijemebio mladi britanski kapetan bojnog broda, WiliamHost, “Mladi Nelson”, koji je u početku godine 1811.pred Visom zadao velike probleme Napoleonovojfloti. U zaslugu njegovoj hrab rosti i vještini, otočićna kojem je danas svjetionik nazvan je - Host.strugamorske vile i sireneDvojba je: tko je prvi naselio djevičanske obalepoluotoka Pelješca? Jedni tvrde da su to bili prastariPelasi, a drugi kako se Pelješac u ilirskimvremenima nazivao Hilida i da je s njega u mitovezakoračio herojski Herkul. Ilirsko porijeklo najvećegantičkog junaka ipak potvrđuje geograf Skilaksiz Karijande, ali i poznati pov jesničar i prvi “novinar”na svijetu, Herodot. U tom kontrastnom krajoliku,gdje po brdima skaču mufloni i di vokoze,na najzapadnijem rtu Pelješca, svjetioniku Lo višćesjenu rade tri čempresa...Svjetionik Struga ponosni je pak svjedok dvaneobična jadranska rekorda. Prvoga su lastovskiribari izvukli iz mora - bio je to golemi hlap težakgotovo 18 kilograma! Zbilo se to krajem prošlogstoljeća, a ribari su uredno spa kirali raka i otpremiliga u Beč, gdje je završio na stolu cara FranjeJosipa. Car je uzvratio dar poslavši Las tov cimasanduk napunjen šećerom i kavom, koje su otočanipošteno podijelili.Drugi rekord odnosi se na koralj težak 45 kilogramakoji su posebnim kliještima isčupali sretnilovci pola stoljeća kasnije, s litice koja se podStrugom okomito spu šta dublje od 50 metara umore. Ni prije ni poslije više ni je iščupano tolikokoraljno stablo.Možda sve ove priče i nisu istinite, ali svakakobude za nimanje. Uostalom, nikad nećemo ni znatišto je sve mo guće u daljinama pučinske osame,gdje ljudsko biće može izludjeti od samoće. Toznaju samo naši svjetioničari, kad im u pohode

14s p o m e n i c im o n u m e n t sUntil the 16th century the flame that was usedto direct attention to the dangerous cliffs in ancienttime was fed with the wood, when it was substitutedfor coal. Two centuries later, coal was replaced withthe gas, than electricity, and finally nowadays withthe solar energy.prižnjakdođu morske vile i sirene da ih izliječe ili pak dokraja izlude...eng The ties between a man and the sea are unbreakable.Spun out of fine fibres representingtime and the past, working their way throughdestinies and legends, as if they were creating lacehemmed in with the foam and crowned with algae.It is hard to interlace the threads of history brokenlong time ago, still one shouldn’t doubt the continuityof human presence and development throughout, inour day, Croatian sea coast and islands.Namely, Adriatic is an authentic cradle of civilisationfor more than five thousand years, in other wordssince 4 000 B.C., when in Grapceva cave located onthe island Hvar a Neolithic man left behind the oldestpicture of a ship engraved into the stone along withceramics de corated with ornaments and paintings.Was this just a game to him or did he try to leave usa symbol of primeval connection of the Adriatic manwith the sea? The connection that is as strong todayas it was in his time.In the 4th century B.C. during the times of Helleniccolonisation today’s Hvar used to be called Pharos. Itwas given its name by the homonymous islet in frontof the entrance gate to the modern Alexandria, wherein the 3rd century B.C. Sosrat of Knid, a friend of Alexanderthe Great, built very first lighthouse in theworld. Slowly with the rise of the maritime traffic andutilisation of larger and faster ships the importanceand demand toward lighthouses gained its worldwideproportion. It was necessary to obtain increased levelsof navigation safety, especially at night under badweather conditions.old man at the cape savurdijaA foremost person deserving the most credit forbuilding lighthouses throughout the Adriatic is aconservative, and yet inventive Austrian Minister ofForeign Affairs, count Metternich.First lighthouse that was erected by the ImperialAustria was built in 1818 in the far northwestern portionof the Croatian seacoast - at the Cape Savurdija.During following eighty years additional 65 lighthouseswere build throughout Croatian islands and capes.In hard to reach solitude of the Adriatic, lighthouseshad to be supplied by many. Consequently thesebuildings were building very spacious, even with severalhundred square meters of interior surface area.Built out of the white stone and several metersthick, it seems as if the walls of these plebeian castlesdemonstrate the teeth of eternity. Infused into thelandscapes beyond imaginable beauty they can beequally placed side-by-side most eminent Croatiancultural monuments. For that reason, and more sodue to their permanent day-by-day deterioration, thelighthouses, out of which some were archaeologicalruins, need to be preserved. Consequently, six yearsago the object “Pharos - a New Light in Croatian Tourism”,rehabilitated for a long time, came to life.Nevertheless, twelve lighthouses can be found intourist brochures; those who enjoy spending holidaysin peace and solitude with the taste of theadventure a la Robinson Crusoe’s, can settle down incomfortable apartments of Sv. Andrija, Host, Greben,Palagruža, Porer, Strug, Sušac, Sv. Ivan, Sv. Petar, Velirat, Prišnjak and Pločica. Scattered around the Adriaticarchipelago, and yet quaintly connected to thesea through specific spectrum of colours, they aresleepy during the day and awake at night. Being onthe watch and restlessly twinkling with that single,Cyclopean, Polyphemean, eye they passionately welcomeaffectionate gusts of wind. Each one has a story,either sad or happy, which is best to listen to in thewinter, next to the fireplace, while the storms roar onthe outside.The abovementioned Cape Savurdija hides a greatlove secret of count Metternich. The reason why famousAustrian politician ordered construction of thevery first lighthouse precisely there was a mysteriousand charming Croatian lady whom he fell in love withat one of the balls in Vienna. Unfortunately, the ladydid not experience tender moments under fleshes ofa new lighthouse. She died on the completion day ofthe lighthouse’s tower....Much happier is the story of the Cape Zub’s lighthouse,where allegedly once upon a time a toothless

veli ratold woman, a wife of some fisherman from Novigrad,waited and waited at the sheer rock searching for herhusband’s boat. Finally when he arrived, she came ontothe boat, and what a surprise! Her husband was astonishedto see his wife with the teeth. Even today, as thismiracle was almost forgotten, there are old people inNovigrad who have a thing about coming to the capeZub and watching the sea from the sheer rock.prvić like venusIslet Sveti Ivan na Pučini, next to the massive lighthousestructure has a little church of its patron. Thestory goes that a young Venetian doge took a vow to St.John that, in case he reached Rovinj by the ship safely,in a token of his gratitude he would light a candle ashigh as a tower of the cathedral. Only when he arrivedto Rovinj, alive and well, did he realize how unfeasiblethe given promise really was. He started contemplatingabout smaller and smaller candle; finally he figuredthat even a tiny candle would be sufficient. However,as he was in a hurry to return home, he forgot to lighteven that tiny candle. To late to feel repentance, he rememberedhis broken promise only when the unprecedentedstorm rose in front of the Venetians in whichhe was lost at sea along with his galley.Supposedly some well off, but somewhat foolishinlander intended to, no matter what, travel to Venus.His unruly acquaintances decided to make his wishcome true. During the night they drove him to Njivice,a place on island Krk, from where, when he fell asleep,they took him to the island Prvić, and there they’vesoftly placed him upon the stone niche and left.When he woke up and caught sight of extraterrestriallimestone peaks around him he thought that finely hemanaged to reach Venus. Wandering about, at nightfallhe got sight of a strange lighthouse constructionof Stražica, which further convinced him that he wasat the right place. After he tried to establish a closeencounter with the “Venusians”, the Police and twonurses... welcomed him.Overhearing Minos’s bragging that there wasnothing as great as his labyrinth, Zeus lashed intofury and waived his hand toward a great Adriaticisland thus breaking it into 147 fragments, lettingthe sea to finish the work. This is the story of Kornatiand their origin, the largest and the densest groupof Mediterranean islands, where passing through itschannels leaves no one indifferent. It is common beliefof local fisherman and one of the greatest secretsof Kornati that the nymphs brought there a largesmoothed stone surface in order to be able to dancethere naked at night. Mortals who would reject theirlove they would turn into a coral flower used as anornament for their underwater temple. Today theentire archipelago is declared National <strong>Park</strong>, thusthe excessive erection of buildings and uncontrolledfishing were prevented. Consequently, and exceedinglybeautiful lighthouse at Tajerske sestrice wassentenced to loneliness.prižnjakOdmor na svjetionikuOdmorite se na jednom od 9 svjetionika iz ponude turističke agencijeadriatica.net. Ne propustite rezer virati svjetionike iz last minute ponude spopustom od 30-40%! Posjetite www.adriatica.net ili pišite nainfo@adriatica.netExperience lighthouse holidaysSpend your holidays in one of the light houses offered by Adriatica.net agency.Don’t miss booking a lighthouse through our last mi nute offers - save up to 30-40%!Visit www.adriatica.net or contact us via info@adriatica.net

16s p o m e n i c im o n u m e n t sglavatA series of islets spreading to the northeast fromthe island Murter have quite unusual name - Prišnjak.Still, even more unusual is an authentic event thattook place some forty years ago. A lighthouse keeper’swife was terrified to find out that she was going togive birth to a child much sooner than she’d haveexpected. Her husband assisted her to the boat andrushed paddling in order to reach nearby town Murteras soon as possible. Yet, as the town was far, and achild well on his way, a labour started and a child wasborn in the boat. They named their newborn Jadran(which other name could they choose). Today he is amature man whose place of birth is quoted: Prišnjak- Murter!A lighthouse Stončica, erected on the northerncape of island Vis in 1865, was a witness to a navalbattle between Austrian and Italian armada, whichtook place a year later, few miles to the east. Austrianadmiral Teggethoff won the battle.Today an islet that hosts jet another lighthousenear Vis harbour is named Host bearing its name inhonour to a courageous and skilful young British captainof the battleship, William Host. Known as “YoungNelson”, he inflicted great casualties to the Napoleon’sfleet in front of island Vis in the first part of 1811.nymphs & sirensIt is uncertain who inhabited virgin cost of Pelješacpeninsula first? Some believe that it was ancientPelasi, and the other that in the Illyrian time Pelješacused to be called Hilida and that it was the veryplace of heroic Hercules. The geographer Skilaks fromKarijanda, as well as known historian and very first“journalist” in the World - Herodotus bear out the Illyrianorigin of Hercules. Throughout this contrastinglandscape, where mouflons and chamois freely springabout the hillslopes, three cypress trees have spreadshade onto the lighthouse Lovišće, Pelješac’s mostwest oriented cape.Lighthouse Struga is a proud witness of two unusualAdriatic records. First was hauled in by thefishermen. It was a large lobster weighting some 18kilograms! This event took place in the later part ofthe previous century. Fishermen have carefully packedlobster and sent it to Vienna, where it was broughtonto the table of the emperor Franz Joseph. Gladly,the emperor returned a favour by forwarding a chestbox filled with sugar and coffee, which the locals administeredfairly and squarely amongst themselves.Half a century later, the other record talks about a 45kilogram coral which lucky hunters wrenched belowStrug from the cliff which subsides horizontally morethan 50 meters below sea level. Neither earlier norlater on did anyone wrench such coral tree.Maybe all of these stories are not authentic, butthey certainly awake person’s inquisitiveness. Anyway,we shall never know what is really possible inthe remoteness of the deep sea, where loneliness candrive you mad.This is familiar to our lighthouse keepers, especiallywhen the nymphs & sirens come to cure themor to trigger their insanity....

18p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t s

Splitska Zapadna obalaNovi kutaksplitskogdnevnog boravkaSplitska Zapadna obala, susret ljepote mora i parka Marjan, novim jeumivenim licem značajno unaprijedila vizuru grada te posjetiteljimagrada, ali i samim Splićanima, pružila savršen doživljaj i guštesuvremenog mediteranskog grada otvorenog ljepoti i budućnostiSplit’s Western coastA new look inSplit’s living roomSplit’s Western coast, the meeting point of the beauty of the sea andpark Marjan, significantly improved with its newly freshly washedface the image of the town, providing thus both to the visitorsand Split natives the perfect experience and delicacies of a modernMediterranean town opened to beauty and the future.piše/text VELIMIR CINDRIĆ fotografije/photos XXXKada su se u kolovozu prošle godine u medijimapojavile vijesti kako splitska Zapadna obalapolako dobija stvarni izgled, dotad viđen samona računalnim simulacijama, bilo je jasno da ćeglavni grad Dalmacije napokon dočekati uređenjetog odavna zapuštena dijela grada, koji zapravopredstavlja nastavak kultne splitske Rive.Tih dana, pod užarenim ljetnim suncem, upravo seizvodila treća faza radova, i to na dijelu šetnice odbiciklističke staze do obalnog zida. Bio je to znakda će gradski dnevni boravak, kako Splićani volenazivati Rivu, ipak dobiti svoj dostojni produžetak.Naime, iako je Zapadna obala otvorena izravnomepogledu s Rive i, kao lučica ispod crkve isamostana sv. Frane, predstavlja njezin prirodan ilogičan nastavak, ona se u gradu nikada nije držala

20p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t sdijelom Rive, već su je građani oduvijek nazivaliMatejuškom (mada je u međuvremenu službenonosila imena Ilirska obala i Trumbićeva obala). Zanimljivoje da jedna starija rimska karta, s početka 1.st. poslije Krista, dakle prije gradnje Dioklecijanovepalače, na mjestu današnje Rive prikazuje nizoveprirodnih rtova između kojih su se nalazile uvalice,među kojima se na zapadu jasno vidi Matejuška,tada mnogo veća nego danas.Matejuška je stoljećima služila kao skloništebrodica splitskih ribara, koji su stanovali u njezinojneposrednoj blizini. Sve je bilo idilično, dok 1927. nakoncu gata na Matejuški, odnosno zapadnome rubuuređenog dijela luke, nije podignuta klupska zgradaveslačkog kluba Gusar, koja je postala poznata kaoGusarov dom. S obzirom da se radilo o zdanju što je,zbog otvorena pogleda s mora i kopna, postalo važandio vizure Splita, njezin je modernistički (tadačak i avangardni) stil odmah postao predmetompolemika i prepirki između gradskih tradicionalistai modernista.Iako se o uređenju toga dijela splitske luke, kojebi uključivalo i izgradnju šetnice cijelom njezinomdužinom, razmišljalo još sredinom 19. stoljeća,1860-ih nasut je bio tek dio obale od Matejuškedo početka uspona prema Sustipanskom putu. Nakonačno uređenje moralo se pričekati do 30-ihgodina, i to ne u punom obimu. Naime, 20-ih godinazasut je veći dio Zapadne obale te izgrađenzemljani put do Sustipana, ali ne i 18 metara širokašetnica, inače predviđena regulacijskim planom iz1925. S početkom gradnje hotela Ambasador 1935,započelo je i uređenje ceste od Matejuške do budućegahotela, kojoj se tri godine poslije pridružioi pješački put uz more te niz palmi (ubrzo su zbogizloženosti zimskome jugu propale, pa su ih zamijeniliizdržljiviji tamarisi).Novije doba donijelo je rušenje zastarjelog, napuštenogi oronulog Gusarova doma 1990., no svedaljnje planove na više je godina zaustavio Domovinskirat. Sredinom prvog desetljeća novogmilenija, tema Zapadne obale ponovo je došla nared, pa su se 2007. pojavile i prve naznake rješenjaprimjerena 21. stoljeću. U javnosti su se ponovopojavile priče o „umivanju“ tog dijela grada, novojprometnici, trgu, fontanama, zelenim površinama,šetnici, klupama, palmama, podvodnim rasvjetnimtijelima, ugostiteljskim objektima... Sve je podsjetilona nikad realizirana idejna rješenja iz proteklihpola stoljeća.„Ideja proširenja Zapadne obale Gradske luke uSplitu datira još od 60-ih godina. Do 2007. izrađenoje nekoliko studija i idejnih rješenja, međutimtek nakon potpisa ugovora između Grada Splitai tvrtke Nemico iste se godine započelo s intenzivnimplaniranjem i projektiranjem. Projektnimzadatkom date su osnovne smjernice za planiranje iprojektiranje komunalno-infrastrukturnog zahvatasa šetnicom uz postojeće objekte te, nešto širomdonjom šetnicom lungomare. Šetnice dijeli kolnaprometnica, a zajedno povezuju raskrižje izmeđuzgrade Banovine i vrta na Zvončacu s hotelom Ambasador.Kod potonjeg, ideja je bila da se proširenjemšetnice ispred hotela Ambasador i MatejuškeZapadna obala spoji s Rivom“, pojašnjava projektmr. sc. Nenad Mikulandra, glavni projektant tvrtkeNemico d.o.o. iz Splita, koja je i izradila projektnove Zapadne obale.Ovi planovi, između ostaloga, navijestili su inastavak lungomara duž Istočne obale, čime bi sepješačkim komunikacijama povezali svi sadržajiGradske luke Split. Danas možemo reći da glavneznačajke projekta proširenja Zapadne obale obuhvaćajupješačke površine, stazu za bicikliste, kolnu

prometnicu s rotorom i opskrbnim voznim trakom,kameno popločenje, autohtonu hortikulturu, ekološkurasvjetu i primjereno dizajniranu urbanuopremu, što sve zajedno čini iznimno primjerenfacelifting toga dijela splitske luke i znatno unaprijeđenjenove vizure grada. No, do tog rezultata putnije bio nimalo brz ni lak. Za taj zadatak Grad Splitformirao je 2007. povjerenstvo koje je imalo pratitiizradu projektne dokumentacije.„Od 2007. do 2009. tvrtka Nemico, zajedno skooperantima, izradila je 28 varijanti idejnih rješenja,od proširenja Zapadne obale s podzemnimprometovanjem vozila, podzemnom garažom i tunelomkoji spaja Zapadnu obalu s gatom sv. Nikola,u dužini od oko 220 metara, zatim s nadzemnimbelvederom na Zapadnoj obali, pa do rješenja snatkrivenim javnim parkiralištem na Zvončacu,kapaciteta od oko 540 vozila. U rujnu 2007. povjerenstvoje usvojilo varijantu broj osam, s dužinomobale od 650 metara i ukupnom širinom 50 metara.U projektu prema kojem se izvelo proširenje Zapadneobale usvojena je širina obale od 45 metara,osim na dijelu benzinske crpke za opskrbu plovila“,objašnjava Mikulandra.Najveći problem i tehnički zahvat predstavljaloje projektiranje same obalne konstrukcije, sustavakomora različitih visina, ovisno o planiranoj dubinimorskoga dna, radi prihvata plovila različitihdimenzija. Pri tome, u narednom razdoblju odšest godina, na izradi projektne dokumentacijei elaborata te vršenju stručnog i projektantskognadzora vrijedno su radile 32 osobe, od sveučilišnihprofesora do projektanata. U međuvremenu, 2010.Grad Split i Društvo arhitekata Split proveli suurbanističko-arhitektonski natječaj za proširenjeZapadne obale, na kome su prvu nagradu osvojilimladi splitski arhitekti Mirta Đilas, Jure Bešlići Ivan Jurić, nakon čega je za izradu cjelokupneprojektne dokumentacije za ishođenje potrebnihdozvola i za građenje proširenja Zapadne obaleangažirana tvrtka Nemico.„Svo vrijeme pripreme i radova, u manjem ilivećem obimu, kontaktirani su i autori, a od početkaprojektiranja, sve su faze praćene od Konzervatorskogodjela Ministarstva kulture u Splitu. Isto tako,odabir načina i vrste opločenja, hortikulturno rješenje,odabir rasvjete, projekti objekata u horizontalnomi vertikalnom gabaritu te tretman pročelja,urbane opreme i ostali elementi izrađeni su premauputi i uvjetima Konzervatorskog odjela. Projektproširenja Zapadne obale trebalo je izraditi tako dase zaštite vizure prema Sustipanu i dijelu gradskejezgre, što mislim da je napravljeno na ispravannačin, isto kao i međusobna usklađenost šetnice,krajobraznog uređenja i smještaja tri višenamjenskaprizemna objekta“, zaključuje Mikulandra.Ako je splitska Riva gradska promenada pod južnimpročeljem Dioklecijanove palače, Istočna obalaprometno-komercijalno središte centra grada, ondaje Zapadna obala susret ljepote mora i parka Marjan,prirodan sklop koji je novim, umivenim licemisprepleo prirodne, topografske i turističke elementete ih povezao s urbanom strukturom grada. Stogaje Zapadna obala danas mjesto na kojem posjetiteljigrada, ali i sami Splićani, mogu savršeno osjetiti svegušte suvremenog mediteranskog grada otvorenogljepoti i budućnosti.eng When in August last year the news on Split’sWestern coast slowly getting its real appearanceappeared in the media, previously seen only oncomputer simulations, it was clear that the capitalof Dalmatia will finally see the light of day of the arrangementof this long neglected part of the town,which is actually a continuation of the cult SplitWaterfront. In those days, under the blazing summerZapadna obala jesusret ljepote morai parka Marjan,prirodan sklopkoji je novim,umivenim licemisprepleo prirodne,topografske iturističke elementete ih povezaos urbanomstrukturom grada...

22p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t sThe Western coast isthe meeting point ofthe beauty of the seaand park Marjan, anatural frame thatintertwined with itsnew freshly washedface the natural,topographic andtourist elements andconnected them withthe urban structureof the town..sun, the third phase of work took place, on the part ofthe promenade from the bike trail to the coastal wall.It was a sign that the urban living room, as Split nativeslike to call their Waterfront, will still get its worthyextension.Even though the Western coast is open to a directview from the Waterfront and, the same way as thesmall port below the church and monastery of St. Francis,represents its natural and logical extension, thetown never considered it as a part of the Waterfront,but the citizens always called it Matejuska (although inthe meantime it officially had the names Ilirska obalaand Trumbiceva obala). It is interesting that an olderRoman map from the beginning of the first centuryAD, that is, before the construction of Diocletian’s Palace,in place of today’s Waterfront shows a series ofnatural capes with small bays, among which Matejuskais clearly visible in the west, at that time much biggerthan today.For centuries Matejuska served as a shelter forSplit’s fishermen’s boats who were living in its immediatevicinity. Everything was idyllic, until in 1927 atthe end of the pier on Matejuska, that is the westernedge of the arranged part of the port, a club house ofthe rowing club Gusar (Pirate) was built, that becameknown as Gusarov dom (Pirate’s home). Given thatthis was a building which, due to the open views fromthe sea and the land, has become an important part ofthe town of Split, its modern (then even avant-garde)style immediately became the subject of controversyand arguments between the town’s traditionalists andmodernists.Although the arranging the interior of that part ofSplit’s port, which would include the construction ofa promenade along its full length, was contemplatedalready in the mid of the 19th century, in 1860 only apart of the coast from Matejuska to the beginning ofthe ascent towards Sustipanski put (St. Stephen’s path)was covered. The final arrangement had to wait untilthe 30’s, but still not in full extent. In fact, the greaterpart of the Western coast was covered in the 20’s andan earthen path to Sustipan was built, but not the 18feet wide promenade, foreseen by the regulation planfrom 1925. Along with the start of construction of theAmbassador Hotel in 1935, began the arrangement ofthe road from Matejuska to the future hotel, followedthree years later by a promenade along the coast anda number of palms (due to exposure to winter’s southwind they collapsed very soon and they were replacedby the more durable tamarix).A newer age brought the demolition of the outdated,abandoned and decrepit Gusarov dom in 1990, butfurther plans were stopped by the Croatian War of Independencefor quite a number of years. In the middleof the new millennium’s first decade, the topic Westerncoast popped up again, so in 2007 the first hints of thesolution appropriate for the 21st century emerged. Thepublic started talking again about the “freshening up”of that part of town, a new road, square, fountains,green areas, a promenade, benches, palms, underwaterlighting, restaurants... Everything was a reminder ofnever realized conceptual designs from the past halfof the century.“The idea of an extension of the Western coast ofSplit’s town port dates back to the 60’s. By 2007 severalstudies and preliminary designs were made, but onlyafter the signing of the contract between the Town ofSplit and the company Nemico in the same year, beganan intensive planning and design. The project taskgives basic guidelines for planning and designing themunicipality-infrastructure project with a promenadealong the existing facilities and, a somewhat largerlower lungomare (Italian - by the coast) promenade.The promenades are divided by a road and togetherthey connect the intersection between the building ofBanovina and the garden in Zvoncac with the Ambassadorhotel. Concerning the latter, the idea was to connectthe Western coast with the Waterfront throughthe extension of the promenade in front of the Ambas-

sador Hotel and Matejuska”, explained the project mr.sc. Nenad Mikulandra, chief architect at Nemico d.o.o.from Split, which has developed the project of the newWestern coast.These plans, among other things, indicated theextension of the lungomare along the Eastern coast,where all the facilities of the Split’s port would be connectedwith the pedestrian communications. Today wecan say that the main features of the extension projectof the Western coast include pedestrian areas, a biketrail, road with a roundabout and supply driving lane,stone paving, indigenous horticulture, environmentallighting and appropriately designed urban equipment,all of which make an extremely appropriate face-lift ofthis part of Split’s port and a significant improvementof the town’s new image. However, reaching this resultis not at all fast nor easy. For this task, the Town of Splitformed in 2007 a Commission, which had the task tomonitor the execution of project documentation.From 2007 to 2009 the company Nemico, alongwith its subcontractors, prepared 28 solutions of conceptualdesigns, from the extension of the Westerncoast through an underground circulation of vehicles,an underground garage and a tunnel that connects theWestern coast with the pier of Sv. Nikola (St. Nicholas),approx. 220 m long, then through the undergroundgazebo on the Western coast, up to the solution withcovered public parking in Zvoncac of capacity for 540vehicles. In September 2007 the Commission adoptedsolution no. eight, with 650 meters of coastline anda total width of 50 meters. The project according towhich the extension of the Western coast was carriedout, adopted the width of the shore of 45 meters,except on the part of the gas station for the supply ofvessels”, explains Mikulandra.The biggest problem and technical issue was thedesign of the coastal structure, system of chambers ofvarious heights, depending on the intended depth ofthe seabed, for acceptance of vessels of various sizes.At the same time, in the period of the next six years,32 people - from university professors to designers- worked hard on developing the design documentationand study as well as on professional and projectsupervision. Meanwhile, in 2010 the Town of Splitand the Split Architects’ Association announced theurban-architectural competition for the extension ofthe Western coast, where young architects from SplitMirta Dilas, Jure Beslic and Ivan Juric won first prize,after what the company Nemico was engaged for theexecution of the entire project documentation for obtainingthe necessary permits and for constructing theextension of the Western coast.“During the whole time of the preparation andwork, to greater or lesser extent, the authors werecontacted and from the beginning of the design, allphases were monitored by the Conservation Departmentof the Ministry of Culture in Split. Likewise, theselection of the ways and types of paving, landscapingsolution, selection of lighting, projects of facilities inhorizontal and vertical dimensions as well as treatmentof the facade, urban equipment and other elementswere made according to the instructions and requirementsof the Conservation Department. The project ofextending the Western coast had to be been executedin such a way to protect the view of Sustipan and partof the old town, which I consider to have been doneproperly, as well as the mutual compatibility of thepromenade, landscaping arrangement and placementof three multi-function single storey facilities”, concludesMikulandra.If Split’s Waterfront is the town promenade underthe southern wall of Diocletian’s Palace, Eastern coasttraffic-commercial hub of downtown, then the Westerncoast is the meeting point of the beauty of the seaand park Marjan, a natural frame that intertwined withits new freshly washed face the natural, topographicand tourist elements and connected them with the urbanstructure of the town. Therefore, the Western coastis today a place where both visitors and Split natives,may perfectly experience all the delicacies of a modernMediterranean town opened to beauty and the future.

24r a z g o v o ri n t e r v i e wKućaarhitektureAndrija Rusan, samostalni arhitekt, voditelj vlastitastudija „Rusan arhitektura“ te izdavač i glavni urednik časopisaOris, u zagrebačkoj Ulici kralja Držislava 3 uskoro otvara Kućuarhitekture, polivalentni prostor u kome će se održavati izložbe,predavanja, prezentacije, promocije, filmske projekcije, druženja,koncerti..., uz čitaonicu i klupski restoranHouse ofarchitectureAndrija Rusan, independent architect, head of his own studio “Rusanarchitecture” and publisher and editor in chief of Oris magazine,will soon open in Zagreb, in Kralja Drzislava street no.3, the Houseof architecture, a multi-purpose space where exhibitions, lectures,presentations, promotions, film screenings, gatherings, concerts willbe held... along with a reading room and the club restaurant.piše/text VELIMIR CINDRIĆ fotografije/photos ROMEO IBRIŠEVIĆKada je prošlog listopada na 12. Danima Orisanajavljeno otvaranje Orisove Kuće arhitektureu Zagrebu, mnoge je zaintrigirao taj originalanprojekt. Jedan od bitnih razloga bila je i činjenicada iza njega stoji tako ugledna intitucija kao štoje Oris, časopis za arhitekturu i kulturu, koji je uproteklih 15 godina Hrvatskoj predstavio mnogapoznata imena svjetske arhitekture i dizajna tepriredio mnoštvo predavanja, izložbi i priredaba,među kojima su najeksponiraniji baš Dani Orisa,godišnji dvodnevni simpozij s predavanjima istaknutihmeđunarodnih i lokalnih arhitekata.Poznavatelji domaće arhitektonske scene dobroznaju da je spiritus movens svih Orisovih aktivnostiagilni Andrija Rusan, samostalni arhitekt,voditelj vlastita studija „Rusan arhitektura“ teizdavač i glavni urednik časopisa Oris. Uz rad naprojektima i izvedbama niza interijera, obiteljskihkuća i vila te poslovnih zgrada i javnih objekata,kao i bogatu izdavačku aktivnost, Rusan je i autormnogih izložaba te dobitnik vrijednih nagrada(nagrada „Drago Galić“ Udru ženja hrvatskih arhitekataza najbolju stambenu arhitekturu 1997.,nagrada „Dedalo Minosse“ za kuću Lumenart uPuli, 2007.). K tome, njegov je Oris za znanstvenoistraživački,publi cistički, kritički i teorijski rad na

26r a z g o v o ri n t e r v i e wpodručju arhitekture dva puta nagrađen nagradomUdruženja hrvatskih arhitekata „Neven Šegvić“.Zbog svega navedenoga, kao i zbog najava atraktivnihsadržaja, Orisova Kuća arhitekture, koja bivrata trebala otvoriti sredinom ove godine na adresiUlica kralja Držislava 3, nedvojbeno ima potencijalvrlo brzo postati jedan od najzanimljivijih zagrebačkihdruštvenih prostora, kako za stručnjake,tako i za ljubitelje arhitekture i opću publiku.Naime, najavljenih 40-ak najrazličitijih događanjagodišnje dade naslutiti da će se raditi o vrlo živomemjestu formalnih i neformalnih susreta.S Andrijom Rusanom porazgovarali smo o ideji,sadržajima i provedbi ovog zanimljivog projekta,ali i o trendovima svjetske arhitekture te stanju domaćescene, u čijem se kontekstu Kuća arhitekturei pojavljuje.Što vam je bila temeljna ideja pri osmišljavanjuprojekta Orisove kuće arhitekture?Časopis Oris je u petnaestoj godini djelovanja, aveć 12 godina organiziramo i kongres Dani Orisa,pa se još davno počela stvarati ideja o tome daimamo neki svoj prostor, koji bi bio izložbenog ipromotivnog karaktera za ono čime se mi bavimo- arhitekturom, dizajnom..., ali i kulturno-umjetničkimili životno vrijednim djelatnostima. Očito jeda je ta ideja sada sazrela. Zašto se to dogodilo bašsada? Zato jer se pozicija tiskanog medija na tržištupromijenila, a pojavila se i kriza koja je pokazala daje potrebno pronaći nove načine djelovanja. Zatim,razlog je i to što želimo biti svježiji i zanimljivijisvojoj postojećoj, kao i privući novu publiku. Zbogsvega toga, došlo je vrijeme da krenemo u akciju, daod svega ne bi ostali samo slatki snovi.U sretnom trenutku, ukazala se mogućnost dadođemo do primjerenog prostora i da stvorimoprogram koji nam se čini dosta cjelovit, a koji ćepredstavljati prilično veliki iskorak u odnosu na onošto smo dosad radili.Kada se očekuje otvorenje i kakva se sve događanjaplaniraju?Otvorenje će biti 21. rujna ove godine. Inače, konceptKuće arhitekture predviđa polivalentni prostor,u kome će se održavati izložbe, predavanja,prezentacije, promocije, filmske projekcije, druženja,koncerti... Imat ćemo i čitaonicu, a u podrumuće se nalaziti klupski restoran vrhunske gastronomijeVoncimer, čije ime ukazuje na to da želimo dase u Kući arhitekture svi osjećaju kao kod kuće, usvom dnevnom boravku. I kuhar je već poznat, pa jevrhunska kvaliteta restorana zagarantirana. Restoranće pridonijeti tome da Kuća arhitekture budemjesto na koje će se dolaziti ne samo na otvorenjaizložbi ili na predavanja, nego i svaki dan.Već ovoga trenutka, zahvaljujući našem iskustvui referencama koje smo stekli dugogodišnjimradom, znamo program za dosta mjeseci unaprijed.Samo otvorenje Kuće arhitekture trebala bi pratitiizložba, kažem to sad prvi put za medije, na kojusmo pozvali 50-ak arhitekata iz čitavog svijeta i Hrvatske,koji će sudjelovati s nekim od svojih radova,u formi skica, modela... Zanimljivo je da je to kodnekih arhitekata sada preraslo u vrlo, vrlo ambiciozneprijedloge. Tu će se pojaviti velika svjetskaimena, kao što su Rafael Moneo, Álvaro Siza, KazuyoSejima, Tadao Ando..., a od domaćih HrvojeNjirić, Idis Turato...Znači, izložba koja bi trebala pokazati da je Orisdo sada izgradio veliku mrežu prijateljstva, povjerenjai poštovanja, odnosno osigurao put kojim bi idogađanja u Kući arhitekture trebala ići.Kako će izgledati unutrašnje uređenje?Unutrašnje uređenje bi trebalo biti funkcionalno,jednostavno i ni na koji način ne bi smjelo biti luksuzno.Trebalo bi, ako smijem tako reći, biti luksuznopo tome da se jednostavnim elementima moženapraviti iznimno upotrebljiv prostor.

Kojoj će publici biti namijenjena Kuća arhitekture?Bit će namijenjena arhitektima, dizajnerima,umjetnicima različitog tipa, ljudima kojima su kulturai umjetnost bliski, a po svom profesionalnompresjeku ne dolaze iz toga svijeta... To govorimsa sigurnošću, jer kad je prošle jeseni prvi put ujavnosti iznesena naša ideja, nazvalo me nekolikoprijatelja i znanaca, da bi mi rekli koliko ih veseli daće se u Zagrebu napokon pojaviti mjesto gdje će semoći posjetiti zanimljiva izložba ili predavanje, paonda i dobro jesti i družiti se.Je li ideja oblikovana i prema nekom konkretnom,inozemnom primjeru?Bilo bi pretenciozno reći da ne postoji konkretnainspiracija. U svijetu postoje slične institucije kojesu vrlo uspješne u svojem djelovanju. Ima primjeravezanih uz nacionalna udruženja arhitekata, ali nei privatne organizacije, kao što je naša. No, ne mogureći da znam ijedan primjer koji u sebi sadržava svešto sam nabrojio za Kuću arhitekture, ali to ne značida smo mi unikatni. Svijet je ipak jako velik...Znate, Oris je u posljednjih 15 godina objavioradove gotovo tisuću arhitekata, iz Hrvatske i cijelogasvijeta, a samo na Danima Orisa ugostili smoviše od 200 arhitekata. Ako se zna da je Pritzkerovanagrada zapravo Nobelova nagrada za arhitekturu,koju je do sada dobilo 35 arhitekata, ondačinjenica da je čak njih 15 gostovalo na DanimaOrisa ili dalo intervju za časopis Oris sasvim dovoljnogovori. Zahvaljujući razgovorima s njima,dobili smo i dodatni poticaj da napravimo neštoovakvo, jer su sjajno reagirali na ideju. Uostalom,svih 50 arhitekata pozvanih na sudjelovanje naizložbi povodom otvorenja Kuće arhitekture odgovorilisu pozitivno.

28r a z g o v o ri n t e r v i e w‘Ako se zna daje Pritzkerovanagrada zapravoNobelova nagradaza arhitekturu, kojuje do sada dobilo35 arhitekata, ondačinjenica da je čaknjih 15 gostovalo naDanima Orisa ili dalointervju za časopisOris sasvim dovoljnogovori’S obzirom na spomenuti opus Orisa i programeDana Orisa, koliko je predstavljanje velikih imenaarhitekture imalo utjecaja na zagrebačku iuopće hrvatsku arhitektonsku scenu?Pokušat ću biti skroman, ali uvažiti i tolike godinerada i komunikaciju koju imamo s kolegama, kao ito što nastojimo biti objektivni u sagledavanju dobrihi loših momenata. Znate, nama je u uredništvuOrisa veliki kompliment kada kod arhitekata, kakodomaćih tako i stranih, osjetimo da postoji zanimanjeza objavu u časopisu. I to u uvjetima gdje, zanas začuđujuće, malo intelektualaca u svijetu uopćezna gdje je Hrvatska, a kamoli Zagreb. Dakle, namaje to zanimanje veliki kompliment i pokazuje dasmo napravili nešto prepoznato.Što se tiče domaće scene, iz komunikacije skolegama zaključujemo da objava u Orisu ima težinukod naših arhitekata. To što svake godine naDane Orisa u Zagreb dođe više od dvijetisuće ljudi nešto govori o važnostidogađaja i neminovnom utjecaju nanjihov rad. Ja osobno, kao arhitekt, nakonsvakog dana te priredbe, odnosnokad pogledam deset predavanja, počinjemrazmišljati drugačije i stalno mise otvaraju novi svjetovi. U najmanjuruku, mislim da ta predavanja govoreo tome da se stvari mogu napraviti,samo da se za njih treba boriti. Naravnoda nije isto graditi u Španjolskoj,Njemačkoj, Americi... i u Hrvatskoj.Naravno da su uvjeti kod nas drugačiji.Ali, da se puno toga može napraviti, pai više nego što mislimo, to pokazujuDani Orisa i to ima odraza u hrvatskojarhitekturi.Ne umišljamo si da smo mi ti kojismo za to zaslužni, ali smo vjerojatno ugradili svojkamenčić u razvoj hrvatske arhitekture.Koji su najnoviji trendovi u svjetskoj arhitekturii koliko se oni odražavaju na suvremenu hrvatskuarhitekturu?Trend u svjetskoj arhitekturi je, hvala Bogu, jednostavnosti odmjerena kulturna izražajnost, štoje posljedica krize. Mislim da je prošlo vrijemeekspresivne arhitekture, posebno prisutne u zemljamaBliskog i Dalekog istoka, koje imaju novacaili zemalja velikog financijskog potencijala, kao štoje Rusija, makar se takvih objekata još dosta gradi.U svim ostalim zemljama osjeća se potreba da arhitekturabude smirenija nego što je to bila 90-ihi, velikim dijelom, 2000-ih. Naravno da se sve tona hrvatsku arhitekturu odražava s nekim vremenskimodmakom. Ne zato što mi to ne shvaćamo,nego jednostavno zbog činjenice što je arhitekturaipak spora u realizaciji. Tako je i u svijetu, samo štomi vidimo gotove kuće i na temelju toga shvatimofilozofiju kojom su rađene, pa postoji raskorak uvremenu.Kako je i nas zahvatila financijska kriza, miarhitekti i ovo malo posla što imamo moramo odradititako da bude izvediv. A da nešto bude izvedivo,mora biti funkcionalno, lijepo, jednostavno..., što sesrećom uklapa u te nove trendove. Kako je svijetsada zaista globalno selo, vrlo je često teško poarhitekturi razlikovati gdje je što nastalo. Nedavnosam, primjerice, pisao o jednom vrlo istaknutomarhitektonskom objektu i, nažalost, nisam mogaobiti pozitivan u ocjeni, jer bi ta kuća jednog odnajpoznatijih svjetskih arhitekata mogla stajati ubilo kojem gradu u svijetu. To je svakako jedan odproblema suvremene arhitekture.Što mislite o zagrebačkim urbanističkim problemimakao što je podsljemenska zona, pitanjimapoput slučaja Cvjetnog trga, „Bandićevihfontana“ i tomu slično?Naravno da se grad mora razvijati, odnosno da seprostor mora razvijati. O putevima razvoja prostoraodlučuju političari i pritom moramo znati da jedemokracija spora i da ima odmak od četiri godine,odnosno da toliko kasni. Istina je da imamo instrumentekojima možemo na nešto utjecati i prije istekate četiri godine, ali to je uvijek jako teško. Mislimda je bitno naći mjeru u smislu interesa zajednice iinteresa investitora. Zajednica mora biti svjesna dabez sredstava nije moguće nešto sagraditi, a da država,zajednica i njezini predstavnici nemaju uvijekdovoljno novca. S druge strane imamo investitorakoji ima novce i koji točno zna što mora postići dabi se njegova uložena sredstva vratila i da bi on uzto i zaradio. Bilo bi sjajno da predstavnici zajedniceimaju stručnjake koji mogu izračunati što je odonoga što pripada zajednici moguće dati investitoru,a da bi on bio zadovoljan. No, tu se obično gubekriteriji. To je onda izvorište nesporazuma, afera,kvazi-afera i slično.Sjeverni dio Zagreba sasvim je druga priča negoCvjetni trg, sasvim druga priča negoli fontane... Jajesam i za Cvjetni trg i za fontane, ako su one promišljene.Iznimno cijenim kolegicu Helenu Njirići njezin rad. Je li trenutak da su se te fontane išlegraditi? Vjerojatno nije. Hoćemo li mi za 30 godinazaboraviti u kojem trenutku su nastale, pa ćemonjima biti jako sretni? Vjerojatno hoćemo. Ali, nemožemo nikako zaboraviti to da se po Zagrebuvozimo po uništenom asfaltu, a da istovremenogradimo fontane.Ovo što je nastalo na Cvjetnom trgu vjerojatno jeza koji kvadrat, neću reći koju tisuću kvadrata, preveliko,ali da je tamo trebalo nešto raditi, sigurno dajest. Mislim da je projekt kolege Podrecce vrlo, vrlodobar, što ne znači da isključuje moju kritičnost.Isto tako možemo razgovarati o Srđu i tako dalje...Kako uspijevate pomiriti rad u vlastitome studiju,angažman u Orisu i na projektu Kuće arhitekture?Uspijevam to uskladiti zato jer se sve, možda zvučibanalno, događa u krugu od 50 metara, gdje se

nalazi ured Orisa, ured „Rusan arhitekture“ i mojaobiteljska kuća. Moja je supruga isto arhitektica izajedno radimo u arhitektonskom uredu. Imamotroje krasne djece i mislim da imamo kompaktnuobitelj, što je sigurno jedan od najvažnijih uvjetada se svim time i mogu baviti. A čini mi se da suprojekti koje radimo u arhitektonskom uredu i Orisutakvi da donose neki pozitivni rezultat, stvarajuzadovoljstvo i poticaj za dalje.Kriza se jako odražava na arhitekturu i graditeljstvo.Koliko i sami osjećate pad u vlastitomstudiju?Jako, jako, kao i svi. Mogu vam reći da je stanjegrozno. Vjerojatno postoji nekoliko ureda u Hrvatskoj,koji s pravom to neće reći. Mnogi donedavnouspješni uredi bitno su smanjili broj svojih djelatnika.Kako ocjenjujete trenutačno stanje hrvatskearhitekture i s kakvom arhitektonskom scenomulazimo u Europsku uniju?Ovako ću odgovoriti: Oris je, na poziv galerije izBeča, napravio izložbu „Kontinuitet modernosti“o hrvatskoj arhitekturi 30-ih godina, 50-ih godina isuvremenoj arhitekturi, koja se sastojala od stotinuradova, od čega je pola pripadalo suvremenoj eri.Do sada je ta izložba obišla 18 gradova u Europi,i ona nam je pokazala da je to što rade suvremenihrvatski arhitekti vrijedno pažnje, dok sve ranije,dakle naša moderna 30-ih i radovi iz 50-ih i 60-ih,predstavljaju nešto što je otkriće za Europu.Scena suvremene hrvatske arhitekture počelase naglo buditi negdje 2003, i ona danas izaziva pažnjusvugdje gdje se pojavi izvan granica Hrvatske.Naravno da je problem u tome što se vrlo rijetkopojavljuje, što se ne prezentira sustavno, nego se svesvodi na pojedinačna pojavljivanja u nekom časopisu,predavanju, sajmu i slično, ili na nekoj manje iliviše zanimljivoj izložbi hrvatske arhitekture.Za hrvatsku arhitekturu je iznimno velika stvaršto je Studio UP dobio Mies van der Roheovu nagraduza nadolazeće mlade arhitekte, što se pojavilou našim medijima, iako ni to nije do kraja iskorišteno.A radi se o najvećoj, da tako kažem, juniorskojeuropskoj nagradi za arhitekturu. Njihovi radovi seobjavljuju po važnim časopisima... Hrvoje Njirić jepreuzeo katedru u Torontu... Vedran Mimica je postaododekan ITT škole u Chicagu, koju je osnovaoMies van der Rohe, što su sve veliki uspjesi hrvatskearhitekture. Mislim da na to možemo biti ponosni ida se hrvatska arhitektura razvija u dobrom smjeru,što ne znači da je ona bezgrešna i savršena, i da jojse nema što dodati u esencijalnoj kvaliteti.Još jedan veliki uspjeh bio je i iznimni projekthrvatskih arhitekata za venecijanski Biennale prijedvije godine. Nažalost, našom, arhitektonskom pogreškom,nije se pojavio u Veneciji, ali svi koji su tajprojekt vidjeli, uključivo i Kazuyo Sejime, koja jetada bila direktor Festivala i nakon toga gostovalakod nas i dala intervju za Oris, vrlo pozitivno su gaocijenili. To je jedna pogreška u razvoju hrvatskearhitekture, koja će, ako ju objektivno sagledamo ibudemo samokritični, biti pouka za još bolje rezultateu budućnosti.Naravno da je sada problem u tome što je kriza išto se gotovo ništa ne gradi, i da to usporava razvojdomaće arhitekture. Ali mislim da generacija kojaje ponovo pokrenula razvoj hrvatske arhitekturetek ulazi u najbolje godine i da je pred tim arhitektimajoš 20-30 godina rada. A imaju i dobrenasljednike.Kako zamišljate budućnost Kuće arhitekture ikoliko bi ona trebala utjecati na domaću arhitekturu?Mislim da će dosta utjecati, jer se inače toga poslane bih ni primao. Ako neće imati utjecaj na hrvatskuarhitektonsku scenu, ona neće uspjeti. Kuća arhitektureće biti institucija kulture, ali ona mora biti ipoduzeće koje će stvarati neki prihod, jer bez toganeće moći opstati.Vjerujem da će Kuća arhitekture postati mjestona koje će vrlo rado dolaziti ljudi različitog profilai da će ju svi kojima je arhitektura bliska, prihvatitikao svoj dnevni boravak.eng When last October on the occasion of the 12thannual Days of Oris, the opening of Oris’s House ofarchitecture in Zagreb was announced, many wereintrigued by the original project. One of the mainreasons was the fact that it is backed up by a such repu-

30r a z g o v o ri n t e r v i e wtable institution as Oris, the magazine for architectureand culture, which in the past 15 years has introducedto Croatia many famous names in the world of architectureand design, and hosted many lectures, exhibitionsand events, among which the most exposedwere exactly the Days of Oris, the annual two-daysymposium with lectures by prominent internationaland local architects.Connoisseurs of the local architectural scene arewell aware that the guiding force of all Oris’s activitiesis the agile Andrija Rusan, independent architect, headof his own studio “Rusan architecture” and the publisherand editor in chief of Oris magazine. Besides workingon projects and numerous interior designs, houses andvillas and commercial buildings and public facilities,as well as the rich publishing activity, Rusan is also theauthor of many exhibitions and winner of valuableawards (the “Drago Galic award” by the Croatian Architects’Association for the best residential architecturein 1997, the,”Dedalo Minosse award” for the Lumenarthouse in Pula, 2007). In addition, his Oris magazinereceived twice for scientific -research, journalistic, criticaland theoretical work in the field of architecture, the“Neven award” by the Croatian Architects’ Association.Because of all of the above mentioned, as well as ofthe announcement of attractive contents, the Oris’sHouse of architecture, that should open its door in themiddle of this year in the street of Kralja Drzislava no.3, undoubtedly has the potential to rapidly becomeone of Zagreb’s most interesting social areas, both forprofessionals and lovers of architecture and the generalpublic. In fact, the announced 40-odd diverse eventsper year suggest that it will be a very lively place forformal and informal meetings.We spoke with Andrija Rusan about the idea, contentand implementation of this interesting project,but also about the trends in world architecture and thestate of the local scene, in whose context the House ofarchitecture appears.What was your main idea in designing the project ofOris’s House of architecture?Oris magazine is in its fifteenth year of operation, andwe have already been organizing a congress the Daysof Oris for 12 years; therefore the idea about having ourown space for exhibiting and promoting what we do –the architecture, design,… but also cultural-artistic orfor life important values, came to us a long time ago.It is obvious that the idea is now ripe. Why is it happeningright now? Because the market position of theprinted media has changed, and a crisis appeared thathas shown the necessity of finding new ways of working.Furthermore, the reason is also that we want to befresher and more interesting to our existing but also toattract a new audience. Because of all this, it is time totake action, in order to prevent all of this from remainingonly a sweet dream.Luckily the opportunity of reaching a suitablespace presented itself and there we created a program,quite complete in our opinion, which will representa pretty big step forward compared to what wehad done before...When are you expected to open, and which eventsare planned for this event?The opening take place this fall, on September 21 st .Otherwise, the concept of the House of architectureprovides a multi-purpose area, where exhibitions,lectures, presentations, promotions, film screenings,meetings, concerts will be held ... We will have a readingroom, and the basement will house the club’s restaurantwith superb Voncimer (old Zagreb slang fromthe German word Wohnzimmer – living room) cuisine,whose name indicates that we want everyone to feelat home in the House of architecture, like they are intheir own living room. And the chef is already wellknown,and therefore the top quality of the restaurantis guaranteed. The restaurant will also help the Houseof architecture become a place where people will notonly come for the openings of exhibitions or lectures,but also every day.Already at this moment, thanks to our experienceand references that we have gained through manyyears of work, we know the program for many monthsin advance. The opening of the House of architectureshould be accompanied by an exhibition, and I amsaying this for the first time to the media, to which wehave invited 50-odd architects from all over the worldand Croatia, who will participate with some of theirworks, in the form of sketches, models ... It is interestingthat now with some of the architects it has turnedinto very, very ambitious proposals. Some of the bigworld famous names will appear here, such as RafaelMoneo, Álvaro Siza, Kazuyo Sejima, Tadao Ando ... andfrom domestic ones Hrvoje Njiric, Idis Turato...So, an exhibition which should show that Oris hasso far built up a large network of friendship, trust andrespect, i.e., provided a path down which the events inthe House of architecture should go.What will the interior design look like?The interior design should be functional, simple, and itshould in no way be luxurious. It should be, if I may sayso, be luxurious by the fact that with simple elementsyou can create very usable space.For which type of audience will the House of architecturebe designed?It will be designed for architects, designers, artistsof various types, people who are close to culture andart, who in terms of their professional occupation donot come from that world ... I say this with certaintybecause last autumn, when we publicly expressed ouridea, a couple of friends and acquaintances called meto tell me how many of them would be glad that Zagrebwill finally has a place where you can visit an interestingexhibition or lecture, and afterwards have a nicesnack and socialize.Is the idea designed also according to a specific,example from abroad?It would be pretentious to say that there is no specificinspiration. In the world there are similar institutions

that are very successful in their work. There are examplesof related national architects’ associations, butnot private organizations such as ours. But I cannotsay that I know any example that incorporates withineverything that I’ve listed for the House of architecture,but it does not mean that we are unique. The world isstill very big...You know, in the past 15 years Oris has publishedthe works of nearly a thousand architects from Croatiaand the world, and in the Days of Oris alone we haveentertained more than 200 architects. If it is knownthat the Pritzker Prize is in fact the Nobel Prize forarchitecture, which 35 architects have received so far,then the fact that 15 of them were guests at the Daysof Oris and gave an interview to Oris magazine saysenough. Thanks to interviews with them, we got anadditional incentive to do something like this, becausethey reacted favorably to the idea. After all, all the 50architects who were invited to participate in the exhibitionon the occasion of the opening of the House ofarchitecture have responded positively.Given the aforementioned opus of Oris and the programsof Days of Oris, how big of an effect did thepresentation of the big names of architecture haveon Zagreb and the Croatian architectural scene ingeneral?I’ll try to be modest, but also to take into considerationmany years of work and communication that we havehad with colleagues, as well as the fact that we striveto be objective in considering the good and bad moments.You know, to us all in the editorial of Oris it is agreat compliment when we sense an interest for havingtheir work published in our magazine in architects,both domestic and foreign. Especially given the factthat, for us surprisingly, few intellectuals in the worldeven know where Croatia, let alone Zagreb, is. So,this interest is a great compliment to us and it showsthat we have done something which is recognized.As for the domestic scene, from communicatingwith colleagues we come to the conclusion that publicationin Oris bears weight for our architects. The factthat every year the Days of Oris in Zagreb are visited bymore than two thousand people says something aboutthe importance of the event and the inevitable impacton their work. I personally, as an architect, after eachday of the event, that is, attending ten lectures, beginto think differently and new worlds are constantlyopening up to me. At the very least, I think that thelectures are saying that things can be done, but youhave to fight for them. Of course it’s not the same tobuild in Spain, Germany, America ... and in Croatia. Ofcourse the conditions are different in our country. Buta lot can be done, even more than we think, which isalso shown by the Days of Oris and reflected in Croatianarchitecture.We do not presume to think that we’re the oneswho are responsible for this, but we have probablyembedded our stone in the development of Croatianarchitecture.What are the latest trends in architecture and howmuch do they reflect in contemporary Croatian architecture?His Oris magazinereceived twice forscientific -research,journalistic, criticaland theoreticalwork in the field ofarchitecture, the“Neven award” by theCroatian Architects’Association

32r a z g o v o ri n t e r v i e wThe trend in world architecture is, thank goodness,simplicity and paced cultural expression as a result ofthe crisis. I think the time of expressive architecture,especially present in the Middle and countries of theFar East with money or countries with large financialresources, such as Russia, even though such facilitiesare still being built, has passed. In all the other countries,there is a need for architecture to be calmerthan it was in the 90’s and, in the large part of the2000’s. Of course, all of this is reflected in Croatianarchitecture with some lag. Not because we do notunderstand this, but simply due to the fact that architectureis still slow in its implementation. This is howit works in the world as well, only we see the finishedhouses and on the basis of that we understand thephilosophy according to which they were made, sothere is a gap in time.As the financial crisis has affected us as well, wearchitects have to execute this bit of work we havein such a way that it is feasible. And in order to makesomething feasible, it must be functional, beautiful,simple ... which luckily fits into these new trends. Asthe world is now truly a global village, it is often difficultto distinguish by architecture where somethingoriginates from. For example, I recently wrote about avery prominent architectural object and, unfortunately,I could not be positive in the evaluation, because thehouse of one of the world’s most famous architectscould have been located in any town in the world.This is certainly one of the problems of contemporaryarchitecture.What do you think about Zagreb’s urban problemssuch as the area under Sljeme, issues such as theFlower Square, “Bandic’s fountains” and the like?Of course, the city has to develop, that is, the areamust develop. The politicians bring decisions onpaths of spatial development and we have to knowthat democracy is slow and has a four-year delay,that is how much it is late. The truth is that we haveinstruments that can affect something before theexpiration of those four years, but it is still verydifficult. I think it’s important to find a measure interms of the interests of the community and theinterests of investors. Communities must be awarethat without the funds nothing can be built, and thatthe state, the community and its representatives donot always have enough money. On the other hand,we have an investor who has money and who knowsexactly what must be achieved in order to return theinvested funds and have earnings. It would be greatif the community representatives had experts whocould figure out how much of that which belongs to

the community could possibly be given to the investorto make him satisfied. But at this point peopleusually lose criteria. It is then the source of misunderstandings,scandals, quasi-scandals and the like.The northern part of Zagreb is quite a differentstory than the Flower Square, an entirely differentstory than the fountains ... I am both forthe Flower square and the fountains, if they arethought out well. I highly respect my colleagueHelena Njiric and her work. Was this the right timeto have the fountains built? Probably not. Are wegoing to forget after 30 years at which time theywere built, and be very happy with them? Probablywe will. But we cannot forget that the drivearound the town of Zagreb down the ravaged asphaltroads and at the same time we build fountains.What is built on the Flower Square is probablyfor a certain square meter, not to say thousandsof square meters too big, but something certainlyshould have been built there, no question aboutthat. I think the project made by my colleague Mr.Podrecca is very, very good, but that does not meanthat there is no room for criticism. We can also talkabout Srd and so on ...How do you reconcile the work in your own studio,the engagement in Oris and the House of architectureproject?I manage to synchronize it all because all of this, andthis might sound banal, is taking place within 50 metersfrom the Oris office, the office of “Rusan architecture”and my family house. My wife is also an architectand we work together in an architectural office. Wehave three beautiful children, and I think we have acompact family, which is certainly one of the mostimportant conditions that enables me to deal with allthis. And it seems to me that the projects we make inthe architectural office and in Oris are of such a typethat bring certain positive results, create pleasure andthe encouragement to continue.The crisis has really reflected very much in thearchitecture and construction. How much do youfeel this downfall yourself at your studio?Very, very much, like everyone. I can tell you that thesituation is terrible. There are probably several officesin Croatia, which rightfully won’t tell you this. Manyuntil recently successful offices have significantlyreduced the number of their employees.How do you assess the current state of Croatianarchitecture and with what kind of architecturalscene are we entering into the European Union?This is how I respond: Oris, at the invitation of a galleryfrom Vienna, made the exhibition “Continuity ofmodernity” on Croatian architecture of the 30’s, 50’sand contemporary architecture, which consisted ofhundreds of works, of which one half belonged to thecontemporary era.So far, the exhibition has toured 18 towns in Europe,and it showed us that what contemporary Croatianarchitects are doing is worth paying attention to, whileall the previous works, that is our modern art from the30’s and works from the 50’s and 60’s, represent somethingthat is a true discovery for Europe.The scene of contemporary Croatian architecturebegan waking up abruptly around 2003, and today itdraws attention wherever it appears outside the Croatianborders. Of course it is a problem that it appearsvery rarely, that it is not presented in a systematicway, but as single appearances in a magazine, lecture,fair and the like or at a certain more or less interestingexhibition of Croatian architecture.For Croatian architecture it is an extremely big dealthat Studio UP received the Mies van der Rohe awardfor upcoming young architects, which appeared in ourmedia, although even this was not used in full. And itis the largest, so to say, junior European Prize for Architecture.Their works are published in major magazines... Hrvoje Njiric took over the chair in Toronto ...Vedran Mimica became vice dean of the ITT school inChicago, founded by Mies van der Rohe, which all representsthe great successes of Croatian architecture.I think that we can be proud of it and that Croatianarchitecture is evolving in the right direction, whichdoes not mean that it is flawless and perfect and thatthere is nothing to add to its essential quality.Another major achievement was the extraordinaryproject of Croatian architects for the Venice Biennaletwo years ago. Unfortunately, due to our, architecturalerror, the project failed to appear in Venice, but allthose who have seen this project, including KazuyoSejima, who was at that point the director of theFestival and afterwards had a guest performancehere and gave an interview to Oris, evaluated it verypositively. This is one mistake in the development ofCroatian architecture, which will, if we look at it objectivelyand self-critically, be a lesson for even betterresults in the future.Of course the problem is that now we are in acrisis and almost nothing is being built, and it slowsdown the development of domestic architecture.But I think the generation that re-launched the developmentof Croatian architecture is just enteringits best years and that before those architects lieanother 20-30 years of work. And they have goodsuccessors as well.How do you envision the future of House of architectureand how should it affect the local architecture?I think it will have a powerful effect, because otherwiseI would never have even started this work. If it doesn’thave an impact on the Croatian architectural scene, itwill fail. The House of architecture will be an institutionof culture, but it must be also a company that will generatesome income, because without it the House willnot be able to survive.I believe that the House of architecture will becomea place that people of various profiles will happily visitand that everybody who understands architecture willaccept it as their own living room.

34p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t sProjekt <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>Do turističkogsna preko 18 rupa

Project <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>Reaching the tourismdream through 18 holes

36p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t sKada je u travnju Sportska školica <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>već tradicionalno održala obiteljski dan usportskom centru hotela Radisson Blu u Orašcui kada su brojni roditelji sa svojom djecomuživali u tenisu, nogometu, aerobicu, fitnessu ibadmintonu, bilo je znakovito što su se mnogizaželjeli okušati i u golfu. Nimalo čudno, jer ih jeove godine osnovama tog sporta podučavao MatijaKaraula, jedan od najboljih hrvatskih golfera ujuniorskoj konkurenciji. Bio je to, ujedno i znakda je Dubrovčanima i stanovnicima dubrovačkeokolice, zahvaljujući višegodišnjim naporima teinformiranju građana o Projektu <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>na Srđu, golf svakim danom postajao sve bliži iatraktivniji sport.Naime, Društvo Razvoj golf, koji se od svogaosnivanja 2006. godine intenzivno bavi razvojemspomenuta projekta, predvidjelo je u neposrednosusjedstvo jadranskoga bisera donijeti brojne javnesportske i turističke sadržaje, čiji bi središnjidio trebala predstavljati dva golf igrališta – jednosignature PGA (organizator glavnih profesionalnihgolf natjecanja) s 18 rupa te teren s 9 rupa.Nadalje, projekt nudi i brojne javne sadržaje poputpolivalentne sportske dvorane, otvorenih sportskihterena, biciklističkih staza, šetnica, dječjegrekreacijskog parka te naravno linearnog parkakoji će se prostirati na preko 62 hektara i ujednopovezivati sve fortifikacije na Srđu uključujući itvrđavu Imperial, a koje će biti obnovljene u potpunostio trošku investitora. Isto tako, planirana jei izgradnja dva hotela, 240 vila i 400 apartmana,amfiteatra, konjičkog kluba, parkova, šetnica tebrojnih drugih javnih sadržaja.Ništa neobično, s obzirom da je vrlo lako povezati<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, kao elitnu destinaciju, s ekskluzivnimsportom kao što je golf. Naime, unatoč velikimnaporima i ulaganjima u turističku ponudu <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>aposljednjih godina, ogromni potencijalgrada još je uvijek slabo iskorišten. Svima nam jedobro poznato da <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> nažalost stagnira, danije postigao primjeren turistički status te da maseposjetitelja s brodova za krstarenje donesu malonovca, a od čega ništa ne pridonosi produljenjusezone koja se mjeri u tjednima. Definitivno nedovoljnou uvjetima konkurencije sve zahtjevnijegameđunarodnog tržišta.Ne čudi onda da se netko sjetio iskoristiti globalnupopularnost golfa i imidž te igre povezati s onimkoji se priželjkuje <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>u. Naime, popularnostgolfa u svijetu postupno raste iz dana u dan. Sports korijenima u srednjovjekovnoj Škotskoj danas seigra u gotovo svim zemljama svijeta, a prekrasnagolf igrališta niču na raskošnim zelenim terenima,u obalnim područjima, na planinskim visoravnima,pa čak i u pustinjskim predjelima. Budući je golfoduvijek bio sinonimom otmjenosti i dobra ukusa,igrači su dugo vremena bili regrutirani iz elitnihslojeva društva. No, u današnje doba, popularnarazbibriga bogatih postala je znatno demokratičnija,skrenula iz domene umirovljenika i starijepopulacije prema mlađim generacijama, ali je istovremenoostala u domeni uspješnih ljudi. Naime,zahvaljujući atraktivnim pojavama profesionalnihgolf igrača, taj je sport postao posebno popularanmeđu mlađim, poslovno uspješnim ljudima. Ktome, u novije doba golf je, osim onima na igralištu,postao opsesija i bezbrojnim ljubiteljima toga sporta,koji ga prate putem malih ekrana, čime su nekaigrališta i destinacije vezane uz njih stekle velikufamu i u širim krugovima.Sve ovo, dakako, moglo bi biti iznimno važno za<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, u smislu ponude novih javnih sadržajau neposrednoj blizini grada, kao i u privlačenju posjetiteljabolje platežne moći te, zahvaljujući činjenicida specifična klima omogućuje korištenje golfigrališta više od devet mjeseci godišnje, znatnomproduljenju turističke sezone. Taj kotač zamašnjak,

naravno, pokrenuo bi i otvaranje novih radnih mjesta,pretvaranje sezonskih u stalna zaposlenja, ali ipotakao nova poduzetnička ulaganja. Samo projekt<strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong>a <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> jamči više od tisuću novihradnih mjesta, pri čemu bi u zapošljavanju prednostimali stanovnici grada <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>a.Pogledajmo sada što konkretno nudi projekt. Većsmo rekli da autori nude dva igrališta, od kojih biono s 18 rupa bilo izgrađeno prema profesionalnimstandardima i koje bi igračima, pa čak i profesionalnimgolferima, predstavljalo pravi izazov. Manjeigralište, ono s 9 rupa, pak, nalazilo bi se u sklopuGreg Normanove golf-akademije, prve akademijete vrste u svijetu. Uz golf igrališta bila bi smještena iklupska kuća te vježbalište za golf. Za projekte ostalihugostiteljskih sadržaja angažirana su poznataimena svjetske i hrvatske arhitekture, pri čemu jecilj, ističu to voditelji projekta, očuvati usklađenosts krajolikom i dati veliku važnost prirodnim, povijesnimi kulturnim obilježjima. Kad tome dodamokvalitetnu kulturnu, zabavnu i gastronomsku ponudute smještajne objekte najvišega ranga, jasno jeda se radi o primjerenome konceptu, koji bi trebaoomogućiti da <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> postane jedna od glavnihturističkih destinacija na Sredozemlju.Važno je spomenuti da je oba golf igrališta dizajniraosam Greg Norman, jedan od najpoznatijihigrača golfa svih vremena. Taj 58-ogodišnji australskiprofesionalac, koji je 80-ih i 90-ih proveo 331tjedan kao br. 1 na svjetskoj rang-ljestvici te tijekomkarijere osvojio više od 85 međunarodnih turnira(zbog svijetle kose, agresivnog stila igre i podrijetlastekao je nadimak „The Great White Shark“), danasje vrlo uspješni poduzetnik i jedan od najtraženijihprojektanata golf terena u svijetu. Njegova tvrtka,Greg Norman <strong>Golf</strong> Course Design, do sada je osmislilaviše od 70 golf igrališta na šest kontinenata, odkojih sedam u Europi.Kada je dizajn golf igrališta u pitanju, GregNorman je poznat po tome da svakome pristupavrlo oprezno te da vrline lokacije rabi za stvaranjejedinstvena estetska dojma. Njegova je temeljna postavkada teren mora pružati neponovljiv doživljajza igrača, nešto što će mu se neizbrisivo urezati upamćenje. Isto tako, njegov dizajn minimalno intervenirau prostor i poštuje prirodna obilježja okolice.Sasvim logično, jer je jedna od glavnih privlačnostigolfa baš sportski doživljaj u autentičnoj prirodi,nadmetanje na idiličnim igralištima s izazovnimpreprekama u obliku jezera, potoka, brežuljaka...,pa su visoki ekološki standardi i načela pri projektiranjui izvedbi iznimno bitni. Naime, danas kadase u svijetu jedan od glavnih prigovora izgradnje tisućagolf igrališta odnosi na narušavanje ekološkogravnotežja i destrukciju prirode, ohrabrujuće zvučeriječi autora projekta <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> da će on„biti primjer ekološke osjetljivosti, održivosti, ali inapredna dizajna, inspirirana jedinstvenom ljepotomprirodnog okruženja“.„Pogled kakav puca sa Srđa nema ni jedno drugoigralište na svijetu, a osim toga, <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> je i biserSredozemlja. To će biti jedno od tri najljepša igralištana svijetu, a <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> će pritom postati ekskluzivnagolf destinacija“, tvrdi sam Greg Norman,Važno je spomenuti da je obagolf igrališta dizajnirao sam GregNorman, jedan od najpoznatijihigrača golfa svih vremena

38p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t skoji se u svojoj karijeri nagledao igrališta-ljepotanapoput južnokorejskoga dizajnerskog dragulja NineBridges, Ailse u Turnberryju s impozantnim pogledimaduž Mull of Kintyre, spektakularnog meksičkogCabo Del Sola, američke perjanice PebbleBeach na Tihom oceanu, južnoafričkog LeopardCreeka ili španjolskog, pa i europskog favorita Valderrame.Sva ove znane lokacije iz svijeta golfa zvučeitekako primamljivo u kontekstu <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>a, jernitko ne sumnja da bi vrhunski turniri organiziranina Srđu svake godine okupljali najpoznatije svjetskegolfere i u svijet slali najljepšu sliku o našemnajvećem turističkome adutu.U svakom slučaju, možda jedno od najvažnijihobilježja projekta <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> počiva navaloriziraciji neiskorištena područja Srđa, kultnogdijela dubrovačke povijesti, stvaranja ekskluzivnesportske i rekreacijske destinacije najviše svjetskerazine, kao i živog mjesta za odmor i zabavu, koji biturističku sezonu u tome kraju protegao na cijelugodinu, dakle upravo ono što <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> nedvojbenozaslužuje.eng When in April the Sportska skolica (SportSchool) <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> traditionally held a family dayat the sports center of the hotel Radisson Blu inOrasac and when many parents with their childrenenjoyed tennis, football, aerobics, fitness and badminton,it is significant that many wished to try outtheir hand in golf. Not at all surprisingly, because thisyear Matija Karaula, one of the best Croatian golfersin junior competition, taught the basics of this sport.It was also a sign that to the <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> natives andinhabitants of the <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> region, thanks to manyyears of effort and informing the public about the Project<strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> on Srd, golf became a more andmore closer and attractive sport with each passing day.Namely, the company Razvoj golf which has, sinceits establishment in 2006, intensely been engaged inthe development of the mentioned project, foresaw tobring in the immediate neighborhood of the Adriaticpearl a number of public sports and tourist facilities,whose central part would be two golf courses - onewith a PGA signature (the organizer of major professionalgolf events) with 18 holes and one course with 9holes. Furthermore, the project offers a variety of pub-

It is important to mention thatboth golf courses were designed byGreg Norman himself, one of themost famous golfers of all timeslic facilities such as a multi-purpose sports hall, outdoorsports fields, bike trails, promenades, a children’srecreation park and of course, a linear park that willspread over 62 acres and at the same time connect allthe fortifications on Srd including the Imperial fortress,that will be completely restored at the expense of theinvestor. Also planned is the construction of two hotels,240 villas and 400 apartments, an amphitheater,equestrian club, suites, promenades and many otherpublic facilities.Nothing unusual, given that it is very easy to connect<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, as an elite destination, with an exclusivesport like golf. In spite of great efforts andinvestments in <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>’s tourist offer in the pastcouple of years, the enormous potential of the town isstill poorly used. We are all well aware that <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>is unfortunately stagnating, that it did not achieve theadequate tourist status, that the masses of visitorsfrom cruise ships bring small earnings, all of whichdoes not contribute to the prolongation of the season,which is measured in weeks. Definitely not enough interms of competition of the increasingly demandinginternational market.No surprise then that someone remembered to takeadvantage of the global popularity of golf and connectthe image of the game with the image desired for<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>. In fact, the popularity of golf in the worldis gradually increasing day by day. The sport whichhas its roots in medieval Scotland is today played inalmost all the countries in the world, and beautiful golfcourses pop up on gorgeous green grounds, in coastalareas, on mountain plateaus and even in desert areas.Since golf has always been synonymous of eleganceand good taste, the players have been recruited fromthe elite strata of society for a long time. But in today’sera, this popular pastime of the rich has become muchmore democratic, turned from the domain of retiredpersons and the elderly to younger generations, but atthe same time remained in the domain of successfulpeople. In fact, thanks to the attractive appearanceof professional golf players, this sport has becomeespecially popular among young, successful businesspeople. Furthermore, in recent times golf has become,in addition to those on the field, an obsession to countlessfans of this sport, who watch it on TV, thanks tothat certain courses and destinations associated withthem have gained great fame in wider circles.All this, of course, could be extremely important for<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, in terms of offering new public facilities inthe immediate vicinity of the town, as well as attractingwealthier visitors and, thanks to the fact that thespecific climate allows the use of the golf course formore than nine months per year, a significant extensionof the tourist season. This driving force would,of course, mean the opening of new jobs, conversionof seasonal into permanent employments, but alsoencourage new business investments. The Project <strong>Golf</strong><strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> alone guarantees more than a thousandnew jobs, where the advantage in employmentwould be given to residents of the town of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>.Let us now see what the project specifically offers.We already said that the authors offer two courses,of which one with 18 holes would be built accordingto professional standards and it would representfor golfers, even professionals, a real challenge. Thesmaller course, the one with 9 holes, however, wouldbe situated within the Greg Norman golf academy, thefirst academy of this kind in the world. Beside the golfcourses there would be a club house and golf trainingcourse. For the projects apart from the cateringfacilities famous Croatian and world architectures areengaged with the aim, as highlighted by the projectmanagers, of maintaining the compliance with thelandscape and giving great importance to the natural,

40p r o j e k t ip r o j e c t shistorical and cultural features. When we add to all this ahigh-quality cultural, entertainment and culinary offer,and accommodation facilities of the highest level, it isclear that this is an appropriate concept, which shouldallow <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> to become one of the major tourist destinationsin the Mediterranean.It is important to mention that both golf courses weredesigned by Greg Norman himself, one of the most famousgolfers of all times. This 58-year-old Australian pro,who spent 331 weeks as no. 1 in the world ranking ladderin the 80’s and 90’s and won during his career more than85 international tournaments (thanks to his light hair, aggressiveplaying style and origin, he gained the nickname“The Great White Shark”), is today a very successful businessmanand one of the most sought after golf coursedesigners in the world. His company, Greg Norman <strong>Golf</strong>Course Design, has developed so far more than 70 golfcourses on six continents seven of which are in Europe.When it comes to designing a golf course, Greg Normanis known for his very careful approach to each fieldand using the advantages of the location for creating aunique aesthetic experience. His basic premise is thatthe course must provide an unforgettable experiencefor the player, something that will indelibly be etchedinto his memory. Furthermore, his design has minimalintervention in the area and respects the natural featuresof the environment. Quite logical, because one of themain attractions of golf is exactly the sports experiencein authentic nature, competition on idyllic playgroundswith challenging obstacles in the form of lakes, streams,hills ... therefore high environmental standards and principlesin design and execution of the same are extremelyimportant. Namely today, when in the world one of themain complaints about the construction of thousandsof golf course relates to the disruption of the ecologicalbalance and destruction of nature, then the words of theauthor of project <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> saying that theproject “will be an example of environmental sensitivity,sustainability, but also of an advanced design, inspired byunique beauty of the natural environment”, sound reallyencouraging.“No other course in the world offers a view like the onefrom Srd”, and besides that, <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> is the pearl of theMediterranean. This will be one of the three most beautifulcourses in the world, and <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> will therebybecome an exclusive golf destination”, claims Greg Norman,who has in his career seen many court-beautieslike the South Korean designer gem Nine Bridges, Ailsain Turnberry with impressive views along the Mull ofKintyre, the spectacular Mexican Cabo Del Sol, America’sflagship Pebble Beach in the Pacific Ocean, the SouthAfrican Leopard Creek or Spanish, as well as the Europeanfavorite Valderrama.All these famous locations from the world of golfsound very appealing in the context of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, becauseno one doubts that top tournaments organizedon Srd would gather every year the world’s most famousgolfers and send out into the world the most beautifulpicture of our biggest tourist asset.In any case, perhaps one of the most importantfeatures of the project <strong>Golf</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> is based ongiving value to the unused area of Srd, the cult part of<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>’s history, the creation of an exclusive sportingand recreational destination of the highest world-classlevels, as well as a place for relaxation and entertainment,that would stretch out the tourist season in this areauntil the end of the year, this is precisely what <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>undoubtedly deserves.

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42o t o c ii s l a n d spiše/text IVICA PROFACA fotografije/photos DRAŽEN PAJTLAR

Otok -skrovišteVis je pravi ljepotan među srednjodalmatinskim otocima.Turisti novoga kova počeli su tražiti baš ono što taj otokmože ponuditi - mir, iskonsku i pomalo divlju ljepotuThe HidingPlace IslandVis is a true beauty among the Mediterranean islands. A new breedof tourists has started looking for everything this island to offer -peace and tranquility and a somewhat wild beauty

44o t o c ii s l a n d sBiser Jadrana, otok-skrovište, sve su to epitetikoji se daju Visu, tom ljepotanu međusrednjodalmatinskim otocima što je vjekovimapredstavljao morski bedem, čuvajući baš svakuvlast koja je prošla ovim prostorima, zbog čegamu je i povijest tako “otežala” u odnosu naneke druge dalmatinske škoje.Današnji Vis nekako još uvijek, bilo u pozitivnomili negativnom smislu, osjeća breme tih prošlihvremena - kao turistička destinacija atraktivanje baš zbog svoje prošlosti, od antičke Isse do uspomenana savezničke vojnike i Titove partizane.S druge, pak, strane, Vis je godinama i desetljećimabio zapostavljen i zaboravljen, osim za masovnugradnju objekata bivše JNA, što je donosilo samoprobleme i egzodus Višana.A onda se posljednjih godina dogodilo maločudo: Visu je ta duga, duga zaboravljenost postalaprednost. Turisti novoga kova počeli su tražiti bašono što taj otok može ponuditi - mir, iskonsku,pomalo divlju ljepotu. Vis je postao bogomdanimutočištem za sve kojima je važnija autentičnost odbetonskih hotelskih planina i apartmana.Mnoštvo se država i društava izmijenilo naVisu. Uostalom, među rijetkim je našim otocimakoji su još u pretpovijesno doba bili naseljeni. Oslavnome grčkome dobu svjedoče i danas ostaciantičke Isse, a kako je povijest tekla potpao je podrimsku, pa u srednjome vijeku starohrvatsku državu.Redali su se Mleci, Francuzi, jedno vrijeme iEnglezi, koji su za sobom ostavili tvrđave s uklesanimUnion Jack zastavama i kod nas rijetko viđenusklonost kriketu.A kad su svi oni došli i prošli, Vis pada u rukeHab sburgovcima, kao dio carske Dalmacije. Austrijancisu sa svojom mornaricom baš kod Visa, uslavnom Viškom boju 1866. zaustavili na duže vrijeme,sve do raspada Austro-Ugarske monarhije,talijanska posezanja za Dalmacijom.Veliki pomorski poraz stvorio je od Visa zaTalijane skoro mitski karakter, pa su ga željeli inakon I. svjetskog rata, kad su se u zadnji trenutakpriklonili pobjedničkoj Antanti. No, prema nekimpovijesnim “tračevima”, u posljednji trenutak Rimje pristao uzeti Lastovo, a Vis predati KraljeviniSrba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. Prema nekim izvorima,za takvo je rješenje najzaslužniji tadašnji parlamentarnizastupnik Visa, slavni hrvatski političarAnte Trumbić.No, koliko god Trumbić vjerojatno želio dobrosvojoj izbornoj bazi, u Beogradu su imali drukčijeplanove -obećali su zemlju Višanima koji prijeđu napravoslavnu vjeru, što je lijepi broj i učinio, pa je uVisu 1933. niknula velika pravoslavna crkva, ali suistodobno tinjali sukobi među otočanima, pa i fizički.No, stvari se vraćaju u normalu uspostavomBanovine Hrvatske...Vjerojatno najslavnije dane svoje novije povijestiVis je ispisao kao saveznička i partizanska bazau II. svjetskom ratu. Kad je Italija 1943. kapitulirala,prekinuti su i njezini pokušaji talijanizacije otoka,tako da je propala još jedna prilika za “osvetu”zbog poraza iz 1866.Mussolinijev pad, međutim, na Vis nije doveoNijemce, učinivši ga jedinim dijelom bivše Jugo-Četiri viška hotelaHoteli “Paula”, “Issa” i “Tamaris” u mjestu Visu i “Biševo”u Komiži, nude svojim gostima što god zažele. Bez obzirazanimaju li vas prirodne ljepote, gastronomski užitci, bogataotočka povijest, hotelski će animatori za vas organiziratiizlete baš po vašoj mjeri. Povest će vas naljepšim uvalama,ponuditi najljepše vidike, provesti crkvama, muzejima, seoskimdomaćinstvima. A onima, željnim aktivnog odmora, ponudit ćezabavu na hotelskim športskim terenima ili možda paragliding,slobodno penjanje, jahanje na valovima...The four hotels of VisThe hotels “Paula”, “Issa” and “Tamaris” in Vis and the “Biševo” hotelin Komiža offer everything to their guests. Regardless of the fact areyou interested in natural beauties, gastronomical delights or richisland history, the hotel animators will organize a trip to your likingfor you. They will take you to the most beautiful beaches, offer thebest views, show you churches and museums, family owned farms…And those of you in search of an active vacation will be offeredentertainment in one of the hotel sporting facilities or maybeparagliding, free climbing or surfing…

46o t o c ii s l a n d s

IdealnaklimaVis ima, jednostavno,idealnu klimu. Čak setvrdi da mu je Hvar,neopravdano, samozbog zatvorenostiza strance, preoteotitulu najsunčanijegotoka. Krase ga vrućai suha ljeta, te blagei vlažne zime, sasrednjom godišnjomtemperaturom iznad 16stupnjeva.Za ugodniji život brinese lijepi fenomen -prosječna temperaturaje ljeti za stupanj dodva niža (u srpnju je 24stupnja) nego na kopnu,a zimi za stupanj-dvaviša (8,8 stupnjeva).Prosječna godišnjakoličina padalina jeoko 800 milimetara pometru četvornom.Udaljen je 45kilometara od kopna,površina mu je 90,3četvornih kilometara,a viški arhipelagčine još i otočićiPalagruža, Biševo, SvetiAndrija, Budihovac,Jabuka, Brusnik...Zahvaljujući brojnimuvalama, nevelikiVis ima impozantnuobalu dugu čak 77kilometara. Povezan jeredovitim trajektnim ibrzobrodskim linijamasa Splitom, a ljeti is talijanskom lukaAnconom.

48o t o c ii s l a n d sIdeal ClimateSimply put, Vis has the ideal climate. It isclaimed that the island of Hvar, and notrightfully so, has taken the title of the sunniestCroatian island from Vis. Vis has hot and drysummers and mild and moist winters, withthe average annual temperature above 16degrees Celsius. There is also the interestingphenomenon - the average temperature inthe summer is one or two degrees lower (24degrees in July) than the land and in thewinter it is one or two degrees higher (8,8degrees). The average annual rain drop is800 millimeters per square meter. The islandis located 45 kilometers of the mainland, itssurface is 90,3 square kilometers and thearchipelago of Vis consists of the Palagruža,Biševo, St. Andrew, Budihovac, Jabuka andBrusnik islands. Thanks to it numerousbeaches Vis has a 77 kilometer long coast line.It is connected to Split by regular ferry andspeed boat lines and is connected to the Italianharbor Ancona in the summer.slavije na kojem nacisti nisu uspjeli uspostavitivlast. Kad se na otok sklonio i Josip Broz Tito, Visje postao polazna točka za napade savezničkogzrakoplovstva na njemačke ciljeve, s velikim aerodromom,na kojem danas uspijevaju miroljubivivinogradi, a nekadašnji piloti ove su godine, zbogpoodmakle dobi, vjerojatno posljednji put došliposjetiti grobove svojih suboraca.Nažalost, jugoslavenskoj vojsci se na Visu dopalo,pa su mu namijenili strateški položaj u obraniod imaginarnog agresora s mora, izgradili više od30 vojnih objekata - od podzemne bolnice, do raketnihbaza - i zatvorili ga za strance.Sve do 1989. Vis je tako za strance ostao TerraIncognita, neka tamo mrlja na zemljovidima kojuse moglo gledati samo iz daljine, ali isto tako i prokletstvoza svoje stanovnike, koji su samo sa zavišćumogli promatrati kako novac od turizma ubiruneki drugi. Koliko je JNA voljela taj škoj, svjedočii činjenica da je trebalo proći nekih pet mjeseci odmeđunarodnog priznanja da bi ga 30. svibnja 1992.napokon napustili. Jedna od posljedica njihovogboravka je i jedva 4000 stanovnika, za razliku odoko 10 tisuća iz vremena najvećeg prosperiteta udoba Austro-Ugarske. Tada je, samo u Komiži, bilosedam tvornica za preradu ribe, danas nema nijedne,a o ribarskoj tradiciji i “majci-srdeli” svjedočisamo izvanredan ribarski muzej.Vis je danas na prekretnici. Sa svih strana nudemu se investitori, prave se planovi, ali ništa se doistakrupno na njemu nije dogodilo, što bi na koncujoš moglo ispasti prednošću, jer senzacionalni restorani,izvrsno vino i mnoštvo atrakcija za turiste,dolazili oni trajektom ili svojim jahtama, pokazujuse boljim mamcem nego visokokategornici. RazgledavatiModru špilju na Biševu, kupati se u čarobnim,ponekad teško dostupnim viškim uvalamai šetati po znamenima slavne prošlosti - od antičkeIsse, preko spomenika poginulima u Viškom boju,pa do Titove špilje - svakako je ugodnije kad vampogled ne leti na hrpe betona. Naravno, razvoj jeneizbježan, mnoštvo bivših vojnih objekata joščeka novu namjenu, ali valjda će biti pameti daVis od “našeg Krondstadta”, kako su mu tepali usocijalizmu, ne postane “naša Palma de Mallorca”,uništena turističkim tsunamijem.Neka bude naš Vis, to mu je najljepša osobina!eng The pearl of the Adriatic, the hiding place island,these are the nicknames given to the islandof Vis, this beauty among the islands of the centralAdriatic, a island which has represented a seawall for ages, protecting every single power andauthority which has ever passed through these

50o t o c ii s l a n d sJedna od posljedicaboravka JNAje i jedva 4000stanovnika,za razliku odoko 10 tisuća izvremena najvećegprosperiteta u dobaAustro-Ugarske.One of the biggestconsequences of thestay of JNA is thesmall number ofinhabitants, onlyaround 4000 ofthem compared toas many as 10000in the time of theAustrian-Hungarianprosperity.lands. Due to this reason its history is more „difficult”than the history of other Dalmatian islands.The Vis of today still feels the burden of the timespast - both in a positive aspect and a negative one - itis very attractive as a tourist destination thanks toits past, starting from the antic era and the town ofIssa and continuing all the way to the modern era andTito and his partisans. On the other hand, Vis wasneglected and forgotten for decades, apart from themassive complex construction of the former JNA (YugoslavianNational Army), which caused much troubleto the local population and caused many to leave theirhome island.And then a miracle happened in the last coupleof years. This long period of oblivion became an advantagefor the island. A new breed of tourists hasstarted looking for everything this island has to offer- peace and tranquility and asomewhat wild beauty. Vis becamea God-given sanctuary forall those who prefer authenticityto huge concrete hotels andapartments.Many a state and society haschanged on Vis. After all, it isone of our few islands inhabitedeven in the prehistoric era.The remains of the antic townof Issa give witness to the famousancient Greek period. Thetown later fell to the Romansand became a part of the oldCroatian kingdom in the middleages. Later the Venetians came,after them the French, the Englishfor a short period of time,who left fortresses with carvedUnion Jack flags and a rarelyseen affection for cricket. Andwhen all of them were gone theisland fell into the hands of theHabsburg Monarchy as a part ofthe imperial Dalmatia. The Austrians and their navystopped the Italian grasp and desire for Vis for a longtime, until the breakup of the Austrian-HungarianMonarchy, upon defeating the Italian navy close to Visin the year 1866.The great naval defeat gave Vis almost mythic statusin the minds of the Italians so they desired to possesit even after WWI when they joined the winningside in the latter stages of the war. But, according tosome historic gossip, Rome agreed to take the islandof Lastovo and leave the island of Vis in the hands ofthe Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and the Slovenians. Accordingto some historic sources this was the resultof the efforts of the famous Croatian politician AnteTrumbić who was a parliament representative of theisland of Vis at the time. But although Trumbić desiredonly good for his electoral base, Belgrade andSerbia had other plans - they promised to give awayland to the inhabitants of the islands who convertedto eastern orthodox Christianity. A number of islandersdecided to do so. A big eastern orthodox churchwas built on the island in 1933 and with it came disagreementand even physical violence between theislanders. But things returned to normal with foundationof Banovina Hrvatska…The true glory days of the newer history of Viscame with WWII when Vis was an ally and a partisanbase. When Italy capitulated in 1943 all attempts oftaking the island were stopped so it was anotherchance gone for vengeance for the naval defeat of1866. The fall of Mussolini did not bring Germans tothe island so it became the only part of the formerYugoslavia which did not fall in German hands. AfterJosip Broz Tito also took shelter on the island, Visbecame a starting point for ally air attacks on Germantargets. A big airport (today vineyards stand wherethere was a runway once) was constructed on theisland and the pilots who stayed here during the warhave likely made their final visit to the graves of their

others in arms this year, as they have become quiteold gentlemen by now.Unfortunately, the Yugoslav army liked Vis verymuch so they planned it to become a strategic positionand the first defense line against an imaginaryattack from the sea, constructing over thirty militarybuildings - including an underground hospital and arocket base - and close it for all foreign visitors.For foreigners Vis remained Terra Incognita until1989, a glitch on the map you could only look at froma distance, but the island became a curse for its inhabitantswho could only look with envy how the moneythey could be making on tourism was falling intosomebody else’s hands. The fact that the army simplyadored the island is proved by the fact that it tookthem over five months after the international recognitionof Croatian independency to finally leave onMay 30th 1992. One of the consequences of their stayis the number of only 4000 inhabitants compared tothe population high of 10000 during Austrian Hungarianrule. Back in those days there were as many asseven fish manufacturing factories in Komiža alonecompared to none today. The only proof the longfishing tradition and the “mother fish sardine” is theexceptional fishing museum.Vis is on a turning point today. Investors are approachingfrom all sides, big plans are being made,but nothing big has not happened yet, a fact whichcould eventually be an advantage as sensational restaurants,excellent wine and a number of touristattractions are proving to be a better bait than the“high class”.To explore the Blue Cave on Biševo, to swim in themagical waters and sunbathe on the sometimes hardto reach beaches of Vis, to dwell at the riches of thepast - the antic town of Issa, the monument to thosekilled in the battle of Vis, Tito’s cave - we would preferany of these over a look at monster buildings made ofconcrete. Naturally, you can not escape progress anddevelopment, but we hope there will be enough sensenot to turn “our Krondstadt”, a nickname given to Visduring the socialist era, to “our Palma de Mallorca”,destroyed by a tourist tsunami.Just let it be our Vis, that is its best quality.

52lavandaSvelijekopojnamirisaMirisna vrećica lavande ili bočica njenaeterična ulja karakterističan je hvarskisuvenir koji posjetitelja, još dugo popovratku s ljetovanja, podsjeća na slikovitikrajolik u kojem je boravio.piše/text ELIZABETA MIŠAKfotografije/photos ivo pervan

l a v e n d e rThe AllremedyofScent FullAromaA scent full bag of lavender or a bottle of essentiallavender oil is a classic souvenir of the island of Hvarwhich lively reminds the visitor of the picturesquescenery of the island long after he has left the island.

54m i r i s n o z d r a v l j es c e n t f u l l r e m e d yLavanda je od davnina vrlocijenjena zbog svoje ljekovitosti.Njeno eterično ulje tradicionalnije “svelijek”...Nedugo nakon što nam je u jednom vrhunskomberlinskom restoranu za desert posluženkolač spravljen od lavande i lavandina meda,krajem lipnja vozimo se Hvarom, cestom kojaiz Sućurja vodi u središte otoka. Vozeći sporo,kroz otvorene prozore au to mobila, opija nasvruć zrak bogato natopljen mirisom u kojemsmo uživali u slastici. On je ovdje, za razlikuod gastro-delikatnosti, jak i opojan, ali i vizualnodojmljiv. Ništa čudno, jer vrijeme je cvata lavandei njena polja, osim mirisom, očaravaju i svojomintenzivnom lju bi často-plavom bojom.Mirisna vrećica lavande ili bočica njena eteričnaulja karakterističan je hvarski suvenir kojiposjetitelja, još dugo po povratku s ljetovanja,podsjeća na slikoviti krajolik u kojem je boravio.Hrvatska je zbog idealnih klimatskih uvjeta i povoljnatla, jedan od najvećih pro iz vođača lavandekoja baš ovdje, na brežuljcima i pa dinama otokaHvara, posebno dobro uspijeva. U konkurencijiostalih sredozemnih proizvođača, hvarska se lavandaposebno cijeni i drži najkvalitetnijom, jerse proizvodi bio-uzgojem, a sjetva i žetva obavljajuručno. Posljednjih godina, lavanda se, osimu Dalmaciji, us pje šno uzgaja i u nekadašnjimvinogradima Ja stre bar skog kod Zagreba. K tomei vrlo unosno, jer se danas litra njena ulja možeprodati za 28 eura, cijena koju teško može postićii vrhunsko vino.Kad govorimo o lavandi, zapravo govorimo otri desetak vrsta cvjetajućih biljaka iz obitelji metvicekoje uspijevaju na području od Sredozemljado tropske Afrike te Indije na istoku. No, budućida se lavanda uzgaja u vrtovima širom svijeta, divljerastuće primjerke moguće je naći i daleko odnjihova prirodnog područja.Najučestalija od ovih uzgajanih vrsta jest običnala vanda ili Lavandula Angustifolia, dok ju slijedepodvrste sa sufiksima Stoechas, Dentata iMultifida. Lavanda se uzgaja u vrtovima ili na čitavimpoljima. Vršci njenih cvjetova rabe se u suhimaranžmanima, dok se mirisni, blijedo ljubičasticvjetovi, zašiveni u platnenim vre ćicama, stavljajuu ormare za pohranjivanje odjeće i rubenine, da biim očuvali svjež miris i odvratili moljce. Lavandase komercijalno uzgaja radi dobivanja la van dinaeteričnog ulja koje se crpi iz njezinih cvjetova.Pčelari posebno cijene lavandu zbog nektara odkojeg nastaje vrlo ukusan med, a biljka je vrlo cijenjenai u slastičarskim krugovima - cvijet lavandemože se kan di rati, a služi i za dobivanje mirisna“lavandina šećera”.Budući lavanda primarno uspjeva na područjuvelikih drevnih civilizacija, često ju susrećemo uliteraturi toga doba. Stari Grci lavandu su, premasirijskom gradu Nar di nazivali “nardus” ili “nard”.

Za rimskih vremena, cvjetovi lavande prodavanisu po vrlo visokoj cijeni, pa je za jedan kilogramnadničar morao raditi dva mjeseca, a brijač obavitistotinu šišanja. Rimljani su lavandu, natapajući jeu vodi, redovito rabili pri kupanju, jer su primijetilida pomaže pri njezi kože. Širenjem Rimskogacarstva, lavanda se iz Sredozemlja proširila i usjevernije dijelove Europe.Zanimljivo je da su, tijekom haranja kuge starimkon tinentom, poznati proizvođači rukavica izpro van sal skoga Grassea lavandinim uljem natapalikožu za izradu rukavica, tvrdeći da time štite odkuge. Ovo vjerovanje imalo je vrlo jednostavnoopravdanje, jer su kugu prenosile buhe kojima semiris lavande nikako nije sviđao.Na dalmatinske otoke lavandu su, iz Provan-

56m i r i s n o z d r a v l j es c e n t f u l l r e m e d yLavender has beenappreciated for its healingpro perties from the timeimmemorial. Its essential oilis a traditional “All-remedy”...se, donijeli Francuzi u doba Napoleona. Posebnodobro lavanda je bila prihvaćena na otocimaHvaru i Braču s kojih se ne kada otkupljivalo i došezdeset tona ulja, količini trideset puta većoj odone današnje. Zanimljivo je, pri tome, da čuvenahvarska lavanda zapravo nije standardna, običnalavanda, već “lavandin”. Naime, lavanda raste navećim nadmorskim visinama i uzgaja se uglavnomu Fran cuskoj, osobito Provansi, i Španjolskoj. UDalmaciji raste lavandin, križanac obične i širokolisnelavande. Iako ova vrst lavande, što se tičesvoje kvalitete i mirisnih svoj stava, nimalo nezaostaje za temeljnom vrstom, zbog većeg udjelakamfora u svom sastavu, ima drugačije me dicinskodjelovanje od obične lavande. Ovo, ponajviše zbognesavjesnosti proizvođača i prodavača koji razlikučesto ne deklariraju, trebaju imati na umu oni kojilavandu rabe kao ljekovito sredstvo.Lavanda je od davnina vrlo cijenjena zbog svojeljekovitosti. Njeno eterično ulje tradicionalni je“svelijek”. Rimljani su ga rabili za ispiranje rana,pa od tuda i dolazi latinski naziv biljke (“lavareznači “prati”). Ulje lavande dobro njeguje kožu,potiče brže zacjeljivanje rana i opeklina, od čegaovo posljednje dobro dođe jadranskim turistimakoji pretjeraju sa sunčanjem. Lavanda uspješnoopušta mišiće, pa je redoviti sastojak ulja za masiranje,a isto tako, dobro opušta i mentalno teje izvrstan sedativ koji će pomoći kod nesanice.Stari ljudi u Dalmaciji znaju, da bi uživali miransan, lavandino ulje nakapati kraj jastuka. Ulje ćeutrljavanjem pomoći i kod glavobolja i migrena, apoznato je da ono blago snižava i krvni tlak.Bioenergetičari će reći da lavandino ulje imasposobnost uravnoteženja energetskog tijela i čakre,da istovremeno djeluje smirujuće i energizirajućete da, zapaljeno u aroma-lampici, energetskičisti prostor. Oni manje skloni alternativi morat će,ipak, priznati da, uz to što tjera moljce, lavandinoulje uspješno spašava od najezde komaraca.Bilo kako bilo, svaki putnik zna da je uz sebeuvijek dobro imati bočicu ulja lavande. Ako je dobrau slasticama, sigurno je i svud drugdje.eng Not long after we have been served a cakemade from lavender and lavender honey in a topclass Berlin restaurant, we are driving late Junedown the road leading from Sućuraj to the centerof the island of Hvar. As we are driving slowly andthe car windows are rolled down, we are overwhelmedwith the hot air richly soaked with the same aroma wehave tasted in that delicacy in the restaurant in Berlin.The scent here is strong and overwhelming, unlike theGerman delicacy, but the scene is also visually impressive.No wonder, considering the fact that the fields oflavender delight the visitors of Hvar with their intensepurple-blue color as well as with their sweet smell.A scent full bag of lavender or a bottle of essentiallavender oil is a classic souvenir of the island of Hvarwhich lively reminds the visitor of the picturesquescenery of the island long after he has left the island.Due to ideal climate and favorable soil quality Croatiais one of the biggest lavender exporters. The plantgrows especially successfully on the hills and slopesof the island of Hvar. Compared to the rest of theMediterranean producers, the island of Hvar lavenderis par ti cularly appreciated and is deemed the best as itis grown pesticide-free and is hand picked. In the lastfew years lavender has also been successfully grown inthe former vineyards of Ja stre barsko near Zagreb. Theproject is very lucrative as a liter of lavender oil can besold for as much as 28 Euro, which is a price not easilymatched even by top quality wines.When we are discussing la vender we are actuallydis cussing some thirty kinds of plants from the mintfamily which grow in the area ranging from the Mediterranean to tro pical Africa in the south and Indiain the east. But con sidering the fact that lavender isgrown in gardens all across the world it is possibleto discover wild growing spe cimens far beyond theirnatural habitat.The most common of all species is the common

58m i r i s n o z d r a v l j es c e n t f u l l r e m e d yla vender or Lavandula Angu stifolia and it is followedby the subspecies Stoechas, Dentata and Multifida.Lavender is grown in gardens or in entire fields. Thetips of its flowers are used in dry floral decorationswhile the scent full pale purple flowers, filled in smallbags made of cloth, are placed in wardrobes to protectthe clothes from moths and to preserve the freshscent of clothes.Lavender is commercially grown for the purposeof producing lavender oil from its flowers. Beekeepersparticularly appreciate lavender for its nectar which isgreat for producing honey and the plant is also veryrespected in the pastry business as lavender flowerscan be candied and are used for preparing the aromatic“lavender sugar”.Considering the fact that lavender is primarilygrown in the areas of great ancient civilizations it isnot a surprise that it is frequently mentioned in theliterature of that period. The ancient Greeks called lavender“nardus” or “nard” after the Syrian city Naarda.During Roman times lavender flowers were extremelyexpensive, so a common worker needed to work forover two months for a kilogram of lavender flowersand a barber needed to cut hair of a hundred costumers.The Romans used lavender flowers for bathingregularly as they noticed it was good for the skin. Withthe expansion of the Roman Empire, lavender alsotraveled beyond the Mediterranean region to northernparts of Europe.It is interesting that during the Bubonic plagueepidemic the famous glove producers from Grassesoaked the leather which was used for making glovesin lavender oil as they claimed it was a good protectionfrom the plague. This belief had a very simplejustification as the disease was spread by flees whichare repelled by the smell of lavender.Lavender was brought to Dalmatian islands fromthe French region Provanse by the French during theera of Napoleon. Lavender was particularly well acceptedon the islands Brač and Hvar. It is interestingthat these islands produced around 60 tons of lavenderoil back in those days, which is more than thirtytimes as much as today. The interesting thing is thatthe famous lavender of Hvar is not infact the standard,ordinary lavender but the so called “lavandin”.Namely, lavender is grown at higher altituded and isgrown mostly in France, especially in Provanse, and inSpain. The kind growing in Dalmatia is a cross breedbetween ordinary and wide-leafed lavender. Althoughthis particular kind of lavender is by no means of poorerquality and aroma, it has different medical propertiesthan the ordinary lavender as it has a higher levelof camphor. This fact should be well remembered byall those who use lavender in medical purposes, havingin mind that some producers and traders often donot declare this important difference.Lavender has been appreciated for its healingproperties from the time immemorial. Its essential oilis a traditional “All-remedy”. The Romans used it forwashing out wounds and that is where the Latin namefor the plant comes from (lavare means to wash).Lavendr oil is excellent for the skin, it speeds upthe healing process of wounds and burns, the latterof which should be well remembered by tourists whodo a little too much sunbathing on the Adriatic coast.Lavender also successfully relaxes the muscles so it isa regular in gre dient in massage oils and it also excellentlyrelaxes mentally and is a good sedative whichhelps with insomnia. Old people in Dalmatia sometimesput a few drops of lavender oil by the pillow sothey can enjoy a good night’s sleep. Rubbing the oilwill also help with headaches and migraines and it iswell known that the oil also decreases blood pressure.Bioenergy healers will also tell you that lavender oilhas the ability to balance the body’s energy and thechakras. At the same time it has both an energizingand a relaxing effect. When it is lit in a aromatic lampit purifies the living area. Those of us who are not bigfans of alternative medicine will nevertheless have toadmit that lavender oil successfully protects us frommosquitoes and from moths. Be as it may be, everypassenger knows that it is a good thing to have abottle of lavender oil with him at all time. If it is goodin sweets than it is surely good elsewhere as well.

60Oda ljudskome raduIako je atrak tiv nost Primo štena odavna poznata svima u po trazi za idiličnimljeto valI štima, jedan njegov toponim - Buca vac, čuven u cije lome svijetu, nena lazi se na sa mo me otočiću već u nedalekoj uvali Kre mik

An Ode toWork of Manpiše/text SANJA PODGOREC fotografije/photos JADRAN MIMICABut although the beautyof Primo šten - as it is thisDalmatian pearl we have justdes cribed - has been wellknown to everyone in searchof an idyllic summer resort,one of its world famoustoponyms - Bucavac is notlocated on the island itself,but in the nearby cove Kremik.

62k r a j o b r a z il a n d s c a p e sKad namjernik, putujući Jadranskom ma gistralom iz pravca Splita ili Šibenika, iz daljinespazi nestvarnu siluetu otočića prevlakom povezanog s kopnom na čijem se vrhu stidljivoističe zvo nik mjesne cr kve, dok se svud uokolotijesno zbi jenih kamenih ku ćica na suncu srebrnkastoljeska more - znat će da se na šao najednome od mjesta na ze malj skoj kugli gdje jepriroda bila velikodušna i čovjeku po darila velikulje potu. No, iako je at rak tiv nost Pri moštena,jer o tome je jadranskome biseru riječ, odavna poznatasvima u po trazi za idiličnim lje to valištima,je dan njegov toponim - Bucavac, čuven u ci je lomesvijetu, ne nalazi se na sa mome otočiću već u nedalekojuvali Kremik.Jednu padinu ove uvale, kojom danas dominirajujarboli jedrilica i bjelina jahti usidrenih ujednoj od naj poznatijih jadranskih marina, prekrivačuveni vi no grad koji se popularno voli nazivati“čipkom od kamena”. “Ne radi se o običnomili standardnom vinogradu, nego o vrhun skomekološkom simbolu održivog razvoja”, opisuje tajfenomen na svoj način inženjer parkovne arhitektureDragutin Kiš, inače autor “Hrvatskog vrta”na svjetskoj izložbi Japan Flora 2000, gdje jenjime osvojio zlatnu medalju i najviše priznanjepod nazivom “Exce llence Prize”. U tome vrtu, uzvelebitski kamenjar i ja dranski žal, bili su izloženivinogradi pod nazivom “Pri moštenske kamenečipke”.Iako se od Bakarskih terasa na Kvarneru dojužnih obala Korčule, uzduž čitave hrvatske obalemože diviti rezultatima upornoga ljudskog rada -vinogradima na kršu koje su težaci sadili otimajućikamenu šaku po šaku škrte zemlje, kulminacijutoga teškoga rada može se doživjeti tek pogledomna Primoštenske vinograde. Fotografije kazetiranihvinograda i arhitektonika ne običnog rasterasuhozida, kao simbola onoga za što su sposobneljudske ruke i čovjekova odlučnost, odavna krase isjedište Ujedinjenih naroda u New Yorku. Da bi seotišlo i dalje od simbolike i dekorativnog elementa,uspjeh spomenutog “Hrvatskog vrta” u Japanupotakao je inicijativu da se Primoštenski vinogradiupišu na listu UNESCO-ve baštine zaštićenih kulturnihkrajolika.Primoštensko vinogorje koje se proteže izmeđuŠi be ni ka i Trogira na oko 320 hektara, čitavo jeu vlasništvu pri va t nika. Topla klima s prosjekomod 2600 sunčanih sati godišnje ovdje iznimno“Kad bi vinogradi mogli pjevati,oko Primoštena bi se orila himnaljudskom trudu i radu.”pogoduje uzgoju crnih sorti. Na ovome područjuto konkretno znači - babiću, čuvenoj autoh tonojhrvatskoj sorti sposobnoj davanju vina iz nimnekakvoće. Od njegova dva tipa - babić ve liki i babićmali, potonji ima veću sposobnost na kup ljanjasladora i na najboljim primoštenskim položajimaznade ih skupiti i po 23 posto. Svaki ozbiljniji ljubiteljvina zna da je okus punog i pitkog crvenogvina dobivenog od ove sorte je din stven te da sedugo pamti.Zbog svega spomenutog, vinogradi na Bucavcuse obnavljaju potporama Vlade, pa se tamo uposljednje doba posadilo ne koliko tisuća novihsadnica babića, a u turističku pre zen taciju jedinstvenogkrajolika i vrhunskog vina koje se dobiva sovog položaja, uključili su se udruženim sna gamasvi zainteresirani. No, u tome lancu najvažniji sujoš uvijek vinogradarska znanja i mukotrpan radis kus nih vinogradara bez kojega ovih vinogradanikada ne bi ni bilo.Zavirimo li u povijest čuvenih Primoštenskihvino grada, vidjet ćemo da su presudne bile godineodmah po Dru gome svjetskom ratu kada se državaborila za za državanje seljaka na zemlji. Tada suadministrativno ome đene parcele veličine 1000m2 predviđene za sadnju vinograda te, izvlačenjembrojeva iz vreće, podijeljene lokalnim seljacima,svakome članu obitelji po jedna. No većinaparcela sastojala se od samoga kamena kojemusu težaci tek trebali oteti zemlju za podizanjevinograda.Jedan od njih bio je tada 17-godišnji Ante JadrijevićBrne, poznati primoštenski vinogradar ivinar koji nam je prije nekoliko godina ispričao:“Od 240 brojeva u vreći ja sam izvukao broj 217,parcelu u predjelu Bucavca gdje sam podignuovinograd. Kada sam započeo rad, tamo je bio samkamen i trebalo mi je deset godina da parcelu uredimi posadim 3500 čokota. Sjećam se godina kadaljeti kiše nije bilo ni po šest mjeseci, ali babić jevrlo izdržljiva sorta, pa su čokoti preživjeli”.Iako se, u akciji spašavanja čuvenog lokaliteta,babić i dalje sadi na ovim položajima, posao jedaleko od kraja. Na kraju krajeva, kamene ogradečipkasta ugođaja i nastajale su polako. Zanimljivoje da je prof. Vinko Tadijević izračunao je da bijednom težaku za stvaranje 50 hektara ovakvogvinograda trebalo 1200 godina.“Kad bi vinogradi mogli pjevati, oko Primoštenabi se orila himna ljudskom trudu i radu. Teškoda igdje na svijetu postoje vinogradi kakvi suoni na Bucavcu, Radomeščici, Kremiku i Strani,Jelinjaku i Kalini, Jasenoviku, Plošnjaku i Trovrhu”,s pravom se nadivio kaskadama kamenihterasa i kvadratnim poljima crljenice utisnuteu bjelinu kamenih zidova, vinski znalac SrećkoLjubljanović.

64k r a j o b r a z il a n d s c a p e s“If vineyards could sing,there would be a loud ode towork and effort of man soundingacross Primošten.”eng When a wandering traveler, driving down thestate road from the direction of Split or Šibenik,spots a surreal siluette of a little island connectedto the mainland by a isthmus, he will know heis present at one of those places where naturehas been generous to man and granted him greatbeauty, as he observes the bell-tower of the localchurch and the rocking sea of silver glow around thecluttered little stone houses.But although the beauty of Primošten - as it is thisDalmatian pearl we have just described - has been wellknown to everyone in search of an idyllic summer resort,one of its world famous toponyms - Bucavac is not locatedon the island itself, but in the nearby cove Kremik.One of the slopes of this cove, which is nowadaysdominated by sailboat masts and whiteness of yachtsanchored in one of the most famous marinas in theAdriatic Sea, is covered by the famous vineyard whichis popularly known as “lacework of stone”.“It is not an everyday or a standard vineyard, butrather a top class ecological symbol of sustainabledevelopment”, engineer Dragutin Kiš, the author of theCroatian garden project at the international exhibitionJapan Flora 2000 for which he won the gold medal andthe highest acknowledgment known as the ExcellencePrize. In addition to the stony scenery of Velebit andan Adriatic beach, one of the exhibition pieces werevineyards under the name “The stone lacework ofPrimošten”.Although one can marvel at the results of persistentwork of man all along the Croatian coast, from the terracesof Bakar in the Kvarner region to the southernshores of the island of Korčula - the stone vineyardswhich were grown by peasants stealing fistful by fistfulof stingy land away from the stone - you can experiencethe culmination of this hard work only when youhave seen the vineyards of Primošten.The photos of vineyards and the architecture of theunusual scope of drystone walls, a symbol of everythingthat is possible when there is determination andhand of man, have been a decoration on the walls ofthe United Nations headquarters in New York.But to go one step further than symbolism anddecorative elements, the success of the above mentionedCroatian garden in Japan was the beginning ofan initiative to place the vineyards of Primošten on theUNESCO list of culturally protected landmarks.The vine hills of Primošten stretch from ©ibenik toTrogir on the surface of 320 hectares almost exclusivelyowned by individual owners. The warm climate withan average 2600 hours of sunny weather annually isespecially soothing for growing red sorts.To be specific, in this region that means suitablefor Babić - the famous authentic Croatian vine sortsuitable for making wine of the highest quality. Thereare two different types - Babić veliki and Babić mali,the latter having a better capability of accumulatingsugar and there can be as much as 23% of it at the bestlocations in Primošten. Every serious wine connoisseurknows that the taste of full drinkable red wine madefrom this particular vine sort is unique and not easilyforgettable.Due to everything we have mentioned, the vineyardsin Bucavac are being renewed by Governmentsupport, so there have recently been around severalthousands new vines of Babić planted and all thoseinterested in wine have joined forces in the projectof tourist presentation and advertising of the uniquelandscape and top quality wine. But the wine producingskills and hard work of experienced wine producersare still the most important links in this chain.If we were to glance at the history of the famousvineyards of Primošten we would discover that themost vital years were the years directly after WWIIwhen the country was fighting a battle to keep thefarmers on the land. By a government decree all land inthe area was divided in equal 1000m2 lots intended forwine production and given to local farmers by a lotterysystem, each family member getting one lot. But theproblem was that most lots consisted of bare stoneand that farmers needed to steel the land away fromthe stone if they wanted to plant a vineyard.One of them was Ante Jadrijević Brne, a well knownwine producer of Primošten who was only 17 years oldat the time. Several years ago Ante told us the following:“Out of 240 numbers in the lottery bag I pulled outnumber 217, a lot in the Bucavac area where I eventuallyplanted my vineyard. When I began wor king on the lotthere was only stone there and it took me 10 years ofhard work to finally be able to plant 3500 vines. I rememberthe years when rain didn’t fall for six months,but Babić is a tough sort so the vines survived”.Although Babić is still grown in this area, in theaction of saving the famous wine site, the work is farfrom over. After all, the stone fences of lace-like atmospherewere themselves built quite slowly. It is interestingthat professor Vinko Tadijević calculated that itwould take 1200 years for a single farmer to create a 50hectare vineyard.“If vineyards could sing, there would be a loud odeto work and effort of man sounding across Primošten.It is not very likely that there are such vineyards asthose in Bucavac, Radomešćica, Kremik and Strana,Jelinjak and Kalina, Jasenovka, Plošnjak and Trovrhanywhere else in the world”, the wine connoisseurSrećko Ljubljanović marveled at the stone terrace cascadesand square fields of black earth embedded in thewhiteness of stone walls and he has done so rightfully.

TANA intellectual property osnovana je 1993.godine i djeluje kao jedna od vodećih tvrtki zazaštitu prava intelektualnog vlasništva u regiji.Sveobuhvatan raspon usluga iz pravaintelektualnog vlasništvo pružamo u Hrvatskoj,Bosni i Hercegovini, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori,Makedoniji, Albaniji i Kosovu.Naša tvrtka nastala je zahvaljujući suradnjicijenjene kancelarije Popović, Popović, Samardžija& Popović iz Beograda i odvjetničkog društvaHraste & Partneri iz Zagreba.Odvjetnici, stručnjaci i administratori sdugogodišnjim iskustvom i potvrđenom stručnošćuu području intelektualnog vlasništva dio su našegtima. Također, imamo i organiziranu mrežu vanjskihsuradnika i prevoditelja kao i višegodišnju suradnjusa suradnicima i odvjetnicima u glavnim gradovimaregije.Intelektualno vlasništvo, osnovno područjedjelovanja naše tvrtke, obuhvaća cjelokupan nizusluga vezanih uz intelektualno vlasništvo, patente,žigove, industrijski dizajn, domene, autorsko pravokao i sve srodne postupke koji uključuju nelojalnukonkurenciju, zaštitu od krivotvorenja te sudskepostupke, arbitražu i medijaciju.Since its establishment in 1993, TANA intellectualproperty served a broad range of internationaland domestic clients and is one of the mostexperienced and respected IP firms in the region.We provide IP services in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro,Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.TANA intellectual property emerged as a result ofthe cooperation between the Popovic, Popovic,Samardzija & Popovic Law Office from Belgrade,Serbia, one of the most prominent law firms in theregion with the 80-year old tradition, and Hraste &Partners Attorneys at Law from Zagreb, Croatia.Our team consists of highly experienced andqualified attorneys, engineers and paralegalswith years of practice in the IP field. Likewise, wehave a large network of outdoor associates andtranslators, as well as long term associates andattorneys in capital cities of the region.Intellectual property being our firm’s major area ofpractice involves work pertaining to patents, trademarks, designs, domain names and copyrightas well as all related procedures, i.e. unfaircompetition rights, anti-counterfeiting, litigation,arbitration and mediation.TANA intellectual propertyRibnjak 4010 000 ZagrebCroatiatel. + 385 1 482 8060fax. + 385 1 492 1195e-mail: mail@tana.hrwww.tana.hr

66a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r et r o g i rBezvremenskiportalU središtu grada Trogira,smještenog na obaliKaštelanskoga zaljeva,najbolje očuvanogromanističko-gotičkogkompleksa čitave srednjeEurope, sjaji portalzapadnih vrata trogirskekatedrale, čudesan potpismajstora Radovana,kipara 13. stoljeća, okojemu, jednostavno,nema nikakvih podataka,pa o njemu govori samospomenuto djelo.piše/text ANDRIJA BRČIĆ fotografije/photos EDO FRANIĆTimelessPortalUđe li namjernik u labirint gradske jezgre Trogira, brzo će spoznatida je ono što ga na vidljivoj ljepoti ushićuje, zapravo uvijek samo onošto je nevidljivo. Jer, svaka tamošnja vizura ujedno zavodi i iznenađuje.Palače, crkve, tornjevi i zidine pričaju mnoge priče i svu kakofonijuzvučne i tihe ljepote stapaju u jedinstvenu ideju punu ljudske topline.Naime, tu romanistički, gotički, renesansni i barokni dragulji, ljepotomi zanimljivošću priča ravnopravno se nadmeću s napuštenim kućama,zaboravljenim dvorištima, nečujnim detaljima prošlosti, što promatračuotvorena duha lako prenose 2300 godina urbane tradicije koncentriranena području koje se, tako čovjeku primjereno, lako prijeđe pješice.In the center of the cityof Trogir, situated onthe shores of KaštelaBay, the best preservedRomanesque - Gothiccomplex in all of CentralEurope, the brillianceof the portal of thewestern doors of theCathedral of Trogir, themagnificent signature ofMaster Radovan, a 13thcentury sculptor aboutwhom there is simply noinformation, so that onlythe above-mentionedpiece speaks of him.

68a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r e

A u središtu grada, smještenog na obali Kaštelanskogazaljeva, najbolje očuvanog romanističkogotičkogkompleksa čitave srednje Europe, sjajiportal zapadnih vrata trogirske katedrale, čudesanpotpis majstora Radovana, kipara 13. stoljeća, okojemu, jednostavno, nema nikakvih podataka, pao njemu govori samo spomenuto djelo.Iz latinskoga natpisa na luneti nad ulazom,gdje je Radovan uklesao svoje ime i godinu izradetoga glavnog dijela portala, proizlazi da je baš onbio nenadmašan u kiparstvu toga doba te da jetadašnji biskup u Trogiru bio Toskanac Treguan,podrijetlom iz Firence. U svakom slučaju, da Radovannije bio strani umjetnik, vidi se ne samoiz njegova izrazito slavenskoga imena (koje seu ondašnjim gradskim uredskim spisima čestospominje), već i iz činjenice što uz njegovo imenije navedeno mjesto odakle potječe, kako je tobio uzus na sličnim zapisima stranih umjetnika,primjerice Nikole Firentinca.Budući da je trogirska katedrala građena višestoljeća, građevina na sebi nosi oznake različitihstilova. Sam portal izveden je u prvoj fazi izgradnje,no originalno nije trebao imati današnji izgled,jer su osim Radovana na njemu radili i drugi majstori,njegovi suradnici i sljedbenici. Ipak, usprkosizmjenama koje je doživjela prvotna koncepcija,nekim je čudom na kraju proizašla harmoničnaU reljefima portala, majstorRadovan stopio je Kristov život,od rođenja do smrti, Adama i Evu,alegorije mjeseci, likove apostolai svetaca te prizore lova i likoveživotinja. Iako je većina tih motivaikonografski određena, ipak jeRadovanova ruka sebi dozvolilaslobodno, jednostavnije, tumačenjerazličitih biblijskih prizora ilikova, pa ih je tako učinilabližima običnomu čovjeku.

70a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r ecjelina. Iako čitavim portalom, u arhitekturi, skulpturamai ikonografiji, dominira romanički stil, usvemu progledavaju i naznake gotike, posebno uradovima Radovanovih sljedbenika.U reljefima portala, majstor Radovan stopioje Kristov život, od rođenja do smrti, Adama iEvu, alegorije mjeseci, likove apostola i svetaca teprizore lova i likove životinja. Iako je većina tihmotiva ikonografski određena, ipak je Radovanovaruka sebi dozvolila slobodno, jednostavnije, tumačenjerazličitih biblijskih prizora i likova, pa ih jetako učinila bližima običnomu čovjeku. Upravoje fascinantno koliko se u tim prizorima prepoznajufizionomije, odjeća, životinje, svakodnevnipredmeti, zanimanja i običaji karakteristični zatrogirski kraj.U luneti nad ulazom, koja uokviruje Kristovorođenje, uklopio je autor i intimne scene kućnogaživota, sljubljujući tako sveto i životno. Nadlunetom, u dva luka teku biblijski prizori, a uzdovratnike portala nalaze se dva okrugla stupića sprizorima stvarnih i fantastičnih životinja te lova,sve isprepleteno biljem.Na pilastrima, promatrača će zaokupiti prizorimjeseci s ikonografskim prikazima radova karakterističnihza pojedini mjesec. Prosinac, primjerice,predstavlja lovac koji ubija vepra, siječanjčovjek koji kuha na ognjištu, veljaču djevojka sribom, ožujak seljak koji obrezuje lozu, travanj pastirakoji šiša ovcu... Na vanjskim pilastrima redajuse naizmjenično likovi svetaca i apostola, a bokoviportala završavaju likovima Adama i Eve, dok supod njima lav i lavica sa zmajem, odnosno jarićemu kandžama.Prvotna zamisao Radovanova portala do danasje ostala nepoznanicom, a zbog radionice u kojojje radilo dosta suradnika i učenika, nikada nisuatribuirani svi autori njegovih dijelova. Pouzdanose ipak zna da su glavne dijelove izradila četiripara ruku, od kojih je Radovanov najraspoznatljivijii daleko najkvalitetniji. On je, naime, zasigurnoautor potpisane lunete, prizora Navještenja,Poklonstva kraljeva, dvaju ulomaka s anđelima naunutarnjem luku, zatim simbola prosinca, siječnja,ožujka i travnja te stupića s prizorima lova i lavovana stranama portala.- U svemu tome postoji ljepota, ali ne ona kojadolazi iz elegancije, nego ljepota koja prepoznajeda je elegancija samo pukotina kroz koju i prosijavaideja dobra i upravo je ona motivirala Radovanada iskleše portal. Kad čovjek prolazi kroz ta “vrataraja”, zapravo biva iniciran, jer su oko njega scenerađanja i umiranja, života i smrti, blagosivljanja iubijanja... I baš zbog te ideje, to su vrata na kojačovjek danas ulazi s istom meditacijom kao što sukroz njih prolazili i ljudi u 13. stoljeću. Jednostavnozbog toga što je jedino ideja dobra bezvremenska,jedino se ona može nastavljati, modelirati,mijenjati i, na kraju krajeva, iznova nas oplemeniti- kaže Robert Jakovljević, stručnjak za brendiranjegradova koji se dugo bavi fenomenom Trogira, patako i ove njegove središnje točke.I vjerojatno je baš ta univerzalna točka u središtugrada-muzeja, okruženog plavetnilom morai uronjenog u toplu mediteransku klimu, ta plemenitaideja, što običan posjet pretvara u iskustvoduha.Vječno i genijalno djelo majstora Radovanastvarnu ljepotu, posve nečujno i kao čarolijom,prevodi u nešto nevidljivo, što čovjek treba osjetiti...eng Should the chance traveler enter the labyrinthof Trogir’s city center, he will soon realize thatwhat thrills him about the visible beauty is reallythat which is invisible. Each view seduces andsurprises at the same time. Mansions, churches,towers and walls tell many stories and the wholecacophony of sound and silent beauty is merged intoa unique idea full of human warmth. These Romanesque,Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque gems competeequally through beauty and interesting storieswith abandoned houses, forgotten yards, the silentdetails of history and easily transfer 2,300 years of urbantradition to an open- spirited observer in an areathat can be traversed on a human scale.In the center of the city of Trogir, situated on theshores of Kaštela Bay, the best preserved Romanesque– Gothic complex in all of Central Europe, the brillianceof the portal of western doors of the Cathedralof Trogir the magnificent signature of Master Radovan,a 13th century sculptor about whom there is sim-

72a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eply no information, so that only the above-mentionedpiece speaks of him.It may be concluded from the Latin inscription atthe lunette above the entrance, where Radovan carvedhis name and the year that this main part of the portalwas built, that he himself had been unsurpassed insculpture in that time and that the Bishop of Trogirwas then Treguan of Tuscany, originally from Florence.It is obvious that Radovan was not a foreign artist,not only because his rather Slavic name is mentionedrather frequently in city documents, but also becauseno birthplace is written besides his name, which hadbeen a custom in similar documents of foreign artists,e.g. Niccolò Fiorentino (Nikola Firentinac).Since the Cathedral of Trogir was built over severalcenturies, the building is marked by different styles. Theportal itself was constructed during the first constructionphase but it was not originally planned in its presentform since other masters, their assistants and followersworked on the portal besides Radovan. Nevertheless,despite the changes made to the original concept, a harmoniouscomposition miraculously arouse in the end.Although the whole portal – architecture, sculptures andiconography – are dominated by the Romanesque style,there are indications of the Gothic style, especially in theworks of Radovan’s followers.In the reliefs of the portal Master Radovan combinedthe life of Christ from His birth to His death,Adam and Eve, allegories of the months, the Apostlesand saints, as well as hunting scenes and animal characters.Even though the majority of the motifs hadbeen determined iconographically, the hand of Radovanallowed itself to interpret various Biblical scenesand characters freely and more simply and thereforebrought them closer to the common man. It is ratherfascinating how physiognomies, clothes, animals,everyday objects, professions and customs typical forthe area of Trogir can be recognized in these scenes.The artist has fitted intimate scenes of householdlife into the lunette over the entrance that framesthe birth of Jesus Christ and therefore he melted thesacred and the mortal. Biblical scenes are representedin two arches above the lunette and along the portalframes. There are two round pillars representingscenes with real and imaginary animals, as well ashunting scenes, all interlaced with herbs.The observer will be enchanted with the scenesof the months on the pillars iconographic depictionsof labors characteristic for and individual month. Forexample, December is represented by the hunter killinga wild boar, January by a man cooking at the stove,February by a girl with a fish, March by a man pruninggrapevines, April by a shepherd shearing a sheep. Theouter pillars alternately represent saints and apostlesand portal edges end with the characters of Adam andEve, while below them are a lion and lioness with adragon, and kid in its paws.The original intention of Radovan’s portal hasremained a secret until today and because the work-

shop had many assistants and students, the artists ofthe different parts of the portal parts have never beendetermined. However, it is certain that the main partswere made by four pairs of hands, of which Radovan’sis the most distinguished one and by far the best. Heis most certainly the artist of the signed lunette, theAnnunciation scene, the Worship of Kings, the twoinlets with angels in the interior arch, the symbols ofDecember, January, March and April, and the pillarswith the hunting scenes and lions on the portal sides.- There is beauty in it all. Not the beauty that arisesfrom elegance, but beauty that recognizes that theelegance is only a crack through which the idea ofgood shines. This idea itself motivated Radovan tocarve the portal.When a man passes through these “Gates of Heaven”,he is actually initiated since there are scenes ofbirth and death, life and death, blessing and killingaround him. Because of this idea, one enters thesegates with the same meditation as people in 13th century.Simply because the idea of good is timeless, it canbe continued, shaped, changed and, in the end, makeus noble again - says Robert Jakovljević, an expert forbranding cities who has been dealing with Trogir’s phenomenaand its central point for long time.This universal point in the center of the town – amuseum surrounded by the blue sea and immersedin the warm Mediterranean climate, this noble ideais probably what turns an ordinary visit into spiritualexperience.As if by magic, the eternal and ingenious work ofMaster Radovan transforms real beauty completelysilently into something invisible, something that aperson must feel.In the reliefs of the portal MasterRadovan combined the life ofChrist from His birth to His death,Adam and Eve, allegories of themonths, the Apostles and saints,as well as hunting scenes andanimal characters. Even thoughthe majority of the motifs had beendetermined iconographically, thehand of Radovan allowed itself tointerpret various Biblical scenesand characters freely and moresimply and therefore brought themcloser to the common man.

74a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eoktogonOsmerokutniljepotanpiše/text JO KEMPEN fotografije/photos DRAŽEN PAJTLARThe OctagonalBeautyHodajući iz smjera Pre radovićevog trga, popularnog Cvjetnog,prema Ilici ili Trgu bana Jelačića, mnogi će se, kako bi se skloniliod kiše, izbjegli gužvu terasa “zagrebačke špice”, skratili put ilipak samo da bi uživali u ljepoti samog prolaza, odlučiti za skretanjeu - Oktogon. Taj osmerokutni ljepotan (u svom je središtusagrađen u obliku osmerokuta koji je natkriven zlatnom kupolom)izgrađen je na samom kraju 19. stoljeća, točnije 1899. godine, premaprojektu arhitekta Josipa pl. Vancaša, a predstavljao je, u to doba, prvidijagonalni prometni potez u Zagrebu.Iva Körbler, povjesničarka umjetnosti i praunuka jednog od sudionikaizgradnje tog prekrasnog izdanja uputila nas je u svoja saznanja:- Moj je pradjed bio graditelj Ivo Štefan, koji je u prvoj četvrtini20. stoljeća radio udružen s arhitektom Lavom Kaldom u firmi “Kaldai Štefan”. Sjećam se kako se u obitelji često pripovjedalo kako jepradjed još prije udruživanja s Kaldom nadzirao građevinske poslovekod arhitekta Vancaša na projektu Oktogona.Na naše pitanje, kako ona uopće doživljava taj prolaz tumači:- Iza naziva Oktogon krije se projekt palače Prve hrvatske štedionice.Tu palaču sa složenim programom umjetničkog obrta povjesničarkaumjetnosti Olga Maruševski naziva poslovnom palačom19. stoljeća, jer se u tom projektu objedinjavaju funkcije raskošnogstanovanja i velikih dvoetažnih dućana na uličnoj strani i u samomprolazu...

76a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eOsim zagrebačke prepoznatljivosti, Oktogon usebi sebi nosi i mnoge zanimljivosti... Većini ljudinepoznata, a vrlo šarmantna priča je ona o takozvanom“građevinskom psu”. Naime, u vrijemedok je na mjestu današnjeg zdanja bilo gradilište,ondje se pojavio pas koji je revno čuvao taj prostor.Radnici su ga s oduševljenjem prihvatili, a samarhitekt Vancaš nadjenuo mu ime Pluto.Na žalost, pri kraju gradnje Pluto je nesretnimslučajem uginuo, a njemu u čast, u unutarnjem sedvorištu Oktogona nalazi njegov reljef s upisanimimenom i zanimanjem - građevinski pas.Osim priča koje uvijek unose “duh povijesti”,povijesno-estetska važnost Oktogona iznimno jevelika.Iva Körbler to ovako argumentira:- Nedovoljno se ističe značaj ovog objekta,koji u sebi ujedinjuje ideju Gesamtkunstwerka.Dakle, djelo je to koje u sebi objedinjuje sve važneumjetničke obrte (danas bismo rekli primjenjenuumjetnost). To se odnosi na radove u metalu kojenalazimo na ulaznim zaštitnim vratima na objestrane prolaza i kovanim ogradama stubišta, arhitektonskuplastiku na zidovima i kupoli, reljefe,štukature, staklo u boji u funkciji nadsvjetla u prolazu,keramičke pločice...Na tim su zadatcima radili tada naši najvještijimajstori školovani u zagrebačkoj obrtničkoj školi,a neki su bili i strani majstori. Projekt Oktogonabio je izložen na Svjetskoj izložbi u Parizu 1900.godine, što govori da je već onda bio prepoznatkao vrijedno djelo onog vremena s obzirom na stili arhitektonske trendove u stanovanju.Kako danas Oktogon živi?Središnje mjesto zauzima Privredna banka Zagrebkoja je ondje 2000. godine otvorila prvibankovni muzej u Hrvatskoj. Čitav hodnik vrvijednim dijelom vrhunski uređenim prodavaonicama,no nažalost tu su i dućani koji imaju isključivokomercijalnu svrhu, a njihov se vizualni identitetne uklapa u priču o tradicionalnom Zagrebu, većrealno, u identitet suvremene, globalne konzumerističkemetropole.Iz romantičnog kutka, nailazimo na dvije zlatarnice:jednu antikvarnu i drugu vrhunski uređenoginterijera. Nezaobilazan je i salon “Croata kravata”,za čiji je lijepo uređen interijer “odgovoran” arhitektAndrija Rusan, a artikli iz njihove kolekcije, posebicekravate i marame, nose tradicijsku vrijednostprepoznatljivih hrvatskih proizvoda.Uz malu i zgodnu cvjećarnicu redovito se uOktogonu nađe i pokoji ulični svirač kojeg osim

78a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eU Oktogonu se redovito nađe ipokoji ulični svirač kojeg osimfrekvencije prolaznika, zasigurnoprivlači i sama akustika prolaza.frekvencije prolaznika, zasigurno privlači i samaakustika prolaza. Od prostora koje kao da oduvijektu pamtimo, nezaobilazne su blagajna kazališta“Komedija” i galerija umjetnina.Zapravo, u prolazu kao da nema toga što senije prodavalo - cipele, uredski pribor, palačinke,kozmetika, košare, odjeća, nakit cvijeće, papučicei torbe proizvedene u Kini, listići za lutriju...Svi koji su dio svog života vezali uz Zagreb,sigurno se sjećaju i postarijeg gospodina koji je nakolicima, na ulazu u Oktogon, sa strane Ilice, prodavaoslane perece uz vesele povike: “Od perecarastu djeca!”...Iva Körbler te mijene prostora kritički promatra:- Taj nas prolaz s dućanima spaja s visokomgrađevin skom kulturom srednje Europe, a takav setip raskošnih prolaza s dućanima iz tog vremenamože sresti i u Monte Carlu, Londonu, mnogimgradovima u Švicarskoj, Italiji... To potvrđuje, eto,kako smo već onda po svemu bili Europa. Smatramkako se ne bi smjeli izvoditi ap so lutno nikakvizahvati u Oktogonu koji mijenjaju njegovu unutrašnjuarhitektonsko-plastičnu opnu, jer je to naslijeđekoje nas upozorava na nekad visoke dometestanovanja i poslovanja u Zagrebu. Tko god plasirateze o potrebi “osuvremenjivanja” takvih objekata,posebice interijera dućana, vjerojatno ima prijateljagrađevinara ili je tek prije nekoliko godinadošao živjeti u metropolu. Drugog objašnjenja zatakve ideje jednostavno nema...Premda se s većinom stavova naše sugovornicemože mo složiti, ipak je očito da i u primjeru Oktogona,kao i ostatku grada, a i svijeta, utjecaj imajudruštveni odnosi, simboli i politička ekonomijakoja se manifestira unutar urbane sredine. Stogase može zaključiti da prolaz iz ove priče reflektirabitne značajke “svjetskog grada”, jer u sebi nosipromjene koje su spoj estetike i društvenog sustava,čiji je jedini vladar trenutno - kapital...eng As we walk from Preradovićev Square or CvjetniSquare towards Ilica or the Ban Jelačić Squaremany of us decide to head through the Oktogonpassage, whether it is just to enjoy its beauty,to avoid the crowd of the famous “©pica” (theperiod between noon and 2 PM when downtownis crowded), to get shelter from the rain or toshorten our trip.This octagonal beauty (its center is shaped likean octagon and is covered by a golden dome) wasconstructed at the end of the 19th century in theyear 1899. It was the project of the architect Josip pl.Vancaš and at that time it was the first diagonal trafficline in Zagreb.Iva Körbler, the art historian and great granddaughterof one of the men who participated in theconstruction of this beautiful building shared some ofher insight on the subject:- My grandfather was the constructor Ivo Štefanwho worked with the architect Lav Kaldo in the firm“Kaldo and Stefan” in the first part of the 20th century.I remember how there were stories in my family thatgreat grandfather was the supervisor of constructionon the Oktogon project.When asked about her own experience and opinionabout the passage she gave the following explanation:- The name Oktogon hides the project of the palaceof the First Croatian Savings Bank. This palace andits complex program of shops and crafts is called thebusiness palace of the 19th century by the art historianOlga Maruševski. She says it unites the functionsof luxurious housing and large two-storey shops inthe passage and on the street side of the complex…It is a trade mark of Zagreb and has many peculiarities…First of all there is the charming story about theso called “construction dog”, a tale unknown to mostpeople. Back in the days when Oktogon was beingbuilt a dog suddenly appeared at the construction siteand it guarded the site with great enthusiasm. Theworkers were thrilled with the dog and the architectVancaš named the dog Pluto. Unfortunately as workwas coming to an end Pluto died in an accident sotoday there is a statue with his name and occupation -the construction dog - in the interior yard of Oktogon.In addition to the stories which always bring a “spiritoh history”, the historic and esthetic importance ofOktogon is exceptional.Iva Körbler says the following about the subject:- There is not enough emphasis on the importance

80a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eThe Oktogon project wasexhibited at the World Exhibitionin Paris in 1900 which is aproof that it was recognized asa worthy achievement of thatage considering its style andarchitectural housing trendsof this building, which unites the idea of Gesamtkunstwerkand is thus a work of art which unites all importantartistic crafts (today we would say applied arts). This canbe said about the metal work on both protective gatesleading into the passage, the staircase railing, the architecturalplastic on the walls and the dome, the reliefs, thecolored glass serving as overhead lighting, the ceramictiles…Our most skilled masters educated at the ZagrebSchool of Crafts worked on the project and were alsohelped by a number of foreign experts. The Oktogonproject was exhibited at the World exhibition in Paris in1900 which is a proof that it was recognized as a worthyachievement of that age considering its style and architecturalhousing trends.What does the life of Oktogon look like today?The central position belongs to Privredna Bank Zagrebwhich opened the first banking museum in Croatia in thefamous passage. The entire passage is full of masterfullydecorated shops, but unfortunately there are also shopswith exclusively commercial purpose and their visualidentity does not fit the pattern and the story of traditionalZagreb, but rather represents the spirit of a globalconsumer metropolis.Observing from a romantic standpoint, there aretwo jewelry shops in Oktogon, one is an antique shopand the other has a masterfully designed interior. Wemust not forget the shop “Croata kravata” with itsbeautifully decorated interior, the work of the architectAndrija Rusan. The ties and scarfs from the “Croata”collection have a traditional value of recognizableCroatian products.Oktogon is a regular working place for severalstreet musicians who play next to the pretty littleflower shop. The musicians are most likely attractedto the wonderful acustics of the passage. The unavoidablepart of the tour are also the ticket selling of“Komedija” Theatre and the art gallery.In all honesty pretty much everything imaginablehas been sold in Oktogon, shoes, office supplies, pancakes,cosmetics, baskets, clothing, jewelry, candles,bags and slippers made in China, lottery tickets…All of us who have spent at least a part of our livesin Zagreb surely the old gentleman who sold pretzelsat one of thegates and his happycheers: “Pretzelsmake babies growbig!” (Od perecarastu djeca)…Iva Körbler isquite critical aboutthe changes:- This passageand its shops linkus with the highcivic culture of CentralEurope and thesame type of luxuriouspassages is alsofound in Monte Carlo,London, as wellas in a number of Swiss and Italian towns…This is aproof that even back then we were a part of Europe inall aspects. I believe that absolutely no changes in interiordesign should be allowed, as it is a legacy whichshows us the reaches and the quality of housing andbusiness conducting in Zagreb. Whoever suggestedthe need of “modernization” of similar objects, especiallythe interior of shops, most likely has a friendin the construction business or has moved to Zagrebonly recently. There is simply no other explanation forsuch ideas…We must agree with the majority of views andthoughts of Iva Körbler, but it seems that when itcomes to Oktogon, as well as the rest of the town andthe world, the social relationships, symbols and politicaleconomics of the urban centre have a huge influence.Thus we can conclude that the Oktogon passagereflects all the important characteristics of a “globaltown” as it carries changes which are a combinationof the esthetic and the social system whose only currentmaster is - capital…

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Mozaik kopna i vodeKopački rit, smješten na sjeveroistočnoj granici Hr vatske, u kutu štoga zatvaraju rijeke Dunav i Drava, prirodni je ritski ekosustav i jedan odposljednjih oču vanih ritova Podunavlja.piše/text MARIJAN PTIČAR fotografije/photos IVO PERVANThe Mosaic ofLand and WaterKopački rit, located near the northeastern Croatian border, in thecorner created by the rivers Danube and Drava, is a natural swampeco system and is one of the last preserved swamp habitats of thePodunavlje region.

86k r a j o b r a z il a n d s c a p e sPrstenovanje bijelih roda, jedne od ljudimanajpoznatijih vrsta ptica što se gnijezde u čovjekovojblizini i čije osnovno stanište, zbogishrane, predstavljaju vlažne livade i pašnjaci,odnosno sva mjesta u blizini poplavnih dolinai rijeka, jedno je od redovitih aktivnosti <strong>Park</strong>aprirode. Naime, time je nastavljen pozitivan nizzbivanja u <strong>Park</strong>u prirode Kopački Rit, započetodržavanjem Svjetskog festivala promatranja ptica,čime je prekinuto dugo razdoblje devastacijeovog je din stvenog prirodnog rezervata.<strong>Park</strong> prirode, zaštićen još od 1967., od 1989. uvrštenna listu Ornitološki značajnih područja, od1993. na listi vlažnih područja od međunarodnogznačaja te 1999. nominiran za UNESCO-vu listupodručja Svjetske prirodne baštine, posljednjeje godine protekloga de set ljeća dočekao u posveneprimjerenu stanju. Crno razdoblje započelo jeratom kada je bio miniran, a ob jekti u njemu uništeni.Istodobno, devastiran je i ne kon troliranomsječom i krivolovom, što je prouzročilo neprocjenjivuštetu biljnom i životinjskom svijetu.Ipak, spomenuta događanja nastavljena su iprstenovanjem crnih roda, Ciconie nigre, bliskesrodnice bijele rode, još ugroženije vrste koja nepodnosi blizinu čovjeka. Ova ptica s popisa ugroženiheuropskih vrsta gni jezdi se gotovo isključivou poplavnim šumama hrasta lužnjaka prosječnestarosti devedeset godina, dok je šume mlađe odpedeset godina uopće ne zanimaju. Sa gle davajućičinjenicu da ih u Europi ima manje od deset tisućapari, i laiku će biti jasno da je očuvanje prirodnogrezervata Kopački rit od iznimne važnosti za svjetskuprirodnu baštinu.Oni koji se još sjećaju nekadašnje slave Kopačkogrita i doba od prije četvrt stoljeća kada jedokumentarni film o ovom prirodnom fenomenu,pod nazivom “Izgubljena oaza”, mjesecima puniodomaće kino-dvorane, s vese ljem su dočekali pokretanjes mrtve točke.Kopački rit, smješten na sjeveroistočnoj graniciHr vatske, u kutu što ga zatvaraju rijeke Dunav iDrava, prirodni je ritski ekosustav i jedan od posljednjihoču vanih ritova Podunavlja. Naziv ovognajnižeg područja Ba ranje koje se proteže na višeod 20 tisuća hektara, potječe od mađarske riječi zaPosebnu zanimljivost <strong>Park</strong>apredstavljaju ptice koje se gnijezdeu kolonijama, a među ugroženimvrstama na prvome mjestu su crnaroda i orao štekavackopču - “kapocs”, čime se alu dira na mnoštvo mostićakoji poput kopči povezuju dijelove prostora.Vezu rita s Dunavom i Dravom čine brojni kanali,a dinamika plavljenja, glavno obilježje ovogpodručja, uvjetuje njegov izgled. Ovisno o količinivode, a treba zna ti da poplave ovdje traju i po trimjeseca godišnje, stalno se mijenja mozaična slikakopna i vode. Upravo zahvaljujući vodi, za Kopačkije rit karakteristična mo čvarna vegetacija.Velike površine ovdje pokrivaju šu me bijele vrbe, ačitavo područje bogato je i šumama bijele i crne topolete hrasta lužnjaka. Tu se naširoko ras prostirui trščaci, visoki šaš i veliki listovi lopoča sa slikovitimbijelim cvjetovima. Vode su bogate ribom kojeovdje ima i više od četrdeset vrsta. Zbog obiljariblje hrane, rezervat predstavlja idealno staništecijele kolonije ptica, njih više od tri stotine vrsta,među kojima je veliki udio močvarica.Tijekom atraktivne 90-minutne vožnje posjetilačkimbrodom “Orao” domaćini će, kao posebnost,rado istaći veliku biološku raznolikostKopačkog rita, čak i u europskim razmjerima. Tuje, do sada, u obitavanju registrirano više od četiritisuće bioloških vrsta, od kojih poseban značajimaju ugrožene vrste ptica, rijetke ne samo na europskoj,već i na svjetskoj razini. Posjetitelji tako,tijekom vožnje brodom, često imaju prilike vidjetineke vrste koje su pravi svjetski raritet.Posebnu zanimljivost <strong>Park</strong>a predstavljaju pticekoje se gnijezde u kolonijama, a među ugroženimvrstama na prvome mjestu su crna roda i oraoštekavac. Od sisavaca najveću atrakciju predstavljavidra, jedna od naj ugro ženijih europskih životinja,dok jelen ovdje nalazi jedno od najpoznatijih stanišnihpodručja starog kontinenta. Kada, uz sve to,pridodamo još i čitava jata gusaka, pa taka i roda,čopore divljih svinja, srne, divlje mačke, štu ke,šarane i jazavce, jasno je da se radi o fenomenusvjet skih razmjera.Za iznimno zanimljiv portret Kopačkog ritanaj zaslužniji je raspored bara i greda kojima čitavopo plav no područje poprima izgled delte. Još jezanimljivije to da, u svom srednjem toku, Dunavovdje, uz pomoć Dra ve, stvara takozvanu “unutrašnjudeltu”, fenomen ne poznat u drugih europskihrijeka. Upravo ta svjetski vri jedna pojavabit će, drže stručnjaci, odlučujući adut Kopačkogrita za konačni ulazak na listu Svjetske pri rodnebaštine. Biljno i životinjsko bogatstvo jedva čekataj dan.eng Bird ringing of white storks, one of the mostwidely known birds nesting in human proximity isone of the regular activities in the Nature park. Thebasic habitat of these birds are moist meadows andpastures and all places in the proximity of flood plainsand rivers, due to the abundance of food sources. Thebird ringing was the continuation of a positive trendof happenings in the Kopački rit nature park that be-

88k r a j o b r a z il a n d s c a p e sThe specialfeature ofthe parkare birdsnesting incolonies andthe blackstork andthe whitetailedeaglelead theendan ge redspecies listgan with the organization of the World bird watchingfestival, which symbolized the ending of a long periodof devastation of this unique natural resort.The nature park which has been on the protectedlist from the year 1967, was placed on the list ofOrnithologically significant locations in 1989, wasplaced on the list of Water locations of internationalimportance and was nominated for the UNESCO listof World natural heritage has welcomed the last yearsof the past decade in quite unsuitable condition. Thedark period began during the war when the entirearea was mined and the buildings and individual objectsof the park were destroyed. At the same time,the park was devastated by pouching and uncontrolledwoodcutting which caused incredible damageto the flora and fauna of the area.Nevertheless, the above mentioned projects andinitiatives continued with the bird ringing of blackstorks, Ciconia nigra, the relative of the white stork,an even more endangered species which does not toleratethe proximity of man. This bird, which is on theendangered European species list, nests in floodedoak woods, which are around 90 years old on average,almost exclusivelyand it is not interestedin thoseyounger than 50.Having in mindthe fact that thereare fewer than10000 couples inEurope remaining,even a laymanwill recognize thatpreserving the naturepark Kopačkirit is an assignmentof exceptionalimportancefor the world’snatural heritage.Those of you who still remember the former gloryof Kopački rit and the period of quarter of a centuryago when the documentary film about this naturalphe nomenon called “The Lost Oasis” filled the Croatianmovie theatres for months, will welcome theseinitiatives and new beginnings with open arms. In thelast four years over three million dollars were investedin the renewal project. A visitor center was built andorganized boat viewing was introduced as a novelty inthe very heart of this protected swamp area as a partof the brand new tourist offer.Kopački rit, located near the northeastern Croatianborder, in the corner created by the rivers Danube andDrava, is a natural swamp eco system and is one ofthe last preserved swamp habitats of the Podunavljeregion. The name of this the lowest part of Baranjastretching over 20000 hectares comes from the Hungarianword for belt buckle - “kapocs”, referring tothe multitude of little bridges which connect individualparts of the location like belt buckles.The connection of the park with the rivers Danubeand Drava consists of a number of channels andthe flooding dynamics determine its appearanceand are the main characteristic of this area. Dependingon the quantity of water the mosaic imageof land and water is constantly changing and oneneeds to know that floods are known to last for upto three months annually.But it is the water that creates the characteristicswamp vegetation. Big areas of the park are coveredby white willow forests and the entire park is richwith forests of black and white poplar-tree as wellas oak. There is also a multitude of reed-patches,tall reed and big water lilies with their picturesquewhite flowers. The waters are rich with fish and itis interesting that there are over 40 kinds of fishin the park. Due to the abundance of fish food thenature resort represents an ideal nesting ground forthe entire bird colony and for all three hundred birdspecies, most of which are swamp birds.During the attractive 90 minute boat ride withthe “Eagle” tourist boat the park employees willgladly bring your attention to the biological diversityof Kopački rit, even in European standards.Up to this moment there have been over 4000biological species registered in Kopački rit, mostsignificant ones being the endangered bird species,often endangered not only on the European but alsoon the global level. The visitors get an opportunityto observe some of the species which are truly aglobal rarity.The special feature of the park are birds nestingin colonies and the black stork and the white-tailedeagle lead the endangered species list. In the mammaldepartment the leading role belongs to the otter,one of the most endangered European animals.The deer is also a familiar sight in this one of themost famous habitats of the old continent. Whenwe add entire flocks of geese, ducks and storks,herds of boars, deer, wild cats, pheasants and baggers,carp and pike to the entire picture, we beginto understand that this truly is a world scale phenomenon.The extremely interesting portrait of Kopački ritowes much to the ponds and other natural bodiesof water which make the entire area resemble adelta. It is even more interesting that the DanubeRiver creates something of an “interior delta”, anatural phenomenon unique to this area whichcan not be found anywhere else in Europe, withthe help of River Drava. In the opinion of expertsit is this valuable phenomenon that is going to bethe deciding factor for the final entry to the list ofthe World’s natural heritage. The plant and animaltreasure await that day impatiently.

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90n a u t i k an a u t i c sKraljevstvo za vezProšetali smo se našim marinama, od onih najsjevernijihu Umagu, Rovinju i Ičićima, pa do najjužnije nedaleko<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>a. Zaključak: vezova je u špici sezone premalo i to jenajveći razlog nezadovoljstva naših gostiju-nautičarapiše/textMARIN GALIĆdubrovnik

A Kingdomfor a BerthWe took a stroll down our marines, from the northernmost ones in Umag,Rovinj and Icici to the southernmost marina near <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>. Conclusion:the number of berths in the peak of the season is far too small and that’s thebiggest reason for the dissatisfaction of our yachtsmen - guests.

92n a u t i k an a u t i c srABHrvatski Jadran je svakako jedna od najljepšihmorskih obala na svijetu, ali za pravi doživljajnašeg mora jedini ispravni put je nautički turizam.Nije slučajno da upravo nautički turizamdoživljava pravu ekspanziju u posljednjih desetakgodina (rast i do 16 posto godišnje) a po svim pokazateljimakapaciteta, to je još uvijek premalo.Prvo spominjanje nautičkog turizma seže jošu 16., a prvi organizirani oblici dovođenja turistana brodove u Hrvatskoj u 19.stoljeću. Ipak ako bašne idemo od stoljeća sedmog, prvi pravi nautičkibum napravljen je u Hrvatskoj osnivanjem ACY-ja(Adtriatic Club Yugoslavia) 1982.godine. U samodvije godine ACY je imao sustav od 16 marina i5090 vezova u moru.Nakon osamostaljenja mijenja se naziv, a ACI idalje ostaje okosnica marina u našoj zemlji. Danasse procjenjuje da u Hrvatskoj ima preko 15.000plovila na stalnom vezu, a godišnje u tranzicijiprođe čak 200.000 plovila. I naravno da za svenema u našim marinama dovoljno mjesta u ljetnimmjesecima. Upravo zbog toga postoji trenutnou opticaju 300 lokacija za gradnju novih marinadoslovno na cijeloj obali. Trenutno se godišnjenapravi oko 1000 novih vezova, ali jedan podataknajbolje govori koliki je deficit marina: Hrvatskaima 2,6 komercijalna veza po kilometru, Italija 6,Španjolska 20, a Francuska nevjerojatnih 64!Razne ankete provedene kod naših nautičkihgostiju još uvijek u prvi plan stavljaju ljepotu našeobale, ali kada je nezadovoljstvo u pitanju onda sespominju nedostatci kvalitetnog nautičkog smještaja.Ako krenemo od sjevera i Istre kao vodećedestinacije hrvatskog turizma, onda su u prvomplanu marine u Umagu i Rovinju. Rovinjska ACIMarina ima pogled na stari grad i nalazi se praktičnodesetak minuta šetnje od najstrožeg centra.Ako pak krenete s druge strane nalazi se predivnašetnica od 7 kilometara i nekoliko najpoznatijihrovinjskih plaža. Marina Rovinj ima 386 vezova,međutim veliki dio njih su stalni vezovi, a tekpojedini i tranzicijski. Marina je iznimno dobrozaštićena i zato veliki broj hrvatskih i talijanskihnautičara odabire upravo tu marinu za stalni boravak.Osim razgledavanje Rovinja kao jednog odnajljepših gradova u Istri, svakako treba potegnutido Brijuna koji su na oko sat i pol vremena plovidbes motornim brodom i nešto više s jedrilicom,ovisno o vjetru. Marina ima sve potrebne sadržajeod restorana, radionice, priključaka itd.Marina Umag je najpopularnija u vrijeme održavanjaATP turnira tijekom ljeta. Teniski tereninalaze se na desetak minuta hoda od marine, a istotoliko treba i do centra grada. ACI Marina Umagima europsku plavu zastavu glede sigurnosti, čistoćevode i okoliša. Umaška marina je takođernajbliža slovenskoj obali i talijanskom moru, a ima495 vezova.Kada krenemo obalom nešto južnije, odnosnoprema Kvarneru svakako treba spomenuti ACIMarinu u Ičićima. Iako možda nije najveća (305vezova), vjerojatno je uz onu splitsku najelitnijau Hrvatskoj. Većina jet setera upravo u toj marinidrži svoja plovila. Doduše, u posljednje vrijemeta flota velikih brodova nešto se smanjila, ali stojičinjenica kako je gotovo tri godine najveći privatnibrod u Hrvatskoj, onaj Pave Zubaka “Vila Velebita”bila upravo na ulazu u ovoj marini. I danas se vikendimau Ičićima može susresti zagrebački jet setkojemu je ovo mjestu na Kvarneru najbliže morskoodredište i stoga vrlo praktično. Poznati Lungomare od Opatije do Lovrana te stare vile koje senalaze po putu, savršeni su aktivni odmor kako bise prokrvile noge od boravka na brodu. Ne trebazaboraviti niti vrhunsku gastronomsku ponuduupravo na tom području Opatije i Lovrana.Na otoku Krku nalazi se Marina Punat kojamožda nije sama po sebi najljepše odredište, alizbog povijesti (pošto se upravo tamo počeo razvijatinautički turizam 1965.godine) i kapaciteta(800 vezova) zavrijeđuje pažnju. Uz to, nadomakPunta nalazi se vrlo lijepi mali otočić-samostanKošljun, a zanimljiva mjesta poput Vrbnika, Krkaili Baške, baš kao i predivne plaže kod Stare Baškenisu daleko.Rab je svakako jedno od najljepših mjesta naJadranskoj obali, a spavati s pogledom na stari diograda jedinstven je doživljaj. Mala po broju vezova(142), možda ne najvećeg komfora, ali zato jednogod najljepših pogleda. Osim toga, sam akvatorijnudi brojne izlete s brodom. Ljeti je ponekad dostabučno i napučeno, kao uostalom i svim gradovimana moru, ali sama marina je ipak na mirnijoj stranigrada.

Zadarski arhipelag je po broju nautičkih turistavodeći u Hrvatskoj. Razlog su naravno Nacionalnipark Kornati, netaknuti dio prirode. Većinachartera ima polazište u marinama u zadarskom išibenskom području, ali to su ipak samo garaže zabrodove, dok pravi doživljaj pružaju dvije marineu samim Kornatima - Žut i Piškera. Riječ je samo otranzicijskim marnama, Žut ima 113, a Piškera 118vezova. Naravno da je glavna prednost ovih marinapredivan ambijent u kojima se nalaze. To je onozbog čega nautički turizam je toliko lijep, a manaje upravo relativno mali broj vezova, pa je ljeti dobivanjeveza nerijetko ravno dobitku na lotu.Riječ je o sezonskim marinama koje rade od1.travnja do 1.studenoga, a zbog specifične pozicijeunutar nacionalnog parka, opsrba vodom i strujomje ograničena. No, sve se naravno zaboravlja kadase probudite u savršenstvu prirode kakvu možetedoživjeti samo na brodu na Kornatima...Ako se vratimo malo na obalu onda svakakotreba spomenuti ACI Marinu Skradin. Ako samokažemo da je to jedno od omiljenih mjesta BillGatesa, Bernieja Ecclestonea ili Michaela Schumachera,onda je sve jasno. Sam dolazak u marinukroz kanjon rijeke Krke i Prokljanskog jezera jejedinstven. Skradin je primjer kako se jedan gradićkoji je stradao u Domovinskom ratu može razvitiu zanimljivo turističko središte. Glavna atrakcijasu svakako obližnji slapovi Krke do kojih vodeturistički brodići. Uz to, dolazak u Krku je dobro iza trup i motore vašeg broad, pošto ga slatka vodarijeke malo očisti od soli…Marina Frapa u vlasništvu Frane Pašalića dobilaje statut jet set mjesta, iako se nalazi u Rogoznicikoja puni vijesti zbog bespravne gradnje igdje zapravo nema ravne ulice upravo zbog divljeizgradnje. Međutim, sama marina nudi bezbrojsadržaja, odlično je uređena, ali to ima i svoju cijenu.Dakako, riječ je ponajprije o stalnim vezovima,dok su tranzicijski dolasci ipak rijetki.Zanimljivo je da Brač, uz Krk najveći otok, imasamo jednu veću marinu i to u Milni koja je zapravopuna petkom i subotom navečer zbog smjeneturista koji ipak prvu i posljednju noć na brodužele prespavati na otocima, a ne u lukama ukrcajai iskrcaja. Najveća prednost Milne jest da je zaštićenaapsolutno od svih postojećih vjetrova, mjestoje simpatično, ali ipak se tu rijetko zadržava duljeod jedne noći.Hvar i Hvarski kanal je vjerojatno morski najprometnijemjesto na Jadranu u ljetnim mjesecima,tu se povazdan mimiolaze brojne brodice,brodovi, trajketi… Na Paklenim otocima se nalazimožda i najljepša marina na Jadranu. Opet je riječo sezonskoj marini, koju je zapravo najbolje posjetitiu lipnju ili krajem kolovoza, kada malo splasneturistički pritisak. Iako ima određenih pritužbikako narušava okoliš, po našem mišljenju ta semarina savršeno uklopila u prirodu. Za stotinjakkuna imate prijevoz do hvarske luke, a s drugestrane otočica nalazi se i plaža kao i i brojni dobrirestorani. ACI Marina Palmižana (160 vezova) jesvakako mjesto za posjetiti, ako želite biti viđeni,doplovite u srcu ljeta, ako pak želite uživati umiru, onda svakako izvan tog perioda.Vrboska je također zanimljivo mjesto na sjerovinj

94n a u t i k an a u t i c svernoj strani otoka Hvara, dobro zaštićeno, iakopostoji određene opasnosti od dolaska plimnih valova.Okoliš je predivan, od šetnice prema Jelsi dosamog mjesta. Na žalost marina ima samo 125 vezovai treba biti brz ne želite li da vas kao posljednjegprivežu u benzinsku crpku što je jedno odrješenja. Preko puta, na Braču, nalazi se atraktivniBol (20 minuta plovidbe s motornim brodom), asvakako treba upoznati i unutrašnjost Hvara.Korčula spada u top 5 najljepših mjesta na Jadranu,a kada ste smješteni s pogledom na zidine,onda je doživljaj potpun. To upravo nudi ACIMarina u Korčuli koja jednostavno ne može imatibolji položaj. Uz to na desetak minuta se nalazeplaže. Mana ljeti su opet tek 159 veza koji se jakobrzo napune. Pošto Mljet nema prave Marine,onda je zapravo Korčula i najbliže polazište zapredivni zeleni otok do kojeg treba oko 45 minutas motornim brodom.Najjužnija veća marina na Jadranu je ona u<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>u. Nema pogled na zidine, ali Rijekadubrovačka i Komolac nude dobru zaštitu, a autobusomkoji je redovit treba tek desetak minutavožnje do strogog centra, u svakom slučaju znatnomanje negoli da tražite parkirno mjesto u gradu.Marina je jako ugodna za boravak (ima i svoj bazeni benzinsku crpku), a o gradu <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>u stvarnone treba trošiti riječi…Hrvatska prvenstveno sa svojim otocima imašto ponuditi nautičkom svijetu. Ne možemo semjeriti sa Francuskom i Španjolskom po kapacitetima,ali svakako naša su konkurencija prvenstvenoGrčka i Turska te se tu trebamo dokazati kaonajbolja destinacija. A ne da nam primjerice PortoMontenegro uzima goste i to zahvaljujući našem<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>u…eng The Croatian Adriatic is certainly one of themost beautiful coastlines in the world, but for thetrue experience of our sea the only correct way isvia nautical tourism. It is no coincidence that exactlynautical tourism has been experiencing a real expansionin the past decade (up to 16 percent a year), butaccording to all of the indicators of capacity, it is stillnot enough.The first mention of nautical tourism dates backto the 16th century, while the first organized formsof bringing tourists to the boats started in Croatia inthe 19th century. However, if we don’t insist on thetime of origin, the first true nautical boom appearedin Croatia after the establishment of the ACY (AdriaticClub Yugoslavia) in 1982. In just two years, the ACYhad a system of 16 marinas and 5090 sea berths.After Croatia’s independence its name changed,and the ACI still remains the backbone of marinas inour country. Today it is estimated that Croatia hasover 15.000 vessels on permanent berth and in transitionover 200.000 vessels per year. And of course, forall this there is not enough space in our marinas in thesummer. That is why there are currently about 300outstanding locations for constructing new marinasliterary along the entire coast. Currently about 1.000new berths are built per year, but one fact speaks thebest how large the deficit of marinas is: Croatia has2.6 commercial berths per kilometer, Italy 6, Spain 20and France an amazing 64!Various surveys conducted among our nauticalguests still put the beauty of our coastline first, butwhen it comes to dissatisfaction then the disadvantagesof quality nautical accommodation are mentioned.If you go from the north and Istria as a leadingdestination of Croatian tourism, then first of all thereare the marinas in Umag and Rovinj. The ACI MarinaRovinj has a view of the old town and it is situated at aconvenient ten minute walk from the downtown. Butif you go in the other direction there is a beautiful 7kilometers long promenade and several most famousbeaches of Rovinj. The Marina Rovinj has 386 berths,however, a large part of them are permanent berths,and only a couple of them transitional ones. The Marinais very well protected and therefore a large numberof Croatian and Italian yachtsmen select exactly thisMarina for permanent residence. Besides sightseeingof Rovinj, as one of the most beautiful towns in Istria,you should certainly visit the Brijuni islands, about anhour and a half of sailing by motor boat and a littlemore by a sailing boat, depending on the wind. TheMarina has all the necessary facilities, from restaurants,workshops, connections, etc.The Marina Umag is the most popular at the timeof the ATP tournament in summer. Tennis courts arejust a ten-minute walk from the Marina, the same distanceas to the downtown. The ACI Marina Umag hasa European blue flag in terms of safety, water qualityand the environment. The Marina Umag is situatedin the close proximity of the Slovenian coast and theItalian sea, and has 495 berths.Going down the coast to the south, i.e. towardsthe Kvarner, we should certainly mention the ACIMarina in Icici. Although perhaps not the biggest(305 berths), besides the Marina Split, it is likely oneof the most elite marinas in Croatia. Most jet setterskeep their boats exactly in this marina. However, inrecent years this fleet of large ships has somewhatdiminished, but it is a fact that nearly for three yearsthe largest private boat in Croatia, Pavo Zubak’s “VilaVelebit” was exactly at the entrance of this Marina.Even today during the weekends you can meet theZagreb jet setters in Icici, to which this place on theKvarner is the nearest seaside destination and thereforevery practical. The famous Lungomare promenadefrom Opatija to Lovran and old villas situatedalong the promenade provide a perfect active holidayto stretch your legs after having spent a long time onthe boat. One should not forget the superb culinaryoffer of the Opatija and Lovran area.On the island of Krk there is the Marina Punat,

which may not be the most beautiful destination itself,but because of its history (since the developmentof nautical tourism began exactly there in 1965) andcapacity (800 berths) it surely deserves some attention.In addition, close to Punat there is a very nicelittle island- the Kosljun monastery and interestingplaces like Vrbnik, Krka or Baska, as well as the nearbybeautiful beaches near Stara BaskaThe island of Rab is certainly one of the mostbeautiful places on the Adriatic coast, and sleepingwith a view of the old town is a unique experience. It’ssmall by the number of berths (142), maybe not of thegreatest comfort, but with one of the most beautifulviews. Besides, the aquatorium offers numerousboat trips. In summer it is sometimes quite noisyand crowded, just like in all the towns on the coast,but the Marina itself is still in a more peaceful part ofthe town.The Zadar archipelago is the leading one in Croatiaby the number of nautical tourists. The reason, ofcourse, is the National <strong>Park</strong> Kornati, the pristine partof nature. Most charters have a starting point in themarinas in Zadar and Sibenik area, but they are stillonly garages for boats, while the real experience isprovided by two marinas in the very Kornati – Zut andPiskera. They are only transitional marines. Zut has113 and Piskera 118 berths. Of course, the main advantageof these marinas is the wonderful environmentin which they are situated. That is why nautical tourismis so beautiful, and the disadvantage is exactlya relatively small number of berths, therefore in thesummer getting a berth is often equal to winning thelottery.These are seasonal marinas that operate from April1st to November 1st, and due to specific positionswithin the national park, water and electricity supplyis limited. But all is of course forgotten when youwake up in the perfection of nature which can only beexperienced on boat in Kornati...If we go back to the coast for a bit, then we mustmention the ACI Marina Skradin. If we just say thatthis is one of favorite places of Bill Gates, BernieEcclestone and Michael Schumacher, then everythingis clear. The road that takes you to the Marina throughthe canyon of the river Krka and Prokljansko lake isunique. Skradin is an example of how such a smalltown that was destroyed in the war could developinto an interesting tourist destination. The main attractionsare definitely the nearby Krka waterfalls towhich the tourist boats take you. In addition, the arrivalto Krka is good for both the hull and engines ofyour boat, since the sweet river water will clean thema bit from the salt...The Marina Frapa owned by Frane Pasalic receivedthe statute of jet set place, although it is situatedin Rogoznica that is in the news because of illegalconstruction and where there is actually no straightstreet because of the illegal construction. However,the Marina itself offers numerous contents, a greatbeach, but all of this has its price. Certainly, it is primarilythe permanent berths, while the transitionalarrivals are still rare.It is interesting that the island of Brac, the largestSKRADIN

96n a u t i k an a u t i c sisland together with the island of Krk, has only onelarge marina in Milna, which is actually full on Fridayand Saturday nights because of the shift of touristswho still wish to spend the first and last night on theboat by sleeping on the islands, and not in the embarkingand disembarking ports. The biggest advantageof Milna is that it is absolutely protected from allthe existing winds, the place is nice, but still one rarelystays there longer than one night.The island of Hvar and Hvar Channel are probablythe busiest place on the Adriatic in the summermonths, here all day long numerous boats, ships andferries bypass... On the islands of Pakleni otoci liesmaybe the most beautiful marina on the Adriatic.Again it is a seasonal marina, which is actually thebest to visit in June or late August, when the pressureof the tourist season subsides a bit. Although thereare some complaints that the marina is harmful to theenvironment, in our opinion this marina is a perfect fitinto the nature. For a hundred-odd Kuna one can findtransportation to the port on the island of Hvar, andon the other side of the island there is a beach as wellas many good restaurants. The ACI Marina Palmizana(160 berths) is definitely the place to visit, if you wantto be seen, sail into it in heart of summer, and if youwant to enjoy the peace, then certainly after thatperiod.Vrboska is also an interesting place on the northernside of the island, well protected, although thereis a certain danger of tidal waves. The environment isbeautiful, from the promenade towards Jelsa up to thevery town. Unfortunately the Marina has 125 berthsand one must be fast in order to avoid being berthed- as a last resort - to the petrol station, which is one ofthe solutions. Across the street, on the island of Brac,there is attractive Bol (20 minutes by a motor boat),and the interior part of Hvar should be visited as well.The island of Korcula is one of the top 5 most beautifulplaces on the Adriatic, and when you are situatedin a place overlooking the walls, the experience iscomplete. Exactly this is offered by the ACI Marina inKorcula, which simply cannot have a better location.In addition, the beaches are only ten minutes away.The disadvantage in the summer period representsagain the fact that there are only 159 berths, which arerapidly occupied. Since there is no real marina on theisland of Mljet, Korcula is actually the closest startingpoint for reaching this beautiful green island to whichone needs about 45 minutes by a motor boat.The southernmost larger marina on the Adriatic isthe one in the town of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>. Without a view ofthe town walls, but Rijeka dubrovacka and Komolacoffer good protection, while with the regular bus lineone will need only ten minutes to drive to the downtown,in any case much less than looking for a parkingspace in the town. The Marina is very comfortableto stay at (with its own swimming pool and gas station),and there is no need to talk about the town of<strong>Dubrovnik</strong> ...Croatia has something to offer to the nauticalworld, primarily with its islands. We cannot competewith France and Spain by capacity, but certainly ourcompetitors are primarily Greece and Turkey and herewe need to prove that we are the best destination.And without, for example, having Porto Montenegrotake our guests, thanks to our <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>...STRATEGIJANAUTIČKOGTURIZMADoktor znanosti i docent na Ekonomskomfakultetu u Splitu Srećko Favro, autoritetje kad je riječ o planiranju i strategijirazvoja našeg nautičkog turizma. Situacijaevidentno nije blistava, marina je premalo,usluge moraju biti bolje, o megajahtamada ne govorimo…Srećko Favro svakako je prvo ime kada su u pitanjuplaniranje i strategija razvoja nautičkogturizma u Hrvatskoj. Doktor znanosti i docentna Ekonomskom fakultetu u Splitu, u sklopu svojetvrtke za poslovno savjetovanje i vještačenje Adriaticexpert oformio je tim iskusnih pomorskihstručnjaka kao mrežu suradnika - inspektora /surveyora na čitavoj Jadranskoj obali radi pružanjakompletnog pomorskog savjetodavnog servisa.Kao potvrdu stručnosti 2005. godine primljenje u Međunarodno udruženje pomorskih eksperataIIMS (International institute of marine surveying)u kojem je u travnju 2009. izabran zapredstavnika za zemlje Jadranskog mora.Postoji li strategija razvoja nautičkog turizmau Hrvatskoj?-Da, Studija nautičkog turizma RH koju sam javodio donesena je 2008. godine i u njoj se jasnoi detaljno govori o velikim potencijalima razvojatog sektora. Studija pokazuje kako su nautičarioduševljeni našim prirodnim ljepotama, ali isto

tako očekuju bolje usluge u marinama kojih jepremalo. Nažalost, od nastanka naše studije jošuvijek nije ništa konkretno pokrenuto i Hrvatskase mora trgnuti ako želi bar zadržati korak, ako nenadmašiti svoje dvije glavne nautičke konkurentskezemlje - Grčku i Tursku.Koja su po vama rješenja za razvoj tog sektora?- Prvenstveno valja napraviti pojednostavljen pravilniks postupkom koji će unaprijed investitorimadefinirati sva “pravila igre”. Znači, kad netkodolazi investirati novac, a marine su veliki novac,onda mora točno znati što ga očekuje - od dobivanjapapira, rokova izgradnje, cijene kapitala inaravno povratka uloženih sredsatava. Bez tihpreduvjeta nitko nije spremam ulaziti u prave posloveu Hrvatskoj.Koji je realan potencijal nautičkog turizma?- Velik. Poglavito zbog iznimnih prirodnih resursa, to je ono što se ne može nikakvim novcima platiti.Upravo zbog toga postoji jako veliki interesnautičara ne samo susjednih zemalja, već i izčitave Europe, pa i svijeta. Primjerice, Francuzidolaze ploviti na naše more, Nizozemci koji kodnas borave ostavljaju najviše novaca po osobi.Imamo potencijal, ali trebamo te goste zadržatišto dulje i naravno vraćati, a bez prave usluge toje teška misija.Kako stojimo u odnosu na ostale europske zemljei naročito na zemlje u okruženju?- Mi se teško možemo mjeriti s jednom europskomnautičkom velesilom poput Francuske ili tek neštomalo manjom Španjolskom. Ne trebamo gledatiniti na Crnu Goru ili Sloveniju jer su objektivnopremale zemlje za ozbiljan biznis. Naša meta susvakako Grčka i Turska. Mi trenutno imamo 2,6komercijalna veza po kilometru obale, a Francuska64. Nije realno da to uskoro dostignemo, aliprimjerice jedna Italija ima 6 vezova i to je minimumza kojim trebamo čim prije težiti.Koliko prosječno potroši jedan nautičar dnevnou usporedbi sa klasičnim turistom?- Nautičari spadaju u red bogatih turista. Na morese rijetko ide u nekoj “spar” varijanti i dovoljnogovori podatak da gotovo 50 posto nautičara pretežnovečera u restoranu, da većina plovi od marinedo marine gdje imaju dodatnih svakodnevnihtroškova. Ako se vlasniku računa održavanje brodai troškovi plovidbe, a čarterašu troškovi čartera,onda jedan nautičar potroši najmanje tri puta višeod prosječnog gosta na kopnu ili otoku.Koje promjene donosi ulazak Hrvatske u EU?- Nadajmo se pojednostavljenje postupka za potencijalneinvestitore u marine, ali isto tako ipojednostavljanje ulaska stranih brodica u teritorijalnevode RH. EU je veliki izazov, ali isto tako iveća konkurencija kako za čarteraše tako i za sametrgovce brodova.Možemo li kroz nautički turizam gurati i hrvatskumalu brodogradnju, kakva je tu situacija?- Ne treba izmišljati toplu vodu, treba se samougledati na Talijane, Francuze, Nijemce, Slovence…..Minažalost gotovo uopće ne koristimovlastite resurse male brodogradnje u nautičkomturizmu. Koliko je hrvatskih brodova u čarteru?Mogu se praktično prebrojati na prste jedne ruke.I to je naravno problem, jer ne samo da bismo nataj način povećali prodaju našoj maloj brodogradnji,nego bi to bio i najbolji promocijski kanal uinozemstvu jer bi nautičari plovili na hrvatskimbrodovima i imali određeno iskustvo, siguran sampozitivno, koje bi se dalje prenosilo.Imamo li dovoljno marina u Hrvatskoj?-Ako vam kažem da imamo manje marina nacijelom Jadranu, negoli je to na potezu od Trstado Venecije rekao sam dovoljno. Od donošenjanaše studije nije izgrađena niti jedna veća marina.Doduše, godišnje se napravi novih 1000 vezova,ali je potražnja još uvijek znatno veća od ponude izato je i naša studija pokazala da su cijene u našimmarinama, čak i iznad europskih.DUILOVORESORTSpLIT

98n a u t i k an a u t i c sKakav je odnos spram prihvata megajahti, imali tu potencijala i kakve su zarade?-Vrlo jednostavno - u Hrvatskoj nema vezova zamegajahte. Mogućnosti za zaradu na megajahtamainače su zaista ogromne. Primjerice, računa se daje godišnji trošak megajahte oko 7% njene vrijednosti,a tu govorimo o desetinama milijuna eura.Mi čak još nismo osigurali tankanje jahtamabez plaćanja PDV-a, pa nam primjerice Crnogorcitu uzimaju novac…STRATEGY OFNAUTICALTOURISMProfessor PhD and assistant professor at theFaculty of Economics Srecko Favro, is certainlyan authority when it comes to the planning anddevelopment strategy of our nautical tourism.The situation is obviously not brilliant, the numberof marinas is too small, service should be better,not to mention the mega yachts...Srecko Favro is certainly the first name that comesup when it comes to planning and the developmentstrategy of nautical tourism in Croatia. ProfessorPhD and assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics,formed within his company Adriatic expert for businessconsulting and surveying a team of experiencednaval experts as a network of associates - inspectors/surveyors along the entire Adriatic coast for provisionof complete maritime consulting services.As a confirmation of his expertise, in 2005 he wasaccepted to the IIMS (International Institute of MarineSurveying), where in April 2009 he was elected for representativeof the countries on the Adriatic Sea.Is there a strategy for the development of nauticaltourism in Croatia?Yes, the Study on nautical tourism of the Republic ofCroatia led by me was brought in 2008, with a clear anddetailed report on the great development potentials ofthat sector. The study shows how much the yachtsmenare delighted with our natural beauties, but also thatthey expect better service in marinas whose number istoo small. Unfortunately, since the origin of our studystill nothing concrete has been initiated and Croatiamust wake up if it wants to at least keep up, if notsurpass its two main nautically competitive countries- Greece and Turkey.Which would be, in your opinion, the solutions forthe development of that sector?- First of all a simplified Book of regulations should bemade – the one with a procedure that will define inadvance to all the investors the “rules of the game”.So, when someone comes to invest money, and marinasimply big money, then you should know exactlywhat to expect - from obtaining the necessary permitsconstruction deadlines, costs of capital and of coursereturn on investments. Without these preconditionsno one is ready to deal with the right jobs in Croatia.What is the realistic potential of nautical tourism?- Great. Mainly because of natural resources, it is whatno money can buy. That is why there is a great interestof yachtsmen not only those from neighboring countriesbut also from all over Europe and the world. Forexample, the French come to sail on our sea, the Dutchstaying here leave the most money per person. Wehave the potential, but we need to keep the guests aslong as possible and of course make them return, andwithout real quality service this is a difficult mission.How are we doing compared to other Europeancountries and especially the neighboring countries?- We can hardly compete with a European nauticalsuperpower like France or just a little smaller one likeSpain. We also shouldn’t consider Montenegro or Sloveniabecause they are too small countries for seriousbusiness. Our targets are certainly Greece and Turkey.We currently have 2,6 commercial berths per kilometerof the coast, and France has 64. It is not realistic toexpect to reach this soon, but for example, Italy has6 berths and it is the minimum for which we need tostrive as soon as possible.How much on average does a yachtsman spend perday compared to a conventional tourist?- The yachtsmen belong to a group of rich tourists.They rarely go to the sea in an “economic” option andthe fact that nearly 50 percent of yachtsmen predominantlyhas dinner in the restaurant, that most of themsail from marina to marina where they have additionaldaily costs, says enough. If the owner is charged forboat maintenance and sailing costs, and the providerof the charter is charged the costs of chartering, then ayachtsman spends at least three times more than theaverage customer on the mainland or an islandWhat changes does the accession of Croatia intothe EU bring?- Let’s hope it would be the simplification of the procedurefor potential investors into the marinas, but alsothe simplification of entry of foreign boats into territorialwaters of the Republic of Croatia. The EU is a majorchallenge, but also greater competition both for theproviders of the charter and boat tradersCan we push forward, along with nautical tourism,also the small Croatian shipbuilding industry, whatis the situation concerning this issue?

- No need to reinvent the wheel, we should just lookat the Italians, French, Germans, Slovenes... Unfortunatelywe hardly use our own resources of the smallshipbuilding industry in nautical tourism. How manyCroatian boats are there in the charter? I can practicallycount them on the fingers of one hand. And this is ofcourse a problem, because not only would we thus increasethe sales to our small shipbuilding industry, butit would also be the best promotional channel abroadbecause the yachtsmen would sail on Croatian boatsand have a certain experience, I am certain a positiveone, that would be further passed on.Do we have enough marinas in Croatia?-If I tell you that we have a smaller number of marinason the whole Adriatic Sea, then the number of marinason the line from Trieste to Venice, I’ve said enough.Since the adoption of our study no major marina wasbuilt. However, 1000 new berths are made per year,but demand is still much higher than supply and thatis why our study showed that the prices in our marinas,are even higher than the prices of European marinas.What is the attitude towards the acceptance ofmega yachts, is there potential and what are theearnings?-Quite simple - in Croatia there are no berths for megayachts. The opportunities for earnings on mega yachtsare in fact really huge. For example, it is estimated thatthe annual cost of mega yachts is about 7% of its value,and here we are talking about tens of millions of euros.We have not even provided a gasoline filling station forthe yachts without paying VAT, so this is one examplewhere the Montenegrins take money from us...

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102l j u b i m c ip e t sElegancijana četirinogeDalmatineri, ti elegantni bijelo-crni psi,definitivno spadaju među najpoznatijepasmine koje čovjek poznaje, a da je zapravoza njihovu popularnost više učinio čovjekpo imenu Walt Disney, nego cijela svjetskakinološka zajednica.piše/text ŽELJKA PROFACA fotografije/photos IVO PERVAN

TheFour-leggedEleganceThe Dalmatian dogs, those elegant, black and whitedogs are certainly one of the most famous breedsknown to man and it was a man called Walt Disneywho has done more for the popularity than theentire Kennel Club of the world

104l j u b i m c ip e t sSvaka čast posavskim i istarskim goničima, ilipak hrvatskim ovčarima, no kad se kao asocijacijespo menu pojmovi Hrvatska i pas, odgovorje u načelu obično samo jedan - dalmatinskipas, dal ma tinac, ili pak dalmatiner, ovisno ojezičnim sklonostima.Ti elegantni, bijelo-crni psi definitivno spadajumeđu najpoznatije pasmine koje čovjek poznaje, ada je za pravo za njihovu popularnost više učiniočovjek po imenu Walt Disney, nego cijela svjetskakinološka za jednica. Naravno, teško da je najvažnijiplanetarni animator ikad imao na pametipromociju hrvatske regije između Karlobaga iPrevlake, ali svejedno, hvala mu.Prije nekoliko godina, autorica ovih redaka ujednom je američkom društvu kao svoj uži zavičajspomenula Dalmaciju, što je izazvalo priličnupozornost s obzirom da su sugovornici čuli zadalmatinskog psa, ali da bi postojalo i područjekoje se isto tako zove - teško im je bilo zamisliti.Otprilike, kao da u Njemačkoj postoji regija čijeime u prijevodu znači Ovčarija...U kinološkoj literaturi, pod imenom dalmatinskipas, u opisima obično stoji kako je riječ o živahnom,sklad no građenom, jakom i mišićavom psu,vretenastog tijela, te kratke, tvrde i guste dlake. Uosobine mu se obično uzima i brzina i upornost,a dolazi u dvije va ri jacije - češća je ona bijela sacrnim točkama, ali postoji i “verzija” sa smeđimtočkama. Visina mu je obično 56-61 centimetara(mužjaci), odnosno 54-59 centimetara (žen ke), atežina do 25 kg. Doživi do 12 godina.Toliko o generalijama.Ova je pasmina dobila, naravno, ime po Dalmaciji,prem da se, recimo, još u 14. stoljeću uzgajao iu Đa ko vačkoj biskupiji, gdje je korišten kao vojnički,te kao lo vački pas. Inače, nekad je bio poznati pod ime nom du brovački gonič.Prvi put se ime dalmatinski pas i u međunarodnojli te raturi pojavljuje u XIX. stoljeću, a premasvim me đu narodnim kinološkim or ga ni zacijamapostojbina mu je Dalmacija, odnosno Hr vat ska.Obično se kaže da su dalmatinci namijenjeniljudima koji žele pobuđivati pažnju. Njegovo pjegavotijelo je već iz daleka oznaka da dolazi neštoposebno, uostalom - ne bi se tako često pojavljivaou svakojakim rek la ma ma da to nije tako.Voli trčanje i stoga se dobro osjeća na selu, u velikomvrtu, među djecom ili konjima. PrilagodljivObično se kaže da su dalmatincinamijenjeni ljudima koji želepobuđivati pažnju.je i in te ligentan pa se preporučuje za pratnju, lakoga je nje govati i ima izrazito dobar smisao za čistoću.Poznato je da se dalmatince može izdresiratida budu jako po sluš ni, ali je za to potrebno dostastrpljenja i, pogotovo, čvrste ruke.Prema predanjima, izvorna postojbina dalmatinaca,ili bar srodnih pasa, je Egipat, odakle supreko Grčke do šli u Dalmaciju i tu se zadržali. Najstarijeime ove pasmine je dubrovački gonič, dokje kasnije selek cio niran i školovan kao dalmatinskiptičar. Širenje po svi je tu ponajprije se ima zahvalitidubrovačkim p om o r cima, koji su ga izvozili usve zemlje s kojima je Dubrovačka republika imalatrgovačke veze. Poznato je da je iz Francuske, gdjesu ga zbog tradicionalne fran cuske ljubavi premaprisvajanju nazvali galski pas, došao u Englesku,no tamo mu je vraćeno ime “dal matian dog”, islužio je kao pas za pratnju. U novije vri jemepronađen je opis te pasmine u arhivi u –akovu,pojavljuje se i na više starih grbova, a podrobno jeopi san u najstarijoj sistematici autohtonih pasa nahr vat skom tlu iz 1822. u Zadru.Kroz povijest je bilo dosta sporova čija je ovopas mina, odnosno gdje joj je postojbina, ma kolikose či nilo da je samim imenom pasmine to sasvimne dvoj beno. Naime, paralelno s dalmatincima, uEngleskoj se u 18. stoljeću pojavila i vrlo slična pasminazvana ben galski gonič, zbog čega rasprave ijesu trajale toliko dugo. Ipak, nakon dugog truda ibrojnih iznesenih ar gu menata, 1993. su i službenopriznati hrvatski ko rijeni dalmatinca.Različite su namjene za koje su se dalmatincikroz povijest koristili. Primjerice, u srednjem vijekuimali su vrlo neobičnu ulogu pratitelja kočija.Za vrijeme vož nje, trčali su uz konje, ponekad čak imeđu njima, a po tom, dok bi gazda bio zauzet drugimposlovima, čuvali su i konje i kočiju od uljeza.Kasnije, služili su i u vojsci, ali i kao vatrogasnipas, pomagači u lovu, tragači, ovčari, ili pak kaopsi-čuvari. Danas su se stvari umnogome promijenile- dalmatinci su sve češće “samo” kućniljubimci.Premda su jako popularni, za buduće vlasnikeje iz nimno važno da pokušaju procijeniti je li dalmatinacbaš pravi pas za njih i njihovo domaćinstvo.Najvažnije je vidjeti kakav životni stil uopćevodite - volite li se posvećivati športu, ili pak ci jeledane sjedite pred televizorom. Dal matinskim psimaje svojstvena ljubav prema po kretu, uživaju uaktivnom životu, i za pra vo cijeli dan mogu biti unekoj vrsti akcije. Zlobniji kon tinentalci bi rekli -sasvim drugačije od ljudskih sta nov nika iste regije.Ovi psi iziskuju šetnju nekoliko puta na dan, nojoš im je draže ako su u društvu s osobom koja sekreće brže od brzine hoda, bilo da je riječ o trčanju,vožnji bicikla, rolanju ili jahanju.

106l j u b i m c ip e t sIt is said that Dalmatiansare intended for people whodesire to attract attentionDalje, dalmatinci su društvene životinje i volebiti okruženi ljudima, odnosno nije ih dobro ostavljatisame, pa nisu baš najprikladniji ljubimac zavrlo zaposlene oso be koje često izbivaju iz kuće.Nije stvar samo u tome da se psi neće dobro osjećati,nego su skloni napraviti veliki nered i štetupo kući, uz stalno lajanje koje često susjedima idena živce.Dalmatinci nisu dobar izbor ni u domaćinstvimau ko jima ima djece. Naravno, to ne znači da suzli po prirodi, nego će jednostavno uzvratiti istommjerom ako su djeca u kući vrlo aktivna i bučna.Osim toga, ovi psi znaju po stati vrlo ljubomornimaako nisu stalno u središtu paž nje svojih gospodara,čak se mogu početi ponašati ne prijateljskiprema “konkurenciji”. Dakle, prilično da leko odpredodžbe koju ostavljaju Pongo i Perdita u “101dalmatincu”.Ovdje nije problem samo u dječjoj prisutnosti- prak tički je nemoguće u kući držati istodobnodalmatince i mačke, no u načelu se dobro slažu sdrugim psima.Iako vole aktivnost, dalmatince treba držatiunutar kuće, jer zbog kratke dlake nisu baš otpornina hlad noću, ali ni na sunce, pa su čak skloni opeklinama.Bit će zadovoljni ako dio dana provedu udvorištu kad je toplo, ali ako ih se predugo ostavisamima, počet će gotovo sigurno raditi nered: bilokopanjem rupa, bilo glasnim lajanjem, a vjerojatnoće pokušati i pobjeći. Dvorište, također, samoponekad može biti dobro rje šenje za obavljanjenužde, jer dalmatince u pravilu treba šetati nekolikoputa dnevno.A ako vam se nešto od ovoga i čini odbojnim dabiste se odlučili za kupnju baš dalmatinskog psa,samo se sjetite njihove istinske ljepote i jedinstvenogtočkastog imagea i dvojbe će vjerojatno bitirazriješene. Još ako ste i sami Dalmatinac, elegantnijeće biti hodati ulicom s tim četveronožnim“zemljakom”, nego se legitimirati kak vim masivnijimlančićem oko vrata...eng Hats down to the pointer of Istria and Posavlje,or to the Croatian sheep-dog but when the cluesare: Croatia and dog, the answer is usually only one- the Dalmatian dog (dalmatinac or dalmatiner inCroatian) or simply Dalmatian, depending on yourchoice of words. The Dalmatian dogs, those elegant,black and white dogs are certainly one of the mostfamous breeds known to man and it was a man calledWalt Disney who has done more for the popularity thanthe entire Kennel Club of the world. Surely the most famouscartoon-maker in the world did not have the promotionof the Croatian region between Karlobag andPrevlaka on his mind, but nevertheless thanks to him.Several years ago, in the company of Americans,the author of these lines mentioned that her place ofbirth was Dalmatia, which awoke quite an attentionconsidering the fact that her fellow speakers heard ofthe Dalmatian dog, but they were unaware of the factthere was a region of the same name. It is somethinglike a region called Sheepdoglandia existed in Germany.In the dog-related literature, under the name Dalmatiandog, there is usually this description: lively, wellbuilt, strong and muscular dog, with a spindle-shapedbody and short, hard and thick hair. Speed and persistencealso fall under his qualities and there are usuallyvariations of the dog -the more common one is whitewith black spots, but there is also the “version” withbrown spots. Its height is between 56 and 61 centimetersfor males and between 54 and 59 centimeters forfemales and the weight is around 25 kilos. It may liveup to twelve years.That much for general information.This breed was, of course, named after Dalmatia,although it was breed in the Đakovo diocese, where itwas used both as a military and a hunting dog. At onetime it was also known by the name pointer of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>.The name Dalmatian dog emerges for the firsttime in international literature in the 19th century andall international Kennel Club organizations attribute itsorigin to Croatia, or Dalmatia more pre ci sely. It is saidthat Dalmatians are intended for people who desire to

attract attention. Its spot-covered body is a sign thatsomething special is coming, even from a distance, orsurely it would not appear in so many commercials ifthat would not be the case.It likes running and feels comfortable in the country,in a big garden, among children or horses. It is compliantand intelligent so it is recommended as an escort,it is to handle and has an extremely good sense forbeing clean. It is well known that Dalmatian dogs maybe trained to be very obedient, but it takes a lot of patienceand, especially, a firm hand.According to some stories the original homeland ofDalmatian dogs, or at least similar dogs, is Egypt, fromwhere they traveled across Greece to Croatia, wherethey stayed. The oldest known name of this breed isthe pointer of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> and it was later selected andeducated as the Dalmatian bird-dog. The breed owesits spread across the world to the sea-traders of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>who exported the dog to all lands which tradedwith the <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> Republic. From France, where itwas named the Gaelic dog, thanks to the French habitof wrongful claiming, it traveled to England where theoriginal name “Dalmatian dog” was returned to it andit served as an accompanying dog. In recent times a descriptionof the breed was found in the archives of thetown of –akovo, it is also found in a number of old coatsof arms and it is described in detail in the oldest systematicwork of genuine Croatian dogs from the year1822 in Zadar. There have been a number of debatesthroughout history on where the breed comes from,where its home land is, regardless of the fact that theanswer to that question seems clear, considering thename itself. The reason for this may be that another,quite similar breed called the Bengal pointer emergedin England in the 18th century, perhaps adding to thelength of discussion. But in 1993, after a long effortand a number of solid arguments, the official roots ofthe Dalmatian dogs have finally been acknowledged.The Dalmatian dog was used for different purposesthroughout history. For example in the Middle Agesthey had the role of carriage escorts. They used to runbeside horses during the ride and sometimes evenbetween them and when the master was busy havingother jobs to attend to, they would guard the carriageand the horses from intruders. Later they served as militarydogs, but also as fire-dogs, they helped in hunts,were trackers, sheep-dogs or guard dogs. Things havechanged a bit today as they are more and more simplybecoming pets. Although they are extremely popular, itis very important for future owners to estimate whetheror not the Dalmatian is the dog for their household.It is most important to see what kind of a life-style youhave -do you like sports or you spend your days in frontof the television set. A characteristic of Dalmatians istheir love for movement; they enjoy living an active lifeand could be engaged in activities all day long. Someunkind continentals would say - contrasting to the humaninhabitants of the same region.These dogs require a walk several times a day, butthey prefer if the person walking them is moving fasterthen the normal walking speed, like running, riding abike, rollerblading or riding for example.Furthermore Dalmatians are very social animalsand like to be surrounded by people, so it is not goodto leave them alone as they are not the best choice fora pet for people who spend a lot of time away fromhome. It is not that the dogs will not feel comfortable,but they tend to make a big mess around the housewith constant barking that can annoy the neighbors.Dalmatians are also not a good choice for householdswith children. This does not mean, of course, thatthey are evil by nature, but they will react in the sameway as children if they are very active and noisy. In additionthese dogs tend to get very jealous if they are notin the centre of attention of their masters, so they canget pretty hostile towards the “competition”.This is somewhat different than the impressionwe get when watching Pongo and Perdita in the “101Dalmatians”.Here the problem is not in the children’s presence -itis virtually impossible to keep Dalmatians with cats inthe same house, but, in principle, they get along withother dogs.Although they enjoy activity, Dalmatians are to bekept inside the house, because they are not resistant tocold or sun due to their short hair and are even knownto get sunburns. They will be content to spend a partof the day in the yard when it is warm, but if we leavethem alone for too long they will certainly start makinga mess, digging holes or loudly barking and may eventry to escape. The garden or yard may also be a goodchoice for the dogs to “obey the call of nature”, as theyrequire walking several times a day.If you are discouraged from buying a Dalmatian bysome of this, simply remember their natural beautyand the unique spotted image and your doubts willquickly disappear. And if you are a Dalmatian yourself,it is more elegant to walk the street with a four-legged“countryman” than to identify yourself with a massivenecklace around your neck...

108a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r ereichstagParlament sastaklenom krunompiše/text TOMO WILL fotografije/photos DANIS GILBERT / NIGEL YOUNG FOSTER / RUDI MEISELParliament with aGlass Dome

110a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eOd trenutka svečane ceremonije otvorenja 1999.do danas, rekonstruirana zgrada Reichstaga,današnji dom Bundestaga, postala je jedna odneizostavnih turističkih atrakcija u berlinskomeitinereru i, ujedno, jedan od najuspjelijih primjerasljubljivanja povijesnih građevina sa suvremenimelementima, ponajviše zahvaljujući genijalnuFosterovu rješenju staklene kupole koja, poputblještave krune, počiva na obnovljenoj građevini.Početak je travnja 1999. i gradilišni arhitektMark Braun, stojeći na krovu novog berlinskogparlamenta, nadgleda završne radove naimpresivnoj staklenoj kupoli, tek desetak danaprije negoli će njegov šef, proslavljeni svjetskiarhitekt Sir Norman Foster, ključeve zgradepredati kancelaru Schröderu. Tu na visini, gledana Berlin s istoga mjesta sa kojega su grad 1945.gledali sovjetski vojnici, nazdravljajući pobjedibocama votke, dok je u podnožju zgrade još uvijektrajao obračun s pripadnicima Wehrmachta i Hitlerjugenda.No, Braunu još nije do slavlja, jer znada tek trebaju pristići stolci za kantine i restoraneparlamenta, da treba otpakirati i postaviti slike iskulpture u svim prostorima, položiti hektare tepihate dovršiti još tisuće sitnica po cijeloj zgradi.Bio je to užurbani finale posla koji je započeosedam godina ranije, kada je Foster pobijedio najoš jednom važnom natječaju i svome studiju priskrbiopravo na rekonstrukciju jedne od najznačajnijihzgrada u povijesti. U međuvremenu, odtrenutka svečane ceremonije otvorenja do danas,rekonstruirana zgrada Reichstaga, današnji domBundestaga, postala je jedna od neizostavnih turističkihatrakcija u berlinskome itinereru i, ujedno,jedan od najuspjelijih primjera sljubljivanja povijesnihgrađevina sa suvremenim elementima,ponajviše zahvaljujući genijalnu Fosterovu rješenjustaklene kupole koja, poput blještave krune,počiva na obnovljenoj građevini.Svoju uzbudljivu povijest zgrada je započela1894., kada se po utemeljenju njemačkoga carstva,dvanaest godina ranije, pojavila potreba zavelikom parlamentarnom građevinom u Berlinu.Frankfurtski arhitekt Paul Wallot projektirao jeimpozantnu, no mnogima ne baš privlačnu, neorenesansnupalaču, dugu 137, široku 97 i visoku 47metara. Gradnja je trajala punih deset godina, afinanciranje je omogućeno ponajviše zahvaljujućifrancuskim ratnim reparacijama. Čuveni natpisiznad ulaznih stupova, “Dem Deutschen Volke”(njemačkome narodu) dodan je tek 1916., usprkosnegodovanju cara Wilhelma II, zbog demokratskeideje parole. Zgrada je potrebama Reichstaga, prvogparlamenta njemačkog carstva, služila sve do1933., kada je teško oštećena požarom.Zgrada je, još više negoli požarom, uništenakrajem Drugog svjetskog rata, bombardiranjemsavezničkih snaga iz zraka i ulaskom sovjetskevojske u Berlin. Snimak vojnika Crvene armijekoji podiže sovjetsku zastavu simbolizirao je porazNjemačke i postao jedna od najpoznatijih fotografija20. stoljeća. Građevina uz Brandenburškavrata, odnosno samu granicu Zapadnog i Istočnog

Berlina, izuzmemo li djelomično preuređenje ukonferencijsku dvoranu arhitekta Paula Baumgartenapočetkom 60-ih, ostala je gotovo u ruševinamasve do ponovnog ujedinjenja Njemačke 1990.Fosterova tvrtka “Norman Foster & Partners”napokon je krenula u realizaciju svog idejnogprojekta u proljeće 1995. Jedno od vodećih imenasuvremene arhitekture, uz čije se ime vežu takomarkantne građevine poput Hearst Towera u NewYorku, Expo MRT Stationa u Singapuru, sjedištetvrtke Swiss Re u Londonu (popularni «krastavac»)i, najnoviji veliki ostvareni projekt, Terminal3 pekinške zračne luke, znao je da je idejni projekttek polazišna točka, predložak koji se u tri i polgodine, koliko je prošlo od pobjede na natječajudo početka realizacije, značajno izmijenio. Naime,njegov originalni koncept iz 1992., primjerice, nijesadržavao današnju glavnu atrakciju parlamenta -staklenu kupolu.Tijekom rekonstrukcije, zgrada je, izuzevšifasadne zidove, potpuno srušena, uključujući iBaumgartenove preinake iz 60-ih. Na kraju, iakone bez primjedbi da je koncept premalo poštivaooriginalni izgled zgrade i izvorni namještaj, rezultatje proglašen uspjehom. Velika turistička popularnoststaklene kupole, podignute kao hommageoriginalnoj iz 1894., posve je ušutkala kritičare.Nakon četiri godine gradnje, nitko čak nije spominjaoni 250 milijuna eura koliko su stajali radovi.Foster je u projektu savjetovao da sene pokušavaju sakriti “ožiljci zgradezadobiveni u ratu”, kao i to da se sačuvajugrafiti koje su napravili vojnici Crvenearmije u svibnju 1945., a koji su više od tridesetljeća bili skriveni lažnim zidovima...Foster je u projektu savjetovao da se ne pokušavajusakriti “ožiljci zgrade zadobiveni u ratu”, kaoi to da se sačuvaju grafiti koje su napravili vojniciCrvene armije u svibnju 1945., a koji su više od tridesetljeća bili skriveni lažnim zidovima prilikomBaumgartenove obnove. Držao je da će spremnostnovog njemačkog parlamenta da gleda u te znakoveprošlosti biti pokazatelj zavidne političkezrelosti te da će njima zgrada sama pričati svojupovijest.Ipak, najjači dojam na posjetitelja ostavlja skladprostora i svjetla. Velike staklene površine, prozirnakupola i četiri unutarnja dvorišta propuštajusvjetlo i u prostore u samom središtu građevine.Kupolu je Foster najprije zamislio kao cilindričnuformu unutar gigantskog hi-tech suncobrana, štoje sve odbačeno zbog iznimno visokih troškova.

112a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r e

114a r h i t e k t u r aa r c h i t e c t u r eOva izvedena, promjera 40 i visine 23,5 metarate teška 1.200 tona, počiva na kamenome krovui, uz pomoć stožastog središta obloženog ogledalima(ukupno 360 ploča), služi kao prijenosnikdanjeg svjetla u dubinu građevine, dok je noćuraskošno rasvijetljena. Glavna atrakcija kupoleleži u veličanstvenu pogledu koji se iz nje pružana sve strane Berlina, ali i prema dolje - u glavnusalu za rasprave. Posjetitelji se kroz kupolu penju ispuštaju dvjema spiralnim čeličnim rampama kojevode do razgledne platforme na vrhu ove dojmljivekonstrukcije, dok veliki štitnik od sunca, kojielektronski prati njegovo kretanje, blokira izravnosvjetlo koje bi moglo biti neugodno.Futuristički dizajn kupole parlamenta jedinstvenoje vizualno rješenje koje simbolizira pokušajBerlina da se zauvijek riješi nacističkih i komunističkihkonotacija koje se vezuju uz ovaj grad. Kupolaje otvorena za posjet turistima, bez prethodnenajave, a veliki redovi na ulazu, posebno u ljetnimmjesecima, uobičajena su pojava. Četrnaest godinanakon otvaranja “nove stare” zgrade njemačkogparlamenta i 24 godine nakon što je pao berlinskizid, građevina što je život započela kao ružno pače,teško patila tijekom “odrastanja” i potom dugo bilazapuštena, pretvorila se u blistava labuda - simbolNjemačke novog tisućljeća.From its formal opening in 1999 until today, thereconstructed Reichstag, the present home of theBundestag, has become an obligatory tourist stopin Berlin and one of the most successful examplesof melding modern elements into historicbuildings. This success is due mostly to Foster’singenious solution for a glass dome that rests onthe building like a shiny crown.eng It is the beginning of April 1999. Constructionarchitect Mark Braun, standing on the roof of the newBerlin parliament building, is supervising final workon the impressive glass dome only ten days before hischief, world famous architect Sir Norman Forest, willturn over the keys of the building to German ChancellorGerhard Schröder. Here at the top of the buildinghe has a view over Berlin, at the same spot where theRussian soldiers stood in 1945, looking over the cityand drinking vodka to celebrate their victory over theWerhmacht and Hitlerjugend, while fighting was stilltaking place on the ground. However, Braun does notfeel like celebrating just yet. He knows that the chairsfor building’s canteens and restaurants are about toarrive, that the paintings and sculptures in all of therooms must be unpacked and arranged, that hectaresof carpets are yet to be laid and that thousands ofminor jobs must still be completed throughout thebuilding.It is a hectic conclusion to a job that began sevenyears earlier, when Foster won an important competitionfor the right to rebuild one of the most significantbuildings in history. From its formal opening in1999 until today, the reconstructed Reichstag, thepresent home of the Bundestag, has become anobligatory tourist stop in Berlin and one of the mostsuccessful examples of melding modern elementsinto historic buildings. This success is due mostly toFoster’s ingenious solution for a glass dome that restson the building like a shiny crown.The building’s stormy history began in 1894, bywhich time the 20-year old German Empire required anew, large parliament building in Berlin. Frankfurt architectPaul Wallot designed a grandiose but, to manypeople, unattractive Neo-Renaissance palace, 137 meterslong, 97 meters wide and 47 meters high. Constructionlasted for 10 years with financing providedby French war reparations after the Franco-PrussianWar of 1870-1871. The famous inscription above thepillars at the entrance, “Dem Deutschen Volke” (Tothe German People), was added in 1916, despite thedisapproval of Emperor William II as being too democratic.The building served as the Reichstag, the firstparliament of German Empire, until 1933, when it wasseverely damaged in a fire.The building was damaged even more severelyat the end of World War II, when it was bombed bythe Allies forces, and during the entry of the arrivalof the Soviet Army into Berlin. A photo of a soliderraising the Soviet flag over the building symbolizedGermany’s defeat and has become one of the most famousphotographs of the 20th century. Situated nearBrandenburg Gate and the border of West and EastBerlin, the building remained almost totally in ruins,except for a partial reconstruction of the conferencehall by architect Paul Baumgarten at the beginning ofthe 1960s, until the reunification of Germany in 1990.Foster’s company, Norman Foster & Partners,started its preliminary designs in the spring of 1995.As a leading modern architect, Foster’s name is associatedwith such striking buildings as the HearstTower in New York, the Expo MRT Station in Singapore,the headquarters of Swiss Re in London (knownas “The Gherkin») and the new Terminal 3 at BeijingAirport. He knew that the preliminary designs were

only a starting point, a template, which changed significantlyduring the three and half years that passedbetween winning the competition and the start ofwork. Indeed, his original concept from 1992 did notinclude the present main attraction of the building –the glass dome.Except for the facade, the building was completelydemolished during reconstruction, includingBaumgarten’s alternations from the 1960s. The resulthas been labeled a success, although there were objectionsthat the concept did not respect enough thebuilding’s original appearance and furnishings. Thegreat popularity among tourists of the glass dome,constructed in homage to the original 1894 dome, hascompletely silenced the critics. After the four years ofconstruction, nobody mentioned the 250 million Europrice tag for the project.During the project, Foster advised that the “scarson the building acquired during the war” should notbe hidden and that the graffiti made by Red Army soldiersin 1945, hidden behind false walls for more thanthree decades after Baumgarten’s reconstruction,should be retained. He believed that the willingnessof the new German parliament to look at these signsof history would demonstrate their political maturityand that the building itself would be able to tell itsstory through the graffiti.Visitors are impressed most by the harmony ofspace and light. Large glass surfaces, the transparentdome and the four inner courtyards let light througheven to areas in the center of the building. Forsterfirst designed the dome as cylindrical form within agiant hi-tech umbrella, but the idea was rejected dueThe dome’s main attraction is themagnificent view of Berlin that itprovides from above and also its viewdown to the main conference hall.to its enormous cost. The final dome construction, whichhas a diameter of 40 m, a length of 23.5m, and weighs1,200 tons, rests on a stone roof and permits daylightinto the depths of the building through a cone centerlined with mirrors (360 plates in total). It is magnificentlyilluminated at night. The dome’s main attraction is themagnificent view of Berlin that it provides from aboveand also its view down to the main conference hall. Thevisitors climb through the dome via two spiral steel rampsthat lead to sightseeing platform at the top, while a largesunshield, which automatically follows the movement ofthe sun, blocks out direct light, which might be uncomfortable.The futuristic design of the dome is a unique visualsolution that symbolizes Berlin’s attempt to eradicate theNazi and communist connotations associated with thecity. The dome is open for tourist visits without advancereservation. Long lines at the entrance, especially duringsummer months, are common. Fourteen years after theopening of the “old-new” building of the German parliamentand twenty-four years after the fall of the BerlinWall, the building that began its existence as an uglyduckling, suffered severely during its “development”, andremained neglected for quite some time, has turned intoa shiny swan-symbol of Germany in the new millennium.

116u m j e t n i c ia r t i s t sstephan lupinoSamodovoljnilupinizamSelf-sufficientlupinism„Intenzivnim radom u brojnim kiparskim, mehaničarskimi stolarskim radionicama, gotovobez daha i gonjen isključivo kreativnom strašću,Stephan Lupino slijedio je svoj autentičnii originalni ‘lupinizam’. Ne postoji jednostavannačin kojim bi se opisala raznolikost medija i višeslojnanit-vodilja njegovih ideja i rada. Oblicikojima je oduzeo njihovu temeljnu svrhu, poputstolaca-prijestolja, relikvijara, sarkofaga,stolova, ogledala..., rabio je kao osudu društvai ironičnih portreta palih idola... Nanizani Lupinovistolci-prijestolja čitaju se kao bibliografijasamoukog umjetnika, koji nije ni naivacniti postmodernist, već autor pročišćenog isamodovoljnog lupinizma“, piše o umjetničkojbiti Stephana Lupina povjesničarka umjetnostiBranka Hlevnjak.Ovaj citat možda će iznenaditi većinu čitatelja,koji Stephana Lupina poznaju samo kao popularnahrvatskog fotografa. Njih će onda još više iznenaditivijest na koju se posljednih nekoliko mjeseci,u raznim oblicima, može naići u hrvatskim medijima,a koja kaže da Lupino, koji se fotografijom,donekle slučajno, počeo baviti početkom 80-ih uNew Yorku, upravo izlaže svoje skulpture i slikeu njujorškoj Gallery Nine, jednoj od galerija izcarstva Ralpha Puccija, smještenoj na Zapadnoj18. ulici, između 5. i 6. avenije. Naime, tamo seod 20. svibnja do 15. listopada može pogledatiizložba petero umjetnika, među kojima je Lupinopredstavljen, kako to piše u katalogu, umjetničkominstalacijom u paru s fotografskim radovimaDeborah Turbeville „The Dance“. Sam Lupino,objasnio je da je tamo izložio svoju brončanu skulpturupod imenom „Fire Woman“, tri metalneskulpture, dvanaest križeva, devet slika na platnui deset skica.

118u m j e t n i c ia r t i s t sVeć i prije otvorenja izložbe, tvrtka Ralph PucciInternational na svojoj je Facebook stranici zagrijavalapubliku ovim riječima: „Ponosni smo i uzbuđeništo smo u prilici predstaviti ovu nikad viđenuinstalaciju. Iako je The New Yorker Deborah uspoređivaos Richardom Avedonom i IrvingomPennom, dvojicom najvećih modnih fotografa svihvremena, sama Deborah tvrdila je da ona NIJEmodni fotograf. Mnoge od njenih fotografija bilesu posvećene modi, ali su imale i onostran motiv,nešto što se odnosi na svijet uopće i što njene fotografijeuzdiže na razinu lijepe umjetnosti“.No, otkud Lupino baš u tome društvu i toj galeriji,zapitat će se čitatelj. Oni s dobrim pamćenjemprisjetit će se da je Lupino početkom 80-ih u NewYorku kao model poslužio baš Deborah Turbeville,dok će oni koji prate Lupinov rad na dizajnunamještaja posljednjih godina, to lako povezatis tvrtkom Ralpha Puccija, koja se bavi modnimlutkama, namještajem, dizajniranim svjetlom igrafikom, i to s potpisima nekih od najutjecajnijihinovatora današnjice.„Još prije nekoliko godina kustosi galerije RalphaPuccija bili su zainteresirani za izlaganje mojihstolaca i stolova na jednoj skupnoj izložbi. No, sveje dobilo konkretan oblik za moga posljednjeg posjetaNew Yorku u ožujku, kada sam im pokazaočime se sve bavim. Posebno zanimanje pokazalisu za trometarsku brončanu skulpturu „Fire Woman“,izlivenu u ljevaonici umjetnina Ujević. Natemelju nje, mojim su radovima odlučili dati čaktrećinu prostora galerije. Uz spomenutu skulpturui još tri dodatne, na jednom je zidu postavljeno idvanaest križeva, što simboliziraju dvanaest apostola,zatim na drugom devet slika na platnu, dokje treći posvećen mojim radnim skicama“, kažeLupino, koji ovu izložbu drži početkom svog američkogpovratka u velikom stilu, koji će ga odvesti ido drugih galerista, galerija i muzeja.Kad se već spominje „povratak“, treba se prisjetitida je ovaj 61-ogodišnji Varaždinac, rođen kaoIvan Lepen, karijeru započeo kao karate reprezentativacHrvatske i Jugoslavije te sreću najprijeiskušao u Rimu, gdje je radio kao tjelohranitelj.U New York je otišao 1977. sa željom studiranja

glume u Studiju Stelle Adler, da bi potom postaomodel Deborah Turbeville, tada fotografkinje iurednice u redakcijama magazina Harper’s Bazaari Vogue. Tih godina i sam se počeo baviti fotografijom,pa je za Annie Flanders, urednicu avangardnogmagazina Details, počeo snimati raskalašeniživot njujorških noćnih klubova i umjetničke scene.Prvu izložbu održao je u zagrebačkom Muzejuza umjetnost i obrt 1985, u doba kada je fotografijeveć objavljivao u više poznatih modnih magazina.Uslijedile su i izložbe u Francuskoj, Britaniji,SAD-u, Italiji, Češkoj, Australiji, Japanu, Njemačkojte konačni povratak u Hrvatsku početkom90-ih, i to, kako kaže sam Lupino, iz domoljubnihrazloga.Zametak ovogodišnje pojave u galeriji RalphaPuccija mogao se nazrijeti još prije desetak godina,kada je Lupino počeo eksperimentirati s drvomi metalom, u formi produkt dizajna. Najprije su tobili stolci i umjetnički namještaj, a zatim i križevi,što ga je već dovelo na područje skulpture, pa prekonje i do slikarstva.„Slikarstvom se bavim od prošle godine, a specifičnostmog rada jest to što sam osmislio sasvimoriginalnu tehniku slikanja, koju su neki dobripoznavatelji umjetnosti nazvali „lupinizmom“, auspoređuju me čak i s Picassom i Dalijem“, tvrdiLupino.Sve koji su posljednja dva desetljeća redovitoviđali Lupinove fotografije modela, koje su imaleizrazitu skulpturalnu kvalitetu, ovakav put i nećezačuditi. I njegovi stolci zapravo su bili svojevrsnaskulptura, rezultat dugogodišnjeg iskustvai akumulirane energije u zreloj dobi. No, kako unas nije postojalo zanimanje muzeja za izlaganjeLupinovih djela, a prava galerijska scena zapravo ine postoji, povratak na „mjesto zločina“ vjerojatnose učinio jedinom opcijom. Ali, u međuvremenu,New York se drastično izmijenio. Klubovi kojimaje Lupino harao svojim foto-aparatom višene postoje, a umjetnički su se krugovi sa skupogManhattana preselili u Brooklyn i Queens. Ipak,ostala su neka poznanstva, a usprkos neminovnimpromjenama koje je grad doživio, New York je idalje jednako inspirativan, pa tamo, kako kaže samLupino, i nastaje većina njegovih radova, skice natemelju kojih ih u Zagrebu fizički izvodi.Lupino tvrdi da je njegovo sudjelovanje naizložbi u njujorškoj Gallery Nine već prepoznatopo snažnoj energiji koju donosi, a njegov radshvaćen kao novi umjetnički smjer. Za Puccijevu

120u m j e t n i c ia r t i s t sgaleriju, koja bi se uskoro trebala otvoriti u Miamiju,otkriva, već mu je naručena nova brončanaskulptura, namijenjena njenu stalnu postavu, kaoi to da će za prigodu otvorenja te galerije bitiizloženi i njegovi radovi s njujorške izložbe. Zanarednu godinu, pak, najavljujesamostalnu izložbu u New Yorku,san svakog svjetskog umjetnika.Uvijek pun novih ideja, Lupinou međuvremenu planira višeinspirativnih putovanja, a za neposrednubudućnost otkriva ambiciozneprojekte, koji bi ga u pargodina trebali pretvoriti u globalnopoznatog umjetnika. Recept jejednostavan i provjeren. Baš kaošto je svojevremeno kao anonimniHrvat u New Yorku stasao ufotografa koji objavljuje u poznatimmagazinima, tako bi sada odslavnog fotografa trebao prerastiu planetarno cijenjena umjetnika.„Imam originalan stil i radimjedinstvena djela, koja ne sliče ničemdo sada viđenom. I ne samoto – moja djela imaju unikatnuenergiju, koju svatko može prepoznatii koja je u današnje apokaliptičnodoba potrebna svima“,zaključuje Stephan Lupino.eng „An intensive involvement in numerous sculptural,mechanical and woodwork ateliers, almostwithout a breath and pushed by creativity passiononly, Stephan Lupino followed his authentic andoriginal ‘lupinism’. There is no simple way to describethe variety of media and multi-layers of thethread of his ideas and work. The shapes which heleft without their initial purpose such as the thronechairs,reliquaries, sarcophagi, tables, mirrors etc.he used to condemn the society and give an ironicimage of the fallen idols... Put in a row Lupino’sthrone-chairs are read as formational bibliographyin alphabetical order of a self-taught artist, whois neither naive nor postmodern incomplete butrather an author of purified and self-sufficient lupinism“the art historian Branka Hlevnjak writesabout the artistic essence of Stephan Lupino.This quote may surprise most readers that knowStephan Lupino just as a popular Croatian photographer.They will be then even more surprised with the newsthat in the last couple of months, can be read in variousforms in the Croatian media, which says that Lupino,who started started dabbling in photography, somewhatby accident, in the early 80’s in New York, is currentlyexhibiting his sculptures and paintings in a NewYork’s Gallery Nine, one of the galleries of Ralph Pucci’sempire, situated in West 18th Street, between 5th and6th Avenue. In fact, from May 20th until October 15th,there you can visit the exhibitions of five artists, includingLupino among which Lupino was introduced, as itis written in the catalogue, with an artistic installationin a pair with the photographic works of Deborah Turbeville“The Dance”. Lupino himself explained that therehe exhibited his bronze sculpture called “Fire Woman”,three metal sculptures, twelve crosses, nine paintings oncanvas and ten drafts.Even before the opening, the company Ralph PucciInternational was warming up the audience on itsFacebook page with these words: “We are so proud+ excited to show this never seen before installation.New Yorker magazine has compared Deborah to RichardAvedon + Irving Penn, two of the greatest fashionphotographers of all time - but Deborah has statedshe really is NOT a fashion photographer. Many of herimages were for fashion, but they had an ulterior motive,something to do with the world in general - thatulterior motive elevates her photographs to the levelof fine art”.

But the reader may ask - how come Lupino appearedin this company and this gallery. Those with agood memory will recall that in the early 80’s in NewYork, it was Lupino who was Deborah Turbeville’smodel, while those who have been following Lupino’swork on furniture design in the last couple of year willeasily connect this with t Ralph Pucci’s company thatdeals with fashion mannequins, furniture, designedlighting and graphics, with signatures of some of themost influential innovators of today.“A few years ago the curators of Ralph Pucci’s gallerywere interested in exhibiting my chairs and tablesin a joint exhibition. But everything was given a concreteform during my last visit to New York in March,when I showed them all what I do. They expressedspecial interest in the three-meter high bronze sculpture“Fire Woman”, casted in the art foundry Ujevic.Based on it, my works were given even one third ofthe gallery space. In addition to the sculpture, andthree additional ones, on one wall there are twelvecrosses, which symbolize the twelve apostles, thenon the second wall there are nine paintings on canvas,while the third wall is dedicated to my work sketches”,says Lupino that considers this exhibition the beginningof his return to the U.S. in a grand style, whichwill take him to other gallery owners, art galleries andmuseums.Speaking of “return”, we should recall that this61-year-old Varazdin native, born Ivan Lepen, beganhis career as a karateist in the Croatian and Yugoslavnational team who tried out his luck first in Rome,where he worked as a bodyguard. He left for New Yorkin 1977 with the desire to study acting at the StellaAdler Studio, only to become Deborah Turbeville’smodel, at that time the photographer and editor inchief in editorials of the magazines Harper’s Bazaarand Vogue. During those years he started doing photography,and for Annie Flanders, the editor in chief ofthe avant-garde magazine Details, he began recordingthe dissolute life of New York nightclubs and the“Moja djelaimaju unikatnuenergiju, kojusvatko možeprepoznatii koja je udanašnjeapokaliptičnodoba potrebnasvima.”

122u m j e t n i c ia r t i s t s“My workshave a uniqueenergy thateveryone canrecognize andwhich is neededby everyonein today’sapocalyptictimes.”art scene. He held his first exhibition at the Museumof Arts and Crafts in 1985, at the time when he wasalready publishing photographs in several well-knownfashion magazines. This was followed by exhibitionsin France, UK, U.S., Italy, Czech Republic, Australia,Japan, Germany, and finally he returned to Croatia atthe beginning of the 90’s for, as Lupino himself says,patriotic reasons.The embryo of this year’s appearance in the RalphPucci’s gallery could have been noticed even ten yearsago, when Lupino began experimenting with woodand metal, in the form of product design. First therewere chairs and artistic furniture, then crosses, whatled him to the field of sculpture, and through it to thepainting.“I started painting last year, and specificity of mywork is that I created a completely original paintingtechnique, which some connoisseurs of art called“lupinism” and compared me even with Picasso andDali”, claims Lupino.All of those who have in the last two decades regularlyseen Lupino’s photographs of models, which hada distinct sculptural quality, will not be surprised bythis direction he has taken. His chairs were actuallyalso a kind of sculpture, the result of many years ofexperience and accumulated energy in adulthood.But, as here the museum had no interest in exhibitingLupino’s works and since the true gallery scenedoes not really exist, the return to the “crime scene”was probably the only option. But in the meantime,New York has drastically changed. The clubs whereLupino ruled with his cameras no longer exist, and theartistic circles have moved from expensive Manhattanto Brooklyn and Queens. However, several acquaintancesremain, and despite the inevitable changesthat the town has experienced, New York is still justas inspiring, and there, as Lupino himself says, createdmost of his paintings, sketches on bases of which hephysically makes them in Zagreb, have been created.Lupino claims that his participation in the exhibitionin New York’s Gallery Nine is already recognizedfor the strong energy it brings, and his work is seenas a new artistic direction. The Pucci gallery, whichshould open soon in Miami, he reveals, already orderedfrom him a new bronze sculpture, designed forthe gallery’s permanent exhibition. Furthermore, atthe opening of the gallery his works from the NewYork’s exhibition will be exhibited as well. For the nextyear, however, he has announced a solo exhibition inNew York, the dream of every artist in the world.Always full of new ideas, Lupino meanwhile plansmore inspirational travels, and for the immediatefuture he reveals ambitious projects, which shouldturn him in a couple of years into a globally renownedartist. The recipe is simple and proven. Just as he onceas an anonymous Croat in New York developed intoa photographer who publishes in well-known magazines,now he should evolve from the famous photographerinto a globally respected artist.“I have an original style and I am doing uniqueworks, which do not resemble anything seen so far.And not only that - my works have a unique energythat everyone can recognize and which is needed byeveryone in today’s apocalyptic times”, says StephanLupino.

HRVATSKA AUTORSKA AGENCIJA –CENTAR ZA INTELEKTUALNO VLASNIŠTVOd.o.o. osnovana je 1955. godine te je jedinaspecijalizirana agencija za ostvarivanje izaštitu autorskih prava iz svih područjakreativnog stvaralaštva na teritorijuRepublike Hrvatske.Svoje bogato iskustvo svakodnevnonadopunjujemo suradnjom s brojnimautorima i nositeljima prava, kako uHrvatskoj, tako i u brojnim drugim državama.HAA – CIV d.o.o. posreduje pri ostvarivanjuprava korištenja autorskih djela domaćihautora u tuzemstvu i inozemstvu, kao iinozemnih autora u našoj zemlji, dajepravne savjete te pregovara u ime autora(nositelja prava).Unutar HAA-CIV d.o.o. formirana je iSlužba za filmsku umjetnost čija zadaća jezastupanje umjetnika izvođača (glumaca)u ostvarivanju i zaštiti njihovih prava usvim predmetima korištenja njihovihumjetničkih izvedaba.Putem naše agencije možete ostvariti isuradnju s Udrugom za zaštitu prava likovnihumjetnika „Ars Croatica“, specijaliziranomza kolektivno ostvarivanje i zaštitu pravasljeđenja autora likovnih djela i njihovihzakonitih nasljednika u zemlji i inozemstvu.HAA-CIV d.o.o. usko surađuje s društvomTANA Intellectual Propety (www.tana.hr)koje se bavi zaštitom intelektualnogvlasništva (žigovi, patenti i industrijski dizajn)te se nalazi na istoj adresi.Za sve dodatne informacije molimo Vas dapogledate našu internet stranicu www.haa.hr,ili nas kontaktirajte na naše brojeve telefona.CROATIAN COPYRIGHT AGENCY –INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CENTERLtd. was founded in 1955 and isthe only specialized agency formanagement and protection ofcopyright from all fields of creativework on the territory of Republic ofCroatia.Our rich experience has beencontinually expanded by everydaycooperation with numerous authorsand right holders both from Croatiaand abroad.Croatian Copyright Agencyintermediates in the process ofcopyright realization both fordomestic authors in their homelandand abroad as well as for foreignauthors in the Republic of Croatia,provides legal advice and negotiateson behalf of authors (right holders).Within the Croatian CopyrightAgency established is also a FilmArts Section with aim to representperforming artists (actors) andensure realization and protectionof performing artists’ rights inall matters where their artisticperformance is being used.By virtue of our Agency it is alsopossible to achieve cooperation withThe Association for Protection of FineArt Artists „Ars Croatica“ specializedfor collective management and resalerights of fine artists and their legaldescendants in Croatia and abroad.Croatian Copyright Agency closelycooperates with company TANAIntellectual Property (www.tana.hr)specialized in intellectual propertyprotection (trademarks, patents andindustrial design) and operating atthe same address.For more information, please visit ourweb site www.haa.hr or contact usdirectly via telephone.HRVATSKA AUTORSKA AGENCIJA –CENTAR ZA INTELEKTUALNO VLASNIŠTVO d.o.o.CROATIAN COPYRIGHT AGENCY –INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CENTER Ltd.Ribnjak 40, 10 000 Zagreb, HrvatskaTel: + 385 1 4811 055, 385 1 4840 047,385 1 4840 049Fax: + 385 1 4817 122e-mail: info@haa.hr

124g a s t r o n o m i j ag a s t r o n o m yRapska tortaTko god kuša tu staru, jedinstvenu slasticu, koja se proizvodisamo na otoku Rabu, sasvim će je sigurno ponovno zaželjeti...piše/text LIDIJA DELO fotografije/photos TOMO WILLThe Islandof Rab CakeAnyone who tastes this ancient, unique treat, made exclusively on theRab Island, will without a doubt desire it a second time as well...U veljači, dok veliki dio Europe još okivabijeli oklop zime, a toplo sunce Mediteranauresi bijelim cvi je tom stabla badema, gotovonestvarno njišu se bijele latice upijajući sunce,čiju će energiju i snagu punih pet mje secisakupljati u mirisnoj jezgri. U njoj je sjedinjenasa suncem slast škrte zemlje i gorkasti okus kamenjara.Baš takvi bademi sljubljeni s kristalimašećera, mirisnim limunom i osebujnim okusomlikera “Maraschino”, temelj su za stoljećima starujedinstvenu slasticu poznatu pod imenom Rapskatorta - piše u brošurici koja je zapravo bogata etiketaove rapske delicije u verziji koju proizvodimjesna slastičarnica “Vilma”.Iako podrijetlo Rapske torte još nije posveistraženo, pouzdano se zna da najstariji, danastajni recept potječe iz dav ne 1177., kada je premapredaji, prvi put poslužena papi Alek sandru III.,prigodom blagoslova katedrale Uznesenja Marijinana otoku Rabu.I Rapska torta, vjerojatno kao i druge sličneslastice koje se tradicionalno spravljaju širomMediterana, imaju zajedničko is hodište - badem.Najpoznatiji proizvod spravljen od zrna pod tvrdomkorom ovoga ploda, na mediteranskom jepro sto ru - marcipan, odnosno slasna temeljnasmjesa kojom se na dijevaju razne vrste tijesta irade različiti kolači.Od Maroka i sjeverne afričke obale, pa do južniheurop skih obala i otoka, posvuda nalazimoslastice slične vrste kojima je tek lokalna pučkaruka dodavala različite začine, karakterističneza pojedini kraj. Pokoja je do ma ćica ovdje dodalai neku svoju tajnu, no nedvojbeno je da su,između ostalih, marokanski kolačići, francuskima ssepain i Rapska torta, bliski rođaci.Nazivi ‘marzipan’ i ‘massepain’ potječu zapravood ta li janske riječi ‘marzapane’, koja izvornodoslovno znači “slatka kutija”, odnosno ono štoona sadržava. Gusta pa stoz na masa od tučenihbadema, bjelanjaka i šećera ili še ćernog sirupa,kuhanih zajedno, dakle, marcipan, je din stvenije sastojak kolača i slastica koje se na me diteranskimprostorima, zbog skupoće badema,tra di cionalno spremaju prilikom većih svečanosti,poput Bo ži ća ili vjenčanja. Masa, kakosmo već rekli, može biti raz ličito začinjena, alii prirodno obojana. Slatki spe cijaliteti od ovakvognadjeva proslavili su mnoge me diteranskekrajeve, kao i one u njegovu zaleđu, primjericeKastilju i Siciliju, ali i one udaljenije, kao što suNjemačka ili Bel gija.

126g a s t r o n o m i j ag a s t r o n o m yDrži se da su odavna poznatu pripravu marcipanausa vršile časne sestre uršulinke iz Issoudunau Francuskoj. Kako su se pripadnice ovoga reda,zahvaljujući Fran cuskoj revoluciji, proširile ostalimdijelovima Francuske (pa tako i u Belgiju i Njemačku),sa sobom su ponijele i originalnu recepturu.Na taj način, marcipan i njegova sla va stigli su i nafrancuski i ruski dvor te u Vatikan. Na svim je timmjestima bilo do voljno i te kako profinjenih i razmaženihnepaca da bi se de licija znala cijeniti.Tvrdi se da su Napoleon III. i papa Pio IX. biliposebno ve liki ljubitelji marcipana. No, kao što smoveć vidjeli, u Va tikanu je, zahvaljujući rap sko meiskustvu pape Alek sandra III., slasna ba de movamasa bila poznata već od 12. stoljeća, ta ko da seslatki krug, zapravo, sa mo zatvorio.Danas je dokazano da se Rap ska torta, na Raburadila kao specijalitet već prije više od tri stoljeća,za venecijanske vla davine, i to u kućama rap skihpatricija. U 19. stoljeću, osim u gradskim obiteljima,ona se po čela raditi, po na ru džbi, u samostanu sv.An tu na Pa do van skog, a kasnije u i be ne diktinskomsamostanu sv. An drije.Kao i u slučaju spomenutih sličnih kolača, i naRabu se ova slastica nije spravljala tek tako, većsamo za najsvečanijih blag dana, kao što su Uskrs,kršte nja, krizme ili vjenčanja i za slične posebneprigode, po naj prije zato jer se radi o sku pom kolaču.Tradicionalno, Rapska torta ima okrugli oblik ioduvijek se radila, kako kažu domaćini, u “štangama”koje su se savijale u oblik puža te tako pekle:- Otud joj i naziv torta kojemu se danas mnogiposjetitelji Raba čude. I mi Rapsku tortu pečemoprema narudžbi u tradicionalnom obliku puža, akao suvenir iz ra đujemo ga u štručicama ili, kakomi to kažemo, u štan gi cama - kaže gospođa VilmaBrna, vlasnica rapske sla sti čarne “Vilma”, gdje se,već osam godina, može ku ša ti ili na ručiti ova delicija.Nove generacije benediktinki iz samostana sv.Andrije, uvjerili smo se i sami, podrijetlom su izSlovenije, pa Rap sku tortu više nema tko raditi:- Radila ih je, još donedavno, jedna starija sestra- go vo ri nam jedna od redovnica - a mi mlađe višeje ne pe če mo, jer smo nedavno došle i nismo imaleod koga na učiti.I “nonica”, što Rapsku tortu rade prema starimRapsku tortu, kolač koji uopće nijeono što danas nazivamo tortom,već jedinstveno sla stičarsko re mekdjelo,na Ra bu će vam, tra dicionalno,poslužiti uz čašicu mara ski na.obi telj skim receptima koji su se stoljećima ljubomornočuvali i prenosili s koljena na koljeno, sveje manje.- Danas je radi još tek desetak domaćica u Rabu- veli gospođa Vilma.I nastavlja:- Ja sam rodom iz Bribira i s Rapskom tortomsam se upoznala kad sam došla živjeti u Rab. Radilasam u slastičarnici hotela “Internacional”, i tamosam od svog, danas pokojnog kolege Bože Sokolića,inače pravog Rab ljanina, naučila raditi rapsku tortu.Njegov je recept bio stari rapski, koliko se sjećam,od njegove tete, i prema nje mu radim još i danas.Rapska torta originalna je slastica koja autentičnopred stavlja Rab, pa je i vrlo traženi suvenir.- Rapskom tortom danas propagiramo Rab naraz li čitim sajmovima, a kod nas u slastičarnicimože se kušati ili kupiti za poklon. Od ove je godinepakiramo u no vu, atraktivnu ambalažu s pričomo njenoj povijesti na ne ko liko jezika i, mogu vamreći, ljudima se jako sviđa, i do maćim i stranimturistima.Sve one domaćice koje bi htjele ovladati vještinomsprav ljanja rapske torte, moraju se pripremitina du go trajnu vježbu.- Recept za rapsku tortu naoko je jednostavan,ali kad ga krenete raditi naiđete na probleme kojise daju riješiti samo iskustvom, jer točna recepturau gramima ne po stoji, prije svega zbog varirajućekvalitete namirnica koje se rabe. Kuhana se “mendula”oljušti i suši nekoliko dana, ali tako da nebude ni presuha niti prevlažna, za što su po treb nidobri dani i prava temperatura. Mora se staviti ma lopinjola i nešto gorkoga badema, radi pravog mirisa,a naj bolji je iz Luna s Paga.Nadalje, treba znati koliko jaja staviti, što ovisio tome koliko su suhi šećer i bademi, koliko je krupanšećer i još puno sličnih detalja. Masa se začinilimunom, narančom, maraskinom ili nečim drugim,već prema tome po kojem receptu radite. Tijesto jekao za rezance, samo slatko i, ta kođer, aromatiziranomaraskinom. Valja se tanko, na nje ga se stavljasmjesa, a zatim se prstima napravi rub koji izgledakao čipka.No, recept nije dovoljan da bi se na pravila vrhunskaRap ska torta, već je presudno veliko iskustvo,a i svaka do maćica ima nekoliko svojih malihtaj ni - objašnjava Vil ma.Rapsku tortu, kolač koji uopće nije ono što danasna zi vamo tortom, već jedinstveno slastičarskoremek-dje lo, na Rabu će vam, tradicionalno, poslužitiuz čašicu ma ra ski na.“Svi mirisi i okusi Primorja, iskustvo, vještinaizrade njegovana stoljećima ugrađeni su u jedinstvenisklad na zvan Rapska torta. Budite sigurni,dok uživate u okusu ovog posve posebnog kolača,ima ga samo na Rabu”, za kl jučuje tekst na brošuricipričvršćenoj za ovu jedinstvenu deliciju.

eng In February, while a majority of Europe is coveredwith a white wintry cloth, the warm Mediterraneansun ornaments the almond tree withwhite flowers. Almost surreally the white paddles rockgently, absorbing the sun, whose energy and strengththey’ll collect in their scent full core for a full five monthperiod. The cake combines the sun, the barren earthwith the bitter taste of the stony landscape. It is the almondscombined with sugar crystals, scent full lemonand the special taste of the Maraschino liqueur that arethe base for the centuries old unique treat known bythe name The Island of Rab Cake. It is with these wordsthat a brochure of a local pastry shop “Vilma” describesthis Rab delicacy in a version made by them selves.Although the origin of the Rab cake is not yet fullydiscovered, it can be said with a certainty that the oldest,today a secret, recipe for the cake dates back to1177, when it was served to Pope Alexander III duringthe blessing of the Ascendance of the Holy Virgin Marycathedral on Rab.The Island of Rab Cake, probably along with othersimilar cakes traditionally prepared on the Me diterranean,has the same basic ingredient-the almond.The most famous product in the Mediterranean, madefrom the fruit beneath the hard shell, is marzipan, atasteful mixture used for filling all sorts of pastry andcakes.From Morocco and the north African coast to thesouth European coasts and islands, we can find cakesof a similar kind that have only been changed fromplace to place by the local cooks adding different aromas,characteristic to their native area. A housewifeor two might have added a few secrets here and there,but the Moroccan biscuits, the French “massepain”andThe Island of Rab Cake, along with others, are withouta doubt close relatives. The name marzipan andmassepain originate from the Italian word marzapanewhich means “a sweet box” and its contents. A thickpasty mass made from squashed almonds, egg-whitesand sugar or sugar syrup cooked together, marzipan isa unique ingredient of cakes prepared on the Mediterraneantraditionally for such festive occasions, dueto high cost of almonds, as weddings and Christmas.Marzipan, as we previously men tioned, can be individualizedwith special aromas, but can also be naturallycolored.Sweet specialties made from this stuffing havemade famous many a Mediterranean place, along withthose in its hinterland, namely Castilla and Sicily, butalso the more distant ones such as Germany or Belgium.It is claimed that the ages old marzipan preparationhas been perfected by the nuns of the St. Ursula orderfrom Issoudun, France. As the members of the order,especially during the French revolution, spread to otherareas of France (as well as Belgium and Germany) theoriginal recipe followed them. It is this way that marzipanand its fame arrived to the French and Russian royalcourts and to the Vatican. The delicacy was well appreciatedin such high places by the refined and spoiled tastebuds of their inhabitants.It is said that Napoleon III and Pope Pius IX weregreat lovers of marzipan. But, as we already know, the

128g a s t r o n o m i j ag a s t r o n o m yThe Island of Rab Cake, a delicacy thatdoes not resemble that which is com monlycalled a cake, but is rather a pastrymaster-piece, is tra di tio nally served with aglass of Maras chino wine on Rab.Vatican, thanks to the Rab experience of Pope AlexanderIII, was familiar with the tasty almond mass asearly as the 12th century, so the sweet circle was in factclosed with the renewed arrival.Today it is proved that the Rab cake was preparedon the island as a specialty in patrician houses as farback as three centuries ago, during the Venetian rule.In the 19th century along with patrician houses thecake was made, by special order, in the convent of St.Antun Padovanski and later in the Benedictine conventof St. Andrew.As the case was with other similar cakes, because itis rather a costly treat to make, the Rab cake was notmade day to day, but only during the most festive occasions,such as Easter, baptisms, weddings and otherbig ce le brations.Traditionally the Rab cake is round-shaped and hasalways been made, according to the locals, in littledough strips which were bent forming a circular patternand baked in such a shape.-It is from this method that the word cake comesinto play, which often surprises the visitors of Rab. Webake the cake in the traditional circular form, if havesuch special orders, and we make it in “štručica”(littleloaf) form as a souvenir - says Mrs. Vilma Brna, theowner of the already mentioned pastry shop “Vilma”where it has been possible to order and taste the cakefor the last eight years.The new generations of nuns of the St. Benedictorder in the St. Andrew convent are of Slovenian originso there is no one to make the original cake:The cakes were made, until recently, by an older nun,says one of the younger nuns, and us young ones donot make it, because we have just recently arrived andhave no one to teach us how.And “nonice”(a local word for grandmothers and oldladies) who bake the cake according to old family recipesthat were jealously cherished and trans ferred fromgeneration to ge neration, grow fewer in numbers.Today it is prepared by only a dozen housewives inRab, Mrs. Vilma says and continues:- I was born in Bribir and was familiarized with theRab cake only when I came to live on the island. I haveworked in the pastry shop of the “Internacional” hoteland it was there that I learned how to prepare the cakefrom my late colleague Božo Sokolić who was a Rab native.His recipe was an ancient one, previously used byhis aunt and I use myself today. The Island of Rab cake isan original de licacy which authentically represents Raband is a much desired souvenir.- Nowadays the cake is used for tourist promotionof the island on different occasions and can be boughtas a present and tasted in our bakery. From this yearwe are selling it wrapped in a new and attractive packingwith a small brochure about its history written inseveral foreign languages and people like it very much,I must say, do mestic guests as well as foreign.All the housewives and cooks who want to learn theart of Rab cake-making must prepare themselves for along and hard practice.- The recipe seems to be, at first, a simple one, butonce you are underway preparing it you will find andface problems which can only be solved with experience,because the exact recipe in grams does not exist,due to the varying quality of the ingredients used. Thecooked “mendula” (the local word for almond) is peeledand dried for a few days, in a manner that does notleave it neither too dry nor too moist, which requiresthe right days, climate and temperature-wise. Youshould add some pine nuts and some bitter almondsfor the right smell and taste and the best ones arefound in Luna on the island Pag.Furthermore it is important to know how manyeggs to put in, which depends on how dry the almondsand the sugar are, how big the sugar crystals are andother similar details. The filling is aromatized withlemon, orange, maraschino or some other ingredient,depending on the particular recipe used. The doughis similar to the one used for noodles, only sweetand aromatized with maraschino. The dough is to berolled thin, the filling placed on top, after the edges arefinger-shaped into resembling lace. But the recipe itselfis not enough to make a top class Rab cake because itis the experience that counts the most and every cookhas a few his/her little secrets, Vilma explains.The Island of Rab Cake, a delicacy that does notresemble that which is commonly called a cake, butis rather a pastry master-piece, is traditionally servedwith a glass of Maraschino wine on Rab.“All the smells and tastes of Primorje (the coastlinearea of Croatia), the experience and the skill of preparationnurtured through centuries are built in this uniqueharmony called the Island of Rab cake. While you enjoythe taste of this totally special cake you can be certainit exists only on Rab” are the words concluding the brochureattached to this unique delicacy.

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132n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sKuća u centru <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>aHouse in <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> downtownlokacija / location<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>površina / surface162,4 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1013.1cijena / price1.500.000 €Jedinstvena lokacija u središnjemdijelu gradske jezgre,odnosno u samom centru Staroggrada s pogledom na katedralu,neposredno uz crkvu VelikeGospe i Knežev dvor. <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>jedna je od najskladnijih inajbolje očuvanih urbanističkihcjelina Sredozemlja. Početak gradaseže u 4. stoljeće. Stari gradje zaštićena povijesno kulturnabaština, pa tako i zgrada imasvojstvo kulturnog dobra.Ova kuća je tipične autohtonegradnje, zidana od kamena, te jekompletno obnovljena 2008. godine,pri čemu se nastojalo zadržatiizvorna obilježja nekretnine.Objekt se sastoji od četiri etažena kojima se nalazi stan ukupnepovršine 162,4 m²Interijer kuće je luksuznoopremljen, s tri spavaće sobe, trikupaonice i dnevnim boravcimaraspoređenim po katovima.eng The unique location in thecentral part of the downtown area,that is, in the center of the Oldtown, overlooking the cathedral,next to the Church of theAssumption and the Ducal Palace.<strong>Dubrovnik</strong> has one of the mostharmonious and best perserverdurban characteristics on the Mediterranean.The history of the towndates back to the 4th Century. TheOld town is a protected historicalcultural heritage, therefore thebuilding has the status of culturalheritage.This house is built in a typicalindigenous construction style, instone, and it was completely renovatedin 2008, where we tried toretain the original features of theproperty. The building consists offour floors apartment with a totalarea of 162,4 m². The interior ofthe house is luxurious, with threebedrooms, three bathrooms andliving rooms placed on the floors.

Atraktivni stan uDioklecianovoj palačiAttractive apartmentin Diocletian’s Palacelokacija / locationSplit, centar /downtownpovršina / surface120 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1030.3.4cijena / price730.000 €Jedna od najatraktivnijih nekretnina uSplitu nalazi se u samoj Dioklecianovojpalači, 150 metara od mora. Sa terase,koja je najviša stambena točka u palači,se pruža pogled na cijeli grad i splitskiakvatorij. Za potpuni hedonističkiodmor, na terasi je i jacuzzi, tako da jezadovoljstvo višestruko.Stan se proteže kroz tri etaže, a sastojise od tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila,kuhinje sa blagovaonicom, dnevnogboravka na gornjoj etaži, velike ostavesa radnim prostorom, manjeg balkonai velike terase na vrhu. Dizajnerski jeuređen, sva oprema je ugrađena pomjeri od najkvalitetnijih materijala.Pri adaptaciji se vodilo računa o bašsvakom detalju.eng One of the most attractive real estatesin Split is situated in Diocletian’s Palace,150 meters from the sea. The terrace,which is the highest residential point inthe Palace, provides the view of the entiretown and Split archipelago. For a completehedonistic holiday, on the terrace thereis a jacuzzi, so it’s all the more pleasure.The apartment has three floors and itconsists of three bedrooms, two bathrooms,kitchen, dining room, living roomon the upper floor, a large storage roomwith work space, a smaller balcony and alarge terrace on the top. Arranged in termsof design, all the equipment is tailormadewith high quality materials. Everydetail was taken into account during therenovation.

134n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sStan u urbanojvili s bazenomApartment in urban villawith swimming poollokacija / locationSplit, Žnjanpovršina / surface117 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1030.3.5cijena / price450.000 €Prekrasan i moderno opremljen trosobni stan senalazi na četvrtom katu najbolje urbane vile naŽnjanu u Splitu. Zgrada je moderna, ima vanjskibazen i wellness centar. Lokacija je mirna, obiteljska.Interijer vile je luksuzno opremljen.U neposrednoj blizini se nalaze škola, vrtić i svadruga neophodna infrastruktura. Samom stanupripada i garažno mjesto.Zatvorena površina stana iznosi 101 m² i sastojise od kuhinje s blagovaonicom, dnevnog boravka,3 spavaće sobe, 2 kupaonice s podnim grijanjem, teprostrane južne terase veličine 50 m² s pogledomna more. Udaljenost od plaže iznosi 100 metara.eng This beautiful and modern equipped three-roomapartmentis situated on the fourth floor of the besturban villa in Split’s town quarter Znjan. The buildingis modern, with an outdoor pool and wellness center.Location is quiet, for families. Interior of the villa isluxuriously furnished.Nearby there are a school, kindergarten and allother necessary facilities. The apartment has a pertaininggarage.Closed surface area of the apartment is 101 m² andit consists of a kitchen, dining room, living room, 3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with heated floors and a spacioussouth-oriented terrace of 50 m² with a sea view.Distance from the beach is 100 meters.

lokacija / locationSplitpovršina / surface93 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1039cijena / price600.000 €Stan na splitskoj RiviApartment on Split’sWaterfrontJedinstvena i rijetka prilika upovijesnom djelu Grada Splita!Na samoj Rivi koja predstavljasrce Splita, smješten je atraktivanstan na dvije etaže saukupnom površinom od 93m². Stambena jedinica je južnoorijentirana, sa balkonom kojise prostire iznad Rive odakle sepruža pogled na more; od trajektneluke uzduž čitave Rivepa sve do park šume Marjan.Stan je smješten uz Dioklecijanovupalaču i jednim svojimdijelom se nalazi u kuli koju suMlečani sagradili u 15. stoljećuza obranu obale grada.Na prvoj etaži stana nalazi sednevni boravak i blagovaona,dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinjai balkon, dok se spiralnimstubištem pristupa drugoj etažina kojoj se smještena zasebnaspavaća soba s pripadajućomkupaonicom.eng Unique and rare opportunityin the historical part of the townof Split!On the very Waterfront, theheart of Split, there is in anattractive two-storey apartmentwith a total area of 93 m².The residential unit is southoriented,with a balcony extendingbeyond the Waterfront,offering a view of the sea; fromthe ferry port along the entireWaterfront up to the park-forestMarjan. The apartment is situatednext to Diocletian’s Palace, and ina part of it is in the tower built bythe Venetians in the 15th centuryto defend the coast of the town.On the first floor there areliving room and dining room, twobedrooms, kitchen and balcony,while a spiral staircase leadsto the second floor with aseparate bedroom and pertainingbathroom.A unique and rare opportunityint he historical part ofthe town of Split!

136n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sVila Meje, SplitVilla Meje, Splitlokacija / locationSplit, Mejepovršina / surface276 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface580 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1032.1cijena / price1.500.000 €Novouređena obiteljska vila u Splitu smještena jena Mejama, jednom od najprestižnijih dijelova grada.Vila Meje je udaljena svega 10 minuta laganoghoda od povijesnog centra Grada Splita i 5 minutašetnje od ACI marine na Zapadnoj Obali.Ukupna građevna površina vile iznosi 276 m², asastoji se od 4 spavaće sobe, 3 kupaonice, gostinjskogwc-a, velikog dnevnog boravka, blagovaone,kuhinje i malog ureda.Vila je smještena na zemljištu površine 580m², te je okružena pažljivo uređenom okućnicomosmišljenom do zadnjeg detalja. Vila se sastoji odtri etaže, te je u cijelosti obložena Bračkim kamenom.U prizemlju vile smjestio se dnevni boravakkoji je povezan sa dvorišnom terasom i vrtom,dok se na katu objekta nalaze dvije spavaće sobe iterasa površine 160 m² s koje se pruža prekrasanpogled na more i otoke. U potkrovlju se nalaze jošdvije spavaće sobe, svaka sa vlastitom kupaonicom.Na sjevernom djelu okućnice se nalazi velikikamin i ljetna kuhinja. Vila se prodaje kompletnonamještena luksuznim talijanskim namještajem.Ovo je prekrasno sagrađena vila na jednoj od najboljihlokacija u Splitu. Preporučujemo pogledati!eng This newly built family villa in Split is situated inMeje, one of the most prestigious areas of the town.The Villa Meja is only a 10 minute walk from the historicalcenter of the Town of Split and a 5 minute walkfrom the ACI Marina on the Western Coast.The total constructed area of the villa is 276 m²and it consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a guesttoilet, large living room, dining room, kitchen and asmall office. The villa is situated on a plot of 580 m²,and is surrounded by a carefully landscaped garden,designed to the last detail. The villa consists of threefloors and it is fully covered with Brac stone. On theground floor there is a living room, connected to thecourtyard terrace and garden, while on the first floorthere are two bedrooms and a terrace of 160 m² with amagnificent view of the sea and islands, while on thetop floor there are two more bedrooms, each with itsown bathroom.In the northern part of the garden there are a largefireplace and summer kitchen. The villa is for sale fullyfurnished with luxurious Italian furniture.This is a beautiful villa built in one of the best locationsin Split. We recommend that you take a look!

Vila uz more u OpatijiSeaside villa in Opatijalokacija / locationOpatijapovršina / surface311 m²površina zemljišta /courtyard surface1.040 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1127cijena / price3.900.000,00 €Prekrasna austrougarska vila nalazi se u prvomredu do mora, u neposrednoj blizini poznateopatijske šetnice Lungo mare. Vila je sagrađenapočetkom 20. stoljeća, te nedavno u potpunostiadaptirana, uz strogo poštivanje izvornog stila,luksuzno uređena i namještena.Vila je razvedena u tri etaže, koje čineukupnu površinu od 311 m². Sastoji se odvelikog svijetlog dnevnog boravka s otvorenimkaminom, četiri prostrane spavaće sobe, triluksuzno opremljene kupaonice te tri terase spogledom na more i vrt.Vila je smještena na ravnom i potpuno uređenomzemljištu površine 1.040 m², udaljenom50 metara od mora te ima veliki ograđeni i pomnoodržavani vrt u kojem je zasađeno tipičnomediteransko raslinje, poput stabala lovora,bora, maslina, palmi, agava itd.eng This beautiful Austro-Hungarian villa lies nextto the sea, near the famous Opatija promenadeLungo mare. The villa was built in the early 20thcentury and recently completely renovated, withstrict adherence to the original style, and luxuriouslydecorated and furnished.The villa has three floors, comprising a total areaof 311 m². It consists of a large, bright living roomwith an open fireplace, four spacious bedrooms,three luxurious bathrooms and three terraces withviews of the sea and the garden.The villa is situated on a flat and fully landscapedterrain of 1,040 m², 50 meters from the seaand has a large fenced and carefully maintainedgarden with Mediterranean vegetation, such aslaurel, pine, olive and palm trees, agaves, etc.

138n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sVila uz more na PelješcuBeach Villa Pelješaclokacija / locationPelješac, Viganjpovršina / surface300 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface1.200 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1139cijena / price1.500.000 €Vila je sagrađena u 19. stoljećukao dom obitelji pomoraca. Bilaje i još uvijek je, prostrano mjestokoje je uglavnom i zadržalosvoju originalnu funkcionalnost.Danas je obnovljena uz idejuvodilju da se zadrži onakvomkakvom je bila više od jednogstoljeća uz dodatak blagodatidanašnjeg suvremenog društva.U vili su odsjedale brojne povijesneličnosti, od kojih bi izdvojiliengleskog kralja Edwarda.Na ulazu u vilu se nalazivelika dnevna soba, dva salonasa svake strane, kuhinja i velikakupaonica. Na prvom katu senalazi glavna spavaonica s kupaonicomi dvije gostinjska sobe.Na tavanu je spavaća soba sakupaonicom odakle se prostirepogled prema Korčuli i pelješkomkanalu.Iako se vila nalazi pet metaraod šljunčane plaže i kristalnočistog mora, za potpuni užitak jedograđen i bazen, okružen autohtonimgrmljem i vegetacijomkoja pruža intimu i hladovinu.Viganj je maleno dalmatinskomjesto na poluotoku Pelješcu,gdje se ova vila savršeno uklopilakako bi ste iskusili tradicionalnuDalmaciju.eng The villa was built in the 19thcentury as the home of the familyof seafarers. It was and still is avast place and it has largely keptits original functionality. Today itis restored with the leading ideato keep it’s more than a centuryold tradition with the addition ofthe benefits of today’s modernsociety. The villa has hosted manyhistorical figures like the EnglishKing Edward.A large living room is at theentrance of the villa, two loungeson each side, a kitchen and a largebathroom. Master bedroom witha bathroom is on the first floortogether with two guest rooms.Attic has a bedroom with bathroomwhere the view extends toKorcula and Peljesac strait.Although the villa is located fivemeters from the pebble beach andcrystal clear waters, the swimmingpool was added for complete comfort.It is surrounded by authenticvegetation that provides a naturalshade and intimacy.Viganj is a small Dalmatianvillage on the Peljesac peninsula,where this villa fits perfectly toexperience traditional Dalmatia.

Luksuzna vila na ČiovuLuxury villa on theisland of CiovoS južne strane Čiova nalazi seluksuzna vila ukupne površine770 m² s otvorenim pogledomna more i otoke.Vila se sastoji od tri kompletnonamještena dvoetažna stanaod kojih se svaki prostire na 107m². Svaki stan sastoji se od trisobe, dvije kupaonice, dnevnogboravka, blagovaonice, kuhinje iterase s pogledom na more. Vilatakođer raspolaže s 470 m² podrumskogprostora, u kojem senalazi uređeni vinski podrum,konoba i garaža s parkirnimmjestima za 8 automobila.Na južnoj strani vile smještenje bazen od 40 m² s ugrađenimsustavom grijanja i protustrujnimuređajem za plivanje.Ljetna terasa pored bazena ucijelosti je obložena tikovinomte zajedno s ljetnom kuhinjomčini idealan prostor za uživanjena mediteranskom suncu. Uvrtu i na okućnici vile zasađenoje autohtono mediteransko biljei masline. Vila je kompletnoklimatizirana, te ima etažnoplinsko centralno grijanje.Vila je od mora udaljenasvega 150 metara te raspolažeprivatnim vezom za brod dužinedo 15 metara.eng The On the southern side ofthe island of Ciovo lies a luxuryvilla with a total area of 770 m²,with open views of the sea andthe islands.The villa consists of three fullyfurnished duplex apartments,each of which extends on 107 m².Each apartment consists of threebedrooms, two bathrooms, a livingroom, dining room, kitchen and aterrace overlooking the sea. Thevilla also offers a basement of 470m², with an arranged wine cellar,cellar, konoba (tavern) and garagewith parking spaces for 8 cars.On the southern side of the villais a swimming pool of 40 m² withan integrated heating systemand device for swimming againstthe tide. The summer terrace bythe pool is entirely paneled inteak and along with an outdoorkitchen makes an ideal place toenjoy the Mediterranean sun. Thegarden and the courtyard of thevilla have indigenous Mediterraneanplants and olive trees. Thevilla is fully air-conditioned andhas central heating on gas.The villa is situated only 150meters from the sea and has aprivate berth for boats up to 15meters.lokacija / locationČiovo, Mavarčicapovršina / surface770 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface920 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1047cijena / price900.000 €

140n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sTražimo investitore ili partnere za izgradnju projekta Rajski VrtoviWe are looking for investors or partners for the construction of the project Paradise GardensZatvoreno naseljeobiteljskih vila pored SplitaGated community near Splitlokacija / locationSplit, Rudinepovršina zemljišta /courtyard surface38.510 m² - 52.000 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1052cijena / pricena upit / upon requestU blizini Splita, u mjestu Rudine pored KaštelNovog traži se kupac ili partner za ulaganje uzemljište površine od 38.530 m² do 52.000 m².Projekt Rajski Vrtovi zamišljen je kao projektza izgradnju prvog zatvorenog naselja obiteljskihvila u blizini Splita. Ovo je najveća parcelaza izgradnju ovakvog projekta pored Splita.S parcele se pruža prekrasni pogled na more,otoke i grad Split.Naselje će se sastojati od 50 – 70 obiteljskih vilas bazenom, a osim vila prema projektu planira seizgradnja zajedničkih sadržaja poput teretane,parka za djecu i tenis terena. Svaka vila nalaziti ćese na parceli površine između 500 i 800 m².Prema generalnom urbanističkom planu mogućaizgrađenost ove parcele seže do 50.000 m² brutorazvijene površine.Rudine su odlično povezane s Trogirom i Splitom,a očekuje se i skori završetak izgradnje brzeprometnice kojom će se s ove lokacije stizati doSplita za 10 minuta, a do Trogira za svega 5 minuta.Projekt Rajski vrtovi, kako je ovo naselje nazvanozbog estetske privlačnosti s daškom hedonizma,kao i izrazite funkcionalnosti i sigurnosti, namijenjenoje obiteljima koje izrazito cijene kvalitetu života,vlastitu privatnost, tišinu dalmatinske prirodete miran i siguran obiteljski život.eng In the vicinity of Split, in the village Rudine nearKastel Novi, we are looking for a buyer or a partnerfor investment into the area of 38,530 m² to 52,000m². The project Paradise Gardens is planned to bethe project for construction of the first closed familyresort near the town of Split. This is the largest plotfor construction of such a project near Split. The parcelhas a beautiful view of the sea, the islands and thetown of Split.The resort will consist of 50 – 70 family villas with aswimming pool, and apart from the villas, the projectsalso foresees the construction of common contentssuch as gym, playground for children and tenniscourts. Each villa will be situated on the plot of surfacebetween 500 and 800 m².According to the Urban Development Masterplanthe possible lot coverage of this plot extendsto 50.000 m² of the gross developed area.The village Rudine is well connected with the townsof Trogir and Split, and the construction of a newhighway should finish soon as well, thanks to whichone will reach Split in 10 minutes and Trogir in just 5minutes.The project Paradise Gardens, how this resort wasnamed for its aesthetic appeal with a touch of hedonismas well as for its extreme functionality and safety,is intended for families that highly value the quality oflife, their own privacy, the quiet Dalmatian nature anda peaceful and safe family life.

142n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sVrhunskistanovi u centruZagrebaTop apartmentsin Zagreb centerlokacija / locationZagrebpovršina / surface55,34 – 348,48 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1130cijena / pricena upit / upon requestU samome centru Zagreba, naCvjetnom trgu, nalazi se jednaod najkvalitetnijih stambenoposlovnihzgrada sa vrhunskiopremljenim stanovima u rezidencijalnomdijelu. Stanarimaje dostupan veliki centralni parksa održavanom hortikulturom, aparking osiguran na dva garažnamjesta za svaki stan.U kompleks se ulazi izravno sajavne površine, preko recepcijana južnoj i sjevernoj strani kojesu stanarima na raspolaganju24h dnevno. Na recepcijama jemoguće primiti poštu u osobnipretinac ili održati kratkisastanak.Dostupni su stanovi raznihveličina, od 55,34 m² do 348,48m². Svaki stan je opremljen samonajkvalitetnijim materijalima;Oikos sigurnosnim vratima,Schüco aluminijskom bravarijomod poda do stropa, višeslojnimparketom od egzotičnog teak-a,kamenim pločama najkvalitetnijegtalijanskog proizvođačaAntolini Luigi, dok su sanitarijekompletno u izvedbi talijanskogdizajnera Antonio Lupi.Svi stanovi imaju ugrađenuinstalaciju sustava „pametnogdoma“, koja pomoću ugrađenogekrana na dodir ili iPad-a, omogućujeupravljanje svim funkcijamastana poput rasvjete, roletai screenera, grijanja i hlađenja.U većim stanovima ugrađen jekamin s otvorenim ložištem,proizvođača Gover Italija. Kaminje modernog dizajna, izrađenod najkvalitetnijih materijala, aomogućava zdravo grijanje uzmaksimalnu uštedu troškova.Ukoliko za sebe želite samonajbolje, upravo ste pronašli!eng At the very center of Zagreb,Cvjetni Trg, is one of the best residential-commercialbuildings withhigh-quality furnished apartmentsin a residential area. Tenants haveaccess to large inner park withmaintained horticulture, and twoparking places per each apartment.The complex can be entereddirectly from the public area by receptionson the south and north sideswhich are available to residents24 hours a day. At the reception it’spossible to receive mail in personalmailbox, or hold short meetings.Apartments are available in varioussizes, from 55.34 m² to 348.48m². Each apartment is equippedonly with the best materials; Oikossafety doors Schüco aluminumwindows from floor to ceiling,laminated flooring of exotic teak,stone from finest Italian manufacturerAntolini Luigi, while sanitaryequipment is made by Italiandesigner Antonio Lupi.All apartments have a built-ininstallation of “smart home” thatuse the embedded touch screen oriPad, to control all functions of theapartment, such as lighting, blinds,heating and cooling. Larger homeshave a fireplace with open flamemanufacturers by Gover Italy. Fireplace,modern in design, is made ofhigh quality materials and provideshealthy heating with maximumcost savings.If you want only the best foryourself, you’ve just found it!

Zemljište naotoku MljetuLand on theisland of Mljetlokacija / locationOtok Mljetpovršina / surface239.783 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1061cijena / pricena upit / upon requestZemljište je položeno na prostorukoji se proteže od morado naselja Korita na otokuMljetu. Na samoj obali postojistari kameni objekt u tlocrtnepovršine 72 m², za koji postojimogućnost adaptacije ili zamjenskeizgradnje.Na zemljištu se nalazi poljskiput koji vodi do mora, a u tijekuje i izrada trase prosječne širine5m koja od asfaltirane prometniceu ukupnoj dužini od 4,5km prati obalu mora.Zemljište je moguće ureditikao gospodarski kompleks snasadima maslina i ostalihautohtonih kultura. U takvomgospodarsko-stambenom kompleksubila bi moguća izgradnjaprizemnog objekta do 200 m²na parceli minimalne površine30.000 m² u kojoj je mogućepružati ugostiteljske i turističkeusluge u okviru djelatnostigospodarstva. Također postojimogućnost izgradnje maslinarskihpodruma, poljodjelskihkućica, konoba, spremišta zaalat, nadstrešnica, staklenika iplastenika.Izrada urbanističke studijeomogućila bi i prenamjenupodručja za izgradnju objekataugostiteljsko trgovačkenamjene i objekata sportskerekreacije.eng This land lies in an area thatstretches from the sea to the villageKorito on the island of Mljet.On the coast there is anold stone house (layout size of72 m²), with the possibility ofrenovation or construction of thesubstitute building.On the property there is a fieldpath leading to the sea, and theconstruction of the route (of anaverage width of 5 m) stretchingfrom the asphalted road in totallength of 4.5 km along the coastis in progress.The land can be arrangedas a farmstead complex witholive trees and other indigenouscultures. Within such a residential-commercialcomplex, theconstruction of a single-storeybuilding of 200 m² (for provisionof catering and tourist serviceswithin the farmstead activity)on the plot of a minimal area of30.000 m² would be possible aswell. There is also the possibilityof building olive- cellars, farmhouses, konobe (taverns), sheds,carports and greenhouses.An urban-planning study wouldenable the conversion of thearea for construction of facilitiesof catering-commercial purposesand recreational sport facilities.

144n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sGrađevinsko zemljištepored moraSeaside building plotlokacija / locationSplit, Žnjanpovršina / surface30.000 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1110cijena / price500 - 800 Eur/ m²Jedna od najatraktivnijih lokacijau Splitu dostupna je za vašeinvesticijske projekte!Zemljište je smješteno neposrednouz buduću splitskunautičku marinu na poznatojsplitskoj lokaciji Žnjan. Osimmarine, jedinstvene na hrvatskomdijelu Jadrana po tomešto pruža mogućnost veza megajahtama, u neposrednoj blizinilokacije planira se još i izgradnjahotela s pet i više zvjezdica,nove rive u ukupnoj duljini od750 metara sa 55 metara širine,uređenih plaža, sportsko-rekreativnihcentara i drugih sadržajakoji će ovu lokaciju činiti najprestižnijomu Dalmaciji i na širempodručju.Teren za stambenu izgradnjuprostire se na zemljištu od30.000 m², na vrlo blagoj padiniorijentiranoj prema jugu, štokompletnom području osiguravapogled prema moru i otocimaSplitskog arhipelaga. Posebnostove ponude jest mogućnost kupnjezasebnih parcela u površiniod 5.000 do 30.000 m².Osim investicije u navedenozemljište, postoji i mogućnostuključenja u izgradnju samemarine i popratnih sadržaja.Molimo da nas kontaktirate zaviše informacija.eng One of the most attractivelocations in Split is available foryour investment projects!The plot is situated next to thefuture Split nautical marina in thefamous Split location of Znjan.In addition to the marina, uniqueon the Croatian part of Adriaticbecause it provides the possibilityof berthing mega yachts, in theimmediate vicinity of the site isforeseen the construction of thehotel with five or more stars, thenew waterfront (total length 750meters, 55 meters wide), beaches,sports and recreational centersand other facilities that will makethis location the most prestigiouslocation in Dalmatia and its widerarea.The terrain for residentialconstruction stretches on 30,000m², on a very mild slope orientedto the south, providing thus thewhole area the view of the sea andthe islands of Split archipelago.The particularity of this offer is thepossibility of purchasing individualplots in the surfaces from 5.000 to30.000 m².In addition to investment in thespecified plot, there is the possibilityof involvement in the constructionof the very marina andpertaining facilities. Please contactus for more information.

lokacija / locationZaton, <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>površina / surface260 m²površina zemljišta /courtyard surface1.930 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1125cijena / price2.500.000 €Vila kod <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>aVilla near <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>Luksuzna kamena dalmatinska vila urustikalnom stilu, smještena u naseljuZaton na svega 100 metara od mora i 7kilometara od centra <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>a. Vilase nalazi na prostranom posjedu okruženommaslinicima i predstavlja jedinstvenprimjer luksuza i elegancije koji nikakone prolazi nezamijećen.Objekt se sastoji od dvije etaže brižnouređenih interijera na kojima su smještene4 spavaće sobe, 3 kupaonice i toalet.U unutarnjem, kao i vanjskom uređenju,dominira spoj jednostavnih rustikalnihelemenata vrlo uspješno kombiniranih samodernim detaljima.Jedan od najatraktivnijih dijelova vilezasigurno je prostrana okućnica zasađenamnogobrojnim stablima maslina teprekrasna kamenom popločana terasa od250 m² površine. U jednom dijelu terasesmješten je izuzetno atraktivan kaminkoji će budućim korisnicima savršenoposlužiti za pripremu raznovrsnih specijalitetas roštilja. Terasa također ima isvoj natkriveni dio koji pažljivo čuva predivandrveni stol i pletene stolice, što činisavršen kutak za objedovanje i druženjena otvorenom.eng Luxury Dalmatian stone villa in rusticstyle, situated in the village Zaton, only 100meters from the beach and 7 kilometersfrom the town of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>. The villa issituated on a large property surroundedby olive groves and it is a unique exampleof luxury and elegance that cannot gounnoticed.The building consists of two floors ofcarefully decorated interiors, with 4 bedrooms,3 bathrooms and a toilet. The internaland external decoration is dominated by acombination of simple rustic elements, verysuccessfully combined with modern details.One of the most attractive parts of thevilla is certainly a spacious garden plantedwith many olive trees and beautiful stonepavedterrace of 250 m². In one part of theterrace there is a very attractive fireplacethat will perfectly serve future users forpreparation of various dishes from the grill.The terrace also has its own roofed partthat carefully preserves a beautiful woodentable and wicker chairs, which makes thisa perfect spot for outdoor dining andsocializing.

146n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sElitna vila u ZagrebuElite villa in Zagreblokacija / locationZagrebpovršina / surface800 m²površina zemljišta /courtyard surface1.000 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1126cijena / price4.300.000 €U rezidencijalnom dijelu Zagreba,na Gornjem Prekrižju,prodaje se prekrasna luksuznograđena obiteljska vila površine800 m².Vila je izgrađena na ravnomterenu površine 1.000 m², nadomakrezidencija talijanskih,belgijskih i engleskih diplomatskihpredstavništva.Luksuzni stambeni prostoruređen u pročišćenom minimalističkomstilu prostire se na dvijeetaže – velika biblioteka, impozantnidnevni boravak (veći od100 m²) s otvorenim kaminomod visoko poliranog kamena,četiri prostrane spavaće sobe,tri moderno uređene kupaonices dizajnerskim elementima tepomoćne prostorije. Iz glavnespavaće sobe izlazi se na velikuterasu s prekrasnim pogledomna Zagrebačku panoramu.U podrumu se, osim garaže sparkirnim mjestima za tri automobila,nalaze nedavno uređenisauna i bazen.Vila je sagrađena 2006. godine,iz najkvalitetnijih materijala,podovi su obloženi hrastovimparketom i travertin kamenom,kroz cijeli prostor namijenjenstanovanju provedeno je podnogrijanje, a sve prostorije imajuvisoke stropove i velike prozore,što daje posebni dojam prozračnosti.eng In the residential part of Zagreb,in Gornje Prekrizje, for sale isa beautiful , luxuriously built familyvilla of 800 m².The villa is built on a flat plot of1.000 m², near the residence of theItalian, Belgian and British diplomaticresidences.The luxury residential space, decoratedin a minimalist style, spreadsover two floors - a large library,an impressive living room (largerthan 100 m²) with open fireplacemade of highly polished stone, fourspacious bedrooms, three modernbathrooms with designer elementsand utility rooms. From the masterbedroom there is an exit to a largeterrace overlooking the panoramaof Zagreb.In the basement, in addition tothe garage with parking spaces forthree cars, there are a newly decoratedsauna and swimming pool.The villa was built in 2006 withtop quality materials, the floors arecovered with oak flooring and travertinestone, the whole residentialarea has floor heating and all therooms have high ceilings and largewindows, which gives a specialimpression of translucence.

Projekt urbanih vilasa dozvolamaLuxury ApartmentsProject with permitslokacija / locationOtok Šipan,Dubrovačko područjeoznaka / ref. no.DC 1128.2cijena / price1.600.000 €Smješten u jednom od najljepšihuvala jadranskog arhipelaga, najedinstvenom otoku Šipanu, projektŠipan privatne rezidenciječini naselje od 14 privatnih apartmanasmještenih u pet modernooblikovanih urbanih vila, svakasa zasebnim bazenom.Vile su izvanredni primjerbraemoreovskog višestrukonagrađivanog dizajna, čija je prepoznatljivacrta spoj tradicionalnogstila i moderne tehnologije,koja je usmjerena da budućimkorisnicima pruži maksimalnepogodnosti.Vile će biti sagrađene u maniritradicionalnih mediteranskihkamenih kuća, savršeno integriranihu postojeći okoliš, obilježenvišestoljetnom graditeljskombaštinom domicilne regije.Eksterijer jedinica će činitipročišćene vanjske plohe obloženesvijetlim kamenom, u pojedinimdijelovima fasade ostakljene,kako bi se osigurala maksimalnaiskorištenost sunčanih sati.Zadana tema osmišljena kaointerpretacija mediteranskejednostavnosti i ugodnog životanastavit će se i uređenju interijerapa će tako podovi i kupaonicebiti u svijetlom kamenu, kojiće se izmjenjivati sa staklenimpovršinama.Najreprezentativniji dio svakeapartmanske jedinice svakakočine velike osunčane terase spogledom na more, okruženeborovima i palmama.eng Situated in one of the mostbeautiful bays of the Adriatic archipelago,on the unique island ofSipan, the project Private residencesSipan is a resort consisting of14 private apartments situated infive modern designed urban villas,each with its own pool.The villas are an extraordinaryexample of Braemore’s multipleaward-winning design, recognizablefor its combination of traditionalstyle and modern technology,aimed to provide maximum benefitsto future users.The villas will be built in the styleof traditional Mediterranean stonehouses, perfectly integrated intothe existing environment, markedby centuries-old architectural heritageof the domicile region.The units’ exterior will consist ofpurified outer surfaces coated withlight stone, in some parts of thefacade of glass, in order to ensuremaximum use of sunshine hours.The default theme, designed asan interpretation of Mediterraneansimplicity and comfortable life,will be continued in interior designas well, so that the floors andbathrooms will be made of lightstone, which will alternate withglass surfaces.The most representative part ofeach apartment unit will certainlybe made up of large sunny terracesoverlooking the sea, surrounded bypine and palm trees.

148n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sLuksuzna vila uz moreLuxury seaside villalokacija / locationBrač, Bobovišćapovršina / surface300 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface525 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1128.3cijena / price1.350.000 €Luksuzna vila Brač, smještena jeu prekrasnoj, zaštićenoj uvali uzsamo more. Modernog je dizajna,koji svojim minimalističkimlinijama nimalo ne narušava mirnoćui prirodnu ljepotu uvale.Vila Brač, površine 300 m²,podijeljena na tri etaže, nalazise na parceli veličine 525 m²koja je hortikulturalno uređena,okružena mediteranskim biljem,mirisnim narančama i limunimate borovima koji pružaju prirodnuhladovinu.Ulaz u vilu je na najvišoj etažina kojoj se nalazi kuhinja, blagovaonicai veliki dnevni boravak sizlazom na terasu gdje je smještenotvoreni bazen (dimenzija10x4 m) s prekrasnim pogledomna uvalu. Na etaži ispod,smještene su tri spavaće sobe skupaonicama, sauna s fitnesom,praonica i spremište.U prizemlju su dvije spavaćesobe s kupaonicama i izlazomna terasu te veliko spremište začamce. Unutrašnjost vile je modernouređena prema vrhunskimstandardima moderne arhitekturei dizajna. Vila Brač je klimatizirana,opremljena podnimgrijanjem, otvorenim kaminom,sve potrebno za ugodan odmor.Ispred ulaza u kuću, nalazi seograđeni parking sa tri parkirnamjesta. Do vile vodi put krozstoljetne maslinike, a udaljenostdo glavne ceste je oko 500 m, štosvima koji borave u vili i njenojokolici nudi vrhunski mir.Vila ima svoju vlastitu plažui svoj vlastiti vez za brod, daklesve što bi ste mogli poželjeti!eng Luxury villa Brac, situated in abeautiful, sheltered bay by the sea.Of a modern design that, with itsminimalist lines in no way disturbsthe tranquility and natural beautyof the bay.Villa Brac, 300 m², divided intothree floors, is situated on a plotof 525 m²with arranged landscape,surrounded by Mediterraneanplants, fragrant oranges andlemons and pine trees that providenatural shade.The entrance to the villa is on thetop floor, consisting of a kitchen,dining room and large living roomwith an exit to the terrace withan outdoor swimming pool (size10x4 m) and a beautiful view of thebay. On the floor below, there arethree bedrooms with bathrooms,a sauna with a gym, laundry roomand storage.On the ground floor there aretwo bedrooms with bathroomsand exit to the terrace and a largeboathouse. The interior of thevilla is arranged in a modern style,according to the highest standardsof modern architecture and design.The Villa Brac is air-conditioned,equipped with floor heating, anopen fireplace, everything youneed for a pleasant holiday.In front of the entrance, thereis a fenced parking lot with threeparking spaces. A road takes youto the villa through centuries-oldolive groves, and the distance fromthe main road is about 500 m,which guarantees supreme peaceand quiet to everyone staying atthe villa and its surroundings.The villa has its own privatebeach and its own berth, actually- everything you could possiblywish for!

Lusksuzni stanu centru Zagrebalokacija / locationZagreb, Ribnjakpovršina / surface250 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1110cijena / price850.000 €Luxury Apartmentin Zagreb CenterOvaj prostrani luksuzno uređeni stan usamom srcu Zagreba je dragulj kakvog jeteško naći. Većina gradskih atrakcija suu blizini. Uživajte u laganoj šetnji starimdijelom Zagreba i vratite se u svoj domnapravljen za ugodan život bez da izađeteiz užeg centra.Stan je nedavno obnovljen po najvišimstandardima uključujući Bang & Olufsenozvučenje, rasvjetu, Philippe Starcksanitarije, mramorni kamin i ukrašenestropove. Prostorijama dominiraju topleboje i velika je pažnja posvećena svakomdetalju. Spavaći dio stana je odvojen oddnevnog prostora kako bi se postigla većaprivatnost.Stan se nalazi na drugom katu dobroodržavane zgrade. Površine je od 250m² i sastoji se od tri spavaće sobe, dvijekupaonice, garderobe, dnevnog boravka,radne sobe, kuhinje, blagovaonice, wc-a ipraonice.eng Own a spacious apartment in very heartof Zagreb, Croatian capital city. This gem incity center is hard to find. Most of city attractionsare in walking distance. Enjoy Zagrebold town and come back to your home madefor comfortable living.Apartment has been recently restored withluxury equipment including Bang & Olufsensound system, lighting, Philippe Starcksanitation, marble fireplace and decoratedceilings. Space is dominated by warm colorsand great attention was given to each detail.Sleeping part of apartment is separated fromliving space to make it more private.Apartment is situated on second floor ofwell-maintained building. Surface area is 250m² (2691 sq. ft.). It consists of three bedrooms,two bathrooms, wardrobe, living room,work room, kitchen, dining room, toilet andlaundry room.

150n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sPet luskuznih vilau fazi izgradnjeFive luxury villas inconstruction phaselokacija / locationOpatija, Veprinacpovršina / surface5 x 400 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1132.1cijena / pricena upitVile na izuzetno atraktivnoj lokaciji -smještene su na 350 do 400 m nadmorskevisine, udaljene od mora 1500 m zračne linije,s predivnim panoramskim pogledomna Kvarnerski zaljev, otoke Krk i Cres,planinu Učka, stari grad Veprinac i crkvusv. Marka. Okružene su netaknutom prirodomi zelenim pojasom parka prirodeUčka, a za istaknuti je i da nije mogućadaljnja gradnja u neposrednoj okolici.Time je osigurana iznimna privatnost idoticaj s netaknutom prirodom.Vile su dovoljno su blizu za brzi pristupu svim prometnim smjerovima i dovoljnodaleko da su izolirane od buke, prometnicai gradova. Opatija je udaljena samo10 min vožnje automobilom, Rijeka 20min vožnje, a Yacht marina Ičići 15 minvožnje.Sve vile na parcelama od 1076 do 1175m² orijentirane su na jug, što osiguravaobilje prirodne svjetlosti od izlaska dozalaska sunca.Na na 400 m² bruto razvijene površinesmještene su 4 spavaonice, svaka sasvojom kupaonicom i garderobom kao iprostrane sobe u površini 30-35 m². Kuhinja,blagovaona i dnevni dio prostiru se nacca. 100 m². Svi dnevni i spavaći prostoriimaju velike staklene površine koje omogućujusavršeni pogled na more.Vile su opremljene vanjskim grijanimbazenom, jacuzziem, saunom, parnom kupelji,fitnessom, te imaju vinski podrum,vanjsku kuhinju, grill, trijem, terasu isunčališta okružena travnjakomeng Villas on an attractive location - situatedat 350-400 m above sea level, 1500 m fromthe sea by air, with stunning panoramicviews of Kvarner bay, the islands of Krk andCres, Ucka mountain, old town Veprinasand the Church of St. Mark. Surrounded bypristine nature and the green belt of theNature <strong>Park</strong> Ucka, and we must emphasizethat further construction in the immediatearea is not possible. This ensures exceptionalprivacy and contact with pristine nature.The villas are close enough for quick accessin all the traffic directions and far awayenough to ensure protection from the noise,traffic and the town’s hustle and bustle.Opatija is only 10 minutes by car, Rijeka is20 minutes and the Yacht marina Icici is a 15minute drive.All the villas are situated on the plots from1076 to 1175 m² and south oriented, whichprovides plenty of natural light from sunriseto sunset.On 400 m² of gross developed area of acertain villa there are 4 bedrooms, eachwith its own bathroom and dressing room,the rooms are spacious, each 30-35 m². Thekitchen, dining and living area spread overapprox. 100 m². All the living and sleepingareas have large glass surfaces that allow aperfect view of the sea.The villas are equipped with an outdoorheated swimming pool, a jacuzzi, sauna,steam bath, wine cellar, an outdoor kitchen,grill, porch, terrace and sundecks, surroundedby a lawn.

N E W I N V E S T M E N T O P P O R T U N I T I E S I N C R O A T I ANew largest lifestyle - eco - touristic destination in MediterraneanLooking for Partners and Investorsin Hotels, Villas, Apartments, <strong>Golf</strong> Course,Marina, Airport and Commercial Zonew w w . d u b r o v n i k p e a r l . c o mPROFECTUS GRUPA d.d.Vukovarska 148/III21000 Split - Croatiatel: +385 (0)21 560 000fax: +385 (0)21 560 070info@dubrovnikpearl.comAdvanced in every aspect, this project follows the latest lifestyle trends andsets new standards in tourism, ecology and sustainable development.DUBROVNIK PEARL, the first phase of CROATIAN DREAM project is veryambitious and highly lucrative venture with a unique goal of creating theworld’s first “Lifestyle - Tourist - Eco friendly” destination.DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:CROATIAN DREAM project is situated 25 km northwest of <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> on agross area totalling 2,000 hectares, and represents the construction of a completelynew eco - tourist destination.CROATIAN DREAM, featuring its first phase, DUBROVNIK PEARL, comprisesthe following facilities: 7 hotels, a new airport, golf courses, marinas formegayachts, luxurious villas, apartments, hospitality facilities, commercialzones, film studios, shopping centres, amusement parks, sporting zones,academies, exhibition and congress centres, a technological park, medicalfacilities, museums, galleries, large new vineyard and olive grove plantations,infrastructure, public facilities and much more.Part ofMaster Developer

152n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sVila uz nautičku marinuVilla by the nautical marinalokacija / locationSukošanpovršina / surface750 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface1.700 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1133cijena / price3.100.000 €Ova prostrana vila se nalazi uSukošanu, na iznimnoj lokacijiu neposrednoj blizini jednog odnajvećih nautičkih centara naJadranu - marine „Dalmacija“.Nautički turizam i pristanište zamega jahte čine ovu lokaciju vrloprestižnom.Vila se nalazi samo 10 metaraod plaže, a sastoji se od prizemlja,dva kata i gostinjske kućestambene površine 100 m².U prizemlju vile se nalazigaraža za dva vozila, fitnesdvorana, kotlovnica centralnoggrijanja i ostava. Na višimetažama se nalazi ukupno sedamspavaćih sobaGostinjska kuća sadrži jednuspavaću sobu, kuhinju i blagovaonicu,dnevni boravak sakaminom i izlazom na balkon,kupatilo i vinski podrum.Vila je idealna bilo da je želitekoristiti za ugodan život ili uturističke svrhe.eng This spacious villa is situatedin Sukosan, in an exceptional locationin the immediate vicinity ofone of the greatest nautical centerson the Adriatic – the Marina “Dalmacija”.Nautical tourism and portfor mega yachts make this locationvery prestigious.The villa is situated only 10 metersfrom the beach and consists ofthe ground floor, two floors and aguest house of a surface of 100 m².On the ground floor there are agarage for two cars, a fitness room,central heating boiler room andstorage. On the upper floors thereis a total of seven bedroomsThe guest house has one bedroom,a kitchen, dining room, livingroom with a fireplace and an exitto the balcony, bathroom and winecellar.The villa is ideal whether you wishto use it as a comfortable residenceor for tourist purposes.

Vila kod <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>aVilla near <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>lokacija / location<strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, Lozicapovršina / surface840 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface750 m²oznaka / ref. no.1134cijena / pricena upit / upon requestNovo sagrađena vila se nalazi uzsamo more u naselju Lozica. Ovaekskluzivna destinacija se nalazisamo 4 km od centra <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>a,s druge strane Gruškogzaljeva odakle se pruža prekrasanpogled na Dubrovačku lukui Elafitske otoke. Pri izgradnjisu korišteni samo vrhunskimaterijali kako bi se osiguralomaksimalna udobnost . Korisnapovršina vile iznosi 840 m² isadrži 8 spavaćih soba.<strong>Dubrovnik</strong> je postao najpoznatijihrvatski grad u svijetu štodovodi mnoštvo turista u samicentar, tako da odabirom lokacijena par minuta od samog gradadobivate najbolje od svega, ekskluzivnulokaciju sa pogledomna <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>, odmor bez gužvei morski pristup na svega parmetara od vile.eng Newly built villa, situated nearthe sea in the Lozica settlement.This exclusive destination is situatedonly 4 km from <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>’sdowntown, on the other side ofGruz bay, with a breathtakingview of the <strong>Dubrovnik</strong> port andElaphites. In its construction onlytop quality materials were used, inorder to ensure maximum comfort.Usable area of the villa is 840 m²and includes 8 bedrooms.<strong>Dubrovnik</strong> has become the mostfamous Croatian town in the worldwhich brings lots of tourists in thevery center, so by selecting a locationa few minutes from the townyou get the best of everything anexclusive location overlooking <strong>Dubrovnik</strong>,a vacation without crowdsand access to the sea, only a fewmeters from the villa.

154n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sLuskuznavila na ŠoltiLuxury villa onthe island of Soltalokacija / locationotok Šolta, Maslinicapovršina / surface300 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface545 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1135cijena / price1.800.000 €Ova luksuzna vila se nalazi 15 m od mora na blagokosom terenu što pogoduje praktičnosti korištenjai privatnosti. Sastoji se od tri etaže ukupne površine300 m² i natkrivenih terasa površine 138 m² i11,81 m².U suterenu se nalaze dvije garaže, prostor zakonobu ili društvene aktivnosti i pomoćne prostorije.U prizemlju je dnevni dio vile sa boravkom,kuhinjom, kupaonom i izlazom na natkrivenu ljetnuterasu i bazen, dok se na katu nalaze tri spavaćesobe i dvije kupaonice.Vila je građena izuzetno kvalitetnim materijalima,te opremljena modernim unutarnjim ivanjskim kaminom, podnim grijanjem u svimkupatilima, pametnim sustavom nadzora klimatizacije,i alarmom.Kompletna vila je zapadno orijentirana, te prilikomzalaska sunca nad masliničkim arhipelagompruža prizore od kojih se ostaje bez daha.eng This luxury villa is situated 15 m from the sea ona slight slope, which favors the practicality of use andprivacy. It consists of three floors with a total area of300 m² and terraces of 138 m² and 11,81 m².In the basement there are two garages, a space forthe konoba (tavern) or social activities and auxiliarypremises. On the ground floor is the daily part of thevilla with a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroomand access to the roofed summer terrace andpool, while upstairs there are three bedrooms and twobathrooms. The villa is constructed of high qualitymaterials and equipped with a modern indoor andoutdoor fireplace, floor heating in all the bathrooms, asmart climate control system and an alarm.The whole villa is oriented towards the west, andwhile watching the sunset over the Maslinica archipelagoyou can witness breathtaking scenes.

156n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e slokacija / locationHvarpovršina / surface1.200 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface2.500 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1137cijena / price1.200.000 €Kuća uz morena HvaruSeaside house on theisland of HvarKuća je smještena u uvali Loznakoja se nalazi na sjeverno-zapadnojstrani otoka Hvara, nasamo pet metara od plaže. Hvarje najsunčaniji otok Jadranskogmora svrstan među deset najljepšihotoka na svijetu i poznatkao jet set destinacija. Kuća jeudaljena 5 km od samog gradaHvara, tako da je uz top destinaciju,osigurana i maksimalnaprivatnost.Kuća je sagrađena 2006 g. natri etaže. Trenutno se koristi kaoturistički objekt, no moguće ju jepreurediti po vlastitim željama.U sklopu kuće se nalazi i restoransa 200 m² velikom terasom,garaža za jet ski i ronilačku opremu,dok je uz kuću predviđenomjesto za bazen.Ovakva lokacija i veličina kućečine je jedinstvenom na hrvatskomJadranu!eng The house is situated in Loznabay, on the north-western side ofthe island of Hvar, only five metersfrom the beach. Hvar is the sunniestisland on the Adriatic, rankedamong the ten most beautifulislands in the world and known asthe jet set destination. The houseis situated 5 km from the town ofHvar, so that besides being the topdestination, maximum privacy isalso ensured.The house was built in 2006 onthree floors. It is currently beingused as a tourist facility, but it ispossible to rearrange it accordingto own preferences. In the housethere is a restaurant with a largeterrace of 200 m², a garage for jetskis and diving equipment, whilenext to the house there is a spaceforeseen for a swimming pool.This location and the size of thehouse make it unique on the CroatianAdriatic!

lokacija / locationotok Hvarpovršina / surface40 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface863 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1138cijena / price275.000 €Kućauz moreSeaside houseKuća se nalazi u jednoj odBogomoljskih uvala na sjeverno-istočnojstrani otoka Hvara.Lokacija je idealna za ukoliko želiterobinzonski odmor daleko odurbanih središta. Do kuće vodicesta koja služi za samo 4 objekta,koliko ih ukupno ima u uvali.Mjesto Bogomolje je udaljeno15 min vožnje od Sućurja, koji jetrajektnom linijom povezan sakopnom.Kamena kuća je izgrađena1937. godine, te nije korištenaviše desetljeća. Nalazi se na morskojobali, svega nekoliko stepenicaod žala na plaži. Vanjskedimenzije kuće su 5,00 x 8,12 m,te ju je moguće proširiti za 8 m² iizgraditi krov. S obzirom da kućaima vodospremu, pri rekonstrukcijije istu moguće prenamjenitiu podrum, te uz dodatak krovištasa galerijom postići 3 etaže.Kuća ima struju i telefon, dokbi se napajanje vodom riješiloizgradnjom nove vodospreme.Želite li svoj skroviti kutak,ovo je prilika.eng The house is situated inone of Bogomolje bays on thenorth-eastern side of the island.The location is ideal if you wish aRobinson-like vacation away fromurban centers. The road leadingto the house is used for only 4buildings, which is how many thereare in the bay in total. The villageBogomolje is a 15 minute drivefrom Sucurje, which is connectedby ferry with the mainland.The stone house was built in 1937and has not been used for severaldecades. Situated on the coast,just a few stairs from the beach.The external dimensions of thehouse are 5, 00 x 8, 12 m, and itcan be expanded to 8 m² and a roofcan be built. Since the house hasa water storage facility, during thereconstruction the same can beconverted into a cellar and with theaddition of the roof with a galleryyou can get 3 floors.The house has electricity and atelephone line, while the watersupply could be solved with theconstruction of a new waterstorage facility. If you wish to haveyour own hidden nook, this is yourchance.

158n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e sVila na Braču prvi red uz moreVilla on the island of Bracfirst row by the sealokacija / locationBrač, Povlja,uvala Točinjak /Tocinjak baypovršina / surface330 m²površina okućnice /land surface625 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1042cijena / price1.800.000 €Vila se nalazi na jedinstvenojlokaciji u uvali Točinjak 4 km odmjesta Povlja na otoku Braču.Do vile se može doći automili brodom. Ispred vile se nalazedva veza za brodove do 30 metaradužine i šljunčana plaža širine50 metara na koju se izlazi direktnoiz podrumske etaže vile.Vila je kompletno je renovirana2011. god., te sagrađena na zemljištuod 625 m², dok sama vilaima ukupnu površine od 330 m².Moguće je dokupiti još zemljištapored vile i povećati parcelu. Upodrumu vile se nalazi spremišteza jet ski i ostalu sportskuvodenu opremu. U prizemljuse nalazi kuhinja, blagovaonica,dnevni boravak, kupaonica, spavaćasoba, praonica, strojarnica ivelika terasa od 35 m². Na prvomkatu vile se nalaze četiri velikespavaće sobe s dvije kupaonice.Vlasnička soba ima svoju odvojenuveliku kupaonicu, garderobui ured, te terasu od 25m². Upotkrovlju je planiran odvojeniapartman za poslugu, sa 70 m²površine sa svojom kuhinjom,blagovaonicom, dnevnim prostoromi spavaćom sobom.Ovo je jedinstvena nekretninapo svojoj neponovljivoj lokaciji.Ukoliko ste sanjali o vili poredkristalno čistog mora u skrivenojuvali, ovo je nekretnina kojumorate pogledati.eng The villa is situated in a uniquelocation in Tocinjak bay 4 km fromPovlja on the island of Brac.The villa can be reached by car orby boat. In front of the villa thereare two berths for boats up to 30meters long and pebble beach, 50m wide, which you access directlyfrom the basement storey of thevilla.The villa was completely renovatedin 2011, built on the plot of 625m², and the villa itself has a totalsurface of 330 m². Possible additionalpurchase of the land nextto the villa and expand the plot.In the basement there is storagefor jet skis and other water sportsequipment. On the ground floorthere are a kitchen, dining room,living room, bathroom, bedroom,laundry room, engine room and alarge terrace of 35 m². On the firstfloor there are four large bedroomswith two bathrooms. The masterbedroom has a separate largebathroom, dressing room, officeand a terrace of 25 m². The loft isforeseen for a separate apartmentof 70 m² with kitchen, dining room,living room and bedroom.This is a unique property for itsstunning location. If you’ve dreamedof a villa next to the crystalclear waters in a hidden bay, thisis the property that you have tolook at.

Novoizgrađenavila na BračuNewly built villa onthe island of Braclokacija / locationBrač, Bobovišćapovršina / surface287 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface750 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1030.3.3cijena / price1.000.000 €Novo izgrađena dalmatinska vila sa bazenomsmještena je u Bobovišćima na otoku Braču.Sa lokacije na uzvisini poviše samog mjestase pruža spektakularan pogled na more i zaljev.Zahvaljujući svojoj poziciji i jugo zapadnoj orijentaciji,ljeti će te uživati u dužim danima i prelijepimzalascima sunca nad morem. Kuća ima 287m² ukupne površine , a sagrađena je na zemljištuod 750 m². U gradnji je korišten svjetski poznatiBrački kamen i opremljena je samo najkvalitetnijimmaterijalima.Bobovišća su malo mediteransko i ribarskomjesto sa starim kućama i dugom tradicijomturizma koje osim vrhunskog ambijenta i predivneprirode ima bogatu povijesnu baštinu čija rimska ibizantska arheološka nalazišta možete posjetiti usamoj luci.Ne propustite ovu vrhunsku nekretninu i uživajteu svom djeliću raja!eng Newly built Dalmatian villa with a pool situated inthe village Bobovisca on the island of Brac.From its location on a hill above the village there is aspectacular view of the sea and the bay. Thanks to itslocation and orientation towards the south west, inthe summer you will enjoy the long days and beautifulsunsets above the sea. Total surface of the house is287 m² and it is built on the plot of 750 m². Brac’s famousstone was used in the construction and the villais equipped exclusively with top quality materials.Bobovisca is a small, Mediterranean fishermen’svillage with old houses and a long tradition of tourismthat, apart from the superior ambience and beautifulnature, has a rich historical heritage with Roman andByzantine archaeological sites that you can visit in thevery port.Do not miss this superb property and enjoy yourpiece of heaven!

160n e k r e t n i n er e a l e s t a t e slokacija / locationRab, Supetarska Dragapovršina / surface370 m²površina okućnice /courtyard surface1.000 m²oznaka / ref. no.DC 1136.2cijena / price980.000 €Vila na RabuVilla on theisland of RabOva luksuzna vila je sagrađena2009. godine na otoku Rabu,300 metara od mora na povišenompoložaju tako da jeosigurana privatnost i bezbrižnouživanje u ljetnim aktivnostimana bazenu. Zahvaljujući svompoložaju i južnoj orijentaciji,pruža se zadivljujući pogled nauvalu Supetarska Draga.U prizemlju se nalazi saunai jacuzzi za potpuno opuštanje,kao i soba sa posebnim ulazom.Na drugoj etaži se nalaze glavniulaz u vilu, prostrani i svijetaodnevni boravak, sa blagovaonicomi vrhunski opremljenomkuhinjom, tri velike spavaćesobe sa privatnim kupatilima,kao i velika natkrivena terasa zaprovođenje ljetnih dana. U tornjuvile je smještena izdvojenasoba veličine 30 m² koja pružajedinstveni ugođaj i panoramskipogled.Vila je u potpunosti klimatizirana,opremljena satelitskomtelevizijom, Internetom, i kvalitetnimuređajima.eng This luxury villa on the islandof Rab was built in 2009., 300 metersfrom the sea on an elevatedposition so that the privacy andcarefree enjoyment of summeractivities at the pool is guaranteed.Thanks to its location andorientation to the south, it offersa stunning view of the beautifulIsland of Rab.On the ground floor there is asauna and a jacuzzi for completerelaxation, as well as a roomwith a separate entrance. On thesecond floor is the main entranceto the villa, a spacious and brightliving room, dining room and afully equipped kitchen, three largebedrooms with private bathroomsand a large roofed terrace tospend your summer days on. Inthe tower of the villa is a separateroom of 30 m², which provides aunique atmosphere and a panoramicview.The villa is fully air-conditioned,equipped with satellite TV, Internetand high-quality equipment.

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