100% DESIGN LONDON - DalCasa

100% DESIGN LONDON - DalCasa

100% DESIGN LONDON - DalCasa


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REPORT<br />

<strong>100%</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong> <strong>LONDON</strong><br />








ISSN 1845-2086<br />

9771845208005<br />



Uvodna rijec<br />

Introductory word<br />

Posjetiti jedan od vodećih svjetskih gradova kad je dizajnerska scena u pitanju, i to u<br />

vrijeme London Design Festivala, uvijek je nezaboravno i inspirativno iskustvo. Na opće<br />

oduševljenje svih prisutnih, ovogodišnji “<strong>100%</strong> Design”, kao ni jedan sajam dizajna i arhitekture<br />

do sada, bio je sav u “zelenoj boji”, u znaku održivog razvoja, ekoloških proizvoda,<br />

recikliranja, štednje energije... istodobno poštujući zakone funkcionalnosti i visoke<br />

estetike.<br />

Dokazati da se i sa smanjenom potrošnjom energije i recikliranim materijalom može stvoriti<br />

proizvod vrijedan divljenja, bio je zajednički cilj, koji se u konačnici i ispunio.<br />

Kao suprotnost najvećem europskom gradu, donosimo vam reportažu iz Huma, najmanjega<br />

grada na svijetu. Tu zasigurno nećete pronaći ni luksuzne restorane ni trgovine, ali<br />

tri obitelji, koliko ih trenutačno živi u Humu, velikodušno će vas primiti u svoju zajednicu.<br />

Donosimo vam i priču o Modusu, jednom od zanimljivijih i karizmatičnijih zagrebačkih<br />

trgovina. Od svog osnutka, Modus ima status svojevrsne škole dobrog ukusa u industrijskom<br />

dizajnu, s vrlo širokom i odanom bazom klijenata, prijatelja i simpatizera.<br />

Kako stvoriti pravi jesenski ugođaj u svom domu, donosimo vam u rubrici “Dekoracije”,<br />

a savjete koji će vam olakšati potragu za najboljim zavjesama, pronaći ćete u rubrici<br />

“Interijeri”. Tu je još i priča o jednoj od najljepših lampa na svijetu, čuvenoj “Fortuny”,<br />

dizajniranoj davne 1907. godine. Još mnogo drugih zanimljivih tema pronaći ćete na<br />

našim jesenskim stranicama.<br />

To visit one of the leading cities in the world when it comes to the designer scene, especially<br />

during the London Design Festival, is always an unforgettable and inspiring experience.<br />

Much to the approval of everyone in attendance, this year’s “<strong>100%</strong> Design”, as<br />

no other fair of design and architecture thus far, was marked by “the colour of green”,<br />

as well as sustainable growth, ecological products, recycling, energy preservation…<br />

along with respecting the laws of functionality and high aesthetics.<br />

To prove that you can create an admirable product by reducing the consumption of<br />

energy and using recycled materials was the common goal, and it certainly ended up<br />

fulfilled.<br />

To provide opposition to the largest European city, we bring you a story from Hum, the<br />

smallest town in the world. You will surely not find any luxurious restaurants or stores there,<br />

but the three families that currently reside in Hum will generously welcome you into their<br />

community.<br />

We also bring you a story about Modus, which is one of the more interesting and charismatic<br />

stores in Zagreb. Since its beginning, Modus has a status of a school of good taste<br />

in industrial design, with a very wide and loyal base of clients, friends and admirers.<br />

How to create a true autumn ambience in your home is what you can find in our “Decorations”<br />

section, while “Interiors” brings you advice that will help you in your quest to find<br />

the best curtains. We also bring a story about one of the most beautiful lamps in the<br />

world, the legendary “Fortuny”, which was designed way back in 1907. That and many<br />

more interesting subjects are featured on our autumn pages.<br />

Ana Perišin<br />



Sadržaj<br />



Zelena londonska smotra dizajna / The Green Festival<br />

of Design in London<br />

24 INTERVIEW<br />

Peneziæ&Rogina: Arhitekti opæe prakse / Architects<br />

of General Practice<br />


Hrvati sve više vole vrijednosne papire / Croatians<br />

Starting to Like Securities More and More<br />

38 VIJESTI / NEWS<br />


Projekt Villas za oèuvanje graditeljske baštine /<br />

Project Villas for Preservation of Construction<br />

Heritage<br />


Hum - najmanji grada na svijetu / Hum - The Smallest<br />

Town in the World<br />

56 GASTRO<br />

Gil’s Cuisine & Pop Lounge: Retro funky u Dubrovniku /<br />

Retro Funky in Dubrovnik<br />

12<br />


Content<br />


Zdenko Šlibar: Skulpture kao metafora za neizrecivo /<br />

Sculptures as a Metaphor for the Unspeakable<br />

70 DIZAJN / <strong>DESIGN</strong><br />

Duæan kulture i duha / The Store of Culture and Spirit<br />


Vjeèna elegancija protiv sezonskih trendova /<br />

Eternal Elegance Against Seasonal Trends<br />


Meksièki dom svjetla i sjene / A Mexican Home of Light<br />

and Shadow<br />


Zavjese - identitet prostora / Curtains – The Identity<br />

of the Room<br />

92 INFO<br />

Dekokamen - luksuz koji sebi možete priuštiti /<br />

Artificial stone – A Luxury You Can Afford<br />


“Fortuny” zauvijek / “Fortuny” forever<br />


Boje jeseni / Colours of the Autumn<br />



Tema broja<br />

“<strong>100%</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong> “– BRITANSKO OKUPLJANJE OKO DIZAJNERSKIH INOVACIJA<br />

Zelena londonska<br />

smotra dizajna<br />

Nužnost uštede energije i mogućnosti recikliranja trebali bi pri dizajnu biti jednako važna kategorija<br />

kao uporabna vrijednost i estetika - jedinstvena je misao “<strong>100%</strong> Designa”. Cilj je svima isti:<br />

dokazati da se i sa smanjenom potrošnjom energije i materijala može stvoriti predmet vrijedan<br />

divljenja, uz opovrgavanje predrasude o manjoj estetskoj vrijednosti recikliranog proizvoda<br />

14<br />

Napisale: Hela Biliæ i Ana Perišin<br />

Foto: Philip Vile Photography

Impresivan štand vodećeg portugalskog<br />

proizvođača tekstila Pedroso&<br />

Osorio-a / The impressive booth of<br />

leading Portuguese textile manufacturer<br />

Pedroso&Osorio<br />

Instalacija “Light Garden” od štedljivih žarulja /<br />

“Light Garden” installation made from economical bulbs<br />

Činjenica broj 1: Velika Britanija još kaska za<br />

ostatkom Europske unije u ekologiji i primjeni<br />

novih tehnologija u građevinskoj industriji, posebno<br />

za Nijemcima koji se drže predvodnicima<br />

toga trenda.<br />

Činjenica broj 2: londonski sajam “<strong>100%</strong> Design” odlučio<br />

je promijeniti odnose snaga u tom sektoru.<br />

Ovogodišnji “<strong>100%</strong> Design”, kao nijedan sajam dizajna<br />

i arhitekture dosad, bio je sav u “zelenoj boji”, u znaku<br />

održivog razvoja, ekoloških proizvoda, recikliranja, štednje<br />

energije... Londonski Earl’s Court je od 20. do 23.<br />

rujna, trinaesti put, ugostio najbolje iz svijeta arhitekture,<br />

dizajna interijera, namještaja i prateće opreme, a ove se<br />

godine prvi put u ulozi kreativnog direktora sajma pojavio<br />

slavni dizajner Tom Dixon, čija je karijera bila lansirana<br />

upravo u prvim godinama “<strong>100%</strong> Designa”, zahvaljujući<br />

dijelom propulzivnosti sajma na kojemu je predstavio<br />

rane radove.<br />

Ovogodišnji “<strong>100%</strong> Design” dogodio se kao sastavni, za<br />

struku i najvažniji dio londonskog festivala dizajna, koji se,<br />

već po tradiciji, u drugoj polovici rujna odvijao na čak<br />

četiri lokacije u britanskoj metropoli. Tako su putnici namjernici<br />

mogli uživati u predstavljanju najnovijih kolekcija<br />

uglednih tvrtki, poput Morosa, B&B-a i drugih, mnoštvu<br />

popratnih događanja i performansa, ali i pogledu na<br />

goleme instalacije koje su na South Banku izradile arhitektice<br />

Zaha Hadid (“Urban Nebula”, skulptura (namještaj)<br />

izrađena od 150 betonskih blokova) i Amanda Levette<br />

(“Prototile” od coriana), dok je direktor Festivala<br />

Ben Evans zadovoljno trljao ruke zbog uspjeha koncepta<br />

da se tijekom sajma usko i konkretno isprepletu kreativci<br />

i proizvođači. Spomenute dvije skulpture, naime, ne bi<br />

mogle nastati bez sponzorstva tvrtki proizvođača materijala<br />

– DuPonta za corian i Aggrevate Ind. za beton.<br />

Upravo na tome načelu povezivanja struke i industrije<br />

počiva i “<strong>100%</strong> Design”, mjesto susreta čak 650 izlagača<br />


Tema broja<br />

Središnji trg Dixonova kozmopolitskog grada - mjesto za druženje i razmjenu ideja /<br />

The central square of Dixon’s cosmopolitan town - a place for interaction and exchanging ideas<br />

pločice, građevinski blokovi od recikliranog drveta ojačani<br />

cementom, slama kao građevinski materijal, novi<br />

sustavi zelenih krovova koji integriraju izolacijska i ventilacijska<br />

rješenja, fotoosjetljivi filmovi koji se postavljaju na<br />

prozorska stakla... A unutar “<strong>100%</strong> Details” posebna je<br />

pažnja posvećena novim materijalima i kroz podsajam<br />

“<strong>100%</strong> Materials”, gdje su se posjetitelji mogli, ne samo<br />

kroz priču, nego i taktilno, vizualno i uporabno, upoznati<br />

s inovacijama na području materijala.<br />

Nužnost uštede energije i mogućnosti recikliranja trebali<br />

bi pri dizajnu biti jednako važna kategorija kao uporabna<br />

vrijednost i estetika - jedinstvena je misao pod kojom su<br />

se integrirali svi sajmovi “<strong>100%</strong> Designa”. Tako je na “<strong>100%</strong><br />

Light” instalacija “Light Garden” (“Svjetlosni vrt”) Jason<br />

Burges Studija, koju je podržala Greenpeaceova kampanja<br />

protiv promjene klimatskih uvjeta, napravljena od<br />

mnoštva štednih žarulja u obliku vrta s cvijećem. U vezi<br />

s ovim konceptom valja istaknuti da svaka od štedljivih<br />

žarulja iz “Svjetlosnog vrta” tijekom svoga životnog vijeka<br />

od 16.000 sati, u odnosu na korištenje obične žarulje,<br />

smanji emisiju ugljičnog dioksida za nevjerojatnih 700 kg!<br />

Naime, poznato je da obične žarulje 95 posto energije<br />

potroše u obliku toplinske energije, a samo pet posto za<br />

svjetlost. Kod štednih je omjer 20 posto svjetlosti i 80 posto<br />

topline, te traju neusporedivo dulje (što smanjuje proizvoiz<br />

Velike Britanije i ostatka svijeta, kojemu su pridružena<br />

još četiri srodna događanja.<br />

“<strong>100%</strong> Futures” je zamišljen kao prostor slobode za neafirmirane<br />

dizajnere (njih pedesetak) koji kontaktom s tvrtkama<br />

pronalaze one koji su zainteresirani za ulaganje u njihovu<br />

ideju, ili traže nove materijale u kojima se određeni<br />

dizajnerski predmeti mogu izraditi, a nastao je na temelju<br />

iskustva prijašnjih godina gdje su ovakve suradnje započinjale<br />

spontano i bez formaliziranja.<br />

Izložba “<strong>100%</strong> Details”, koja se ove godine održala peti<br />

put u sklopu “<strong>100%</strong> Designa”, bila je posvećena održivom<br />

graditeljstvu s malom emisijom ugljičnog dioksida i<br />

mogućnošću recikliranja, odnosno korištenja recikliranih<br />

materijala (već smo nekoliko puta napomenuli kako je<br />

građevinska industrija jedan od najvećih svjetskih zagađivača).<br />

Prijašnjih godina posjetitelji su se na “<strong>100%</strong> Details”<br />

navikli pronalaziti inovativna rješenja i nove materijale<br />

na području građevinarstva, a ove su se godine organizatori<br />

odlučili do kraja uhvatiti ukoštac s vrućom temom<br />

onečišćenja. Nizom seminara posjetitelje su upozoravali<br />

na nužnost promjena navika i uvođenja novih pravila u<br />

građevinskoj industriji, te isticali sredine u kojima su ti postulati<br />

već primijenjeni, poput londonskoga Gallions Parka.<br />

Jednu radionicu organizirao je i Greenpeace, a na<br />

izložbenome dijelu predstavljene su reciklirane staklene<br />


Nina Tolstrup, kustosica<br />

štanda na kojem su izloženi<br />

radovi nove generacije<br />

mladih danskih dizajnera /<br />

Nina Tolstrup, custodian of<br />

the booth that exhibited<br />

works by the new generation<br />

of young<br />

Danish designers<br />

Štand kreativnog direktora sajma Toma Dixona<br />

izazvao je veliko zanimanje posjetitelja / The booth<br />

of the fair’s creative director Tom Dixon drew large<br />

attention from the visitors<br />

dnju, a samim time i daljnje zagađenje), pa su vrijedni<br />

ekolozi izračunali još jedan nevjerojatan podatak: kad bi<br />

se samo svi potrošači u Velikoj Britaniji prebacili na štedne<br />

žarulje, moglo bi se uštedjeti dovoljno energije svake<br />

godine da se zatvore dvije termoelektrane!<br />

“<strong>100%</strong> Light” donio je novosti u arhitektonskoj i dekorativnoj<br />

rasvjeti, a osim za instalacije Toma Dixona i Jasona<br />

Brugesa, posjetitelji su pokazali najveće zanimanje za<br />

“Kineticu”, inovativan i zanimljiv štand koji se poigrava<br />

temom kretnje i kinetičke energije prikazane kroz svjetlosne<br />

efekte.<br />

Zanimljiva je Dixonova koncepcija samoga interijera sajma.<br />

Kreiran je teatar (Finnforest Merk Theatre) i središnji<br />

trg, mjesto za druženje i izmjenu ideja. Grad je korišten<br />

kao metafora, a Dixonova vizija je bila kozmopolitski<br />

grad gdje ljudi mogu učiti, povezati se, razmjenjivati<br />

ideje i zabavljati se na novome središnjemu<br />

trgu. Koncept je sasvim uspio, no kvaliteti sajma<br />

pridonijeli su i strogi kriteriji kojima je podvrgnut<br />

svaki potencijalni izlagač prije negoli su ga organizatori<br />

“pripustili” na Earl’s Court. Naime, svaki je<br />

aplikant, osim plaćanja pristojbe i zakupa štanda,<br />

morao proći i procjenu komisije sastavljene od uglednika<br />

iz svijeta dizajna i arhitekture kako bi posjetitelji doista<br />

mogli uživati u najboljemu i najkvalitetnijemu u suvremenome<br />

dizajnu. Novac je ovdje očito igrao bitnu ulogu, ali<br />

ne i presudnu. Briga za okoliš vidljiva je čak i u konceptu<br />

pripreme hrane na sajmu: oduševljenje svih prisutnih izazvao<br />

je angažman Acorn House Restauranta kao glavnog<br />

dobavljača hrane. Svaki aspekt Acorn House Restauranta,<br />

od dizajna do dostave, ekološki je osviješten.<br />

Restoran nudi povrće, meso i ribu iz održivih i ekoloških<br />

izvora, od lokalnih proizvođača, sav otpad iz kuhinje se<br />

reciklira ili pretvara u kompost i koristi za gnojenje, a pri<br />

dostavi se kori-<br />

ste prijevozna sredstva sa<br />

s m a n j e -<br />

nom emisijom<br />

štetnih<br />

plinova.<br />


Proizvođači kupaonskog namještaja predstavili<br />

su svoje inovacije / Manufacturers of bathroom<br />

furniture presented their innovations<br />

Acorn House Restaurant<br />

Lime studio predstavio je podnu ležaljku na<br />

njihanje “Leaf” / Lime Studio presented the<br />

floor rocking chair “Leaf”<br />

Bambus kao inspiracija / Bamboo as an inspiration<br />

18<br />

Kako je produženje životnoga vijeka materije i proizvoda<br />

moto četverodnevnoga okupljanja u Londonu, ni središnji<br />

dio “<strong>100%</strong> Designa” nije ostao bez rješenja na tome<br />

tragu. Tako je posjetiteljima predstavljeno mnoštvo zanimljivih<br />

ideja mladih dizajnera pod imenom “Redesign”:<br />

stolica skulptura (RD4 chair) napravljena od reciklirane<br />

plastike URE procesom koji štedi energiju, zatim stolica<br />

napravljena od čvrsto rolanih i spojenih novina (moguće<br />

ju je personalizirati prema najdražem štivu), sjedalica<br />

od odbačene kade... Cilj je svima isti: koristiti odbačene<br />

i reciklirane materijale i dokazati da se i sa smanjenom<br />

potrošnjom energije i materijala može stvoriti predmet<br />

vrijedan divljenja, uz opovrgavanje duboko ukorijenjene<br />

predrasude o manjoj estetskoj vrijednosti recikliranog<br />

proizvoda.<br />

No, recikliranje je tek djelić od 450 različitih ideja i koncepata<br />

koje su izlagači predstavili: namještaj, rasvjeta,<br />

podne i zidne obloge, kuhinje, kupaonice, dodaci... Veliki<br />

prostor zauzeli su izlagači koji proizvode zidne obloge,<br />

s mnoštvom zanimljivih materijala i najrazličitijih uzoraka.<br />

Metode uporabe su vrlo inovativne: tvrtka Pepper-mint<br />

je tako predstavila tapete koje se primjenjuju po principu<br />

magneta. Tanki sloj magneta na pozadini zidne tapete<br />

dopušta učestalu promjenu uzorka na zidu, čime se eliminira<br />

najveći problem upotrebe zidnih tapeta – strah<br />

da ne dosade. Britanska tvrtka Graham&Brown dokazala<br />

je da je najjača u proizvodnji zidnih tapeta predstavivši<br />

odlične kolekcije zidnih tapeta nastale u suradnji s najpoznatijim<br />

svjetskim dizajnerima kao što su Basso&Brooke,<br />

kanadska Umbra, Andy Magee te prestižnim dizajnerskim<br />

koledžom Central St. Martins.<br />

Uz nove kolekcije navećih britanskih imena, poput Davida<br />

Chipperfielda, Simona Pengellyja, Pottinger and Colea,<br />

Susan Bradley..., “<strong>100%</strong> Design” se dodatno internacionalizirao<br />

predstavljanjem najzanimljivijih postignuća iz<br />

japanskog dizajna; Danci su se u okviru “<strong>100%</strong> Futures”<br />

predstavili zajedničkim projektom Made in Denmark;<br />

viđena su atraktivna rješenja iz Norveške, Italije, Turske,<br />

Njemačke, Švedske, a sve živahnija španjolska scena donijela<br />

je ponovno novitete svojih već afirmiranih i manje<br />

afirmiranih dizajnera. Jedan od najpopularnijih svakako<br />

je Jaime Hayon. Njemu je dodijeljena i uloga predavača<br />

na jednome od brojnih seminara, ali je i jedan od troje<br />

nominiranih za Wallpaperovu nagradu “<strong>100%</strong> Design<br />

London” (ostalih dvoje su Matthew Hilton i BarberOsgerby).<br />

Wallpaper je, valja reći, samo jedan od nekoliko dizajnerskih<br />

institucija ili medija čije se nagrade dodjeljuju<br />

u sklopu “<strong>100%</strong> Designa”. I to dovoljno govori o veličini i<br />

važnosti londonske smotre. Za razliku od razvikane i raskošne<br />

milanske Fiere, ovdje se možda događaju neke<br />

bitne promjene u poimanju dizajna. Struka ih je, čini se,<br />

već spremna prihvatiti.

Cover story<br />

“<strong>100%</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong>” - THE BRITISH GATHERING OF <strong>DESIGN</strong>ER INNOVATIONS<br />

The Green Festival<br />

of Design in London<br />

Written by: Hela Biliæ and Ana Perišin<br />

Photo: Philip Vile Photography<br />

Graham&Brown zidne zapete nastale u suradnji s prestižnim londonskim<br />

fakultetom Central St Martin / Graham&Brown wallpapers created<br />

in cooperation with prestigious Central St Martin Faculty in London<br />


Cover story<br />

Redesign - sjedalica pod nazivom<br />

“Plava marmelada” / Redesign - a<br />

chair called “Blue Marmalade”<br />

James Design<br />

The necessity of energy preservation and the possibility of recycling should be just as<br />

important a design category as utilization and aesthetics – that was the unique notion<br />

of “<strong>100%</strong> Design”. Everyone shared the same goal: to prove that it is also possible to<br />

create an admirable object by reducing the consumption of energy and materials, while<br />

also denying the prejudices about the smaller aesthetical value of a recycled product<br />

Fact 1: Great Britain still trails the rest of the European<br />

Union when it comes to ecology and using new<br />

technologies in the construction industry, especially<br />

the Germans who pride themselves on being the<br />

leaders of this trend.<br />

Fact 2: The “<strong>100%</strong> Design” fair in London has decided to<br />

change the order of things in that sector.<br />

This year’s “<strong>100%</strong> Design”, as no other fair of design and<br />

architecture thus far, was marked by “the colour of<br />

green”, as well as sustainable growth, ecological products,<br />

recycling, energy preservation… Earl’s Court in London<br />

hosted, from the 20th to the 23rd of September and<br />

for the thirteenth time, the best from the world of architecture<br />

and design of interiors, furniture and accompanying<br />

products, and this year was the first time that famous<br />

designer Tom Dixon appeared as the creative director of<br />

the fair, which was appropriate because his career was<br />

launched during the first years of “<strong>100%</strong> Design”, largely<br />

due to the propulsion of the fair where he exhibited his<br />

early projects. This year’s “<strong>100%</strong> Design” went down as<br />

an integral part of the Design Festival in London, which<br />

traditionally takes place at four different locations in the<br />

British capital in the second half of September; people<br />

from the profession would claim that it is truly the most important<br />

part of the festival. Therefore, all the visitors could<br />

enjoy the presentations of newest collections by respectable<br />

companies, such as Moros, B&B and others, as well<br />

as plenty of accompanying events and performances,<br />

but also gazing at the enormous installations at South<br />

20<br />

Bank that were built by architects Zaha Hadid (“Urban<br />

Nebula”, a sculpture (furniture) made from 150 concrete<br />

blocks) and Amanda Levette (“Prototile” from corian),<br />

while the festival director Ben Evans happily watched the<br />

success of the concept that demanded close intertwining<br />

between the creators and the manufacturers during<br />

the fair. The two abovementioned sculptures clearly<br />

demonstrated that because they couldn’t have been<br />

created without the sponsorship of material manufacturers<br />

– “DuPonta” for corian and “Aggrevate Ind.” for<br />

concrete. It’s precisely that principle of connecting profession<br />

and industry that was the basis of “<strong>100%</strong> Design”,<br />

where 650 exhibitors from Great Britain and around the<br />

world encountered, but which also hosted four related<br />

happenings.<br />

“<strong>100%</strong> Futures” was imagined as a place of freedom for<br />

obscure designers (about fifty of them) to contact the<br />

companies in order to find those who are interested in<br />

investing into their ideas, or to find new materials for creation<br />

of certain designer products. This event was started<br />

based on experiences from previous years where these<br />

types of encounters would happen spontaneously and<br />

without formalizations.<br />

The “<strong>100%</strong> Details” exhibit, which was held within “<strong>100%</strong><br />

Design” for the fifth time this year, was dedicated to sustainable<br />

construction with small emission of carbon monoxide<br />

and possible recycling, or usage of recycled materials<br />

(we’ve already mentioned several times that the<br />

construction industry is one of the largest polluters in the

world). In previous years, visitors at “<strong>100%</strong> Details” were<br />

accustomed to finding innovative solutions and new<br />

materials in the field of construction, but this year the organizers<br />

decided to tackle the hot subject of pollution.<br />

A string of seminars was used to warn the visitors of the<br />

necessity of changing habits and introducing new rules<br />

in the construction industry, as well as point out the areas<br />

where those postulates have already been applied, such<br />

as Gallions Park in London. Greenpeace also organized a<br />

workshop, and its exhibit section displayed recycled glass<br />

tiles, construction blocks made out of recycled wood<br />

strengthened with cement, straw as a construction material,<br />

new systems of green roofs that integrate isolation<br />

and ventilation solutions, photo-sensitive films that are assembled<br />

to the glass on the windows… And within “100<br />

Details”, special attention was also given to new materials<br />

through a sub-fair called “100 Materials”, where visitors<br />

could get introduced to innovations in the field of materials<br />

through tactile means, as well as visually and through<br />

utilization, and not just through stories.<br />

The necessity of energy preservation and the possibility of<br />

recycling should be just as important a design category<br />

as utilization and aesthetics – that was the unique notion<br />

that integrated all the booths at “<strong>100%</strong> Design”. Therefore<br />

at “<strong>100%</strong> Light”, we could see an installation called “Light<br />

Garden” by the Jason Burges Studio that was made out<br />

of a bunch of economical light bulbs and was shaped<br />

like a garden with flowers, which is a project that was supported<br />

by Greenpeace’s campaigning against climate<br />

changes. As far as this concept goes, it must be pointed<br />

out that each of the economical bulbs from the “Light<br />

Garden” has a life span of 16.000 hours, during which<br />

it reduces the emission of carbon monoxide for an astounding<br />

700 kg when compared to regular bulbs. After<br />

all, it is common fact that regular bulbs spend 95% of their<br />

energy in the shape of heat energy, and only 5% as light.<br />

Kinetica se poigrala temom kretnje i kinetičke energije /<br />

Kinetica played around with the theme of movement<br />

and kinetic energy<br />

Japanski klasici u redizajniranoj verziji /<br />

Japanese classics in redesigned versions<br />

Ovako izgleda najbolji<br />

televizor na svijetu.<br />

Individual Compose. Slika. Zvuk. Kompozicija. Ovaj jedinstveni tanki<br />

televizor sa HDTV prijemnikom možete dizajnirati po svojim željama i<br />

pridružiti mu 30 različitih audio sustava. Više na www.loewe.hr<br />

Plug&Play. Bednjanska 8. Zagreb. 01 4829 552<br />

Product Design: Loewe Design/Phoenix Design<br />

RZ_208x92_Compose_hr.indd 1<br />

21<br />

30.03.2007 8:48:07 Uhr

Cover story<br />

Igra tekstila i umjetnosti / A game of textile and art<br />

Zanimljivi tepih / Interesting carpet<br />

Economical bulbs change that relation to 20% of light<br />

and 80% of heat, and they also last a lot longer (which<br />

reduces the production and results in less pollution), so<br />

hard-working ecologists came up with one more incredible<br />

piece of information: if all consumers in Great Britain<br />

transferred to economical bulbs, it would be possible to<br />

save up enough energy every year to shut down two<br />

thermal power plants! “<strong>100%</strong> Light” has presented new<br />

occurrences in architectonic and decorative lighting,<br />

and if we put aside installations made by Tom Dixon and<br />

Jason Bruges, visitors showed the largest interest for “Kinetica”,<br />

which was an innovative and interesting booth<br />

that played around the theme of movement and kinetic<br />

energy shown through light effects.<br />

Dixon’s concept of the fair’s interior was very interesting.<br />

He created a theatre (Finnforest Merk Theatre) and a<br />

central square as a place for interacting and exchanging<br />

ideas. The town was used as a metaphor, and Dixon’s<br />

vision established a cosmopolitan town where people<br />

can study, interact, exchange ideas and have fun at the<br />

new central square. The concept was a complete success,<br />

but the quality of the fair was also contributed by<br />

22<br />

the strict criteria that each of the potential exhibitors had<br />

to meet before the organizers would allow him to appear<br />

at Earl’s Court. Every applicant, besides paying the fee<br />

and renting a booth, had to pass the evaluation of the<br />

committee that consisted of prestigious members from<br />

the world of design and architecture, and that ensured<br />

that the visitors would truly enjoy the best projects with<br />

the most quality in contemporary design. Money was obviously<br />

a very important issue here, but not a crucial one.<br />

Concern for the environment was also visible even in the<br />

way food was prepared at the fair: all the people in attendance<br />

were enthralled by the appearance of Acorn<br />

House Restaurant as the main food caterer. Every aspect<br />

of Acorn House Restaurant, from design to the delivery, is<br />

ecologically conscious. The restaurant offers vegetables,<br />

meat and fish from sustainable and ecological resources,<br />

as well as from local manufacturers, and all the garbage<br />

from the kitchen is either recycled or turned into compost<br />

and used as manure, while only vehicles with reduced<br />

emission of harmful gases are used for delivery.<br />

Being that creating a longer life span for materials and<br />

products was the motto of the 4-day gathering in Lon-

Sjedalica za konverzaciju dizajnerice<br />

Ane Linares predstavljena<br />

na <strong>100%</strong> Futures / Designer Ana<br />

Linares’s conversation chair was<br />

presented at <strong>100%</strong> Futures<br />

Interakcija produkt dizajna i mode - britanske “viseće košare” za cvijeće nastale<br />

u suradnji Jam-a i modnog dizajnera Ted Bakera / Interaction of product<br />

design and fashion - British “hanging baskets” for flowers that were<br />

created by Jam and fashion designer Ted Baker<br />

don, the central part of “<strong>100%</strong> Design” also had to provide<br />

some answers for that subject. Therefore, the visitors<br />

were introduced to many interesting ideas by young<br />

designers under the name of “Redesign”: a chair/sculpture<br />

(RD4 chair) made from recycled plastic with a URE<br />

process that preserves energy; also a chair made from<br />

firmly rolled and attached newspapers (it’s possible to<br />

personalize it according to one’s favourite thing to read),<br />

as well as a chair made from a rejected bathtub… Everyone<br />

shared the same goal: to use rejected and recycled<br />

materials and to prove that it is also possible to create<br />

an admirable object by reducing the consumption<br />

of energy and materials, while also denying the deeply<br />

rooted prejudices about the smaller aesthetical value of<br />

recycled products.<br />

However, recycling is just a small part of 450 different ideas<br />

and concepts that were presented by the exhibitors:<br />

furniture, lighting, coverings for walls and floors, kitchens,<br />

bathrooms, accessories… A large chunk of the space<br />

was taken up by exhibitors who produce wall coverings,<br />

and they had many interesting materials and various<br />

samples. The usage methods were very creative: the<br />

“Pepper-mint” company presented the wallpapers that<br />

are used by the magnet principle. A thin layer of a magnet<br />

at the back of the wallpaper allows the sample on<br />

the wall to be constantly changed, which eliminates the<br />

biggest problem when it comes to wallpapers – fear of<br />

boredom. British company “Graham&Brown” has proved<br />

that it’s the best manufacturer of wallpapers by presenting<br />

excellent collections that were created while working<br />

with the most famous designers in the world, such as<br />

Basso&Brooke, Umbra from Canada, Andy Magee, as<br />

well as the prestigious designer college Central St. Martins.<br />

In addition to the new collections by the biggest British<br />

names, such as David Chipperfield, Simon Pengelly,<br />

Pottinger&Cole, Susan Bradley… “<strong>100%</strong> Design” has added<br />

an international dimension by presenting the most<br />

interesting accomplishments from Japanese design; the<br />

Danes have, within the “<strong>100%</strong> Futures” exhibit, presented<br />

themselves with the joint project Made in Denmark; we<br />

witnessed attractive solutions from Norway, Italy, Turkey,<br />

Germany and Sweden, and the increasingly vivacious<br />

Spanish scene has again brought novelties from their established<br />

and not-so-established designers. One of the<br />

most popular exhibitors had to be Jaime Hayon. He was<br />

awarded with the role of teacher at one of the numerous<br />

seminars, but he was also one of the three people<br />

nominated for the Wallpaper Award “<strong>100%</strong> Design London”<br />

(the other two were Matthew Hilton and BarberOsgerby).<br />

It should be pointed out that Wallpaper is just one<br />

of several designer institutions or mediums that have their<br />

awards present at “<strong>100%</strong> Design”. And that speaks plenty<br />

enough about the grandeur and the importance of the<br />

fair in London. Unlike the overrated and sumptuous Fiera<br />

in Milan, this might just be the place for important changes<br />

w h e n<br />

t h a t<br />

it comes to understanding design. It appears<br />

the experts are already prepared to acknowledge<br />

them.<br />



Arhitekti<br />

opæe prakse<br />

Poznati hrvatski arhitekti Krešimir Rogina i<br />

Vinko Penezić govore o svojim počecima,<br />

međunarodnom uspjehu, nedavno održanom<br />

grožnjanskom simpoziju i ostalim stvarima<br />

vezanim uz njihov rad i arhitektonsku scenu u<br />

Hrvatskoj<br />

Razgovarala: Ivana Bioèina<br />

Foto: Kristina Faziniæ<br />

Vaš ulazak na arhitektonsku scenu bio je i više<br />

nego buran kada ste kao dvadesetpetogodišnjaci<br />

osvojili natječaj za gradnju sportskog<br />

kompleksa Mladost. Koje su bile pozitivne, a<br />

koje negativne strane osvajanja tako velikog natječaja<br />

neposredno nakon završetka fakulteta i bez prijašnje<br />

prakse<br />

Penezić: Negativna strana je ta da smo brzo izgubili “nevinost”.<br />

Pozitivna je da smo kao vrlo mladi arhitekti, što je<br />

neuobičajeno za arhitektonsku profesiju, dobili priliku realizirati<br />

građevinu. Kaže se da su arhitekti mladi s četrdeset<br />

godina jer onda obično dolaze u priliku da počnu graditi<br />

kuće. Vrlo je dug proces stvarne edukacije i treninga kroz<br />

praksu da bi onda konačno došao u priliku da gradiš. Mi<br />

smo imali sreću da je odmah prvi pravi projekt koji smo<br />

napravili išao u realizaciju. I to je sigurno bio jedan strašan<br />

poticaj, otvorila su nam se vrata i naša karijera je krenula<br />

uzlazno. Poslije toga je uslijedilo i nekoliko značajnih natječaja<br />

isto tako velikog formata. Zanimljivo je da je bio<br />

paralelan i uspjeh u Japanu, tako da je ta dvojnost teoretskih<br />

projekata, refleksije i promišljanja o arhitekturi, i<br />

građenja, što je konačno smisao arhitekture, od početka<br />

bila prisutna u našem radu. Na neki način nas je ta dvojnost<br />

i odredila.<br />

Kao što ste napomenuli, postigli ste veliki uspjeh u Japanu.<br />

Godine 1984. ste osvojili prvo mjesto na Shinkenchiku<br />

competition, a nakon toga je uslijedilo još pet nagrada u<br />

Japanu – 1990., 1995., 1996., 1999. i 2001. godine. Kako<br />

objašnjavate uspjeh u Japanu i koliko je ta zemlja utjecala<br />

na vas<br />

Rogina: Uspjeh objašnjavamo činjenicom da smo oduvijek<br />

zapravo shvaćali arhitekturu kao medij izražavanja<br />

24<br />

svojih svjetonazora i medij koji nastaje iz drugih domena<br />

koje nisu jedino arhitektonske; da nastaje iz onog što arhitektura<br />

treba generirati, a to je život sam. Mislim da smo<br />

tu dobro potezali referencije prema drugim disciplinama,<br />

prema situacijama koje su proizlazile iz tih disciplina. Nisu<br />

ljudi iz žirija nužno bili kompatibilni nama, pogotovo ne u<br />

početku, ali su pročitali tu neku iskrenost koja je kroz te<br />

radove izvirala. Shvatili smo arhitekturu kao jedan medij<br />

izražavanja. Ne isključivo arhitekturu kao građevinu, graditeljstvo,<br />

slaganje kamena na kamen. Jer arhitektura<br />

može biti i uklanjanje, rušenje. Arhitektura nije namijenjena<br />

isključivo vječnosti, ona nije nužno monument. Arhitektura<br />

je i sklop okolnosti koje čovjek može izrežirati i kojima<br />

onda može poboljšati životne situacije.<br />

“Probili smo led sa šest japanskih nagrada, dva nastupa<br />

na Venecijanskom bijenalu, nagradom za<br />

plivalište Mladost na Svjetskom bijenalu arhitekture<br />

u Sofiji, ali i s direktnom narudžbom koju smo dobili<br />

- za jedan trg u središtu Saint-Etienna”<br />

Ove godine je održan četvrti po redu Međunarodni simpozij<br />

za teoriju i dizajn u digitalno doba, pod nazivom Reality<br />

Chic: Arhitecture and Fashion. Simpozij se pod vašim<br />

vodstvom održava u Grožnjanu još od 1989. godine. Zašto<br />

ste osnovali simpozij i kako je bilo ove godine<br />

Rogina: Osnovali smo ga okupivši jednu grupu entuzijasta<br />

krajem osamdesetih godina, kada je bila vrlo dinamična<br />

kulturna razmjena među raznim sredinama unutar bivše<br />

Jugoslavije, ali i izvan nje. Uskoro smo došli do profesora<br />

Nigela Whiteleyja i arhitekta Cederica Pricea koji su nam<br />

pružili potporu. Nismo htjeli osnovati ljetnu školu kakvih je

Crkva u Dubrovniku / The church in Dubrovnik<br />

Interview<br />

Atletski stadion Mladost / Mladost athletic stadium Stambena zgrada u Novoj Gradiški /<br />

A residential building in Nova Gradiška<br />

već bilo, na kojima su studenti odlazili u mala istarska mjesta<br />

mjeriti zgrade i raditi neke manje intervencije, nego<br />

jedan laboratorij za brainstorming koji se temelji ponajprije<br />

na promišljanju situacije u kojoj se čovjek trenutačno<br />

nalazi. To je bila osnovna ideja: imati teorijski dio, a kad se<br />

promisli taj teorijski dio, krenuti u praktičnu realizaciju.<br />

Penezić: Sam naslov simpozija je direktna referencija na<br />

knjigu Reynera Banhama koji zapravo ističe tu kombinaciju<br />

teorije i oblikovanja. Dakle, da svako oblikovanje kao<br />

kreativni proces svoje polazište ima u teoretskom procesu<br />

koji prethodi konačnom davanju oblika. Ove godine je<br />

tema bila “Arhitektura i moda”, što mislim da je vrlo zanimljivo<br />

i aktualno. Teoretski dio je vodio profesor Nigel<br />

Whiteley, to je četvrti put da je u Grožnjanu, a praktični<br />

dio smo vodili nas dvojica. U teoretskom dijelu, osim predavanja<br />

Nigela Whiteleyja, bilo je i predavanja drugih<br />

gostujućih predavača: profesor Žarko Paić s Tekstilno-tehnološkog<br />

fakulteta, naš najpoznatiji modni kritičar Nenad<br />

Korkut, dizajner nakita Nenad Roban i arhitekt Saša<br />

Begović. Ono što je nama zanimljivo u Grožnjanu jest to<br />

da se uvijek ide na neku granicu disciplina, razrađuju se<br />

dodirne točke s drugim disciplinama. To više nije interdisciplinarnost,<br />

nego postdisciplinarnost. U praktičnom dijelu<br />

radili smo poveznicu između arhitekture i mode, što<br />

je zanimljivo jer se te dvije discipline danas preklapaju.<br />

Moda se prije smatrala kao nešto efemerno, kratkotrajno,<br />

a arhitektura kao nešto ozbiljno, nešto što je za vječnost.<br />

Te su se pozicije promijenile i danas se arhitektura približila<br />

modi, unijela je dozu ležernosti, i arhitektura se definitivno<br />

više ne radi za vječnost kao što su se radile piramide i<br />

kako je arhitektura bila tretirana stoljećima. Danas su arhitektonski<br />

objekti kratkotrajnog vijeka, nešto što je potrošna<br />

roba, recimo kao neki automobil. Jedan od ideologa<br />

takvog pristupa arhitekturi je bio Cederic Price, čiji je duh<br />


Interview<br />

Kuća Majetić / Majetić house<br />

Caffe bar Elite<br />

Poslovna zgrada u Vukovaru / A business building<br />

in Vukovar<br />

i dalje prisutan u Grožnjanu. Svake godine 10. kolovoza,<br />

na dan njegove smrti, imamo posvetu, a ove godine je s<br />

tom posvetom počeo simpozij.<br />

26<br />

Svrstani ste se među nekolicinu svjetskih ureda koji arhitekturu<br />

sustavno provode iz mehaničke u digitalnu eru.<br />

Što to znači<br />

Rogina: Kao prvo, to znači da smo uvršteni u ediciju koja<br />

se zove IT Revolution in Architecture (Informatičko-tehnološka<br />

revolucija u arhitekturi), koju uređuje Antonino Saggio,<br />

profesor na La Sapienzi u Rimu. To je najznačajnija<br />

edicija koja se bavi transformacijom današnjeg svijeta<br />

i situacijom da više ne živimo i radimo onako kako smo<br />

to radili prije. Ta edicija se zapravo odnosi ponajprije na<br />

knjige koje autori pišu o određenim fenomenima, dok<br />

ima vrlo malo monografija o arhitektima koji se bave tom<br />

tematikom. Mi smo Saggiu zanimljivi zbog činjenice što<br />

su ljudi obično ili u digitalnoj arhitekturi ili su još uvijek u<br />

mehaničkoj praksi. On u našem uredu vidi činjenicu i mogućnost<br />

da jedan ured fuzionira i jednu i drugu stranu.<br />

U tom smislu apsolutnim remek-djelom smatra naš vrtić<br />

na Jarunu. Uvrštenje u tu ediciju i poziv Kurta Forstera na<br />

Venecijanski bijenale 2004. godine, kada je prvi put selektor<br />

pozvao hrvatske arhitekte da nastupaju na glavnoj<br />

izložbi Bijenala, potvrda su da je naš rad naišao na jednu<br />

jaku međunarodnu referenciju. Na Bijenalu smo nastupali<br />

i 2000. godine, kada smo bili odabrani kao hrvatski predstavnici.<br />

Mislim da smo na neki način ured koji je probijao<br />

led međunarodne afirmacije hrvatske arhitekture. Probili<br />

smo led sa šest japanskih nagrada, dva nastupa na Venecijanskom<br />

bijenalu, s tom knjigom, s nagradom za plivalište<br />

Mladost na Svjetskom bijenalu arhitekture u Sofiji,<br />

ali i s direktnom narudžbom koju smo dobili – za jedan trg<br />

u središtu Saint-Etienna.

Caffe bar Elite<br />

Zlatarna Križek / Križek jewerelly<br />

Kakvo je danas stanje na arhitektonskoj sceni u Hrvatskoj<br />

Penezić: Moram priznati da smo u prošlom desetljeću bili<br />

puno više društveno angažirani i prisutni u tim nekim arhitektonskim<br />

krugovima. Sad smo manje prisutni i u principu<br />

smo se okrenuli svom radu i svojim projektima. Što<br />

se tiče same arhitektonske klime u Hrvatskoj, mislim da<br />

je ona dobra, da je poticajna. Na scenu je izišla jedna<br />

nova generacija arhitekata koja je educirana na toj novoj<br />

digitalnoj stvarnosti, bez obzira što se to toliko kroz<br />

samu artikulaciju arhitekture još ne zamjećuje. Međutim,<br />

oni su djeca ove digitalne ere u kojoj živimo. Imali su sreću<br />

da im se otvori i društvo, da im omogući da dođu<br />

do poslova relativno rano. Mi smo se stvarno izborili u<br />

vrlo oštroj konkurenciji starijih i uglednih kolega. Danas<br />

je to vrlo otvoreno za mlade arhitekte i praktički već na<br />

početku karijere, ako imaju talenta i uz trud, mogu svoje<br />

projekte pretočiti u realizacije. Hrvatska arhitektura ima<br />

polet i svježinu. Danas je situacija u struci puno bolja,<br />

postoji komora za koju smo se borili devedesetih godina,<br />

pa i to sebi ubrajamo kao neku zaslugu. Konačno i<br />

stanje na tržištu je puno povoljnije za arhitekte. Investitori<br />

koji ulažu postali su svjesni toga da im kvaliteta donosi<br />

prestiž i određenu financijsku korist, te da je arhitektura<br />

postala brand. Žele se kroz arhitekturu reprezentirati u<br />

javnosti. Mislim da je to i najvažniji trenutak koji onda ide<br />

u korist kvalitetnoj arhitekturi. Što ne znači da i dalje jedan<br />

veliki postotak onoga što se gradi nije ispod svakog<br />

standarda i da se praktički za većinu toga ne bi smjele<br />

izdavati dozvole.<br />

“Dvojnost teoretskih projekata, refleksije i promišljanja<br />

o arhitekturi, i građenja, od početka je bila<br />

prisutna u našemu radu, a na neki način nas je ta<br />

dvojnost i odredila”<br />

Kako bi trebao izgledati grad 21. stoljeća<br />

Rogina: Definitivno kaotično. Današnje kategorije nisu<br />

više klasične mehaničke, kategorije koje postavljaju linearnost<br />

i red, nego su zapravo kategorije koje su sada zamijenjene<br />

postmodernističkim digitalnim kaosom. Grad<br />

21. stoljeća bi trebao biti konfuzan. On se opredmećuje<br />

kroz transformacije, promjene, hibridnost i distorziju.<br />

Koji su vaši budući planovi<br />

Rogina: I dalje ćemo biti na krijesti hrvatske arhitekture.<br />

Mi smo arhitekti opće prakse. Kao i svi kreativni biroi te<br />

vrste u svijetu, bavimo se jednim širokim rasponom arhitektonskih<br />

tipologija, koje se kreću od rekonstrukcije jednog<br />

stana do glomaznih urbanističkih studija, preko svih vrsta<br />

objekata – sakralnih, sportskih, stambenih, obiteljskih kuća<br />

itd. Time ćemo se baviti i dalje i bavit ćemo se na način<br />

da naš ured uvijek daje dodatnu vrijednost. Nikad se ne<br />

radi o konfekcijskoj proizvodnji, nego je to uvijek arhitektura<br />

s potpisom, arhitektura koja nosi brand.<br />

Penezić: Teško je bilo što planirati jer je vrijeme danas vrlo<br />

nestabilno. Nema više nikakvih ideologija. Živimo u posturbanističko<br />

i postpovijesno doba u kojem su sve opcije<br />

otvorene i jedino što je stalno jest promjena. Dakle, nešto<br />

planirati je nemoguće. U svojim smo se radovima uvijek<br />

referirali ponajprije na život, a ne na druge arhitektonske<br />

uzore ili recentna ostvarenja. Tako ćemo i dalje funkcionirati<br />

s obzirom da je život promjenjiv, da je on kategorija<br />

koju je nemoguće predvidjeti. Uvijek smo nastojali iščitavati<br />

vrijeme u kojem živimo i nadam se da će tako biti i<br />

ubuduće.<br />


Interview<br />

Krešimir Rogina i Vinko Penezić u svom uredu / Krešimir<br />

Rogina and Vinko Penezić in their office<br />


Architects<br />

of General<br />

Practice<br />

Famous Croatian architects Krešimir Rogina<br />

and Vinko Penezić talk about their beginnings,<br />

international success, recently held symposium<br />

in Grožnjan, and other things regarding<br />

their work and the architectonic scene in<br />

Croatia<br />

Interviewed by: Ivana Bioèina<br />

Photo: Kristina Faziniæ<br />

28<br />

Your arrival to the architectonic scene was more<br />

then tempestuous when you won the contest<br />

for constructing the Mladost Sport Centre at the<br />

age of 25. Which were the positive, and which<br />

were the negative sides of winning such a large contest<br />

right after graduating from college and with no previous<br />

working experience<br />

Penezić: The negative side was that we lost our “virginity”<br />

very quickly. The positive side was that we received<br />

the opportunity to construct a building as very young<br />

architects, which is unusual for the architectonic profession.<br />

They say that architects are young at the age<br />

of forty because that’s when they usually receive an<br />

opportunity to build houses. The process of real education<br />

and training through practice is very long, and<br />

that’s when you usually get the opportunity to build. We<br />

had that luck to have the first real project we created<br />

immediately head into realization. That was definitely<br />

an enormous encouragement, as many doors opened<br />

for us and our career was on the way up. After that,<br />

several other important contests of equally big formats<br />

followed. What’s interesting is that we had parallel success<br />

in Japan, so that duality of theoretical projects,<br />

reflecting and pondering over architecture and then<br />

building, which is really the true meaning of architecture,<br />

has been present in our work since the beginning.<br />

In a way, that duality has also defined us.

As you mentioned, you achieved a lot of success<br />

in Japan. You won the first prize at the<br />

Shinkenchiku Competition in 1984, and you followed<br />

up by receiving five more awards in Japan<br />

– in 1990, 1995, 1996, 1999 and 2001. How<br />

do you explain your success in Japan and in<br />

what way has that country influenced you<br />

Rogina: We explain our success with a fact that<br />

we have always understood architecture as a<br />

medium of expressing our points of view, and<br />

a medium that is created out of different fields<br />

that are not necessarily architectonic; that is created<br />

out of what architecture should generate,<br />

and that is life itself. I think we did a good job<br />

of drawing references towards other disciplines,<br />

and towards situations that came out of those<br />

disciplines. It’s not that the judges were necessarily<br />

compatible to us, especially not in the beginning,<br />

but they noticed certain honesty that<br />

our works radiated. We understood architecture<br />

as one medium to express things. Not exclusively<br />

architecture as a building, construction, putting<br />

one stone onto the other. Because architecture<br />

can also be about removing and bringing things<br />

down. Architecture isn’t exclusively meant for<br />

eternity, it’s not necessarily a monument. Architecture<br />

is also a set of circumstances that a<br />

person can direct and use to improve the living<br />

situation.<br />

Župni centar i samostan Trnje, Zagreb / Parish center<br />

and convent in Zagreb, Trnje<br />

Stambeno-poslovna zgrada za zbrinjavanje stradalnika<br />

Domovinskog rata / A residential-business building to provide<br />

for casualties of the War for Independence<br />

This year, we witnessed the fourth consecutive<br />

International Symposium of Theory and Design<br />

in the Digital Age, which was named Reality<br />

Chic: Architecture and Fashion. The symposium<br />

is held under your leadership in Grožnjan since<br />

1989. Why did you start that symposium and how<br />

did it go this year<br />

Rogina: We started it by gathering a group<br />

of enthusiasts in the late eighties, back when<br />

there was this very dynamic cultural exchange<br />

among different areas within ex-Yugoslavia,<br />

but also outside of it. We soon reached professor<br />

Nigel Whiteley and architect Cederic Price<br />

who gave us plenty of support. We didn’t want<br />

to start one of those summer schools that were<br />

plenty around, where students went to small Istrian<br />

towns to take measures of buildings and<br />

do some smaller interventions, but rather start a<br />

brainstorming laboratory that is primarily based<br />

on analysing the situation surrounding a person.<br />

That was the basic idea: to have a theoretical<br />

part, and when that is properly analysed, go forward<br />

with practical realization.<br />

Penezić: The very name of the symposium is a<br />

direct reference to a book by Reyner Banham,<br />

which actually points out this combination of<br />

theory and shaping. It says that every shaping<br />

process has its starting point in the theoretical<br />

process that comes before the final stages of the<br />

shaping process. This year’s theme was “Architecture<br />

and Fashion”, which I think is very interesting<br />

and current. The theoretical part was led<br />

Scenografija Kviskoteke /<br />

Kviskoteka set<br />


Pliva interijer / Pliva interior<br />

by professor Nigel Whiteley, which makes for his fourth<br />

visit to Grožnjan, and the practical part was led by the<br />

two of us. The theoretical part, besides Nigel Whiteley’s<br />

lectures, also featured lectures from other guest lecturers:<br />

professor Žarko Paić from the Textile-Technology<br />

Faculty, our most famous fashion critic Nenad<br />

Korkut, jewellery designer Nenad Roban and architect<br />

Saša Begović. What we always find interesting about<br />

Grožnjan is that it always touches upon borders between<br />

disciplines, as interacting points with other disciplines<br />

are analysed. That’s not really interdisciplinary<br />

any more, but it rather qualifies as post-disciplinary. In<br />

the practical part, we were trying to find a connection<br />

between architecture and fashion, which is interesting<br />

because those two disciplines are overlapping<br />

each other right now. Fashion used to be thought of as<br />

something ephemeral and short-lived, while architecture<br />

had the aura of something serious that is meant<br />

to last for eternity. Those positions have changed and<br />

today’s architecture is much closer to fashion, as it features<br />

a casual vibe, and it is definitely not done with<br />

eternity in mind, as was the case with the pyramids<br />

and as architecture was treated for centuries. Today’s<br />

architectonic objects are short-lived, something that is<br />

thought of as disposable goods, like maybe some car.<br />

One of the ideologists of such approach was Cederic<br />

Price, whose spirit still lives in Grožnjan. On August 10th<br />

of every year, which is the date of his death, we hold<br />

a little tribute, and that tribute opened this year’s symposium.<br />

You were included among several offices in the world<br />

that consistently transfer architecture from the mechanical<br />

to digital era. What does that mean<br />

Rogina: First of all, that means that we were elected in<br />

30<br />

the edition that is called IT Revolution in Architecture<br />

(Information Technology Revolution in Architecture),<br />

which is edited by Antonino Saggio, who is a professor<br />

at La Sapienza in Rome. That is the most important edition<br />

that deals with how today’s world has transformed<br />

and how we don’t live or do things the way we used to.<br />

That edition primarily relates to books by authors who<br />

write about certain occurrences, while there are very<br />

few monographies about architects who deal with this<br />

topic. Saggio finds us interesting because people are<br />

usually either in digital architecture or are still practicing<br />

architecture in mechanical fashion. He sees our office<br />

as a fact and a possibility of an office that fuses both of<br />

those sides. In that sense, he considers our kindergarten<br />

at Jarun a true masterpiece. The inclusion in that edition<br />

and Kurt Forster’s invitation to the Venice Biennale<br />

in 2004, which was the first time that a selector invited<br />

Croatian architects to participate at Biennale’s main<br />

exhibit, confirm that our work has achieved a strong<br />

international reference. We also performed at the Biennale<br />

in 2000, when we were chosen as Croatian representatives.<br />

I think that all makes us an office that was<br />

breaking the ice in regards to Croatian architecture’s<br />

international affirmation. We broke the ice with six Japanese<br />

awards, two performances at the Venice Biennale,<br />

our book, an award for the “Mladost” swimming<br />

pool at the World Architecture Biennale in Sofia, as well<br />

as with the direct order we received – for a square in<br />

the centre of Saint-Etienne.<br />

What is the condition of the architectonic scene in<br />

Croatia today<br />

Penezić: I have to admit that we were a lot more socially<br />

engaged and present in those architectonic circles<br />

during the last decade. Now we’re not quite as

present and we are more focused on our work and our<br />

projects. As far as the architectonic climate in Croatia<br />

itself, I think it’s fairly good and encouraging. There is<br />

a whole new generation of architects on the scene,<br />

and they have been educated by this new digital reality,<br />

despite that not being so evident through the articulation<br />

of architecture itself. However, they are the<br />

children of this digital era we live in. They were also<br />

fortunate that society has opened up to them, which<br />

enabled them to reach work contracts relatively early.<br />

We really had to work hard for it in extremely stiff competition<br />

of older and more respected colleagues. It’s<br />

all very open for young architects today and they can<br />

achieve their projects, if they’re talented and work<br />

hard enough, practically at the beginning of their career.<br />

Croatian architecture has zeal and freshness. The<br />

situation in the profession is much better today; there<br />

is the chamber we fought for back in the nineties, so<br />

we can also take a little credit for that. And finally, the<br />

situation on the market is much more opportune for architects.<br />

Money-shelling investors are starting to realize<br />

that quality brings them certain prestige and financial<br />

benefit, and they view architecture as a brand. They<br />

want to present themselves in public through architecture.<br />

I think that’s the most important aspect that’s really<br />

useful to quality architecture. That doesn’t mean<br />

that a large percentage of what is built isn’t below<br />

any standard and licenses for most of that shouldn’t<br />

even be issued.<br />

Interview<br />

Stambena zgrada u Novoj Gradiški / A residential<br />

building in Nova Gradiška<br />

What should a city of the 21st century look like<br />

Rogina: It should definitely be chaotic. Today’s categories<br />

aren’t classic mechanical categories that set<br />

up linearity and order, but they’re rather categories<br />

that have been replaced by post-modernistic digital<br />

chaos. The city of the 21st century should be confusing.<br />

It defines itself through transformations, changes,<br />

hybridisation and distortion.<br />

What are your plans for the future<br />

Rogina: We will still be at the crest of Croatian architecture.<br />

We are architects of general practice. Just<br />

like all creative bureaus of this type in the world, we<br />

deal with a wide range of architectonic typologies,<br />

which range from reconstructing a single apartment<br />

to enormous urban studies, through all kinds of objects<br />

– sacral, sport, residential, family houses etc. That’s<br />

what we will keep doing and do so in a manner that<br />

implies our office as something that provides extra-value.<br />

It’s never about “ready-made” production, but it’s<br />

always architecture with a signature, and architecture<br />

that carries a brand.<br />

Penezić: It’s hard to make any plans because today’s<br />

world is very unstable. There are no more ideologies.<br />

We live in a post-urban, post-historical era where all options<br />

are open and the only constant thing is change<br />

itself. Therefore, planning things is impossible. We have<br />

always primarily referred to life in our works, and not to<br />

other architectonic role models or recent accomplishments.<br />

That’s how we’ll keep functioning because life<br />

is variable and is a category that is impossible to predict.<br />

We have always tried to interpret the time we live<br />

in and I hope that we’ll keep doing that.<br />

Olymptours interijer / Olymptours interior<br />


Razgovarala: Aurelija Vukušiæ<br />

Koliko dugo postoji KD Group Otkad posluje u Hrvatskoj<br />

Što od svojih usluga nudi u Hrvatskoj<br />

KD Group je 1992. osnovan u Sloveniji, a danas<br />

posluje u 10 država i upravlja s više od jednom milijardom<br />

eura imovine, te posluje u više grana djelatnosti:<br />

investicijski fondovi, brokerske kuće, osiguranja, bankarstvo,<br />

ulaganje u nekretnine, industrija zabave itd. Tvrtka je<br />

počela širenje izvan granica Slovenije 1997. godine, osnivanjem<br />

društva za upravljanje fondovima – Fondinvest<br />

(pravni prednik KD Investmentsa), a dvije godine poslije<br />

je s radom počeo i prvi dionički fond u RH, Victoria fond.<br />

Današnji fond KD Victoria ostvaruje vrlo dobre prinose<br />

te je tri puta proglašavan najboljim dioničkim fondom u<br />

Hrvatskoj. Danas društvo upravlja s još dva fonda, mješovitim<br />

KD Balanced i obvezničkim KD Adria Bond, a u<br />

postupku je pokretanje još dvaju fondova. Ukupna sredstva<br />

pod upravljanjem KD Investmentsa iznose više od<br />

600 milijuna kuna.<br />

U 2005. godini KD Group je osnovao KD Asset Management,<br />

brokersku kuću u RH koja je svoju prvu transakciju<br />

napravila u rujnu iste godine. Od početka 2007. godine<br />

KD Asset Management počinje s upravljanjem individualnim<br />

portfeljima i registriran je kao full service brokerska<br />

kuća, što znači da može obavljati gotovo sve poslove na<br />

tržištu kapitala. Danas, KD Asset Management upravlja s<br />

20 milijuna kuna u individualnim portfeljima.<br />

Kakvi su rezultati tvrtke KD Asset Management Koliko<br />

zanimanje Hrvati pokazuju za ulaganje u vrijednosne<br />

papire<br />

Rezultati su vrlo zadovoljavajući. U nepune dvije godine<br />

32<br />

Zvonimir Marić, član Uprave KD Asset<br />

Managementa, govori o investiranju<br />

u tržište dionica u Hrvatskoj<br />

Hrvati sve<br />

više vole<br />

vrijednosne<br />

papire<br />

Danas u Hrvatskoj ima dionica koje su nerazumno<br />

skupe, ali ne možemo govoriti o<br />

precijenjenosti svake dionice na tržištu. Točno<br />

je da je kod dijela dionica u cijenu već<br />

uračunat budući očekivani rast i razvoj. Bez<br />

obzira na to, moja je procjena da iznadprosječne<br />

prinose možemo očekivati do ulaska<br />

u EU – tvrdi Zvonimir Marić<br />

poslovanja dosegnuti su tržišni udjeli od dva posto, i u<br />

segmentu trgovine vrijednosnim papirima, i u segmentu<br />

upravljanja portfeljima. Već su to odlični pokazatelji za<br />

brokersku kuću koja je još relativno mlada te iza koje ne<br />

stoji neka velika banka. Tržišni udjeli i dalje imaju tendenciju<br />

rasta, posebno u segmentu individualnog upravljanja.<br />

Hrvati pokazuju veliko zanimanje za ulaganje u vrijednosne<br />

papire, što je u najvećoj mjeri posljedica doista primamljivih<br />

prinosa te toga da se gotovo nije moglo pogriješiti<br />

s izborom dionice. Međutim, treba biti oprezan jer<br />

će neizbježno doći i razdoblje s prosječnim prinosima, pa<br />

čak i gubicima na nekim dionicama. To je sve dio škole<br />

koju treba proći. Uglavnom, ako uzmemo u obzir pokazatelje<br />

za razvijena tržišta, prostora za rast hrvatskoga tržišta<br />

kapitala ima još jako puno.<br />

Koje su značajke usluge upravljanja individualnim portfeljima<br />

Usluga je najsličnija ulaganju u dioničke fondove, ali ima<br />

svoje specifičnosti: funkcionira tako da investitor daje<br />

upravljaču na raspolaganje određena sredstva (trenutačni<br />

minimum iznosi 150.000 kuna) koje zatim upravljač<br />

ulaže prema vlastitoj procjeni poštujući investicijske smjernice.<br />

Smjernice se mogu, ali i ne moraju, ugovoriti.<br />

Usluga je vrlo transparentna jer je sve regulirano ugovorom<br />

te se na ime investitora otvara račun portfelja u<br />

SDA. Ulagač je u svakom trenutku upoznat sa strukturom<br />

svoga portfelja te sam može pratiti kretanje, a sve vrijednosnice<br />

su evidentirane kao vlasništvo investitora čime<br />

može ostvarivati sva prava vlasnika dionice. Zanimljivo je<br />

i to da investitor i upravljač dijele ostvarenu dobit, što je

Investicije<br />

Kretanje Crobexa od 3.9.2004. do 3.9.2007. /<br />

Crobex developments from September 3th 2004 to September 3th 2007<br />

dodatna motivacija za upravljača da rezultati budu što<br />

bolji. Usluga se preporuča zahtjevnijim investitorima koji bi<br />

htjeli diverzificirati svoj portfelj imovine u nešto rizičniji ulagački<br />

oblik, te iskusnim ulagačima koji nemaju vremena<br />

ili želje pratiti svakodnevna kretanja na tržištu kapitala, ili<br />

žele dio svog portfelja prepustiti na upravljanje kao smanjenje<br />

rizičnosti u odnosu na njihove odluke. Trenutačno<br />

sredstva iz portfelja ulažemo samo na Zagrebačkoj burzi,<br />

ali u vrlo kratkom roku bit ćemo u mogućnosti ponuditi<br />

svim investitorima strukturiranje portfelja u regiji.<br />

Koliko je zanimanje građana za ovu uslugu<br />

Zanimanje je veliko, čime su najviše pogodovali događaji<br />

na tržištu kapitala. I sami smo iznenađeni zanimanjem za<br />

navedenu uslugu jer ona ne spada u usluge za najširi krug<br />

investitora.<br />

Koji su benefiti ulaganja na ovaj način u odnosu na ulaganje<br />

u investicijske fondove, a koji rizici<br />

Riječ je o fleksibilnom, individualiziranom i transparentnom<br />

ulaganju, što daje određenu sigurnost i kontrolu investitora.<br />

Upravljač ima pravo na udio u dobiti pa je motiviran<br />

da ostvari što bolji prinos. Osim toga, zbog manjeg broja<br />

dionica u portfelju negoli u fondu, očekivani prinos portfelja<br />

je nešto veći nego u dioničkom fondu. Odatle proizlazi<br />

i najveći nedostatak portfelja, a to je veća rizičnost nego<br />

kod nekog dioničkog fonda, ali strukturiranje portfelja<br />

prema sklonosti riziku investitora je opcija pri ugovaranju<br />

portfelja te se time ta rizičnost može ublažiti.<br />

Kakvo je stanje na tržištu dionica u Hrvatskoj i ovom dijelu<br />

Europe Koliko se dugo još može očekivati ovako<br />

dinamično tržište s natprosječnim porastima vrijednosti<br />

Koliko je današnje stanje utemeljeno na snazi lokalnoga<br />

gospodarstva, a koliko odraz trenutačne “mode”<br />

Bez obzira na ljeto kada je došlo do stagnacije i pada<br />

cijena dionica na Zagrebačkoj burzi, mislim da je stanje<br />

vrlo dobro. Vrlo je pozitivno što su kompanije shvatile da<br />

je tržište kapitala mjesto gdje mogu potražiti kapital za<br />

svoj razvoj, te u ovome trenutku imamo najavljenih nekoliko<br />

javnih ponuda, osim T-HT-a. Mislim da će to dati<br />

dodatni zamah tržištu. I ostale države ovog dijela Europe<br />

prolaze svoj put prema tržišnom gospodarstvu. Neke su<br />

već primljene u EU, no to ne znači da su taj put već završile.<br />

Dok traju procesi tranzicije i privatizacije, očekuje<br />

se da će kompanije širiti svoje poslovanje i povećavati<br />

profitabilnost. Zbog toga gotovo sva navedena tržišta bilježe<br />

iznadprosječne prinose ovih godina. Očekuje se da<br />

će završetkom tih procesa prinosi pasti na svjetske razine<br />

od prosječno 10-15 posto godišnje. Danas ima dionica<br />

koje su nerazumno skupe, ali mislim da se ne može govoriti<br />

o generalnoj precijenjenosti tržišta. Točno je da je kod<br />

značajnog broja dionica u sadašnju cijenu već uračunat<br />

budući očekivani rast i razvoj. Bez obzira na to, moja je<br />

procjena da iznadprosječne prinose možemo očekivati<br />

do ulaska u EU. Nadalje, mišljenja sam da se više neće<br />

moći zarađivati na bilo kojoj dionici koja se kupi, nego će<br />

biti potreban dodatni oprez kod odabira dionica.<br />

Kako odabrati dobrog brokera Je li istina da na hrvatskom<br />

tržištu nedostaje kvalitetnih i školovanih brokera,<br />

pogotovo onih s iskustvom<br />

Koliko mi govori iskustvo, većina se odluka o brokeru donosi<br />

na temelju preporuke. Brokeri to znaju pa je i njima u<br />

interesu da budete zadovoljni. Situacija je takva da ćete<br />

rijetko naći brokera starijeg od 35 godina jer smo mlado<br />

tržište kapitala. Isto tako, očekivano “trajanje“ osobe na<br />

mjestu brokera je desetak godina i gotovo svi nakon nekog<br />

vremena ili potraže nove izazove ili pak zbog stresnih<br />

uvjeta rada osjete zasićenje i umor. Navedeni razlozi<br />

i velika ekspanzija tržišta u posljednje dvije godine možda<br />

su rezultirali određenim nerazmjerom potreba industrije i<br />

raspoloživih kadrova, jer treba neko vrijeme dok struka ne<br />

odgovori zadovoljavanjem potreba industrije koja naglo<br />

naraste. No, regulator i edukacijske ustanove dovoljno<br />

kvalitetno brinu o razvoju kvalitetnih i vjerodostojnih kadrova.<br />

Koji instrumenti osiguranja jamče ulagaču da će broker<br />

raditi dugoročno u njegovu korist<br />

Čvrstih instrumenata osiguranja nema. Zbog toga je investicijska<br />

industrija jedna od najnadziranijih i najreguliranijih.<br />

Isto tako, ovdje opet dolazi do izražaja snaga preporuke.<br />

Ako broker želi biti uspješan, on gradi dobar glas za sebe<br />

i za svoju kuću, te je njegov prioritet da radi u najboljem<br />

interesu klijenata.<br />


Zvonimir Marić, member of KD Asset<br />

Management’s Board of Directors, speaks about<br />

investing into the stock market in Croatia<br />

Interviewed by: Aurelija Vukušiæ<br />

Croatians<br />

Starting to Like<br />

Securities More<br />

and More<br />

There are shares that are unreasonably expensive<br />

in Croatia these days, but we can’t say that every<br />

share on the market is overestimated. It’s correct<br />

that the expected rise and progress of some<br />

shares is calculated into the price. Regardless of<br />

that, it’s my prediction that we can expect aboveaverage<br />

profits by the time we enter the EU – says<br />

Zvonimir Marić<br />

How long has KD Group been existent Since<br />

when does it do business in Croatia Which of<br />

their services are offered in Croatia<br />

KD Group was founded in Slovenia in 1992, and<br />

today it does business in 10 countries and manages over<br />

one billion euros of assets while dealing with numerous<br />

business branches: investment funds, broker houses, insurances,<br />

banking, investing into real estate, entertainment<br />

industry etc. The company started expanding<br />

outside Slovenian borders in 1997 by founding an association<br />

for fund management – Fondinvest (legal predecessor<br />

to KD Investments), and two years later the first<br />

stock fund in Croatia, Victoria Fond, started operating.<br />

Today’s KD Victoria Fond achieves very decent profits<br />

and has been declared the best stock fund in Croatia<br />

three times. These days, the organization manages two<br />

other funds, and those are the mixed KD Balanced and<br />

the bond-dealing KD Adria Bond, and starting two more<br />

funds is under way. Overall assets under KD Investment’s<br />

management mount up to over 600 million kunas. In<br />

2005, KD Group founded KD Asset Management, which<br />

is a broker house in Croatia that performed its first transaction<br />

in September of that year. Since early 2007, KD<br />

Asset Management started managing individual portfolios<br />

and is registered as a full-service broker house, which<br />

means that it can perform almost all transactions on the<br />

financial market. KD Asset Management today manages<br />

over 20 million kunas in individual portfolios.<br />

What are the results of KD Asset Management What sort<br />

34<br />

of interest do Croatians show for investing into securities<br />

The results are very satisfactory. In nearly two years of doing<br />

business, market portions of about two percent were<br />

reached in both the segment of trading securities and<br />

the segment of managing portfolios. Those are already<br />

excellent indicators for a broker house that is relatively<br />

young and that doesn’t have a large bank watching<br />

its back. Market portions still have a growing tendency,<br />

especially in the segment of individual management.<br />

Croatians are showing great interest in investing into<br />

securities, which is primarily the consequence of truly<br />

tempting profits and the fact that you could almost do<br />

no wrong when it came to choosing the shares. However,<br />

being careful is necessary because there will inevitably<br />

come a period with average profits, even with losses<br />

on some shares. That’s all part of the process that needs<br />

to happen. Anyway, if we take indicators for developed<br />

markets into consideration, the Croatian financial market<br />

has plenty of room to grow.<br />

Which are the significant characteristics of the service of<br />

managing individual portfolios<br />

That service is most similar to investing into stock funds,<br />

but it also has some specific characteristics: it functions<br />

so that the investor gives the manager certain funds to<br />

his disposal (current minimum is 150.000 kunas), which<br />

the manager then invests by his own judgement while<br />

respecting investment guidelines. The guidelines can,<br />

but don’t have to be put into the contract.

Brokeri u svom uredu / Brokers in their office<br />

The service is very transparent because everything is regulated<br />

by the contract and a portfolio account within<br />

the SDA is opened on the investor’s name. The investor<br />

is familiar with the structure of his portfolio at any time,<br />

and can also follow the occurrences himself, while all<br />

the securities are accounted for as the investor’s property,<br />

which allows him to fulfil all his rights as the owner<br />

of the shares. What’s also interesting is that the investor<br />

and the manager share the accomplished profits,<br />

which is extra-motivation for the manager to ensure that<br />

the results are the best that they can be. The service is<br />

recommended to the more demanding investors who<br />

would like to diversify their asset portfolios into a slightly<br />

more risky investment form, as well as to experienced<br />

investors who don’t have the time or desire to follow the<br />

every-day events on the financial market, or who want<br />

to release a part of their portfolio to the manager in order<br />

to reduce the risk that their decisions would bring.<br />

At the moment, the portfolio funds are solely invested<br />

at the Zagreb Stock Market, but very shortly we will be<br />

able to offer any investor the option of structuring the<br />

portfolio in the region.<br />

What’s the citizens’ interest for this service like<br />

The interest is large, which was primarily caused by the<br />

events on the financial market. We are also surprised by<br />

the amount of interest for this service because it’s not<br />

exactly a service for the widest circle of investors.<br />

Which are the benefits of this type of investment as opposed<br />

to investing into investment funds, and which are<br />

the risks<br />

This is a flexible, individualized and transparent investment,<br />

which provides a certain amount of security and<br />

investor’s control. The manager is entitled to a part of<br />

the profit, which makes him motivated to achieve the<br />

best profit he can. Besides, due to the smaller number of<br />

shares in a portfolio than in a fund, the portfolio’s anticipated<br />

profit is slightly larger than in an investment fund.<br />

That’s also the biggest shortcoming of a portfolio, because<br />

the degree of risk is much higher than with some<br />

stock fund, but there is also an option of structuring the<br />

portfolio in proportion with the investor’s tendency towards<br />

risk, so that degree can be reduced.<br />

What is the condition at the Croatian stock market, as well<br />

as in this part of Europe For how long can we expect this<br />

sort of dynamic market with above-average increases of<br />

value to last How much is the state of today’s market<br />

based on the strength of the local economy, and how<br />

much is it a reflection of momentary “fashion”<br />

Regardless of the summer when the Zagreb Stock Market<br />

witnessed stagnation and drops of the prices, I think the<br />

condition is rather good. It’s very positive that the companies<br />

understand that the financial market is the place<br />

where they can look for funds for their development, so<br />

right now we have several announced public biddings<br />


Brokeri KD Asset Managementa Zagreb / Brokers of KD Asset<br />

Management Zagreb<br />

besides T-HT. I think this will provide an extra-push for the<br />

market. The other countries of this part of Europe are<br />

also going through their path towards market economy.<br />

Some of them have been inducted into the EU, but that<br />

doesn’t mean that they completed that process. While<br />

the processes of transition and privatisation are lasting,<br />

it is expected that the companies will spread their<br />

businesses and increase profitability. That’s the reason<br />

almost all the mentioned markets have reached aboveaverage<br />

profits all these years. It is expected that, once<br />

these processes are finalized, the profits will drop to the<br />

world average of about 10-15 percent per year.<br />

There are some shares today that are unreasonably expensive,<br />

but I think that we can’t talk about the general<br />

overestimation of the market. It’s true that the expected<br />

rise and progress of some shares is calculated into their<br />

price. Regardless of that, it’s my prediction that we can<br />

expect above-average profits prior to entering the EU.<br />

Furthermore, I think that you won’t be able to make<br />

money on any random share you purchase, but you will<br />

need to be extra-careful while choosing the shares.<br />

How do we choose a good broker Is it true that the<br />

Croatian market is lacking in educated and quality brokers,<br />

especially those with an experience<br />

According to my experience, most of the decisions on<br />

the broker are based on recommendations. The brokers<br />

know that, so it’s in their best interest to keep you satisfied.<br />

The situation is such that you’ll hardly find a broker<br />

over the age of 35 because our financial market is<br />

young. Also important, the expected “duration” of the<br />

person working as a broker is about ten years, and after<br />

that almost everyone either looks for new challenges or<br />

becomes tired and fed up due to stressful working conditions.<br />

Those mentioned reasons and the great market<br />

expansion over the last two years may have resulted in<br />

a certain disproportion of the industry’s needs and the<br />

available personnel, for it will take some time before the<br />

profession answers by satisfying the needs of the industry<br />

that suddenly grows. However, regulators and educational<br />

institutions are doing a good job of looking after<br />

the development of quality and trustworthy personnel.<br />

Which insurance instruments guarantee the investor that<br />

the broker will work to his long-term benefit<br />

There are no firm instruments of insurance. That’s why<br />

the investment industry is one of the most supervised<br />

and regulated. Also, this is where the power of recommendation<br />

comes into play. If the broker wants to be<br />

successful, he must build a good reputation for himself<br />

and his house, and it’s his priority to work in the best interest<br />

of the clients.<br />


Vijesti<br />

Ekotoranj<br />

Možda nije daleko dan kada će svaki kvart u razvijenim zemljama<br />

morati izgraditi po nekoliko ovako koncipiranih ekotornjeva, a ne bi<br />

bilo loše kad bi se oni počeli što prije koristiti. Koncept betonskog<br />

ili čeličnog tornja na sedam katova,<br />

uokvirenog zelenilom na svakome<br />

katu, nije samo oku ugodan nego i<br />

vrlo koristan za okoliš. Zeleni pojas<br />

istodobno skuplja vodu kojom se bilje<br />

samo “zalijeva” te stvara kisik, a na<br />

vrhu su turbina za stvaranje energije<br />

vjetra i solarne ćelije. Novostvorena<br />

energija vjetra i sunca skladišti se u<br />

akumulatorima ispod tornja, a koristi<br />

se za različite javne namjene zajednice.<br />

The Eco-Tower<br />

The day when every neighbourhood<br />

in developed countries will have to<br />

build several eco-towers of this concept<br />

may not be too far away, and it<br />

wouldn’t be a bad thing if they started<br />

being used as soon as possible. The concept of a concrete or steel<br />

seven-storey tower, embellished by greenery on each of the floors, is<br />

not just pleasant to the eye, but also very useful for the environment.<br />

The green belt simultaneously collects water that the plants use themselves<br />

and creates oxygen, and the top features a turbine for creating<br />

wind energy and solar cells. The newly created energy of the wind and<br />

sun is stored in accumulators beneath the tower, and it is used for different<br />

public purposes of the community.<br />

Rebranding Duhana<br />

među pet na svijetu<br />

Da u dizajnu Hrvatska na svjetskom tržištu<br />

ima što pokazati, redovito dokazuju priznanja<br />

našim marketinškim i dizajn agencijama<br />

na prestižnim međunarodnim natječajima.<br />

Među dobitnike se nedavno uvrstio i riječki<br />

Studio Conex, agencija čiji je rad na izmjeni<br />

identiteta tvrtke Duhan u golemoj konkurenciji<br />

ocijenjen kao jedan od pet najboljih<br />

na svijetu u protekloj godini na području<br />

rebrandinga. Nagrada ReBrand 100 dodijelila<br />

se treći put, a uz Studio Conex i Duhan,<br />

dobitnici su i Hard Rock International,<br />

volonterska udruga Ujedinjenih naroda ili<br />

Procter&Gamble.<br />

38<br />

Kozmodrom Normana Fostera<br />

Tvrtki Foster+Partners, čiji je čelni čovjek Norman Foster, jedan<br />

od najnagrađivanijih arhitekata današnjice, pripala je čast projektiranja<br />

prve privatne “svemirske luke”, odnosno kozmodroma<br />

u New Mexicu, čija bi gradnja trebala početi do kraja godine.<br />

Sinusoidni oblik zgrade te interijer izrazito će asocirati na NLO,<br />

čime se nastojalo dočarati dramu i misterij svemirskoga leta te<br />

artikulirati uzbuđenje koje će pratiti prve svemirske turiste.<br />

© Foster&Partners<br />

Norman Foster’s<br />

Cosmodrome<br />

The company “Foster+Partners”, led by Norman Foster who is<br />

one of the most awarded architects of our time, has received<br />

the honour of projecting the first private“space harbour”, better<br />

known as the cosmodrome in New Mexico, and its construction<br />

should begin by the end of the year. The sinuousoidal<br />

shape of the building and the interior will strongly bring<br />

the UFO to mind, which is an attempt to recreate the drama<br />

and the mystery of flying into space, as well as articulate the<br />

excitement that will accompany the first space tourists.<br />

The “Duhan”<br />

Re-Branding in the<br />

World’s Top Five<br />

The fact that Croatia has a lot to offer on the<br />

world design market is regularly demonstrated<br />

by the awards our marketing and designer<br />

agencies receive at prestigious international<br />

contests. The new spot in the winners’ circle recently<br />

went to Studio Conex from Rijeka, which<br />

is an agency that has recently changed the<br />

identity of the “Duhan” (“tobacco”) company,<br />

and their work was judged as one of the top<br />

five in the world last year in the enormous competition<br />

in the field of re-branding.The ReBrand<br />

100 Award was presented for the third time,<br />

and along with Studio Conex and Duhan, the<br />

winners also included Hard Rock International,<br />

the voluntary association of the United Nations<br />

or Procter&Gamble.

Zeleni indijski<br />

neboder<br />

Panorama Mumbaija će 2010. godine<br />

biti bogatija za jedinstvenu zgradu.<br />

India Tower bit će visok 301 metar, a<br />

u njemu će se naći hotel Park Hyatt,<br />

luksuzni stanovi i mnoštvo sadržaja<br />

namijenjenih ponajviše trošenju –<br />

restorani, barovi, skupe prodavaonice...<br />

Zanimljivo je pritom da će se tri<br />

odvojene funkcije – stambena, hotelska<br />

i poslovna – odvojiti i arhitektonski<br />

kroz tri dijela nebodera koji<br />

će se rotirati pod kutem. Rotirajući će<br />

neboder imati i cijeli niz inovativnih<br />

metoda za očuvanje energije, poput<br />

solarne zaštite, prirodne ventilacije,<br />

prikupljanja kišnice i korištenja “zelenih”<br />

materijala u gradnji.<br />

News<br />

The Green<br />

Indian Skyscraper<br />

Mumbai’s panorama will be richer for one unique building<br />

by 2010. The India Tower will be 301 metres high,<br />

and it will feature the Park Hyatt Hotel, luxurious apartments<br />

and plenty of features that are dedicated to consumption<br />

– restaurants, bars, expensive shops… What’s<br />

interesting is the fact that the three separate functions<br />

– residential, hotel and business – will also be architecturally<br />

separated through three sections of the skyscraper<br />

that will rotate themselves under a certain angle. The<br />

rotating skyscraper will also feature a whole string of innovative<br />

methods for energy preservation, such as solar<br />

protection, natural ventilation, collecting rainwater and<br />

using “green” materials in construction.<br />

Filharmonija sutrašnjice<br />

u Parizu<br />

Prepoznatljiv autorski rukopis Jeana Nouvela od 2012. bit će neraskidivo<br />

vezan i uz Parišku filharmoniju. Novi hram glazbe u Parizu<br />

obuhvaćat će 20.000 četvornih metara, s 2400 mjesta, i bit će ponajprije<br />

posvećen simfonijskoj glazbi, no golema i, stručnjaci tvrde,<br />

akustički savršena dvorana, moći će ugostiti i jazz ili druge glazbene<br />

izvedbe. Djelo Jeana Nouvela pobjeglo je od standardnog frontalnog<br />

modela te će glazbenici biti okruženi sa svih strana, čime će<br />

se postići veća intimnost između izvođača i publike.<br />

Kućica za samce<br />

Poljski arhitektonski studio Front Architects osmislio je Single<br />

Hauz, projekt izgledom najviše nalik na kućicu za ptice, čija se inovativnost<br />

ogleda u činjenici da ga je moguće posaditi doista – bilo<br />

gdje. Tražeći idealni dizajn kuće, autori su bili zagolicani izgledom<br />

billboarda, ali i socijalnom činjenicom o sve više “single” kućanstava,<br />

pa je njihov dom svojim minijaturnim dimenzijama doista prilagođen<br />

životu samo jedne osobe.<br />

Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ<br />

The Philharmonics<br />

of Tomorrow in Paris<br />

Jean Nouvel’s recognisable author’s stamp will be irreversibly<br />

connected to the Paris Philharmonics by 2012. The new temple<br />

of music in Paris will spread across 20.000 square metres, featuring<br />

2400 seats, and will primarily be dedicated to symphony<br />

music; however, the enormous and, according to experts,<br />

acoustically perfect hall will also be able to host jazz and various<br />

other musical performances. Jean Nouvel’s work has escaped<br />

from the standard frontal model and the musicians will be surrounded<br />

from all sides, which will accomplish a larger degree of<br />

intimacy between the performers and the audience.<br />

A Small House for Single People<br />

Polish architectonic studio Front Architects has designed Single<br />

Hauz, which is a project that mostly resembles a birdhouse, and<br />

the innovation of which is reflected in the fact that it is possible to<br />

plant it – just about anywhere. While searching for the ideal house<br />

design, the authors were intrigued by the billboard look, but also<br />

by the social fact that there is an increasing number of “single”<br />

households, so their home with its miniature dimensions is truly<br />

adjusted to a life of one single person.<br />


Aktualno<br />

Dvorac Trakošćan / Castle Trakošćan<br />

Foto: Milan Babić, HTZ<br />

Hrvatski dvorci - kulturni i gospodarski potencijal koji propada<br />

Projekt Villas za oèuvanje<br />

graditeljske baštine<br />

Samo deset posto od stotinjak starih, kulturnih građevina je uređeno i transparentno –<br />

ostalo je prepušteno propadanju, bez riješene vlasničke strukture. Pedeset posto dvoraca<br />

je bez ikakve namjene, a vlasnici nemaju novca za njihovu prenamjenu<br />

40<br />

Piše: Mary Novosel<br />

Foto: HTZ, www.dvorci.hr

Stari grad u Varaždinu / Old town in Varaždin<br />

Foto: Darko Gorenak<br />

Kulturno naslijeđe – očuvano i upravljano na primjeren<br />

način – može imati važnu ulogu u prostornom<br />

i gospodarskom razvoju pojedine regije.<br />

Upravo je ta rečenica sažeta ideja vodilja međunarodnog<br />

projekta Villas, kojem je cilj jačanje gospodarske<br />

kohezije europskog prostora povećanjem vrijednosti<br />

kulturnog naslijeđa sastavljenog od povijesnih dvoraca,<br />

kurija, vila i ljetnikovaca. Projekt Villas, pod punim nazivom<br />

“Villas, stately homes and castles – compatible use,<br />

valorisation and creative managment“, uključuje 16 institucija<br />

iz Austrije, Italije, Hrvatske i Grčke. Glavni koordinator<br />

projekta za Hrvatsku je Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta<br />

u Zagrebu, a glavni voditelj prof. Mladen Obad<br />

Šćitaroci. Cijela akcija snimanja stanja te pronalaženja<br />

eventualnih rješenja završila je neslavnom konstatacijom<br />

– Hrvatska se, istina je, može podičiti brojnošću dvoraca,<br />

kurija i ljetnikovaca i tu priča prestaje jer je samo deset<br />

posto od stotinjak tih starih, kulturnih građevina uređeno<br />

i transparentno – ostalo je prepušteno propadanju, bez<br />

riješene vlasničke strukture. Pedeset posto dvoraca je<br />

bez ikakve namjene, a vlasnici nemaju novca za njihovu<br />

prenamjenu.<br />

Država vlasnik većine devastiranih dvoraca<br />

– Teška situacija u kojoj su se našli hrvatski dvorci i kurije<br />

jedino se može riješiti povećanim senzibilitetom znanstvenika,<br />

vlasnika i korisnika dvoraca te službi zaštite<br />

kulturnoga naslijeđa te lokalne uprave za ovu tematiku,<br />

koja bi se, osim očuvanja, trebala pozabaviti i suvremenom<br />

namjenom dvoraca te njihovom prilagodbom<br />

suvremenim zahtjevima. U dužem roku se očekuju pozitivni<br />

učinci na lokalne zajednice kroz mogućnosti investiranja,<br />

promociju dvoraca te osmišljavanje ponude<br />

kulturnog turizma. Zbog toga je potrebno definirati prihvatljive<br />

oblike prenamjene povijesnih građevina što bi<br />

poticalo privatno poduzetništvo i onda bi te povijesne<br />

građevine bile pokretači razvoja šireg područja – kaže<br />

Nikša Božić, dipl. ing. arh., tajnik hrvatskog dijela projekta.<br />

Kako dalje navodi, problem predstavlja činjenica<br />

da su vlasnici dvoraca najčešće prepušteni sami sebi i<br />

od nadležnih državnih i lokalnih institucija mogu očekivati<br />

samo restrikcije koje definiraju službe zaštite, a ne i<br />

poticaje i potporu za projekte. Najbolji primjer za to je,<br />

prema našim informacijama, obitelj Dubravke i Dubravka<br />

Hoića koja je kupila svoj mali dvorac Bela II u nadi da<br />

će ga potpuno obnoviti, no, prema njihovim riječima,<br />

obnova zapinje gdje god stigne. Dvorac je još uvijek<br />

u fazi obnove koja traje i traje jer se na svaki odgovor<br />

čeka po godinu, dvije.<br />

S obzirom da svi ne mogu dobiti novac od države, pokrenuta<br />

je internetska stranica “dvorci.hr“ koja brojnim<br />

zainteresiranima može pružiti svojevrsni okvir u kojem bi<br />

se definirali načini i strategije ekonomske iskoristivosti tih<br />

povijesnih građevina, kaže ing. Božić, te dodaje kako su<br />

trenutačno najveći problemi neriješena vlasnička pitanja<br />

i financije. Iako je Villas podignuo svijest kod građana<br />

i vlasnika dvoraca, još uvijek nema dobro osmišljenih<br />

projekata. Vlasnik većine tih dvoraca je država, što često<br />

zna rezultirati svojevrsnom tromošću velikih sustava.<br />

Prema riječima ing. Božića, kod nekih dvoraca, poput<br />

Novih dvora zaprešićkih, poklopilo se prilično sretnih<br />

okolnosti pa se uspjelo s dobrim programom i riješenom<br />

vlasničkom strukturom dobiti novac iz jednog od fondova<br />

EU-a. Počela je obnova etapu po etapu. Plan je u<br />


Dvorac Erdödy u Jastrebarskom / Caste Erdödy in Jastrebarsko<br />

prostorima tih dvora otvoriti sveučilišni centar i za sada<br />

sve teče prema planu.<br />

42<br />

Sudski spor “težak“ 10 godina i 8 milijuna kuna<br />

Iako su neki dvorci pravi biseri naše baštine i obnovljeni<br />

služe na čast turističkoj slici Hrvatske, poput Trakošćana,<br />

Velikog Tabora, Bežanca, Miljane, Kulmerovih dvora,<br />

Dvorca Pejačević, Đurđevca, Lukaveca i Staroga grada,<br />

te se uz pomoć brojnih kulturnih i gospodarskih sadržaja<br />

sasvim dobro nose s modernim tokovima, većina<br />

građevina ne može se podičiti tom srećom da ih itko posjećuje<br />

ili im posvećuje bilo kakvu pažnju.<br />

Tipičan primjer neprepoznatog blaga svakako je varaždinski<br />

dvorac Opeka, u državnom vlasništvu, koji, osim<br />

zdanja, uključuje i 60-hektarski arboretum prepun različitih<br />

vrsta biljaka i drveća.<br />

– Ovaj dvorac, popularno nazvan Bombelles, potpuno je<br />

pust više od 40 godina i sustavno propada. Iako je izrađen<br />

elaborat, još uvijek sve stoji, obnove nema. Pažnja se djelomično<br />

posvećuje arboretumu koji bi, uz malo više interesa,<br />

mogao postati prekrasan javni park – kaže Željko Trstenjak,<br />

dipl. ing. arh. iz Konzervatorskog odjela Varaždina.<br />

Sličnu sudbinu doživio je i dvorac Bosiljevo, za koji je pak<br />

ozbiljno zainteresiran privatni poduzetnik Siniša Križanec,<br />

vlasnik dvorca Bežanec, no kako kaže gospodin Križanec,<br />

lokalna samouprava je svojom pasivnošću “zakočila“<br />

projekt i time još više ugrozila alarmantno stanje dvorca<br />

Bosiljevo.<br />

– Sve je počelo prije desetak godina, kada sam htio zakupiti<br />

Bosiljevo, ali mi je ugovor, zbog niza zavrzlama, poništen<br />

i cijeli je slučaj još uvijek na sudu. S obzirom da sam<br />

već uložio neki novac, koji sa sudskim troškovima iznosi<br />

osam milijuna kuna, želim to dovesti do kraja. Spreman<br />

sam se odreći tih potraživanja ako se uspijemo nagoditi<br />

da se dvorac ipak završi jer je to u interesu cijelog kraja<br />

– kaže Siniša Križanec, čiji dvorac Bežanec godinama<br />

posluje kao poznati hotel, restoran i vinoteka, te je jasan<br />

pokazatelj da vlasnik ima iskustva u realizaciji sličnih projekata.<br />

Obnova i strategija jedine zaustavljaju propadanje<br />

Da problemi s konačnim vlasništvom i dogovorom oko

Dvorac Vragović-Patačić-Schlippenbach u Maruševcu /<br />

Castle Vragović-Patačić-Schlippenbach in Maruševac<br />

Aktualno<br />

strategije dvorca nisu kraj putovanja, dokazale su obitelji<br />

Kajfež i Floegel koje se, svaka na svoj način, bore za opstanak<br />

njihovih velebnih zgrada koje su im pružile mnogo<br />

izazova.<br />

Gospođa Lada Szabo-Kajfež provela je sedamnaest godina<br />

u dvorcu Miljana koji je njezin pokojni suprug Franjo,<br />

svjetski poznati kemičar i hrvatski političar, preuredio prema<br />

izvornim nacrtima iz 17. stoljeća. No, pokazalo se da<br />

je život u dvorcu skup, čak 50 tisuća eura na godinu, pa<br />

je nedavno, bez obzira na privrženost zdanju, došlo do<br />

dogovora u obitelji da se njihov potpuno uređen dvorac<br />

Miljana proda za 4,6 milijuna eura. Prema riječima<br />

gospođe Kajfež, zainteresirani kupci neprekidno zovu jer<br />

je tih 2500 metara četvornih, koji uključuju 11 luksuznih i<br />

tri rustikalna salona, s 10 hektara okućnice, svakako zanimljiva<br />

parcela s raznim sadržajima i mogućnostima.<br />

Prodaja se malo otegla i zbog dogovora u obitelji kojoj<br />

je stalo da dvorac dospije u prave ruke, inače ga, kažu,<br />

radije neće prodati.<br />

Iz iste Krapinsko-zagorske županije je i dvorac Sveti križ<br />

Začretje u vlasništvu dr. Janka Mršića-Floegela. Obitelj se<br />

ozbiljno prihvatila obnove ove kasnobarokne građevine<br />

iz 18. stoljeća, koju su 2001. godine, u prilično devastiranom<br />

stanju, otkupili od Poljoprivredne zadruge. Kupnjom<br />

je zaustavljeno 70-godišnje propadanje te je počela zahtjevna<br />

i skupa obnova.<br />

– Obnovljeni dvorac će biti dostupan javnosti, a sadržavat<br />

će institut za informatičke inovacije, internetsku<br />

radionicu, seminarske dvorane, multimedijski opremljenu<br />

konferencijsku dvoranu i muzejski prostor u kojem će<br />

biti predstavljen izbor višestoljetnog obiteljskog inventara<br />

– kaže prof. dr. Mirna Mršić-Floegel, majka spomenutog<br />

vlasnika, dodajući kako je nakon rekonstrukcije građevine<br />

realno očekivati da će njihov dvorac postati atraktivna<br />

poslovna, kongresna i kulturno-turistička destinacija<br />

tijekom cijele godine. Posjetitelji su oduševljeni, kaže, sve<br />

bogatijim kulturnim programom, od izložbi, koncerata<br />

do promotivnih predavanja. To bi mogla (i morala) biti<br />

sudbina svakog dvorca u Hrvatskoj jer, kaže, kultura baštine<br />

ovisi o kulturi baštinika. Baštinjenim spomenicima<br />

kulture ne koriste ni popisi ni otpisi, nego stvarna potpora<br />

održanju, obnovi i revitalizaciji.<br />


Dvorac Ratkaj u Velikom Taboru / Castel Ratkaj in Veliki Tabor<br />

Foto: Milan Babić, HTZ<br />

Croatian Castles – Cultural and Economic Potential that Is Falling into Decay<br />

Project Villas for Preservation<br />

of Construction Heritage<br />

Merely ten percent of about hundred old, cultural buildings are maintained and transparent – the<br />

other ones are left into ruin, without the defined ownership structure. Fifty percent of the castles<br />

have no purpose at all, and the owners don’t have the money to change their purpose<br />

Written by: Mary Novosel<br />

Cultural heritage – maintained and managed<br />

in an exemplary way – can have an<br />

important role in spatial and economic development<br />

of a certain region. That precise<br />

sentence is the concise guiding line of an international<br />

project called Villas, which aims at strengthening<br />

the economic cohesion of the European space<br />

by enlarging the value of the cultural heritage that<br />

consists of historic castles, curias, villas and summer<br />

44<br />

resorts. Project Villas, fully named “Villas, Stately Homes<br />

and Castles – Compatible Use, Valorisation and Creative<br />

Management”, includes 16 institutions from Austria, Italy,<br />

Croatia and Greece. The head coordinator of this project<br />

for Croatia is the Architectonic Faculty within the Zagreb<br />

University, and the head manager is professor Mladen<br />

Obad Šćitaroci. The whole process of detecting the condition<br />

and finding potential solutions has resulted in a miserable<br />

conclusion – it’s true that Croatia can boast with

Events<br />

Dvorac Bežanec / Castle Bežanec<br />

Veliki Tabor<br />

numerous castles, curias and summer resorts, but that’s<br />

where the story ends because only ten percent of about<br />

hundred of those old, cultural buildings are maintained<br />

and transparent – the other ones are left into ruin, without<br />

the defined ownership structure. Fifty percent of the<br />

castles have no purpose at all, and the owners don’t<br />

have the money to change their purpose.<br />

The Government Owns the Majority of Ruined Castles<br />

- This difficult situation that has occurred in regards to<br />

Croatian castles and curias can only be solved by increasing<br />

the sensibility of scientists, owners and users of<br />

the castles, as well as of those services that protect cultural<br />

heritage and local administration offices, because<br />

part of the problem, besides maintenance, is also the<br />

contemporary utilization of these castles and their adjustment<br />

to modern demands. In the long term, positive<br />

effects on local communities are expected, as there are<br />

many options of investments, promoting the castles and<br />

designing the offering for cultural tourism. That’s why<br />

it’s necessary to define acceptable ways of converting<br />

those historic buildings, which would encourage private<br />

businesses, and then those historic buildings would become<br />

initiators of the wider areas’ developments – says<br />

Nikša Božić, architecture engineer and secretary of the<br />

Croatian section of the project. He also says that the<br />

problem is the fact that the castles’ owners are often<br />

left by themselves and all they can expect from authorized<br />

government and local institutions are restrictions<br />

that are designed by the protection services, but not<br />

any encouragements or support for their projects. According<br />

to our information, the best example for that is<br />

the family of Dubravka and Dubravko Hoić, who bought<br />

their little castle Bela II. in hope of completely renovating<br />

it, but according to what they say, the renovation process<br />

is constantly being interrupted. The castle is still in the<br />

renovation phase that just keeps dragging on because<br />

it takes a year or two to answer a simple question.<br />

Considering the fact that not everyone can get their<br />

hands on government money, an Internet site “dvorci.<br />

hr” was launched and that’s where numerous interested<br />

people can get acquainted with the frame that would<br />

define ways and strategies of these historic buildings’<br />

economic utilization, engineer Božić says, and adds that<br />

the biggest current problems include unresolved ownership<br />

issues and finances. Although Villas has raised the<br />

consciousness among the citizens and castle owners,<br />

well-designed projects are still lacking. The government<br />

owns the majority of these castles, which often results<br />

in some sort of sluggishness that big systems display.<br />

According to engineer Božić’s words, some castles,<br />

such as Novi Dvori Zaprešićki, have encountered some<br />

pretty lucky circumstances, and eventually a good programme<br />

and a resolved ownership structure led to the<br />

money from one of the EU funds. One step after the other,<br />

and the renovation has begun. The plan is to open a<br />

university centre in that facility and, so far, everything is<br />

going to plan.<br />

A Court Litigation “Worth” 10 Years and 8 Million Kunas<br />

Although some castles are true pearls of our heritage<br />

and their now-renovated versions are proud staples on<br />

Croatia’s tourist picture, such as Trakošćan, Veliki Tabor,<br />

Bežanec, Miljani, Kulmerovi Dvori, Castle Pejačević,<br />

Đurđevac, Lukavec and Stari Grad, which do a perfectly<br />

good job of dealing with modern times thanks to<br />

numerous cultural and economic features, most of the<br />

buildings aren’t lucky enough to have anyone visit them<br />

or give them any attention.<br />

A typical example of unrecognised treasure is certainly<br />


Dvorac Trakošćan je najpoznatiji i najposjećeniji u Hrvatskom zagorju / Trakošćan is<br />

the most famous and visited castle in Hrvatsko zagorje<br />

Castle Opeka in Varaždin, which is owned by the Government<br />

and which, besides the building itself, includes<br />

a 60-hectre arboretum filled with various species of<br />

plants and trees. – This castle, commonly referred to as<br />

Bombelles, has been completely abandoned for over<br />

40 years and it’s gradually falling into decay. Although<br />

a study has been made, everything still stands in one<br />

place, there is no renovation. Partial care is given to<br />

the arboretum that could, with a little more interest, become<br />

a wonderful public park – says Željko Trstenjak, architecture<br />

engineer from the Conservation Department<br />

in Varaždin.<br />

Castle Bosiljevo has suffered similar fate, although it is a<br />

target of interest by private businessman Siniša Križanec,<br />

owner of Castle Bežanec. However, according to Mr.<br />

Bežanec, local administration and their passivity have<br />

“put the brakes” on the project, thus furthermore jeopardizing<br />

the alarming condition of Castle Bosiljevo.<br />

- It all started about ten years ago when I wanted to rent<br />

Bosiljevo, but due to a string of complications, my contract<br />

got cancelled and the whole case is still in court.<br />

Considering the fact that I invested certain money,<br />

which mounts up to eight million kunas with court fees,<br />

I want to pursue this to the end. I’m willing to give up<br />

46<br />

on those demands if we’re able to come to an agreement<br />

to finish the castle because that’s in the best interest<br />

of the entire area – Siniša Križanec says, and his Castle<br />

Bežanec has been in business for years as a famous<br />

hotel, restaurant and wine cellar, which clearly shows<br />

that the owner has plenty of experience in succeeding<br />

in such projects.<br />

Renovation and Strategy Are What It Takes to Stop the<br />

Ruination<br />

Problems regarding the finalized ownership and agreeing<br />

on the castle’s strategy are not the end of the road,<br />

and that is proved by families Kajfež and Floegel who<br />

are, each in their own way, fighting for the survival of<br />

their enormous buildings that have certainly put them<br />

through plenty.<br />

Mrs. Lada Szabo-Kajfež spent seventeen years in Castle<br />

Miljana that her late husband Franjo, world-famous<br />

chemist and Croatian politician, redecorated according<br />

to original blueprints from the 17th century. However,<br />

she found out that living in the castle is expensive, up to<br />

50 thousand euros per year, so there has recently been<br />

an agreement in the family, despite their devotion to the<br />

building, to sell their completely renovated Castle Milja-

Events<br />

Dvorac Sveti križ Začretje / Castle Sveti križ Začretje<br />

na for 4,6 million kunas. According to Mrs. Kajfež, interested<br />

buyers keep calling because those 2500 square metres,<br />

which include 11 luxurious and three rustic lounges,<br />

along with 10 hectares of the courtyard, are certainly an<br />

intriguing parcel with different features and possibilities.<br />

The selling process has slightly been prolonged because<br />

of the agreement within the family that wants the castle<br />

to be bought by the right person, or else they say they<br />

wouldn’t sell it. From that same Krapina-Zagorje County,<br />

we encounter Castle Sveti križ Začretje that is owned by<br />

doctor Janko Mršić-Floegel. The family has been very serious<br />

about renovating this late-baroque building from<br />

the 18th century, which they bought from the Agricultural<br />

Organization in pretty ruined shape in 2001. That<br />

purchasing put an end to about 70 years of decay and<br />

marked the beginning of an expensive and demanding<br />

renovation. – The renovated castle will be open for<br />

Dvorac Kaptol / Castle Kaptol<br />

public, and it will contain an institute for computer innovations,<br />

an Internet workshop, lecture halls, multimediaequipped<br />

conference hall and a museum space, which<br />

will present a selection from the multi-century family inventory<br />

– says prof.dr. Mirna Mršić Floegel, mother of the<br />

abovementioned owner, adding that, after the building’s<br />

been reconstructed, it is realistic to expect that<br />

their castle will become an attractive business, congress<br />

and cultural-tourist destination throughout the year.<br />

She says the visitors love the increasingly rich cultural<br />

programme, which provides exhibits, concerts and promotional<br />

lectures. That could (and would have to be)<br />

the fate of every castle in Croatia, she says, because<br />

the culture of the heritage depends on the culture of<br />

the heritage carrier. Cultural monuments have no use in<br />

lists or deductions, but they rather need true support for<br />

maintenance, renovation and revitalization.<br />


Avantura<br />

Hum je smješten u srcu Istre, u buzetskoj općini /<br />

Hum is located in the heart of Istria, in the Buzet Community<br />

HUM<br />

Najmanji grad na svijetu<br />

U Humu žive tek tri obitelji, što ukupno iznosi tek 17 stanovnika. Zanimljivo je da se od<br />

11. stoljeća do danas, izvan humskih gradskih zidina gotovo ništa nije gradilo, naselje<br />

je ostalo unutar granica određenih već u ranom srednjem vijeku<br />

Piše: Patricia Müller<br />

Foto: Turistička zajednica Istarske županije<br />

Istra ima tartufe, i autohtono istarsko govedo – boškarin.<br />

Ima i prekrasnu obalu uz sjeverozapadno područje<br />

hrvatskog Jadrana, te predivne vile s bazenima<br />

u “zapuštenim” dijelovima unutrašnjosti, za kojima su<br />

poludjeli stranci i domaći koji se žele pošto-poto odvojiti<br />

barem na trenutak od vreve svakodnevice i uživati u<br />

netaknutom prirodnom okruženju. No, Istra ima i nešto<br />

što zasigurno ne postoji nigdje drugdje. Najmanji grad<br />

48<br />

na svijetu! Podatke čuva i Guinnessova knjiga svjetskih<br />

rekorda. U Humu žive tek tri obitelji, što ukupno iznosi tek<br />

17 stanovnika.<br />

Ovaj zanimljivi gradić smješten je u srcu Istre, u buzetskoj<br />

općini. Od grada Buzeta udaljen je 14 km, do njega se<br />

može, sa svih strana, doći automobilom, autobusom ili<br />

vlakom, ali mnogi ga izletnici pohode i pješice.<br />

Hum je svoj današnji izgled u osnovnim konturama dobio

Predivna unutrašnjost Istre ostavit će vas bez daha / Beautiful Istria inside<br />

will take you breath away<br />

još u srednjem vijeku, točnije u 11. stoljeću. Upravo tada<br />

je na ostacima stare utvrde izgrađen Humski kaštel, pa<br />

zatim i prvi niz kuća budućega gradića.<br />

U to je vrijeme Istra pripadala Franačkom Carstvu i u<br />

tom je sklopu 1040. godine postala zasebnom markom.<br />

Markgrof Ulrich I. je na pograničnim predjelima svoje države<br />

obnovio i podigao niz kaštela, među kojima i ovaj<br />

u Humu. Godine 1102. Ulrich II. daje Hum, uz niz drugih<br />

kaštela, kao feud akvilejskom patrijarhu. U darovnici se<br />

navodi “castrum Cholm” (prema starom hrvatskom obliku<br />

Hlm) i to je prvo spominjanje Huma. Tim činom zapravo<br />

počinje povijest Huma kao utvrde. I u kasnjim povijesnim<br />

izvorima, sve do 17. stoljeća, Hum se spominje kao<br />

“castrum”, dakle tvrđava, čime se naglašavala njegova<br />

fortifikacijska uloga.<br />

Danas je ovaj gradić spomen-grad, kao jedan od rijetkih<br />

sačuvanih primjera urbanog razvoja isključivo unutar<br />

ranosrednjovjekovnih zidina. Zanimljivo je da se od<br />

11. stoljeća do danas, izvan humskih gradskih zidina<br />

gotovo ništa nije gradilo, naselje je ostalo unutar granica<br />

određenih već u ranom srednjem vijeku. Humski<br />

se kaštel nalazio na platou u zapadnom dijelu gradića<br />

unutar obrambenih zidova, na mjestu gdje se danas dijelom<br />

nalaze župna crkva, župni dvor i najzapadniji dio<br />

sjevernog niza kuća. Tlocrt kaštela imao je oblik pravokutnika<br />

veličine 35x30 m. Ulaz u kaštel bio je iznutra, iz<br />

grada. Njegova je osnovna namjena bila obrambena.<br />

A onda se uz kaštel postupno gradilo i naselje. Nastao je<br />

tako gradić položen po hrptu izduženog brijega, unutar<br />

gradskih zidina koje zatvaraju površinu približno pravokutnog<br />

oblika dužine stotinjak i širine oko 35 metara.<br />

Prostornu organizaciju gradića čine tri paralelna niza<br />

kuća što se pružaju od istoka prema zapadu, dvije ulice<br />

koje ih odjeljuju i trapezasti trg kod glavnih gradskih<br />

vrata. Kaštel je dvjema ulicama bio izravno povezan sa<br />

svim dijelovima grada. Stambene kuće u sva tri niza gledale<br />

su na ulice, pa je tako bio omogućen brz dolazak<br />

vojne posade i brzo sklanjanje svih gradskih žitelja u kaštel.<br />

Najstariji je srednji niz, nastao poslije izgradnje kaštela<br />

tako što su konoliziranim graničarima, koji su u slu-<br />


Avantura Hum je jedan od rijetkih sačuvanih primjera urbanog razvoja isključivo unutar<br />

ranosrednjovjekovnih zidina / Hum is one of the rare preserved examples of<br />

urban development exclusively within the early-medieval walls<br />

čaju potrebe činili kaštelsku posadu, dodjeljivane male<br />

kvadratne parcele u nizu na kojima su jedna uz drugu<br />

građene stambene kuće. Već u najranijoj fazi izgradnje<br />

naselja bila je podignuta i manja župna crkva sv. Marije,<br />

ispred kaštela, neposredno uz gradski trg.<br />

Ovaj je gradić “istrpio” mnoge faze izgradnje. Tako kao<br />

drugu fazu Huma možemo smatrati razdoblje od 12. do<br />

15. stoljeća. Tada Hum pripada Akvilejskoj patrijaršiji. To<br />

je vrijeme procvata umjetničke djelatnosti u Humu. Tom<br />

razdoblju pripada grobna kapela sv. Jeronima, oslikana<br />

znamenitim freskama, te monumentalni zvonik-kula podignut<br />

uz južni obrambeni zid.<br />

Nov procvat u izgradnji, Hum doživljava u prevlasti Venecije<br />

u 16. stoljeću. To je vrijeme razvijenog komunalnog<br />

sustava i sukladno tome izražene gradske uloge Huma<br />

kao administrativnog, kulturnog i gospodarskog središta,<br />

ali i s naglašenom obrambenom funkcijom. Obnovljene<br />

su obrambene zidine, ojačane dvjema kulama, izgrađena<br />

su dvostruka (glavna) gradska vrata, gradska loža i<br />

drugi objekti za upravne i javne djelatnosti, te nova župna<br />

crkva na mjestu starije romaničke crkvice sv. Marije.<br />

U sukobima, pljačkaškim i ratnim pohodima, Hum je često<br />

stradavao, njegov je fortifikacijski sustav, uključujući i<br />

kaštel, više puta djelomice rušen i ponovno obnavljan.<br />

Današnji izgled Huma dovršen je početkom 19. stoljeća<br />

izgradnjom župne crkve Uznesenja Blažene Djevice<br />

50<br />

Marije (poznate pod nazivom crkva sv. Petra i Pavla).<br />

Izgrađena je na mjestu gdje je prije stajala manja župna<br />

crkva iz 17. st. i dijelom kaštel. Tada je, zbog veličine<br />

nove crkve, južni gradski zid pomaknut prema vani tako<br />

da se zvonik našao unutar gradskih zidina.<br />

Još je jedna zanimljivost vezana uz ovaj mikrogradić. Na<br />

cesti izmežu Roča i Huma (7 km), s obje strane ceste,<br />

podignut je spomenik glagoljici koji je postavljen 1977.<br />

godine. To je Aleja glagoljaša, čiji je idejni začetnik književnik<br />

Zvane Črnja, a osmislili su je prof. dr. Josip Bratulić<br />

i kipar Želimir Janeš. Čini je jedanaest kamenih spomenobilježja:<br />

Stup Čakavskog sabora, Stol Ćirila i Metodija,<br />

Sijelo Klimenta Ohridskog, Vidikovac Grgura Ninskog,<br />

Glagoljski lapidarij, Klanac hrvatskog Lucidara, Uspon<br />

Istarskog razvoda, Zid hrvatskih protestanata i heretika,<br />

Odmorište žakna Jurja, Spomenik otporu i slobodi te<br />

Vrata Huma.<br />

Uvijek ste željeli cijeli grad obići u – pet minuta U Humu<br />

je to moguće. Ako ste poželjeli još malo uživati u ljepoti<br />

koja se nudi, sjesti u hladovinu ljetne terase ili uz pravo<br />

istarsko ognjište, tada vas čeka gostoljubivost domaćina<br />

u Humskoj konobi i izvrsna kulinarska ponuda.<br />

Ako ijedan grad posjeduje snagu magnetske privlačnosti,<br />

onda je to Hum. Iz njegovih se zidina, sa zvonika, s<br />

ruševnih balatura i iz sivih kamenih stijena na kojima je<br />

uzdignut, iskrada šapat starine.

Aleja glagoljaša / Glagolitic Avenue<br />

HUM<br />

The Smallest Town in the World<br />

Only three families reside in Hum, which brings the population number up to 17<br />

people. It’s interesting that, since the 11th century up until today, almost nothing<br />

was built outside the city walls of Hum; the town has remained within the boundaries<br />

that were determined in the early Middle Ages<br />

Written by: Patricia Müller<br />

Photo: Istrian County Tourist Board<br />

Istria has its truffles and autochthon Istrian cattle – boskarin.<br />

It also has a stunning coast along the northwestern<br />

area of the Croatian Adriatic, as well as some<br />

wonderful villas with swimming pools in the “abandoned”<br />

central parts, after which many foreign and local<br />

people have gone mad as they try to find a way to<br />

momentarily separate themselves from the every-day<br />

rush and enjoy the untouched natural surrounding. However,<br />

Istria also has something that no other area has.<br />

The smallest town in the world! That information is also<br />

available in the Guinness’s Book of World Records. Only<br />

three families reside in Hum, which brings the population<br />

number up to 17 people.<br />

This interesting little town is located in the heart of Istria,<br />

in the Buzet Community. It is 14 km away from the City<br />

of Buzet, and is reachable via car, bus or train; however,<br />

many hikers opt to go there on foot.<br />

Hum has received the basic contours of its appearance<br />

back in the Middle Ages, more precisely in the 11th century.<br />

That’s when the Hum Castle was built on the remaining<br />

parts of an ancient fortress, which was followed by<br />

a first string of houses of the town in the making.<br />

That was a period when Istria was a part of the Frankish<br />

Empire, within which it became an individual unit in 1040.<br />

The mark-count Ulrich I. renovated and built numerous<br />

castles at the borderline parts of his state, and that inclu-<br />


Hum je svoj današnji izgled u osnovnim konturama dobio još u 11. stoljeću / Hum<br />

has received the basic contours of its appearance back in the 11th century<br />

ded the one in Hum. In the year of 1102, Ulrich II. gives<br />

away Hum, along with many other castles, as a feudal<br />

donation to the Aquileian Patriarch. The document cites<br />

“castrum Cholm” (according to the old Croatian phrase<br />

Hlm) and that is the very first mentioning of Hum. That<br />

act basically signifies the start of Hum’s history as a fortress.<br />

Even in the later historical sources, all the way until<br />

the 17th century, Hum is mentioned as “castrum”, which<br />

means fortress, and that emphasizes its fortification role.<br />

These days, this little town is a town-monument, as one<br />

of the rare preserved examples of urban development<br />

exclusively within the early-medieval walls. It’s interesting<br />

that, since the 11th century up until today, almost<br />

nothing was built outside the city walls of Hum; the town<br />

has remained within the boundaries that were determined<br />

in the early Middle Ages. The Hum Castle was<br />

situated on a plateau in the western part of the town<br />

within the defensive walls, at a place where you can<br />

now find the local church, church courtyard and the<br />

westernmost part of the northern string of houses. The<br />

castle’s blueprint had a shape of a rectangle with 35x-<br />

30m dimensions. The entryway into the castle was from<br />

within the town, and its primary function was defensive.<br />

Afterwards, a settlement was gradually built alongside<br />

the castle. That resulted in a small town positioned along<br />

a prolonged hill, within the city walls that enclose the<br />

rectangular surface that is about 100 metres long and<br />

35 metres wide.<br />

The physical organization of the town is consisted of three<br />

parallel strings of houses that are spread from the east<br />

to the west, as well as by two streets that divide them<br />

and a trapezoidal square near the main town gates. The<br />

two streets directly connected the castle to every other<br />

part of the town. Residential houses in all three strings<br />

Poznati istarski pršut / Famous Istrian prosciutto<br />

Natpis na željeznim vratima /<br />

Script on the iron doors<br />


Jedina humska konoba / The only tavern in Hum<br />

54<br />

were overlooking the streets, which enabled the quick<br />

arrival of the military crew and the quick removal of the<br />

town people into the castle. The string in the middle was<br />

the oldest one, and it was built right after the castle because<br />

the colonized border guards, who were included<br />

in the castle crew in times of necessity, were awarded<br />

small square parcels in a string where they built residential<br />

houses one next to the other. Already in this earliest<br />

phase of building the settlement, a small local St. Mary’s<br />

Church was built in front of the castle, right next to the<br />

town square.<br />

This little town has “suffered” through many construction<br />

phases. The period between the 12th and the<br />

15th century is generally considered the second phase<br />

of the construction of Hum. That was when Hum was<br />

a part of the Aquileian Patriarchy. That was a period<br />

when art truly blossomed in this town. The remainders<br />

of that period are St. Jerome’s Grave Chapel, which is<br />

painted with renowned frescoes, as well as the monumental<br />

bell-tower that was built alongside the southern<br />

defensive wall.<br />

The new period of blossoming construction is bestowed<br />

upon Hum during the Venetian domination in the 16th<br />

century. That was a period of developed communal system<br />

and, in proportion to that, a distinctive role of Hum<br />

as an administrative, cultural and economical centre,<br />

but with an emphasized defensive function. Defensive<br />

walls were renovated and strengthened with two towers,<br />

double (main) town gates were built, as well as the<br />

town lodge and many other objects for administrative<br />

and public functions, including the new local church in<br />

the place of the older Romanesque St. Mary’s Church.<br />

During the conflicts, robberies and war campaigns,<br />

Hum was often placed in harm’s way, and its fortification<br />

system, including the casket, was repeatedly demolished<br />

and re-built. Hum’s present look was finished<br />

in the early 19th century, when the local Blessed Virgin<br />

Mary’s Assumption Church was built (also known as St.<br />

Peter and Paul’s Church). It was built in the position of<br />

the previous small local church from the 17th century,<br />

and partly in the position of the castle. That was when,<br />

due to the size of the new church, the southern city wall<br />

was moved to the outside, which meant that the belltower<br />

was now within the city walls.<br />

Another interesting thing is connected to this microtown.<br />

On the road between Roč and Hum (7km), on<br />

both sides of it, a monument to the Glagolitic alphabet<br />

was built and revealed in 1977. It is called the Glagolitic

Župna crkva Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije / Local<br />

Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption Church<br />

Avenue, and this idea was created by writer Zvone<br />

Črnja, and designed by prof. Dr. Josip Bratulić and<br />

sculptor Želimir Janeš. It consists of eleven stone monuments:<br />

The Pillar of the Chakavian Parliament, The<br />

Table of Cyril and Methodius, The Seat of Climent<br />

and Ohrid, The Belvedere of Gregory of Nin, The Glagolitic<br />

Collection of Stone Monuments, The Pass of<br />

the Croatian Lucidar, The Rise of Istrian Junction, The<br />

Wall of Croatian Protestants and Heretics, The Resting<br />

Place of Zakan Juri, The Monument to the Resistance<br />

and Freedom, and The Gate of Hum.<br />

Have you always wanted to see the entire town in<br />

– five minutes You can do that in Hum. And if you<br />

wish to spend some more time enjoying the beauty<br />

that surrounds you, or having a seat in the shade of<br />

the summer terrace or along the true Istrian fireplace,<br />

then you have the hospitality of the host of the<br />

Hum Tavern and fabulous culinary offering that are<br />

waiting for you.<br />

If there is one town that possesses the strength of magnetic<br />

attraction, then that is Hum. From his city walls,<br />

from the bell-tower, from ruinous terraces or from the<br />

grey rocks it was built on, you can hear the whisper<br />

of old times lurking around.<br />


Gastro<br />


Retro funky u Dubrovniku<br />

Odmah nakon ulaska u Gil’s nađete se u potpuno drukčijem okruženju, punom tekstila,<br />

rasvjete, cvijeća, ljubičastih i plavih nijansi<br />

Piše: Patricia Müller<br />

Foto: Zoran Marinoviæ<br />

Prije nekoliko tjedana u Dubrovniku je otvoren<br />

senzacionalan ružičasto-ljubičasti prostor nazvan<br />

“Gil’s Cuisine & Pop Lounge”, u kojem se<br />

može uživati u fantastičnoj hrani i sjajnoj glazbi<br />

u prekrasnom ambijentu. Tijekom ljeta iskusili su to mnogobrojni<br />

gosti koji su tražili mjesto više u tom zanimljivom<br />

lokalu, koji je bio potreban gradu kao što je Dubrovnik.<br />

I do danas nitko nije našao zamjerku ovome velebnom<br />

prostoru, u koji je duh svoje osobnosti unio mladi arhitekt<br />

Duje Kaliterna.<br />

Do suradnje na restoranu Gil’s iza sebe je imao jedan<br />

veliki projekt u Zagrebu, restoran People’s.<br />

56<br />

– Bez obzira što sam mlad, tijekom rada na lokalu u Dubrovniku<br />

imao sam potpuno slobodne ruke što se tiče<br />

projekta – rekao nam je Duje, kojega je za ovaj posao, u<br />

ime vlasnika, ruskog milijardera Viktora Veselberga, kontaktirao<br />

upravo čovjek čije ime nosi lokal u Dubrovniku,<br />

a koji je u suradnji s Kaliternom i završio cijeli projekt, poznati<br />

francuski chef Gilles Camilleri.<br />

– Da, Gilles se javio nama u siječnju ove godine i zainteresirala<br />

me ideja. Jedini njihov zahtjev bio je da zadovoljim<br />

njihovu želju za kuhinjom velike kvadrature, što sam<br />

i napravio – objasnio je Kaliterna, a osobni kuhar ruskog<br />

milijardera osmislio je i cijeli jelovnik u ovom restoranu.

U unutrašnjem dijelu restorana su stolice Minotti presvučene ljubičastim tekstilom, drveni<br />

stolovi, lusteri Ether, tekstil na stropu / The restaurant interior features Minotti chairs covered<br />

in purple textile, wooden tables, Ether chandeliers, textile on the ceiling<br />

Investitorova želja bila je i boja, o čemu naš sugovornik<br />

kaže:<br />

– Htjeli su da prevladava ružičasta boja i funky stil. Upravo<br />

po tim željama napravili smo prezentaciju koja im se<br />

odmah jako svidjela. Intencija nam je bila napraviti nešto<br />

potpuno drukčije u Dubrovniku. Odmah nakon ulasku u<br />

Gil’s nađete se u potpuno drukčijem okruženju, punom<br />

tekstila, rasvjete, cvijeća, ljubičastih i plavih nijansi. Taj stil<br />

bi se mogao nazvati retro funky.<br />

Za ovaj se prostor mladi arhitekt dobro pomučio ne bi<br />

li danas na jedinstven način plijenio pažnju posjetitelja.<br />

Duje Kaliterna o tome će opširnije: – Objekt je vrlo kompliciran.<br />

Sastoji se od više potpuno različitih cjelina, tako<br />

da svaka ima svoju priču. Vanjske terase su obložene bijelim<br />

kamenom ili egzotičnim drvom, dok je unutrašnjost<br />

restorana prekrivena hrastovim parketom.<br />

Vanjska terasa restorana je skup staklenih stolova, a stolice<br />

su tapecirane bijelom kožom. S tepisonima s retro<br />

uzorkom. U unutrašnjem dijelu restorana su stolice Minotti<br />

presvučene ljubičastim tekstilom, drveni stolovi, lusteri<br />

Ether, tekstil na stropu... Lounge-kaučevi presvučeni su<br />

bijelom kožom ili ljubičastim tekstilom, zatim opet stolovi<br />

Minotti, kožni veliki jastuci, fotelje Minotti presvučene<br />

tekstilom... Puškarnice su obložene drvom, opet s puno<br />

jastuka, a tu su i vodopadi tekstila, rasvjeta.<br />

O hrani se brine poznati francuski chef Gilles Camilleri /<br />

Famous French chef Gilles Camilleri is in charge of the<br />

food<br />


Gil’s se prostire na 1300 četvornih metara /<br />

Gil’s spreads across 1300 square metres<br />

Prostor u kojem je smješten Gil’s pod zaštitom<br />

je UNESCO-a / The facility where Gil’s is located is<br />

under UNESCO protection<br />

Ovaj vrlo zaposleni mladi autor svakom novom projektu<br />

pristupa na svoj način. Iako je procedura uvijek ista, za<br />

svaki projekt se “koristi” osebujan način rada.<br />

– Tek što prvi put stupim u neki prostor, zamislim ga kako<br />

bih ja želio da izgleda, te se svoje prvotne ideje držim do<br />

samog kraja.<br />

Iako je sada Gil’s prvoklasni objekt u Dubrovniku, tijekom<br />

rada na lokalu Duje se susretao i s nekim problemima.<br />

Priznao nam je da je najteže bilo raditi na prostoru koji<br />

je spomenička baština i pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, ali i surađivati<br />

s raznim tvrtkama i institucijama u Dubrovniku.<br />

Najteže je, pak, bio sam rok izvedbe cijelog projekta,<br />

koji je bio vrlo kratak, kao i investitorovo nepoznavanje<br />

procedure u Hrvatskoj. No, snalažljivošću i sposobnošću<br />

ekipe koja je radila na ostvarenju projekta Gil’s, sve je<br />

dobro završilo. I danas imamo lokal površine 1300 četvornih<br />

metara.<br />

Kaliterna nije štedio kada su u pitanju fini materijali i poznate<br />

tvrtke kada se radilo o uređenju interijera.<br />

– Sve su to najčešće inozemne tvrtke koje imaju predstavništva<br />

u Hrvatskoj. Spomenuo bih Minotti, ITF, namještaj<br />

Calligaris, Murano due, Modular, Mooi, Floss rasvjeta, ili<br />

ozvučenje Bose, te keramika FAP...<br />

Kako se nije štedjelo na kvalitetnim materijalima, tako<br />

58<br />

se ne može očekivati da je lokal bio jeftin. Cijela priča<br />

stajala je investitora “nekoliko” milijuna kuna. No, uloženi<br />

novac se isplatio, reći će i investitor, naš arhitekt i svi posjetitelji,<br />

a oni su grupacija mlađih ljudi, ali onih “dubljeg<br />

džepa”.<br />

U Gil’su je velika kuhinja “na dohvat ruke” gostima, razdvaja<br />

ih tek velika staklena ploha, pa tako posjetitelji<br />

mogu pratiti kako nastaju njihovi francuski specijaliteti.<br />

U lokalu postoji oveći vinski podrum, a pozornost plijeni i<br />

veliki akvarij s jastozima. Prostor je podijeljen u dvije veće<br />

cjeline: modernu francusku kuhinju u kojoj se uz jela poslužuju<br />

vrsna vina, te otvoreni atrij s terasom koja pruža<br />

predivan pogled na more ispred Dubrovnika. Lounge<br />

bar nudi veliki izbor raznoraznih koktela i drugih pića, uz<br />

nezaobilazni sushi i deserte.<br />

– Puno je zanimljivih cjelina u lokalu. Meni osobno je najdraža<br />

interakcija, funkcioniranje cijelog objekta, koja se<br />

uspjela dobiti na kraju, a to nije bilo lako - rekao nam je<br />

na kraju mladi Kaliterna, te obznanio da priprema dva<br />

velika objekta u skoroj budućnosti:<br />

– Jedan u Zagrebu i jedan u Splitu, koji bih posebno izdvojio<br />

jer napokon nešto radim u “svom” gradu, te se<br />

nadam da će donijeti neke pozitivne promjene za grad<br />

pod Marjanom.

Retro Funky in Dubrovnik<br />

Immediately after entering the Gil’s, you find yourself in a completely different<br />

environment, filled with textile, lighting, flowers, purple and blue shades<br />

Written by: Patricia Müller<br />


Photo: Zoran Marinoviæ<br />

Objekt je vrlo kompliciran. Sastoji se od više potpuno različitih cjelina, tako da svaka ima<br />

svoju priču / The object is very complicated. It consists of several completely different<br />

units, and each of them has its own story<br />


Autor projekta je mladi splitski arhitekt Duje Kaliterna /<br />

The author of the project is young architect Duje<br />

Kaliterna from Split<br />

Ruski milijarder Viktor Veselberg uložio je “nekoliko”<br />

milijuna kuna u uređenje restorana / Russian millionair<br />

Viktor Veselberg invests “several” milion kunas in<br />

decorating<br />

60<br />

Several weeks ago, Dubrovnik witnessed the<br />

opening of a sensational pink-purple establishment<br />

called “Gil’s Cuisine & Pop Lounge”, where<br />

you can enjoy fantastic food and terrific music in<br />

a wonderful ambience. Numerous guests experienced<br />

that during the summer as they were looking for that<br />

extra-spot in this interesting establishment, which was<br />

certainly necessary in a city like Dubrovnik. Up until today,<br />

nobody’s been able to find any shortcomings in<br />

this glorious space, which features the personality spirit<br />

of its creator, young designer Duje Kaliterna.<br />

Up until the cooperation on the Gil’s Restaurant, he already<br />

had one large project in his resume, and that’s<br />

the People’s Restaurant in Zagreb.<br />

– Regardless of my youth, I had complete freedom<br />

while working on this restaurant project in Dubrovnik –<br />

Duje tells us, and reveals that he was contacted for this<br />

job, in the name of the Russian billionaire owner Viktor<br />

Veselberg, by the man who gets credit for this restaurant’s<br />

name, and who finished this project along with<br />

Kaliterna – famous French chef Gilles Camilleri.<br />

– Yes, Gilles contacted us in this year’s January and I<br />

was intrigued by the idea. Their only demand was to<br />

accommodate their desire for a grand-sized kitchen,<br />

which I did. – Kaliterna explains, and the Russian billionaire’s<br />

personal chef also designed the whole menu<br />

in this restaurant.<br />

The investor also made a request regarding the colour,<br />

and Duje Kaliterna has this to say about it:<br />

– They wanted the dominant presence of the pink colour<br />

and funky style. In line with those wishes, we threw a<br />

presentation and they really liked it. Our intention was<br />

to create something completely different in Dubrovnik.<br />

Immediately after entering the Gil’s, you find yourself in<br />

a completely different environment, filled with textile,<br />

lighting, flowers, purple and blue shades. You could<br />

call that style retro funky.<br />

The young architect had to work really hard on this<br />

space in order to draw the visitors’ attention in a unique<br />

way. Duje Kaliterna elaborates:<br />

– The object is very complicated. It consists of several<br />

completely different units, and each of them has its<br />

own story. The outdoor terraces are covered in white<br />

stone or exotic wood, while the restaurant interior is<br />

covered in oak parquet.<br />

The restaurant’s outdoor terrace is a collection of glass<br />

tables, and the chairs are upholstered in white leather,<br />

along with retro-sampled carpets. The restaurant interior<br />

features Minotti chairs covered in purple textile,<br />

wooden tables, Ether chandeliers, textile on the ceiling…<br />

Lounge sofas are covered in white leather or<br />

purple textile, and then there are Minotti tables, big<br />

leather cushions, Minotti armchairs covered in textile…<br />

Gunner’s hideouts are covered in wood, again with<br />

plenty of cushions, and there are also textile waterfalls<br />

and the lighting.<br />

This awfully busy young author approaches every new<br />

project in his own way. Although the procedure never<br />

changes, he “utilizes” a very specific work method for<br />

each of his projects.<br />

– The minute I first step foot into a certain space, I imagine<br />

it the way I would have created it, and that original<br />

idea of mine holds me in good stead until the end.

Vanjske terase su obložene bijelim kamenom ili egzotičnim drvom / The outdoor terraces are covered<br />

in white stone or exotic wood<br />

Although Gil’s is now a first- class Dubrovnik object,<br />

Duje has also encountered some problems during the<br />

working process. He told us that the most difficult thing<br />

was to work on the space that serves as a historical<br />

monument and is under UNESCO’s protection, but also<br />

cooperating with various companies and institutions in<br />

Dubrovnik. The most difficult thing, however, was meeting<br />

the project’s deadline, which was very short, as<br />

well as dealing with the investor’s lack of knowledge<br />

about how these procedures work in Croatia. However,<br />

thanks to the adaptability and competence of<br />

the crew that worked on the Gil’s project, everything<br />

ended well. And now we have a 1300-square-metre<br />

establishment.<br />

Kaliterna didn’t pull any punches when it came to fine<br />

materials and well-known brands regarding the interior<br />

decoration.<br />

– Most of them are foreign firms that have their branch<br />

offices in Croatia. I’d like to mention Minotti, ITF, Calligaris<br />

furniture, Murano Due, Modular, Mooi, Floss lighting,<br />

Bosa sound systems, FAP ceramics…<br />

Because no punches were pulled when it came to<br />

quality materials, you can’t expect this restaurant to be<br />

cheap. This whole episode cost the investor “several”<br />

million kunas. However, the invested money paid off,<br />

according to the investor, our architect and all visitors,<br />

the majority of which is made of younger people with<br />

“deeper pockets”.<br />

In Gil’s, you will find the large kitchen right around the<br />

corner from the guests, separated only by a big glass<br />

surface, so the visitors can observe how their French<br />

specialties are being made. The restaurant also offers a<br />

large wine cellar, and a big aquarium with lobsters also<br />

draws attention. The establishment is divided into two<br />

larger units: modern French kitchen where meals and<br />

excellent wines are served, and the open atrium with a<br />

terrace that provides a wonderful view over the sea in<br />

front of Dubrovnik. The lounge bar offers a large list of<br />

various cocktails and other beverages, along with the<br />

unavoidable sushi and desserts.<br />

– There are many interesting units in the establishment.<br />

I personally prefer the interaction, functioning of the<br />

entire object, which came as the result in the end and<br />

that wasn’t easy to achieve – young Kaliterna tells us<br />

in the end, and he announces that he’s preparing two<br />

large objects in the near future:<br />

– One in Zagreb and one in Split, which is something I’d<br />

like to point out because I’m finally working on something<br />

in “my” town, and I hope that it will lead to some<br />

positive changes for the town underneath Marjan.<br />


Fine stvari<br />

Kuæica za kišobrane i cvijeæe<br />

Dizajneri se vole poigravati funkcijom i izgledom kišobrana.<br />

Nakon samostojećega kišobrana koji smo<br />

predstavili u prošlome broju, ovaj stalak iz japanske<br />

radionice Kyouei Design ima dvostruku funkciju: drži<br />

kišobran i ostatke vode iz njega usmjerava u malenu<br />

teglu za biljke koja je sastavni dio stalka. Neodoljivo,<br />

zar ne<br />

A Little House for<br />

Umbrellas and Flowers<br />

Designers like to play around with umbrellas<br />

and their functions and looks. After the<br />

self-standing umbrella we presented in<br />

the last issue, this rack from the Japanese<br />

workshop Kyouei Design has a double<br />

function: it holds the umbrella and it directs<br />

the remainder of its water into a small pot<br />

for plants, which is the integral part of the<br />

rack. Irresistible, isn’t it<br />

Buduænost kakvom<br />

je vidi Gorenje<br />

Gorenje sve hrabrije kroči u svijet visokog dizajna.<br />

Nakon suradnje s Pininfarinom, slovenski je proizvođač<br />

dao priliku jednome od mladih dizajnera,<br />

Francuzu Ora-Ïtou, a iz<br />

zajedničkoga rada nastao<br />

je set nevjerojatno stylish<br />

kućanskih uređaja čistih minimalističkih<br />

linija, u crnoj i<br />

boji aluminija. Tvorac ekskluzivne<br />

serije naziva svoj stil<br />

“simplexity” - kombinacijom<br />

jednostavnosti i kompleksnosti,<br />

a oboje je vidljivo na<br />

novim napama, hladnjacima,<br />

pećnicama s potpisom<br />

Gorenje Ora-Ïto. Početkom<br />

rujna u zagrebačkome muzeju<br />

Mimara i hrvatskoj je<br />

publici predstavljena ova<br />

serija, uz svesrdnu asistenciju<br />

futurističke kubusne kuhinje<br />

od naprednog kompozitnog materijala (također<br />

djelo Ora-Ïtoa), zaobljenih linija, idealne družice<br />

za najmodernije uređaje s logotipom Gorenja.<br />

Boce za sve<br />

Ove vesele i praktične boce dolaze<br />

iz poznate danske dizajnerske<br />

“kuhinje” Eva Solo. Dizajneri Claus<br />

Jensen i Henrik Holbaek odlučili su<br />

stati na kraj nepraktičnim bocama<br />

koje ne stanu u vrata hladnjaka<br />

ili se kroz njihova grla ne<br />

mogu ubaciti, primjerice, kockice<br />

leda ili kriške limuna. A tu je<br />

i presvlaka u živim bojama koja<br />

ne samo da uveseljava svakoga<br />

tko otvori hladnjak nego i<br />

služi kao termoizolacija, kako se<br />

vaš sok ne bi prerano ugrijao.<br />

62<br />

The Future According<br />

to Gorenje<br />

Gorenje has more courage in stepping into the<br />

world of high design. After cooperating with Pininfarina,<br />

the Slovenian<br />

manufacturer has given<br />

a chance to one of<br />

the young designers ,<br />

the Frenchman Ora-<br />

Ito, and their joint work<br />

has resulted in a set of<br />

incredibly stylish household<br />

appliances with<br />

pure minimalist lines,<br />

coloured in black and<br />

aluminium. The creator<br />

of this exclusive series<br />

refers to his style as<br />

“simplexity” – a combination<br />

of simplicity and<br />

complexity, and both<br />

of those are visible on<br />

new cooker hoods, refrigerators and ovens that carry<br />

the name Gorenje Ora-Ito. This series was presented<br />

to the Croatian audience in early September in the<br />

Mimara Museum in Zagreb, with plenty of assistance<br />

from a futuristic cubic kitchen made from advanced<br />

composite materials (also courtesy of Ora-Ito) and<br />

featuring rounded lines, making for simply an ideal<br />

mate for the most modern appliances with the<br />

Gorenje logotype.<br />

Bottles for Everyone<br />

These merry and practical bottles come from the famous Danish designer<br />

“kitchen” Eva Solo. Designers Claus Jensen and Henrik Holbaek<br />

have decided to put an end to unpractical bottles that don’t fit into<br />

refrigerator doors or can’t have, for instance, ice cubes or lemon slices<br />

put into their necks. And they also have bright-coloured coverings that<br />

are bound to improve the mood of anyone who opens the fridge,<br />

while they also serve as thermo-isolation that prevents your juice from<br />

becoming warm too soon.

Stanièni mobitel<br />

Timo Wong je autor mobitela<br />

nazvanoga “Cells”, što je<br />

sasvim logično ime budući da<br />

mu je za njegovo oblikovanje kao<br />

inspiracija poslužila stanična struktura.<br />

Umjesto da tipke na tastaturi odijeli u<br />

standardne kvadratiće ili kružiće, odlučio se<br />

za princip “svaka tipka - jedna stanica”, uz promjene<br />

kontura unutar jedinstvene površine mobitela,<br />

model za koji tvrdi da je neusporedivo logičniji i<br />

ugodniji na dodir.<br />

Audi za najmlaðe<br />

Ovaj mali savršeni stroj iz Audijeve tvornice<br />

zapravo je dječja igračka koja se pokreće<br />

okretanjem pedala. No, to nimalo ne umanjuje<br />

perfekciju izrade koju su u njegovu<br />

stvaranju upotrijebili<br />

dizajneri i mehaničari<br />

njemačkog proizvođača<br />

automobila.<br />

Sastavljen od 900 dijelova,<br />

s aluminijskom<br />

karoserijom i kožnim<br />

sjedalima, model je<br />

replika Audija Type<br />

C, jednog od najslavnijih<br />

trkaćih automobila<br />

iz tridesetih<br />

godina prošlog stoljeća.<br />

U prodaju je<br />

od prošle godine pušteno<br />

samo 999 autića,<br />

pa je za očekivati da su bogati i slavni<br />

(i kolekcionari) već opskrbili svoje najmlađe<br />

modelom Type C.<br />

Bossov bijeg u divljinu<br />

Suprotno nekim predrasudama, Hugo Boss se ne bavi<br />

samo modom za ozbiljne poslovne ljude. Slavna modna<br />

kuća sposobna je vidjeti iza “ljušture”<br />

odijela strogog kroja i prepoznati divlje<br />

u srcu onoga koji će nakon radnog<br />

dana prepunog burzovnih izvješća<br />

“provjetriti glavu” vozeći se na nabrijanom<br />

motociklu. Upravo je za<br />

njih osmišljena ova kaciga iz kolekcije<br />

Orange, presvučena kožom i<br />

s uzorkom koji vješto oponaša blatnu<br />

mrlju. Da, upravo sam stigao s<br />

jednog “off-roada”...<br />

Pripremila / Edited by: Aurelija Vukušiæ<br />

Luxuries<br />

A Cell Phone with Cells<br />

Timo Wong is the author of the cell phone called<br />

“Cells”, which is a perfectly logical name since<br />

it was the structure of a cell that served as an<br />

inspiration for its shape. Instead of dividing<br />

the keys on the keyboard into standard<br />

little squares or circles, he decided<br />

on the principle “every key – one cell”,<br />

while changing the contours within the<br />

unique surface of the cell phone. The aut<br />

h o r claims that this model is incomparably more<br />

logical and the feel of it is much more pleasant.<br />

Audi for the<br />

Youngest<br />

This perfect little machine<br />

from the Audi factory is<br />

actually a children’s toy<br />

that is started by turning<br />

the pedals. However, that<br />

does nothing to diminish<br />

the crafting perfection<br />

that was demonstrated by<br />

designers and mechanics<br />

of this German cars manufacturer<br />

during the creating<br />

process. Consisting of<br />

900 parts, with aluminium<br />

auto-body and leather seats, the model is a replica<br />

of Audi Type C, one of the most famous racing cars<br />

of the 1930s. Only 999 little cars were released for sale<br />

last year, so it is expected that the rich and famous<br />

(and also collectors) have already provided the Type<br />

C model for their youngest.<br />

Boss’s Escape<br />

into the Wilderness<br />

Contrary to some prejudice, Hugo Boss doesn’t<br />

exclusively deal with fashion for serious business<br />

people. The famous fashion brand is capable of<br />

looking beyond the “shell” of a tailored suit and<br />

recognize what’s wild in the heart of the person<br />

who will recover from a workday filled with stock<br />

reports by “clearing their head” while riding a furious<br />

motorcycle. This helmet from the Orange Collection<br />

is designed precisely from them, as it is covered<br />

in leather and features a sample that imitates a<br />

mud stain. Yes, I’ve just arrived from an “off-road”…<br />



Skulpture kao metafora<br />

za neizrecivo<br />

Skulptura Zdenka Šlibara uvijek se referira na čovjeka ili neko njegovo stanje. Na<br />

prvi susret, apstraktni oblici, grubo rezani blokovi, neobrađene površine koje otkrivaju<br />

prirodu materijala i pridonose nekoj unutrašnjoj dinamici skulpture, pomalo<br />

otkrivaju ljudski oblik, stav, pa čak i osjećaj zamrznut u materijal<br />

Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ<br />


Zagrebački umjetnik Zdenko Šlibar profesionalni je<br />

kipar, a umjetnički mu izričaj obuhvaća i rad s keramikom.<br />

Njegove prepoznatljive skulpture, pomalo<br />

grube i sirove, a istodobno snažne u autorskom<br />

izrazu, “hladni” materijali, bronca i žica, koji prevladavaju,<br />

govore dosta o hladnoći današnjice, otuđenju i nedostatku<br />

emocija. S druge strane, iz njih se nerijetko iščitava<br />

doza humora, ali i poetika koja izvire iz grubih, masivnih<br />

formi i završava u nježnoj igri krhkih žičanih oblika.<br />

Kraj dvadesetog stoljeća donio je u promišljanjima suvremenih<br />

estetičara, umjetnika i povjesničara umjetnosti priču<br />

o kraju modernizma i novome početku umjetnosti kao<br />

totalnog projekta s onu stranu tradicionalnih kategorija<br />

novovjeke estetike. Dok neki, dakle, već podosta vremena<br />

govore o smrti slike, slikarstva i uopće tradicionalnih<br />

medija umjetničkog izražavanja, pred najezdom novih<br />

medija, ipak nalazimo dosta života, odnosno vitalnosti u<br />

radovima pojedinih umjetnika, a čiji je fokus upravo na<br />

tradicionalnim umjetničkim formama.<br />

Skulptura Zdenka Šlibara uvijek se referira na čovjeka ili<br />

neko njegovo stanje. Na prvi susret, apstraktni oblici, grubo<br />

rezani blokovi, neobrađene površine koje otkrivaju<br />

prirodu materijala i pridonose nekoj unutrašnjoj dinamici<br />

skulpture, pomalo otkrivaju ljudski oblik, stav, pa čak i<br />

osjećaj zamrznut u materijalu. Često apstraktni oblici antropomorfnih<br />

konotacija funkcioniraju pomalo kao metafora<br />

za neizrecivo, a itekako opipljivo stanje današnjice,<br />

kada ljudi sve više nalikuju jedni drugima, a pritom imaju<br />

vrlo malo međusobnih dodira.<br />

Šlibarovi radovi izlagani su na petnaestak samostalnih i<br />

isto toliko skupnih izložbi. Jedna od koncepcijski zanimljivijih<br />

izložaba na kojoj je prisutan njegov rad “problematizirala<br />

je pojam erotskoga (čulnoga, strasnoga, požudnoga<br />

i spolnoga) u suvremenom društvu; erotskoga čija je<br />

predodžba u novije vrijeme doživjela značajnu promjenu,<br />

izgubivši punoću prvotnoga značenja i vlastitost intime, a<br />

zadobivši na ispraznosti, površnosti i hladnoći”. Od umjetnika<br />

koji su sudjelovali u tom projektu tražilo se “da reagiraju<br />

angažirano i provokativno na činjenicu gubljenja<br />

iskrenosti osobnog intimizma u općem procesu globalizacije.<br />

Da reagiraju kritički, ironično i čak satirično na erotiku<br />

kao ‘potrošački artikl’ i unosnu ‘robu’ u masmedijima,<br />

te tako na njezino stalno klišejiziranje i banaliziranje. I da<br />

naposljetku svojim djelima naznače je li istinska erotika<br />

postala jedna vrsta utopije – je li to jedno nedohvatljivo,<br />

imaginarno, idealno stanje, koje je postalo neostvarivo”<br />

Odabrani umjetnici – ponajviše keramičari i kipari, koji su<br />

sudjelovali u ovome projektu, reagirali su velikim dijelom<br />

angažirano, čak provokativno i ironično, ali i poetično.<br />

Erotičnost, a nekad i eksplicitniji prikaz seksualnosti, može<br />

se iščitati u Šlibarovim radovima. Ipak, bavljenje ljubavnim<br />

odnosima teško da mu je osnovna preokupacija<br />

u radu. Višeslojnost i aluzivnost njegovih skulptura dotiču<br />

brojna pitanja o stanju čovjeka danas, njegove egzistencije<br />

i položaja, time uključujući i emotivnu stranu ljudske<br />

osobnosti. Jedna od takvih skulptura izrazito je poetičan<br />

“ready made”: dvije ručke otrgnute sa slavine, jedna<br />

za vruću, druga za hladnu vodu, pričvršćene su na crvenu<br />

ciglu tako da stoje jedna do druge ne dodirujući<br />

se. Između njih, cijelom širinom cigle, dijeleći je na pola,<br />

prolazi crvena traka simbolizirajući prepreku iz koje se<br />

naslućuje i zabrana, granica između dvaju individualnih<br />

svjetova koji se nikada ne mogu spojiti. Očitoj sličnosti<br />

usprkos. Harmonična kompozicija, čak i elegancija skulpture,<br />

iako je sastavljena iz vrlo prozaičnih, gotovo banalnih<br />

dijelova, uz jak simbolični naboj, čine je jednom<br />

od zanimljivijih eksperimentalnih radova zagrebačkog<br />

umjetnika.<br />

Jedna od važnijih samostalnih izložbi Zdenka Šlibara bila<br />

je ona pomalo začudnog naziva “Samoljudi” u ULUPUH-u<br />

u svibnju 2005. godine. Dvadesetak skulptura i instalacija<br />

nosilo je neku opću poruku da su ljudi, unatoč životu u<br />

mnoštvu, individue koje najviše nose osamu i otuđenost.<br />

Tri Šlibarova rada nalaze se u javnim prostorima u Zagrebu<br />

i Podsusedu. Član je ULUPUH-a, LIKUM-a i Hrvatskog<br />

keramičarskog udruženja KERAMEIKON iz Varaždina.<br />



Sculptures as a Metaphor<br />

for the Unspeakable<br />

Zdenko Šlibar’s sculpture always refers to a human being or one of its states. At first glance,<br />

the abstract shapes, roughly cut blocks and unprocessed surfaces, which point out the nature<br />

of the material and contribute to some inner dynamics of the sculpture, slightly reveal the human<br />

shape, attitude, even emotion that’s frozen in the material<br />

Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ<br />

68<br />

Artist Zdenko Šlibar from Zagreb is a professional sculptor,<br />

and his artistic expression also encompasses<br />

working with ceramics. His recognizable sculptures,<br />

slightly rough and raw, but at the same time strong<br />

in their author’s expression and dominating “cold” materials<br />

like bronze and wire say plenty about today’s coldness,<br />

detachment and lack of emotions. On the other hand, they<br />

often also reveal a dose of humour, but also the poetics that<br />

comes out of rough, massive forms and ends up in some gentle<br />

interplay between fragile wire shapes.<br />

The end of the twentieth century has filled the thoughts of<br />

contemporary aestheticians, artists and art historians with stories<br />

about the end of modernism and the new beginning of<br />

art as a total project on the other side of traditional categories<br />

of modern-era aesthetics. While some have been talking<br />

for quite some time about the death of paintings, the art of<br />

painting and traditional mediums of overall art expressions<br />

in the wake of the new mediums’ invasion, we can still find<br />

plenty of life and vitality in the works of certain artists who<br />

focus precisely on traditional artistic forms.<br />

Zdenko Šlibar’s sculpture always refers to a human being or<br />

one of its states. At first glance, the abstract shapes, roughly<br />

cut blocks and unprocessed surfaces, which point out the<br />

nature of the material and contribute to some inner dynamics<br />

of the sculpture, slightly reveal the human shape, attitude,<br />

even emotion that’s frozen in the material. Very often these<br />

abstract shapes of anthromorphic connotations slightly function<br />

as a metaphor for the unspeakable, yet very tangible<br />

state of this era, in which people increasingly resemble each<br />

other while having very little interaction with each other.<br />

Šlibar’s works have been displayed at about fifteen solo exhibits<br />

and just as many group ones. One of the conceptually<br />

more interesting exhibits that featured his work “has dealt<br />

with the concept of the erotic (sensuous, passionate, lustful,<br />

sexual) in modern society; the erotic that carries an image<br />

that’s been very much changed lately by losing the fullness<br />

of the original meaning and the possession of intimacy, while<br />

gaining plenty of emptiness, superficiality and coldness”. The<br />

artists who participated in this project were asked to “react<br />

in an involved and provocative manner to the fact of losing<br />

personal intimacy’s honesty in the overall globalisation process.<br />

To react critically, ironically, even satirically to erotica as<br />

“a consumer item” and profitable “goods” in the mass media,<br />

as well as its use as a cliché and something banal. And fi-

nally, to use their works to reveal whether true<br />

erotica has become a type of utopia – whether it is<br />

an unreachable, imaginary, ideal state that cannot be<br />

achieved anymore” The chosen artists – mostly sculptors<br />

and ceramicists, who were involved with this project,<br />

have reacted in a very engaged manner, even<br />

being provocative and ironic, but also poetical.<br />

Eroticism, and sometimes also a more explicit display<br />

of sexuality, can often be found in Šlibar’s works. Still,<br />

you could hardly say that dealing with love relations is<br />

the basic preoccupation of his work. The multi-layered<br />

allusive aspect of his sculptures touches on numerous<br />

questions about man’s state today, his existence and<br />

position, and that includes the emotional side of human<br />

personality. One of such sculptures is the extremely poetical<br />

“ready made”: two handles that were ripped off<br />

a tap, one for hot water and one for cold water, were<br />

attached to a red brick by standing one next to the<br />

other without touching themselves. Between them, all<br />

along the wideness of the brick and splitting it in half,<br />

there is a red ribbon that symbolizes an obstacle and<br />

alludes to prohibition, like a border between two individual<br />

worlds that can never be combined, despite<br />

their obvious similarity. The harmonious composition,<br />

even the sculpture’s elegance, although it consists of<br />

very prosaic and near-banal parts with strong symbolic<br />

impact, ensure its place as one of the more interesting<br />

experimental works by this Zagreb artist.<br />

One of Zdenko Šlibar’s more important solo exhibits carried<br />

a slightly odd name “SelfPeople” at the ULUPUH<br />

(Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Art) in May of<br />

2005. About twenty sculptures and installations carried<br />

a general message that people, despite living within a<br />

crowd, are merely individuals who primarily carry loneliness<br />

and detachment. Three Šlibar’s works can be<br />

found in public spaces in Zagreb and Podsused. He is<br />

a member of ULUPUH, LIKUM (Unity of Croatian Artists)<br />

and the Croatian Ceramic Association KERAMEIKON<br />

from Varaždin.<br />

Zdenko Šlibar u umjetničkom zanosu / Zlatko Šlibar in<br />

a creative outburst<br />


Dizajn<br />

Duæan kulture i duha<br />

Estetski razmaženi connoisseuri, znatiželjni studenti dizajna, uspaničeni uzvanici u potrazi<br />

za idealnim vjenčanim darom, stari klijenti koji rado navrate na kavu... uobičajena<br />

su i dobrodošla pojava u ovoj karizmatičnoj trgovini vedre i “pomaknute” atmosfere<br />

Piše: Ivan Mladina<br />

U<br />

romantičnom okružju prastarih kućica zagrebačke<br />

Tkalčićeve ulice, već desetak godina nalazi<br />

se trgovina vrlo jedinstvene i pomno probrane<br />

ponude. Od svog osnutka, Modus ima status<br />

svojevrsne škole dobrog ukusa u industrijskom dizajnu,<br />

s vrlo širokom i odanom bazom klijenata, prijatelja i<br />

simpatizera. Estetski razmaženi connoisseuri, znatiželjni<br />

studenti dizajna, uspaničeni uzvanici u potrazi za idealnim<br />

vjenčanim darom, stari klijenti koji rado navrate na<br />

kavu... uobičajena su i dobrodošla pojava u ovoj karizmatičnoj<br />

trgovini vedre i “pomaknute” atmosfere.<br />

Otvoren sredinom devedesetih, Modus se odmah profilirao<br />

kao “konceptualni dućan”, mjesto gdje je edukacija<br />

u dobrom ukusu davala sasvim poseban pečat<br />

70<br />

Foto: Kristina Faziniæ<br />

odnosu prema klijentu. Osnivači Nina Fiolić i Goran<br />

Lelas željeli su stvoriti sasvim nov ugođaj, gdje osjećaj<br />

uronjenosti u proces stvaranja posebnih artefakata te<br />

sama ljepota njihovih formi, inače banalan proces kupnje<br />

pretvaraju u slavlje estetike vrhunskog industrijskog<br />

dizajna.<br />

Uzmimo, na primjer, proizvodni program čuvene talijanske<br />

tvrtke Alessi, koji je u Modusu uzdignut na galerijsku<br />

razinu. Posebna pozornost posvećena pričama koje se<br />

kriju iza nastanka svakog proizvoda ne čudi, s obzirom<br />

da gotovo svaki proizvod tvrtke Alessi nosi potpis nekog<br />

velikog suvremenog arhitekta ili dizajnera. Upravo Alessi<br />

proizvodi opjevani Juicy Salif, genijalno cjedilo za limun<br />

Phillipea Starcka, koje, kako se čini, već godinama baš

U Modusu možete pronaći i čuvene<br />

čajnice Michaela Gravesa /<br />

Modus also features famous teapots<br />

by Michael Graves<br />

svaki intelektualac želi vidjeti u svojoj kuhinji ili, još bolje,<br />

dnevnoj sobi.<br />

Čuveni čajnici Michaela Gravesa, s ptičicom koja zvižduće<br />

kad voda uzavri, elegantno zrcaljenje vitoperih<br />

ploha vaze Crevasse arhitektice Zahe Hadid, ekscentrične<br />

forme Rona Arada... prave su vizualne poslastice<br />

koje nikog ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.<br />

Spomenuvši Rona Arada, u Modusu je taj dizajner iznimno<br />

cijenjen i zastupljen zbog svoje sklonosti k eksperimentiranju<br />

te inovativnom duhu - upravo onim osobinama<br />

koje su bile misao vodilja u stvaranju ove trgovine.<br />

Puno toga je u Modusu zasnovano na spajanju suprotnosti,<br />

što posjet Modusu uvijek iznova čini vrlo posebnim<br />

iskustvom.<br />

Prema riječima Nine Fiolić: “Ta igra krajnostima, miješanje<br />

ozbiljnog i neozbiljnog, važnog i nevažnog, etabliranog<br />

i upitnog, to je ono što nas u Modusu zapravo<br />

najviše veseli. Podrška i poticaj klijenata te izmjena pozitivne<br />

energije i novih saznanja, na tom su putu, uz vlastiti<br />

entuzijazam, presudni...”<br />

Prvo pravilo je da nema pravila, i da neko novo iznenađenje<br />

vreba na svakom koraku. “Ozbiljne” komade tako<br />

smjenjuju vesele, otkvačene kreacije poput onih Droog<br />

designa, dok se u moru svih tih nevjerojatnih, očaravajućih<br />

artefakata odjednom mogu pronaći i neobične rijetkosti<br />

poput superekskluzivnih parfema Diptyque. U taj<br />

kaleidoskop izvrsno se uklapa i ponuda čajnika od gusa,<br />

veleposlanika japanskog dizajna i kulture pijenja čaja.<br />

Posljednjih nekoliko godina, Modus se počeo okretati<br />

i prema skandinavskom dizajnu. Iittala, Stelton, Tonfisk,<br />

neki su od zastupljenih skandinavskih proizvođača, čiji<br />

su proizvodi dio stalnog postava mnogih svjetskih muzeja<br />

suvremenog dizajna. Kultne linije posuđa “TEEMA”<br />

Nina Fiolić<br />

Kaj Francka iz 50-ih godina i “ORIGO” Alfreda Haberlia<br />

iz 1999., šalice “EGO” Stefana Lindforsa, pravi su klasici<br />

industrijskog dizajna i kao takvi zaslužuju svoje mjesto na<br />

policama Modusa.<br />

Na nadolazećoj izložbi skandinavskog dizajna koja se<br />

krajem rujna otvara u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt u Zagrebu,<br />

mnogi od tih predmeta bit će izloženi za širu publiku.<br />

U sklopu izložbe Modus će prikazati i dio svog asortimana<br />

koji je velikim dijelom zastupljen i na samoj izložbi. Izvanredna<br />

prigoda za upoznavanje šire javnosti ne samo sa<br />

skandinavskim dizajnom, koji je posljednjih godina napravio<br />

veliki comeback, nego i s čudesnim bogatstvom<br />

i raznolikošću ponude ove jedinstvene trgovine.<br />


Program talijanske tvrtke Alessi u Modusu je uzdignut na galerijsku<br />

razinu / The programme of Italian firm Alessi is ascended<br />

to gallery-like level in Modus<br />

Written by: Ivan Mladina<br />

Photo: Kristina Faziniæ<br />

The Store<br />

of Culture<br />

and Spirit<br />

Superekskluzivni parfemi Diptyque / Super-exclusive<br />

Diptyque perfumes<br />

72<br />

Aesthetically spoiled connoisseurs, curious<br />

design students, panicking guests searching<br />

for the ideal wedding present, old clients who<br />

always come by for a cup of coffee … are<br />

some of the usual, welcomed appearances in<br />

this charismatic store of merry and “kooky”<br />

atmosphere<br />

In the romantic surrounding of ancient houses at<br />

Tkalčić Street in Zagreb, a store of very unique and<br />

carefully selected offering has been open for about<br />

ten years. Since its beginning, Modus has a status of<br />

some sort of school of good taste in industrial design,<br />

with a very wide and loyal base of clients, friends and<br />

admirers. Aesthetically spoiled connoisseurs, curious design<br />

students, panicking guests searching for the ideal

Finski klasik koji je dizajnirao Timo Sarpaneva davne 1960. godine /<br />

The Finnish classic designed by Timo Sarpaneva way back in 1960<br />

Design<br />

“Ptice” iz nove Iittaline kolekcije / “Birds” from the new<br />

Iittala collection<br />

wedding present, old clients who always come by for a<br />

cup of coffee… are some of the usual, welcomed appearances<br />

in this charismatic store of merry and “kooky”<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Opened in the mid-nineties, Modus immediately defined<br />

itself as “a conceptual store”, a place where education<br />

in good taste provided a special flavour in relationships<br />

towards clients. Founders Nina Fiolić and Goran Lelas<br />

wanted to create a completely new ambience, where<br />

the feeling of being involved in the process of creating<br />

special artefacts, as well as the very beauty of their<br />

forms, turn this otherwise banal process of shopping into<br />

a celebration of supreme industrial design’s aesthetics.<br />

Let’s take, for example, the manufacturing programme<br />

of the famous Italian firm Alessi, which has been ascended<br />

to gallery-like level in Modus. The special attention<br />

given to stories that hide behind the origins of all products<br />

is not surprising, being that almost every Alessi product<br />

carries a signature of some great contemporary<br />

architect or designer. It’s precisely Alessi that produces<br />

the celebrated Juicy Salif, a brilliant lemon squeezer designed<br />

by Philippe Starck, which appears to have found<br />

its way to every intellectual’s wish list for their kitchen, or<br />

even better, living room.<br />

Legendary teapots by Michael Graves with a little bird<br />

that whistles when the water starts boiling, the elegant<br />

mirroring of warped surfaces on the Crevasse vase by<br />

architect Zaha Hadid, Ron Arad’s eccentric forms… are<br />

true visual delicacies that will leave no one feeling indifferent.<br />

Now that we mentioned Ron Arad, that designer is extremely<br />

appreciated and represented in Modus due to<br />

his tendency towards experimenting, as well as his innovative<br />

spirit – which are the exact characteristics that<br />

served as the guiding line when this store was created.<br />

Lots of things in Modus were based on the process of<br />

combining the opposites, which means that visiting<br />

Modus is always a very special experience. According<br />

to Nina Fiolić:<br />

“These games we play with extremes, combining serious<br />

and amusing, important and trivial, established and questionable<br />

– that is what makes us really happy in Modus.<br />

The support and encouragement of our clients, as well<br />

as exchanging positive energy and new discoveries, are<br />

what truly makes the difference on that road, along with<br />

our own enthusiasm…”<br />

The first rule is that there are no rules, and there is a new surprise<br />

around every corner. “Serious” pieces are followed<br />

by cheerful, daft creations like those Droog designs, while<br />

you can also find unusual rarities like the super-exclusive<br />

Diptyque perfume in this sea of unbelievable, enchanting<br />

artefacts. That sort of kaleidoscope wonderfully complements<br />

items like a cast-iron teapot, which is the ambassador<br />

of Japanese design and the culture of sipping tea.<br />

Over the last several years, Modus has also started to turn<br />

towards Scandinavian design. Iittala, Stelton, Authentics<br />

– these are just several of the represented Scandinavian<br />

manufacturers, which offer products that are constantly<br />

on display in many museums of contemporary design<br />

around the world. Famous “TEEMA” lines of dishes by Kaj<br />

Franck from the 50s, as well as “ORIGO” by Alfred Haberli<br />

from 1999 and “EGO” cups by Stefan Lindfors, are true<br />

classics of industrial design and that qualifies them as<br />

worthy of a place on the Modus shelves.<br />

At the upcoming exhibit of Scandinavian design, which<br />

opens at the end of September in Museum for Arts and<br />

Crafts in Zagreb, many of those objects will be on display<br />

for a larger audience. Within that exhibit, Modus will also<br />

show a selection from its assortment that is largely represented<br />

at the exhibit itself. It is an extraordinary opportunity<br />

to introduce a large audience not only to Scandinavian<br />

design, which has been making a big comeback<br />

over the last few years, but also to the miraculous wealth<br />

and diversity of this unique store.<br />


Interijeri<br />

Wegnerove sjedalice iz 1963. godine / Wegners<br />

three-leg ged chairs produced in 1963.<br />

Piše: Helena Pajiæ<br />

Foto: www.designhotels.com<br />

74<br />

Londonski hotel Rockwell, nadahnut spoj klasike i modernoga<br />

Vjeèna elegancija protiv<br />

sezonskih trendova<br />

Arhitektonski studio Squire and Partners odlučio se za suzdržan pristup oživljavanju prostora,<br />

u kojemu će jednako bitnu ulogu igrati arhitektonsko naslijeđe prošlih stoljeća,<br />

odabir retro boja koje su u trendu i, dijelom, geometrijskih uzoraka iz sedamdesetih, te<br />

najluksuzniji noviteti udobnog življenja

U Rockwellu dominiraju nenametljive boje senfa i<br />

akvamarina / Rockwell is dominated by unassuming<br />

colours of mustard and aquamarine<br />

Sve je u funkciji ugodnoga bivanja / Everything has a<br />

function of pleasant state of being<br />

Hotel je otvoren sredinom prošle godine / The hotel<br />

was opened in the middle of last year<br />

Diskretni, ali efektni uzorci na tapetama / Discrete but<br />

effective wallpaper samples<br />

Nakon ljetnih užitaka, prozračnih mediteranski<br />

obojenih interijera i čarobnih bogomdanih<br />

eksterijera, vrijeme je za povratak klasici. A ne<br />

postoji bolje mjesto za pronalazak elegantnih i<br />

klasičnih vizura od Londona. Britanska prijestolnica nudi<br />

stotine fantastičnih hotelskih prostora po svačijem ukusu,<br />

a hotel Rockwell, savršeno smješten na Kensingtonu, jedan<br />

je od onih koji će se jednako svidjeti i ozbiljnoj poslovnoj<br />

gospodi i mondenim šopingholičarkama.<br />

“Lokacija, lokacija i lokacija”, tri su stvari jednako bitne i<br />

za dom i za hotel. Rockwellova je lokacija na Earl’s Courtu,<br />

samo nekoliko minuta hoda udaljenosti od Harrod’sa,<br />

vjerojatno najslavnije robne kuće na svijetu, ali i<br />

ostalih šoping-ljepota na Knightsbridgeu i Chelseaju. Ljubitelji<br />

umjetnosti od hotela Rockwell trebaju samo prošetati<br />

do slavnog Royal Albert Halla, a u blizini je i Science<br />

Museum (Muzej znanosti), muzejski prostor od kojega<br />

zastaje dah i koji od vas zahtijeva cjelodnevni boravak.<br />

Stanica metroa je također blizu... Ukratko, Rockwell je<br />

savršeno mjesto za početak istraživanja Londona.<br />

Hotel je otvoren sredinom prošle godine, i već s prvim<br />

pogledom na raskošnu viktorijansku fasadu može se<br />

naslutiti da se ovdje nije štedjelo. Ukusno i vješto restaurirana<br />

četverokatnica, s masivnim ulaznim vratima od<br />

hrastovine, nudi dobrodošlicu umornom putniku, a već<br />

pri ulasku, upućenijem će došljaku nosnice zaigrati od<br />


Interijeri<br />

Neke od soba imaju izlaz na ugodnu terasu ili<br />

balkončić / Some of the rooms have an exit to<br />

a cosy terrace or little balcony<br />

pažljivo odabranih mirisa kojima je prostor oplemenjen<br />

za što bolji prvi dojam. Arhitektonski studio Squire and<br />

Partners, koji je osmislio izgled hotela Rockwell, odlučio<br />

se za suzdržan pristup oživljavanju prostora, u kojemu će<br />

jednako bitnu ulogu igrati arhitektonsko naslijeđe prošlih<br />

stoljeća, odabir retro boja koje su u trendu i, dijelom, geometrijskih<br />

uzoraka iz sedamdesetih, te najluksuzniji noviteti<br />

udobnog življenja. Pretjeranoj zaigranosti, lunaparku<br />

boja ili, suprotno tome, hladnoći koja nerijetko prati<br />

previše futurističke prostore, ovdje jednostavno nije bilo<br />

mjesta. Arhitekti su tako u originalnom stilu, prateći povijest<br />

zgrade, obnovili kameno stubište, ograde od kovanoga<br />

željeza i originalni podni mozaik, no tu je kraj viktorijanskom<br />

razdoblju; u novome Rockwellu dominantne<br />

su nenametljive boje senfa, akvamarina, kao i diskretni,<br />

ali efektni uzorci na tapetama, uz decentne dekoracije<br />

te namještaj jednostavnih linija i tople boje oraha ili hrasta.<br />

U Rockwellu nećete naići na dizajnerske eskapade,<br />

“komade” koji stoje sami za sebe kao spomenik nečijem<br />

pretjerano izraženom egu. Sve je u funkciji ugodnoga bivanja<br />

u kojem se gost ne osjeća kao asesoar (ponekad<br />

i višak) u interijeru, nego gotovo kao – domaćin. Domaća<br />

engleska atmosfera osjeća se i u svakoj od 40 ukusno<br />

uređenih soba koje prate osnovnu odrednicu uređenja.<br />

Različitih veličina, neke od južno orijentiranih soba<br />

imaju i izlaz na ugodnu terasu ili balkončić, dok nekoliko<br />

prostranih dvoetažnih apartmana doista pruža ugođaj<br />

rijetko viđen u hotelima, uz obilje prirodnoga svjetla zahvaljujući<br />

velikim viktorijanskim prozorskim oknima. Ništa<br />

nije prepušteno slučaju, pa su i dekorativne tkanine mahom<br />

od prirodnih materijala, a posteljina od najfinijeg<br />

egipatskog pamuka koji draži osjetila i, dakako, potpuno<br />

je usklađenih boja s ostatkom interijera. Kupaonice<br />

su, pak, posveta današnjem vremenu, s čistim linijama<br />

76<br />

Rockwell je savršeno mjesto za početak istraživanja<br />

Londona / Rockwell is the perfect place to begin<br />

exploring London<br />

sanitarija Phillipe Starck i opreme Grohe, ali ponovno<br />

umjerene, decentne, u dosluhu s elegancijom kompletnog<br />

prostora.<br />

Ono čemu je u hotelu Rockwell posvećena osobita pozornost<br />

jest usluga. Uglavnom vrlo pozitivni dojmovi iz<br />

knjige gostiju posebno se osvrću na susretljivost, ljubaznost<br />

i profesionalnost osoblja, bilo da je riječ o pomoći<br />

pri odabiru najboljega turističkoga obilaska, nabavi ulaznice<br />

za neko od zanimljivih događanja, kojima London<br />

obiluje u svako doba godine, serviranju doručka u hotelskome<br />

restoranu ili spravljanju koktela u baru sa širokom<br />

i bogatom vinskom listom te pogledom na vrt u kojemu<br />

uspijevaju čak i mediteranske biljke. Takav dojam bijega<br />

od gradske vreve u srcu Londona dodatno očarava i<br />

oplemenjuje boravak ovdje. Gostima je na raspolaganju<br />

i manja konferencijska dvorana, u skladu s hotelskim<br />

kapacitetom, no Rockwell nije primarno hotel za veća<br />

poslovna okupljanja. Ipak, svakom je gostu na raspolaganju<br />

paket svih onih usluga koje su obvezne u hotelu<br />

s četiri zvjezdice: od privatne telefonske linije, brze internetske<br />

veze i LCD televizora sa satelitskim i “pay-perview”<br />

programima, do bogatog minibara, klima-uređaja,<br />

sefa ili usluge pranja i glačanja. Kvalitetni obroci koji<br />

su najčešće inspirirani engleskom kuhinjom, ali uz puno<br />

“kontinentalnih” dodataka, goste nesklone mijenjanju<br />

ambijenta zadržat će na ručku ili večeri, a cijene su, za<br />

London, poprilično umjerene. I soba se može rezervirati,<br />

ovisno o godišnjem dobu, već za nešto više od stotinjak<br />

funti, što je inače, u elitnome londonskome kvartu<br />

i s kvalitetom koju Rockwell pruža, gotovo nemoguća<br />

misija. Ukratko, Rockwell je jedna od onih solidnih, čvrstih<br />

točaka koje toplinom dobrodošlice podsjećaju na<br />

dom i u koje će se putnik uvijek vraćati u vječnoj mijeni<br />

londonske košnice.

Već s prvim pogledom na raskošnu viktorijansku fasadu može se naslutiti da se ovdje nije štedjelo / The first<br />

glance at the sumptuous Victorian façade reveals that money wasn’t the issue here<br />

Written by: Helena Pajiæ<br />

Photo: www.designhotels.com<br />

The Rockwell Hotel in London, an Inspired Combination of Classical and Modern<br />

Eternal Elegance Against<br />

Seasonal Trends<br />

Architectonic studio “Squire and Partners” has decided on a restrained approach to bringing<br />

life into the space, where there’ll be just as much room for the architectonic heritage of<br />

previous centuries, the choosing of trendy retro colours and partly the geometric samples<br />

from the seventies, as well as the most luxurious novelties of comfortable living<br />


Interiors<br />

Domaća engleska atmosfera osjeća se i u<br />

svakoj sobi / Domestic English atmosphere is<br />

felt in each room<br />

Ugodna terasa idealna za pravi engleski doručak / Cosy<br />

terrace is a perfect place for real english breakfast<br />

Dekorativne tkanine su od prirodnih materijala, a<br />

posteljina od najfinijeg egipatskog pamuka /<br />

Decorative fabrics are made of natural materials,<br />

and the linen is made from the finest Egyptian cotton<br />

After the summer pleasures, ethereal interiors coloured<br />

in Mediterranean fashion and magical<br />

God-given exteriors, it’s time to return to classics.<br />

And there is no better place to find elegant<br />

and classical views than London. The British capital offers<br />

hundreds of fantastic hotel facilities for everyone’s taste,<br />

and the Rockwell Hotel, perfectly located at Kensington,<br />

is one of those places that will have the same appeal<br />

to serious business gentlemen and trendy shopping addicts.<br />

“Location, location and location”, are the three<br />

things just as important for a home and a hotel. Rockwell’s<br />

location is Earl’s Court, just a few minutes of walking<br />

away from Harrod’s, which is probably the most famous<br />

shopping store in the world, but also from other shopping<br />

beauties at Knightsbridge and Chelsea. As far as lovers<br />

of art go, all they have to do is take a stroll from Rockwell<br />

Hotel to the famous Royal Albert Hall, and there is also the<br />

Science Museum nearby, which is a museum that takes<br />

78<br />

your breath away and forces you to stay there all day.<br />

The subway station is also nearby… In just a few words,<br />

Rockwell is the perfect place to begin exploring London.<br />

The hotel was opened in the middle of last year, and already<br />

the first glance at the sumptuous Victorian façade<br />

reveals that money wasn’t the issue here. Tastefully and<br />

skilfully restored four-storey building with massive oakwood<br />

entryway, it offers a warm welcome to a tired passenger,<br />

and the minute you enter, any knowledgeable<br />

newcomer will have their nostrils responding to carefully<br />

chosen aromas that ennoble the space and leave a<br />

very good first impression. Architectonic studio “Squire<br />

and Partners”, which has designed Rockwell’s look, has<br />

decided on a restrained approach to bringing life into<br />

the space, where there’ll be just as much room for the architectonic<br />

heritage of previous centuries, the choosing<br />

of trendy retro colours and partly the geometric samples<br />

from the seventies, as well as the most luxurious novelties

of modern living. There simply was no room here for exaggerated<br />

playfulness, the amusement park of colours or, contrary<br />

to that, the chillness that often accompanies overly futuristic<br />

spaces. The architects, keeping track of the building’s<br />

history, have renovated the stone stairway, wrought-iron<br />

fences and the original floor mosaic, but that’s where the<br />

Victorian era ends; the new Rockwell is dominated by unassuming<br />

colours of mustard and aquamarine, as well as by<br />

discrete-but-effective wallpaper samples, along with stylish<br />

decorations and the furniture of simple lines and warm colours<br />

of walnut or oak. Rockwell is not the place that features<br />

designer escapades, “pieces” that stand for themselves as<br />

monuments of someone’s overly expressed ego. Everything<br />

has a function of pleasant state of being where the guest<br />

doesn’t feel like an accessory (sometimes an unwanted<br />

one) in the interior, but almost as – the host. Domestic English<br />

atmosphere is felt in each and every of the 40 tastefully<br />

decorated rooms that follow the basic decorating pointers.<br />

The rooms have different sizes; some of them are oriented<br />

towards the south and have an exit to a cosy terrace or little<br />

balcony, while several spacious two-storey suites truly offer<br />

the ambience that is rarely seen in any hotel, with plenty of<br />

natural light that comes in through large Victorian windows.<br />

Every issue was given special attention, so even the decorative<br />

fabrics are made of natural materials, and the linen is<br />

made from the finest Egyptian cotton that teases with your<br />

senses, and naturally, its colours are completely adjusted to<br />

the rest of the interior. The bathrooms, however, are homage<br />

to today’s era, as they feature clean lines of Phillipe<br />

Starck sanitary facilities and Grohe equipment, which are<br />

again moderate, stylish, in tune with the elegance of the<br />

entire space.<br />

What truly stands out in the Rockwell Hotel is the service.<br />

The mostly very positive impressions from the guest book<br />

very often refer to the staff’s amicability, politeness and<br />

professionalism, whether it’s about recommending the best<br />

possible tourist route, acquiring tickets for some interesting<br />

events that are never lacking in London, serving breakfast<br />

in the hotel’s restaurant or making cocktails in the bar with<br />

a wide and rich wine list, while overlooking the garden that<br />

even features some Mediterranean species. Such impression<br />

of escape from the city rush in the heart of London<br />

further enchants and ennobles the experience of staying<br />

in this hotel. The guests also have a small conference hall<br />

at their disposal, in proportion with the hotel’s capacities,<br />

but Rockwell isn’t necessarily the hotel for larger business<br />

gatherings. However, every guest has access to the package<br />

of all those services that are essential to every four-star<br />

hotel: from the private telephone line, fast Internet connection<br />

and LCD television set with satellite and “pay-per-view”<br />

programmes, to a rich mini-bar, air-conditioner, vault and<br />

the services of laundry washing and ironing. Quality meals<br />

that are mostly inspired by English cuisine, but with plenty of<br />

“continental” supplements, will make even those guests that<br />

dislike changing ambiences stay for lunch or dinner, and the<br />

prices are pretty moderate, at least when it comes to London<br />

standards. The rooms can also be booked, depending<br />

on the season, for a little over a hundred pounds, which is<br />

usually “mission impossible” in an elite London neighbourhood<br />

and with the level of quality that Rockwell provides.<br />

To summarize, Rockwell is one of those solid, firm points that<br />

features the greeting warmth that reminds us of home and<br />

where the passenger will always return in the ever-changing<br />

bee hive that is London.<br />

Interiors<br />

Hotelski bar / The hotel bar<br />

Namještaj jednostavnih linija i toplih boja oraha ili<br />

hrasta / Furniture of simple lines and warm colours<br />

of walnut or oak<br />


Dom snova<br />

Bazen je jedini ostao na visini ulice, dok su gornji i donji<br />

kat zapravo visinom polukatovi u odnosu na njega /<br />

The swimming pool is the only section that remained at<br />

street level, while the upper and ground floor are actually<br />

at mid-level opposed to it<br />

Kuća Suntro - nagrađeni rad arhitektonskog studija JHG<br />

Meksièki dom svjetla i sjene<br />

Piše: Hela Biliæ<br />

Foto: Paul Czitrom<br />


Dvije etaže komuniciraju dijelom<br />

otvorenim stubištem / The two<br />

storeys communicate with a partly<br />

opened staircase<br />

S prednje strane objekt se doima vitkim i laganim zahvaljujući monovolumenskom<br />

izgledu koji omeđuje prostor dnevnoga boravka, vidljiv kroz staklene površine.<br />

S izmjenom kuta gledanja, mijenja se i percepcija, zbog igre volumena i<br />

praznih prostora<br />

Potraga za prostorima, formama, teksturama i<br />

materijalima koji će zadovoljiti korisnika, s naglaskom<br />

na fleksibilnu arhitekturu koja će biti u<br />

dijalogu s prirodom, svjetlošću i okolinom, arhitektura<br />

koja će se prilagoditi novim zahtjevima, novim<br />

materijalima, različitim kulturama i društvima. Tako<br />

meksički arhitekt Jorge Hernandez de La Garza opisuje<br />

rad svoga studija JHG, a upravo tako izgleda i najnoviji<br />

projekt te mlade, ali vrlo cijenjene arhitektonske manufakture<br />

– Casa Suntro.<br />

Kuća Suntro je smještena u rezidencijalnome dijelu<br />

Oaxtepeca u središnjemu Meksiku. Poznat i kao “srce<br />

Meksika”, taj je kraj na oko sat vremena vožnje udaljen<br />

od prijestolnice i omiljeno je odredište izletnika zbog<br />

umjerenije klime na višim nadmorskim visinama, bogate<br />

vegetacije, tradicionalnoga načina života i mnoštva<br />

povijesnih spomenika. Upravo je neodoljivi prirodni svijet<br />

potaknuo studio JHG na hrabar dizajn kuće Suntro.<br />

Lokacija je sa sjeverne strane omeđena planinskim lancem,<br />

a s južne cestom, te je stoga odabrana sjeveroistočna<br />

orijentacija objekta, s pogledom na zelenilo.<br />

Prirodno svjetlo, kojega je u kući u izobilju unatoč dijelom<br />

sjevernoj orijentaciji, filtrirano je kroz sloj svojevrsnog<br />

“omotača”. Zahvaljujući ovakvoj koncepciji, sve prostorije<br />

doma imaju meko dnevno osvjetljenje, a sjene<br />

i refleksije na zidovima i svodu dodatno oživljavaju interijer.<br />

Raspored prostorija relativno je jednostavan, ali<br />

pomno osmišljen kako bi ublažio manjkavosti lokacije:<br />

žestoke vrućine ovdje su ipak česte pa je tlocrt usklađen<br />

s potrebama što ugodnijeg življenja, a dizajnom je<br />

trebalo riješiti i visinske razlike na terenu. Stoga je bazen<br />

jedini ostao na visini ulice, dok su gornji i donji kat zapravo<br />

visinom polukatovi u odnosu na njega. Organizacija<br />

prostora odvija se u jasnoj horizontalnoj raspodjeli unutar<br />

donjega kata, posvećenog okupljanju, te privatnoga<br />

gornjeg dijela kuće, na kojemu su smještene spavaonice<br />

i kupaonice. Dvije etaže komuniciraju dijelom<br />

otvorenim stubištem.<br />


Nastavak čistog dizajna primjetan je i u samom uređenju interijera koji doslovno prati<br />

osnovne arhitektonske odrednice čistoće, svjetlosti i voluminoznosti / The continuation<br />

of pure design can be noticed in the decoration of the interior itself that literally follows<br />

basic architectonic pointers of purity, light and the concept of volume<br />

Korišten je namještaj Grandia Blasco /<br />

Grandia Blasco furniture is used in decorating<br />

Svaka od glavnih prostorija kuće Suntro čini jedinstven,<br />

fluidan protok s pripadajućim vanjskim dijelom, zahvaljujući<br />

ponajprije velikim ostakljenim površinama te<br />

podu od uglačanoga betona, koji se iz unutarnjeg bez<br />

prepreka nastavlja u vanjske prostore.<br />

S prednje strane objekt se doima iznimno vitkim i laganim,<br />

zahvaljujući monovolumenskom izgledu koji omeđuje<br />

prostor dnevnoga boravka, vidljiv kroz staklene<br />

površine. S izmjenom kuta gledanja, mijenja se i percepcija<br />

o kući zbog igre volumena i praznih prostora<br />

prisutne na svim razinama. Nastavak čistog dizajna primjetan<br />

je i u samom uređenju interijera koji doslovno<br />

prati osnovne arhitektonske odrednice čistoće, svjetlosti<br />

i voluminoznosti.<br />

Jorge Hernandez de la Garza rođen je 1977. u Meksiku.<br />

Završio je studij arhitekture na meksičkome<br />

sveučilištu La Salle, te je nakon toga studirao i dizajn<br />

u Londonu. Godine 2005. prvi je put bio među finalistima<br />

nagrade “Icons of Design” magazina Architectural<br />

Digest, za kuću Los Amates. Istu je nagradu<br />

osvojio godinu poslije za projekt kulturnoga centra<br />

Vladimir Kaspe, a bio je i među finalistima nacionalne<br />

nagrade za dizajn interijera za showroom Comex.<br />

Za muzej prethistorije u Koreji Gyeonggi-do osvojio je<br />

nagradu Merit. Studio JHG Jorge Hernandez de la<br />

Garza osnovan je 2007., a kuća Suntro proglašena<br />

je u srpnju kućom mjeseca na web portalu World Architecture<br />

News.<br />


Dream home<br />

Suntro House - The Awarded Project of Architectonic Studio JHG<br />

A Mexican Home of Light<br />

and Shadow<br />

Written by: Hela Biliæ<br />

Photo: Paul Czitrom<br />

Lokacija je sa sjeverne strane omeđena<br />

planinskim lancem, a s južne cestom, te je<br />

stoga odabrana sjeveroistočna orijentacija<br />

objekta, s pogledom na zelenilo / From<br />

its northern side, the location is bordered<br />

with mountains, while the southern end<br />

provides a road and a view over plenty of<br />

green surfaces, which resulted in choosing<br />

the object’s northeastern orientation<br />


Dream home<br />

Sve<br />

prostorije imaju meko dnevno osvjetljenje,<br />

a sjene i refleksije na zidovima i svodu dodatno<br />

oživljavaju interijer / All the rooms in the house<br />

have plenty of soft daylight, while the shadows<br />

and reflections on the walls and the ceiling<br />

animate the interior<br />

Looking at its front side, the object appears<br />

slender and light thanks to being conformed<br />

by only one volume that floats over the living<br />

room, which can be seen through the glass<br />

surfaces. By changing the point of perspective,<br />

the perception changes as well, due<br />

to the playful concept of volume and empty<br />

spaces<br />

84<br />

Searching for spaces, forms, textures and materials<br />

that will satisfy the user, with emphasis on flexible<br />

architecture that will be in dialogue with nature,<br />

light and the environment; the architecture that<br />

will adjust itself to new demands, new materials, different<br />

cultures and societies. That’s how Mexican architect<br />

Jorge Hernandez de la Garza describes the work<br />

of his Studio JHG, and that’s precisely what describes<br />

the newest project of that young, but very respected<br />

architectonic manufacture – Casa Suntro.<br />

Suntro House is located in the residential part of Oaxtepec<br />

in central Mexico. Also known as “the heart of<br />

Mexico”, that area is about one hour’s drive away from<br />

the capital and it’s the favourite destination for many<br />

hikers due to the mild climate at higher altitudes, rich<br />

vegetation, traditional way of life and many historical<br />

monuments. It’s precisely that irresistible natural world<br />

that has encouraged Studio JHG to attempt the bold<br />

design of Suntro House. From its northern side, the location<br />

is bordered with mountains, while the southern<br />

end provides a road and a view over plenty of green<br />

surfaces, which resulted in choosing the object’s northeastern<br />

orientation. Natural light, the abundance of<br />

which is in the house partly due to its northern orientation,<br />

is filtrated through a fold of a type of “cover”.<br />

Thanks to this type of concept, all the rooms in the<br />

house have plenty of soft daylight, while the shadows<br />

and reflections on the walls and the ceiling animate<br />

the interior. The organization of the rooms is fairly simple,<br />

but carefully considered in order to reduce the<br />

effect of the location’s shortcomings: extreme heat<br />

is very common here, so the blueprint is adjusted to<br />

the needs of achieving as comfortable living as possible,<br />

while the design also had to handle the issue of

Prirodnog svjetlo u kući je u izobilju /<br />

Natural light is in the abundance in the house<br />

altitude differences in the turf. Therefore, the swimming<br />

pool is the only section that remained at street level,<br />

while the upper and ground floor are actually at midlevel<br />

opposed to it. The space organization develops in<br />

clear horizontal division within the ground floor, which<br />

has a purpose of gathering people, as well as the private<br />

upper floor of the house that features bedrooms<br />

and bathrooms. The two storeys communicate with a<br />

partly opened staircase.<br />

Each of the main rooms in Suntro House provides a<br />

unique, fluid flow with the accompanying outdoor section,<br />

primarily due to the large glass surfaces and a<br />

concrete floor, which effortlessly extends from indoors<br />

to open areas.<br />

Looking at its front side, the object appears slender<br />

and light thanks to being conformed by only one volume<br />

that floats over the living room, which can be<br />

seen through glass surfaces. By changing the point of<br />

perspective, the perception changes as well, due to<br />

the playful concept of volume and empty spaces that<br />

can be seen at all levels. The continuation of pure design<br />

can be noticed in the decoration of the interior<br />

itself that literally follows basic architectonic pointers of<br />

purity, light and the concept of volume.<br />

Jorge Hernandez de la Garza was born in Mexico<br />

in 1977. He graduated architecture at La Salle University<br />

in Mexico, and after that studied design<br />

in London. In 2005, he appeared for the first time<br />

among the finalists of the “Icons of design” award<br />

by magazine Architectural Digest, due to his project<br />

of house Los Amates. He won that same award a<br />

year later for the project of the “Vladimir Kaspe”<br />

cultural centre, and he was also among the finalists<br />

for the national award for designing the interior of<br />

the “Comex” showroom. He won the Merit Award<br />

for the pre-history museum Gyeonggi-do in Korea.<br />

Studio JHG Jorge Hernandez de la Garza was<br />

founded in 2007, and Suntro House was declared<br />

the house of the month in July at the web portal of<br />

World Architecture News.<br />


Interijeri<br />

Marimekko<br />

Zavjese - identitet prostora<br />

Promjenom zavjesa može se brzo i jednostavno promijeniti cjelokupni ambijent u nekoj<br />

prostoriji, pa tako svaki prostor uz malo mašte može zablistati u posve novom izdanju<br />

86<br />

Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ<br />

Foto: Nya Nordiska, Marimekko

Poznati uzorak Unikko na zavjesama iz tvrtke<br />

Marimekko / The famous Unikko sample on curtains<br />

from the Marimekko firm<br />

Zavjese u veselim bojama oživit će svaki prostor /<br />

Curtains in bright colours will bring life to every room<br />

Bez obzira radi li se o poslovnom, ugostiteljskom<br />

ili stambenom prostoru, zavjese su, osim svoje<br />

osnovne namjene, oličenje ukusa i elegancije, a<br />

uz pravi odabir, lijepe zavjese će svakom prostoru<br />

dati poseban identitet. Promjenom zavjesa može se<br />

brzo i jednostavno promijeniti cjelokupni ambijent u nekoj<br />

prostoriji, pa tako svaki prostor uz malo mašte može<br />

zablistati u posve novom izdanju. Naravno, zavjese treba<br />

prilagoditi ostatku prostorije, a budući da se danas<br />

na tržištu mogu pronaći najrazličitiji modeli od različitih<br />

materijala, odabir zavjesa može biti itekako zabavan.<br />

Različiti modeli - različiti efekti<br />

Količina svjetla u prostoriji, boje i teksture koje u njoj dominiraju<br />

bitno utječu na dojam koji prostorija ostavlja,<br />

što znači da ti elementi imaju izravan utjecaj na ljudsko<br />

raspoloženje. Stoga pri odabiru zavjesa treba dobro pripaziti<br />

da postignu pravi, željeni efekt. U uredskim i poslovnim<br />

prostorijama treba dominirati ozbiljnija atmosfera,<br />

no višak takvog ambijenta može imati negativan učinak<br />

pa se zavjesama može napraviti mali kontrast koji će podignuti<br />

atmosferu i prostoriju učiniti življom. Kontrast predstavlja<br />

raznolikost i unosi život u prostor, ali svakako valja<br />

odabirati tonove koji se međusobno nadopunjuju. Kad<br />

su dnevne sobe u pitanju, tu mašti nema kraja, ali ipak<br />

postoje neka nepisana pravila kojih se treba pridržavati.<br />

Ako u dnevnom boravku imate velike prozore koji pružaju<br />

lijep panoramski pogled, onda to treba i istaknuti.<br />

Efekt naglašavanja prozora se postiže jačim i izraženijim<br />

kontriranjem na ostatak prostorije, pa ako u dnevnom<br />

boravku prevladava svijetli namještaj, primjerice neka<br />

natur garnitura u boji lana, onda prozore treba istaknuti<br />

zavjesama u nekoj jarkoj boji. U tom bi slučaju idealna<br />

bila malo jača narančasta ili limun žuta. Mnogi se slažu<br />

Pri odabiru zavjesa treba dobro pripaziti da postignu<br />

pravi, željeni efekt / While choosing the curtains, you<br />

must make sure that they’ll achieve the right, desired<br />

effect<br />


Marengo<br />

Magic<br />

Emotion<br />

Punta<br />

Nya Nordiska<br />

da prirodne svjetlosti nikad ne može biti previše u prostoriji,<br />

što svakako ima smisla, no mnogi ljudi vole intimniju<br />

atmosferu pa su u tom slučaju najpraktičnije zavjese od<br />

gušćih materijala, kojima se može u potpunosti regulirati<br />

količina svjetlosti koja će ulaziti u prostoriju. Takve su zavjese<br />

prikladne i za spavaće sobe.<br />

88<br />

Materijali i uzorci<br />

Danas se u dobro opskrbljenoj prodavaonici zavjesa<br />

mogu naći modeli od najrazličitijih materijala, od prirodnih,<br />

poput lana, jute i bambusa koji će prostoriji dati<br />

nevjerojatnu toplinu, do raznih sintetskih i PVC materijala<br />

kojima se može dobiti malo alternativniji “kitch” stil. Ovisno<br />

o namjeni, tu su trakasti modeli, klasični zastori, rimski<br />

i “blackout” zastori, popularne paket i panel zavjese,<br />

koje su idealno rješenje za moderno i minimalistički uređene<br />

prostore, razni venecijaneri, nabrani festoni i mnogi<br />

drugi modeli. Dekori i detalji na zavjesama su jednako<br />

bitni koliko i sama boja, odnosno materijal, jer će zavjesa<br />

s neumjesnim detaljima napraviti pravi kaos u prostoriji.<br />

Stoga, koliko god vam se na prvi pogled svidjeli uzorci<br />

na nekoj zavjesi, dobro razmislite kako će se uklopiti<br />

u ostatak prostora. Veliki i šareni uzorci prostoru će dati<br />

dašak neformalnosti i razigranosti, no istodobno će malu<br />

prostoriju vizualno učiniti većom i prostranijom. Ako se<br />

odlučite za klasične nabrane zastore, nastojte odabrati<br />

one jednobojne ili s minimalnim uzorcima jer će izgledati<br />

puno atraktivnije, dok veći uzorci i krupniji dezeni dolaze<br />

do izražaja kod modernih panel zavjesa koje su izrazito<br />

pogodne za one mlađe vlasnike stanova koji žele nešto<br />

opušteniji ambijent. Odabir pravih zavjesa je prava zabava,<br />

no prije kupnje dobro pogledajte cijelu prostoriju<br />

– od podova i boja zidova, do namještaja i ukrasa na<br />

policama. Tamniji podovi, kao što su panel parketi od<br />

mahagonija ili terakota, vizualno zatvaraju prostor i čine<br />

ga ozbiljnijim, ali i otmjenijim, no kod odabira zavjesa takav<br />

prostor treba malo otvoriti, a ne dodatno uozbiljiti.<br />

Isto vrijedi i za prostorije u kojima prevladavaju svijetle<br />

boje, s tim da je procedura obrnuta. Zavjese daju identitet<br />

prostoru, a identitet prostora je i vaš identitet, stoga<br />

budite maštoviti pri odabiru zavjesa i posvetite svojemu<br />

prostoru ono što treba – originalan identitet.

Nya Nordiska vodeći je svjetski prozvođač zavjesa / Nya Nordiska is<br />

leading international curtains manufacturer<br />

Interiors<br />

Curtains - The Identity<br />

of the Room<br />

By changing the curtains, you can quickly and simply change the entire ambience<br />

in a certain room, so that every space can shine in brand new fashion with just a<br />

little imagination<br />

Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ<br />

Photo: Nya Nordiska, Marimekko<br />


Interiors<br />

90<br />

Marimekko<br />

Regardless of whether we’re talking about business,<br />

restaurant or residential premises, curtains are,<br />

besides their primary purpose, the embodiment<br />

of taste and elegance, and if you choose them<br />

properly, lovely curtains can provide special identity to<br />

any room. By changing the curtains, you can quickly and<br />

simply change the entire ambience in a certain room, so<br />

that every space can shine in brand new fashion with just<br />

a little imagination.<br />

Naturally, curtains must be adjusted to the remainder of<br />

the room, and since you can find all kinds of models from<br />

various materials on today’s market, choosing the curtains<br />

can be a very fun experience.<br />

Different Models – Different Effects<br />

The amount of light in the room, the dominant colours<br />

and textures have a great deal of influence on the impression<br />

that a certain room leaves, which means that<br />

those elements have a direct influence on human mood.<br />

Therefore, you must be very careful that the curtains you<br />

choose achieve the effect you truly wanted. Offices and<br />

business premises should reflect a more serious atmosphere,<br />

but a huge amount of such ambience can have<br />

a negative effect and that can be avoided by choosing<br />

the curtains that will achieve a little contrast while lifting<br />

the atmosphere and making the room more vibrant. The<br />

Nya Nordiska<br />

contrast is represented by diversity and it brings life into<br />

the room, but make sure to choose the tones that do a<br />

good job of complementing each other. When it comes<br />

to living rooms, that’s where you can let your imagination<br />

run wild, but there are still some unwritten rules that must<br />

be respected. If the living room features large windows<br />

that provide a lovely panoramic view, then that’s something<br />

that must be emphasized. The effect of emphasizing<br />

the windows is accomplished by providing a stronger,<br />

more expressed contrast towards the rest of the room, so<br />

if the living room is dominated by bright furniture, for example<br />

a natur ensemble in flax colour, then the windows<br />

must be emphasized with curtains in some very bright<br />

colours. In that case, the ideal option would be curtains<br />

in slightly stronger orange or lemon-yellow. Many agree<br />

that there is no such thing as too much natural light in the<br />

room, which certainly makes sense, but there are plenty<br />

of people who prefer a more intimate atmosphere, and<br />

that asks for curtains from thicker materials, which can be<br />

used to completely regulate the amount of light that will<br />

enter the room. Such curtains are also appropriate for<br />

bedrooms.<br />

Materials and Samples<br />

Any well-equipped curtains store these days offers models<br />

from the most various materials; from natural ones like

Marimekko<br />

Marimekko<br />

flax, burlap and bamboo that will give incredible warmth<br />

to the room, to various synthetic and PVC materials that<br />

provide a slightly more alternative “kitsch” style. Depending<br />

on the purpose, you can find stripe models, classic<br />

curtains, Roman and “blackout” curtains, popular package<br />

and panel curtains (which are ideal for spaces decorated<br />

in modern and minimalist fashion), various Venetian<br />

curtains, frilled festoons and many other models. Decors<br />

and details on the curtains are just as important as the<br />

colour or the material, because curtains with tacky details<br />

will provoke chaos in the room. Therefore, as much<br />

as you may love some curtains’ samples at first glance,<br />

think very carefully about how it will fit into the rest of the<br />

room. Large samples of more than one colour will give a<br />

breath of informality and playfulness to the space, but will<br />

also make the room seem visually bigger and more spacious.<br />

If you decide on classic frilled curtains, try choosing<br />

the ones in single colour or with minimal samples because<br />

they will look way more attractive, while larger samples<br />

and bulkier designs reach their full potential with modern<br />

panel curtains, which are more convenient for younger<br />

apartment owners who are striving for a more relaxed<br />

atmosphere. Choosing the right curtains is truly fun, but<br />

make sure you double-check the entire room before you<br />

go shopping – everything from floors to wall paint, from<br />

furniture to decorations on the shelves. Darker floors, such<br />

as panel parquets from mahogany or terracotta, visually<br />

shut the space down and make it more serious, but also<br />

more classy, but you must look to slightly open the space<br />

up when you’re picking the curtains, instead of making<br />

it extra-serious. The same goes for rooms with dominant<br />

bright colours, only the procedure is reverse. Curtains give<br />

identity to a room, and the room’s identity is also your<br />

identity, so be imaginative while choosing the curtains<br />

and provide your space with exactly what it needs – an<br />

original identity.<br />

Kompletni asortiman zavjesa<br />

Nya Nordiska možete<br />

pronaći u hrvatskoj tvrtki<br />

Buga / The complete assortment<br />

of curtains Nya<br />

Nordiska can be found<br />

with the Croatian firm<br />

Buga<br />


Deko Velox<br />


Deko Rustica<br />

Deko Rusticus<br />

Info<br />

Dekokamen - luksuz koji<br />

sebi moete priuštiti<br />

Zbog odličnih estetskih, mehaničkih i izolacijskih svojstava, dekokamen je pogodan<br />

za oblaganja unutrašnjih i vanjskih zidova. S obzirom da se izrađuje u različitim paletama<br />

boja, odličan je izbor za gotovo sve prostorije koje traže dozu originalnosti<br />

Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ<br />

Foto: www.dekokamen.hr<br />

U<br />

prošlosti je kamen bio osnovni građevinski<br />

materijal, no danas je jednako popularan jer<br />

predstavlja sam vrh estetike, onaj potreban<br />

dodir prirode u četiri zida, te vrhunski ukus. Kameni<br />

zidovi jednako lijepo izgledaju na starijim ili novoizgrađenim<br />

arhetipskim kućama i kao stilske obloge<br />

u luksuznim stanovima. No, sam prirodni kamen ima i<br />

brojne nedostatke. Primjerice, svaki tip prirodnog kamena<br />

ima svoj optimalni način impregnacije, no u našim<br />

krajevima poznati su tek neki od načina, a mnoga<br />

sredstva za imregnaciju su nedostupna. Kako prirodni<br />

kamen ne bi povlačio ružne mrlje od masnoće i vlage,<br />

on mora biti vrhunski impregniran. Osim toga valja<br />

istaknuti i vrlo visoke cijene samih materijala i cijene postavljanja<br />

prirodnog kamena. Sam proces postavljanja<br />

samog kamena, odnosno oblaganja zidova, prilično je<br />

zahtjevan i skup, a stručnjake koji su specijalizirani za<br />

rad s kamenom nije uvijek lako pronaći. Na svu sreću,<br />

građevinski i tehnološki napredak uvijek donosi nešto<br />

novo, zanimljivo i atraktivno, a jedan upravo takav proizvod<br />

dolazi iz tvrtke Dekokamen.<br />

Što je dekokamen<br />

Ukratko, radi se o unikatnom proizvodu od laganog betona,<br />

točnije mješavine cementa CEM – II 52.5 koji se<br />

odlikuje odličnim mehaničkim karakteristikama, kvarcnog<br />

pijeska i ekspandirane gline te ostalih strukturnih<br />

elemenata, i, naravno, boje. Dekokamen se izrađuje ručno<br />

i vrlo vjerno imitira prirodni kamen. Gotovi proizvodi<br />

iz tvrtke, temeljeni na američkoj tehnologiji, realistične<br />

su imitacije prirodnog kamena, odnosno njegovih<br />

tekstura i boja koje su specifične za određena podneblja.<br />

Odljeven iz kalupa prirodnog kamena, dekorativni<br />

kamen proizvodi se s brazdama na stražnjoj strani, što<br />

uvelike pojednostavljuje i olakšava proces postavljanja<br />

koji se ne razlikuje znatno od postavljanja keramičkih<br />


Deko Oblutak - model koji vjerno imitira riječni oblutak /<br />

Deco Pebble - model which masterfully imitates proper river pebble<br />

pločica. Zbog odličnih estetskih, mehaničkih i izolacijskih<br />

svojstava, dekokamen je pogodan za oblaganja<br />

unutrašnjih i vanjskih zidova. Budući da se izrađuje u različitim<br />

paletama boja, dekokamen je odličan izbor za<br />

gotovo sve prostorije koje traže dozu originalnosti, a uz<br />

prirodne materijale, kao što su drvo, ratan ili bambus,<br />

dekokamen će stvoriti savršen interijer. Prednost mu je<br />

i što ne zahtijeva dodatno održavanje, pa osim povremenog<br />

čišćenja ne traži dodatnu pažnju.<br />

Dekori i postavljanje<br />

S obzirom na malu težinu, dekorativni kamen ne traži<br />

dodatne nosače i temelje za postavljanje, te se vrlo<br />

lako i jednostavno postavlja na grubo obrađeni zid.<br />

Naravno, ostale podloge, kao što su metal i drvo, traže<br />

dodatnu obradu i pripremu. Proizvodi od dekorativnog<br />

kamena mogu se koristiti i za oblaganje fasada uz minimalni<br />

odmak od tla od 5 cm. Postavljanje je jednostavno,<br />

a uz malo truda i libel vagu, dekokamen može<br />

postaviti svatko tko posjeduje osnovno znanje o građevinarstvu.<br />

Neki modeli, kao što je “Deko Kampus”, koji<br />

savršeno imitira lomljeni kamen, izrazito su pogodni za<br />

“sam svoj majstor” sistem jer postavljanje ne zahtijeva<br />

veliku preciznost. Svi dekori su dostupni u nekoliko boja,<br />

94<br />

pa tako na raspolaganju stoje modeli arhaičnog izgleda,<br />

koji daju efekt teškog kamena s ravnim rubovima,<br />

model “Deko Rusticus” kojim se postiže pravi rustikalni<br />

ambijent. Tu je i model “Deko Velox” koji će se savršeno<br />

uklopiti s najmodernijim i najluksuznijim namještajem.<br />

Ovisno o regiji, dostupne su i imitacije kao što je “Deko<br />

Oblutak”, koji uvjerljivo oponaša pravi riječni oblutak<br />

koji se često koristi u kontinentalnim dijelovima.<br />

Dostupnost i cijene dekorativnog kamena<br />

Proizvodi iz tvrtke Dekokamen dostupni su gotovo u<br />

svim županijama, kod dvadesetak distributera. S obzirom<br />

na kvalitetu, uistinu prekrasne dekore i činjenicu<br />

da se radi o unikatnom proizvodu, cijene dekorativnog<br />

kamena su doista pristupačne. Ovisno o modelu, okvirne<br />

maloprodajne cijene se kreću između 200 kuna<br />

za najpovoljniji model i 270 kuna za najskuplji model,<br />

dok se cijene kutnih elemenata kreću između 170 i 240<br />

kuna po dužnome metru. Dakle, cijene se nimalo ne<br />

razlikuju od onih za keramičke pločice, drvene ili PVC<br />

zidne obloge, pa bez obzira za koji model se odlučili,<br />

nećete pogriješiti, jer prirodni materijali uvijek izgledaju<br />

atraktivno. Praktično, povoljno i, što je najvažnije, lijepo<br />

i originalno!

Deko Oblutak<br />

Deko Villa<br />

Info<br />

Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ<br />

Artificial Stone – A Luxury You<br />

Can Afford<br />

Due to the excellent aesthetical, mechanical and isolation characteristics, artificial stone is<br />

convenient for covering indoor and outdoor walls. Considering the fact that it’s being produced<br />

in different palettes of colours, it is an excellent choice for almost any room that is<br />

in need of a dose of originality<br />

Stone was the primary construction material of the<br />

past, but it is just as popular these days because it<br />

represents the very peak of aesthetics, the necessary<br />

touch of nature within the four walls, as well as<br />

excellent taste. Stone walls look just as lovely on older or<br />

newly built archetypal houses and as style-related coverings<br />

in luxurious apartments. However, natural stone itself<br />

has numerous shortcomings. For example, every type of<br />

natural stone has its own optimal way of impregnation,<br />

but only some of those ways are familiar in our area, while<br />

many impregnation materials are inaccessible. To ensure<br />

that natural stone doesn’t leave any ugly stains due to its<br />

grease and dampness, it must be impregnated in topnotch<br />

manner. In addition, we must point out that the<br />

prices of materials and prices of natural stone’s installation<br />

are very high. The very process of stone installation, or<br />

covering the walls, is pretty demanding and expensive,<br />

and experts who are specialized in working with stone are<br />

not always easy to find. Luckily, progress in construction<br />

and technology always brings some new, interesting and<br />

attractive options, and one of such products comes from<br />

the company called Dekokamen (“Artificial stone”).<br />

What Is Artificial stone<br />

In short, this is a unique product made of light concrete,<br />

or more precisely of a mixture of cement CEM – II 52.5,<br />

which has excellent mechanical characteristics, quartz<br />

sand and puffed clay and other structural elements and,<br />

naturally, paint. Artificial stone is manually produced<br />

and it imitates natural stone in very faithful fashion. Finished<br />

products from the company, based on American<br />

technology, are realistic imitations of natural stone and<br />

its textures and colours that are typical of certain areas.<br />

Decanted from a natural-stone mould, decorative stone<br />

is produced with ridges on its backside, which largely simplifies<br />

the installation process that is not very different from<br />

installing ceramic tiles. Due to the excellent aesthetical,<br />

mechanical and isolation characteristics, artificial stone<br />


Info<br />

Postavljanje je jednostavno, dekokamen može postaviti svatko tko posjeduje<br />

osnovno znanje o građevinarstvu / The installing process is simple, artificial stone<br />

can be installed by anybody with elementary knowledge on construction<br />

is convenient for covering indoor and outdoor walls.<br />

Considering the fact that it’s being produced in different<br />

palettes of colours, artificial stone is an excellent choice<br />

for almost any room that is in need of a dose of originality,<br />

and combined with natural materials such as wood,<br />

rattan or bamboo, artificial stone will create the perfect<br />

interior. Extra-advantage is that it doesn’t require additional<br />

maintenance, so all that is needed is some periodical<br />

cleaning.<br />

Decors and Installing<br />

Considering its small weight, decorative stone doesn’t<br />

ask for any additional support or installing foundations,<br />

and is very easily and simply positioned on a roughly<br />

processed wall. It goes without saying that other surfaces,<br />

such as steel and wood, ask for extra-processing and<br />

preparation. Artificial stone products can also be used<br />

for covering facades with 5 cm of minimal distance from<br />

the ground. The installing process is simple, and with a<br />

little effort and a “libel” scale, artificial stone can be installed<br />

by anybody with elementary knowledge on construction.<br />

Some models, such as “Deco Campus” that<br />

perfectly imitates broken stone, are extremely convenient<br />

for the “do it yourself” system because the instalment<br />

process doesn’t demand extreme preciseness. All<br />

decors are available in several colours, so you can also<br />

96<br />

choose models that provide an archaic look and that<br />

give the effect of heavy stone with flat edges, such as<br />

model “Deco Rusticus” that achieves true rustic ambience.<br />

There is also model “Deco Velox”, which will wonderfully<br />

complement the most modern and luxurious<br />

furniture. Depending on the region, you may also have<br />

access to imitations like “Deco Pebble”, which masterfully<br />

imitates proper river pebbles and is often used in<br />

continental parts.<br />

Decorative Stone’s Accessibility and Prices<br />

Products from the “Dekokamen” company are available<br />

in almost all counties at about twenty distributors.<br />

Considering its quality, truly wonderful decors and the<br />

fact that we’re talking about a unique product, prices<br />

of decorative stone are definitely accessible. Depending<br />

on the model, approximate retail prices range from<br />

200 kunas for the most accessible model and 270 kunas<br />

for the most expensive model, while the prices of corner<br />

elements move from 170 and 240 kunas per running metre.<br />

That means that the prices are in no way different<br />

from those for ceramic tiles, wooden or PVC wall coverings,<br />

so regardless of the model you choose, you will not<br />

make a mistake as natural materials always look attractive.<br />

Practical, accessible and, most importantly, lovely<br />

and original.

Deko Gelet<br />

Deko Convex<br />

Deko Monte<br />


Kultni komad<br />

Upečatljiva poput modernističke skulpture, lampa dominira<br />

prostorom, ali ni u jednom trenutku dekorativna<br />

strana ne nadvladava onu upotrebnu / Distinct like a<br />

modernist sculpture, the lamp dominates the room,<br />

but in no moment does the decorative side dominate<br />

the functional side<br />

Mariano Fortuny Y Madrazo: FORTUNY 1907.<br />

“Fortuny” zauvijek<br />

Osim slikanja i bavljenja tekstilom, Fortuny je eksperimentirao koristeći električno svjetlo<br />

u scenskom dizajnu. Tako je dizajnirana i lampa “Fortuny”, nastala po uzoru na kazališni<br />

reflektor pomoću kojega se jednostavno moglo mijenjati svjetlo na pozornici, krećući se<br />

od danje svjetlosti vedroga neba do pomrčine i sumraka<br />

Piše: Nataša Bodrožiæ<br />

Mariano Fortuny Y Madrazo (1871.-1949.), jedan<br />

od najsvestranijih umjetnika na prijelazu<br />

iz 19. u 20. stoljeće, dizajner odjeće i tekstila,<br />

osvjetljenja, fotograf, arhitekt, izumitelj, rođen<br />

u Granadi, školovan u Parizu, a koji je većinu života<br />

proveo u Veneciji, svojim je radom obilježio epohu.<br />

Odjenuo je najveće dame svoga vremena, osvijetlio<br />

najvažnije pozornice, surađivao s najvećim piscima te<br />

stvorio jednu od najljepših lampi, koja je po njemu dobila<br />

ime “Fortuny”.<br />

Umjetnička obitelj<br />

Mariano Fortuny potječe iz umjetničke obitelji, otac<br />

mu je bio poznati španjolski slikar, a majčina imućna,<br />

98<br />

umjetnosti naklonjena obitelj trajno je podupirala poznati<br />

madridski muzej “Prado”. Fortuny pripada krugu<br />

umjetnika art nouveaua, zajedno s Tiffanyjem, Laliqueom<br />

i prerafaelitskim slikarima. Iako se u Parizu školovao<br />

za slikara, najveći trag u povijesti ostavio je dizajnom<br />

odjeće i tekstila, nadahnut antikom i Orijentom, otkrivši<br />

posebnu tehniku bojenja svile, ali i konstruirajući te patentirajući<br />

strojeve koji su proizvodili tkaninu s printevima,<br />

reproducirajući dubinu, kolorit i ljepotu starinskog<br />

brokata, baršuna i tapiserija.<br />

Na samom početku 20. stoljeća, Fortunyja privlače<br />

novi stilovi u dizajniranju tekstila i modi te novi estetski<br />

i funkcionalni koncepti koje su promovirali reformatori<br />

novih primijenjenih umjetnosti, poput engleskog dizaj-

nera Williama Morrisa i slikara E. Burnea Jonesa,<br />

posebice njihove teorije o modernom stilu oslobođenom<br />

od svih zabrana i konvencija. Uskoro i<br />

sam postaje jedan od onih koji svojim talentom,<br />

inventivnošću i širinom duha suptilno mijenjaju<br />

svijet.<br />

Ulazak u svijet mode<br />

Godine 1907. Fortuny ulazi u svijet mode. Naime,<br />

tada je dizajnirao svoju najspektakularniju art<br />

nouveau haljinu “Delfi”, od plisirane svile, nadahnutu<br />

antičkom grčkom skulpturom. Dugačka,<br />

vrlo jednostavna i lagana haljina, senzualno je<br />

prianjala uz tijelo, dopuštajući slobodu pokreta.<br />

Revolucionarna u svojem obliku, pomalo arty,<br />

diskretno zavodljiva, ali nadasve funkcionalna,<br />

haljina je obično završavala venecijanskim bojenim<br />

perlama na rubovima. Sam Marcel Proust,<br />

impresioniran njezinom ljepotom, u jednom od<br />

svojih tekstova, zapitao se o posebnosti takvog<br />

odjevnog predmeta. Dvojeći da li da mu pripiše<br />

vrijednost zbog iznimnog povijesnog uzora ili čiste<br />

jedinstvenosti, francuski je pisac pomalo naslućivao<br />

individualistički modni stil dvadesetog<br />

stoljeća koje se upravo rađalo.<br />

Fortunyjeve modele svilenih haljina nosile su ikone<br />

onoga doba, poput Sare Berhnard, Eleonore<br />

Duse i Isadore Duncan, a veliki američki redatelj<br />

Orson Welles dao je izraditi kostime za svoj film<br />

“Othello” od njegovih prepoznatljivih tkanina.<br />

Fortunyjevi modeli danas su iznimno vrijedni kolekcionarski<br />

primjerci, a njegov rad utjecao je i<br />

na niz suvremenih dizajnera, poput japanskog<br />

kreatora Issey Miyakea.<br />

Lampu “Fortuny” proizvodi talijanska tvrtka “Pallucco” /<br />

Lamp “Fortuny” is produced by Italian company<br />

“Pallucco”<br />

Eksperimentiranje sa svjetlom<br />

Na prijelazu stoljeća, osim slikanja i bavljenja<br />

tekstilom, Fortuny je eksperimentirao koristeći,<br />

nedugo prije izumljeno, električno svjetlo u scenskom<br />

dizajnu. Iste je godine, 1907., dizajnirana i<br />

lampa “Fortuny”, nastala po uzoru na kazališni<br />

reflektor pomoću kojega se jednostavno moglo<br />

mijenjati svjetlo na pozornici, krećući se od<br />

danje svjetlosti vedroga neba do pomrčine i sumraka.<br />

Lampa “Fortuny” funkcionira na sličnom<br />

principu i jasno demonstrira dizajnerovu filozofiju<br />

po kojoj “predmete ne čini vidljivima količina<br />

svjetla, nego njegova kvaliteta”. Ova elegantna<br />

svjetiljka suptilno propušta svjetlost koja se prelijeva<br />

poput opala kroz svilene zaslone razvučene<br />

preko njezine nježne konstrukcije. Kod originalne<br />

lampe, svila se bojila ručno, sadržavajući zlatne<br />

motive nadahnute orijentalnom umjetnošću, a<br />

na samom kraju dodavane su staklene perle i<br />

svilene uzice.<br />

Podna lampa “Fortuny” ponovno je u proizvodnji<br />

od 1985. godine, a proizvodi je talijanska<br />

tvrtka “Pallucco”. U povodu stogodišnjice toga<br />

iznimnog dizajnerskog komada, lampa je modificirana<br />

kako bi se dodatno naglasile njezine<br />

čiste i jednostavne linije. Bijela boja koja diskretno<br />

naglašava njezinu elegantnu konstrukciju uz<br />


U povodu stogodišnjice, lampa je modificirana kako bi se<br />

dodatno naglasile njezine čiste i jednostavne linije /<br />

Due to the 100th anniversary of this exceptional designer<br />

piece, the lamp was modified in order to put extra-emphasis<br />

on its pure and simple lines<br />

100<br />

srebrne zrake u futurističkoj ritmičkoj sekvenci, čine je<br />

svježom i izrazito privlačnom, uklapajući je u dinamičnu<br />

sadašnjost. “Fortuny” funkcionira kao rotirajuća podna<br />

lampa s mehanizmom za prilagođavanje visine, a dostupna<br />

je u bijeloj, bež ili crnoj boji, te u ornamentalnoj<br />

verziji zaslona, s bijelim printom na bež ili crnoj podlozi.<br />

Najnoviji, rođendanski model ove lampe imena “Century”,<br />

na unutrašnjoj strani zaslona ima i srebrne printove.<br />

Svjetiljka “Fortuny” primjer je rane modernističke preokupacije<br />

industrijskim materijalima, funkcionalizmom<br />

i položajem predmeta u prostoru. Upečatljiva poput<br />

modernističke skulpture, lampa na neki način dominira<br />

prostorom, ali ni u jednom trenutku dekorativna strana<br />

ne nadvladava onu upotrebnu. Ipak, lampa “Fortuny”,<br />

uklopljena u neki prostrani interijer, teško će ostati neprimijećena.<br />

Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo većinu je svoga stvaralačkog<br />

i životnog vijeka proveo u Veneciji. Tamo je kupio<br />

impresivnu palaču Pesaro Orfei koju je pretvorio u golemi<br />

atelijer/laboratorij imena Palazzo Fortuny, a danas je<br />

u njoj smješten muzej “Fortuny” u kojemu se mogu naći<br />

brojni primjerci njegova rada. U svoje vrijeme slavljen<br />

kao “venecijanski čarobnjak”, ime koje su mu nadjenuli<br />

njegovi suvremenici, Mariano Fortuny ostat će zapamćen<br />

u povijesti umjetnosti i dizajna kao jedan od posljednjih<br />

“renesansnih ljudi” u pravom smislu te riječi. Konstantna<br />

znatiželja tjerala ga je uvijek u novu potragu,<br />

na putovanje u širinu europskih i orijentalnih prostora,<br />

ali i u dubinu povijesti, stare Grčke i Egipta. Nadahnut<br />

likom i djelom njemačkog skladatelja, ali i mislioca, Richarda<br />

Wagnera, Fortuny je definirao i vlastite estetske<br />

ideale. Smatrao je da umjetnik treba kontrolirati svaku<br />

etapu svog umjetničkog stvaranja, do u najsitnije detalje,<br />

te da ni jedna umjetnička disciplina ne nadmašuje<br />

onu drugu, da su sve jednako važne.<br />

Umjetnik koji je izumio brodski propeler, izumitelj koji je<br />

dizajnirao najljepše haljine Isadori Duncan, estet koji<br />

je izrađivao vlastiti namještaj, pribor za slikanje, prelamao<br />

vlastite knjige, teoretičar svjetla koji je svoje teorije<br />

primjenjivao u praksi postižući nevjerojatne rezultate,<br />

Mariano Fortuny sveobuhvatno je utjecao na moderni<br />

život.<br />

Fortunyjeve tkanine proizvode se i danas, jednako su<br />

kvalitetne, nevjerojatno trajne i obavijene dozom mistike<br />

jer Fortunyjeva metoda nikada nije potpuno otkrivena<br />

javnosti, kako legenda kaže. Ipak, neki od njegovih<br />

dizajnerskih komada, poput lampe “Fortuny”, proizvode<br />

se i unaprjeđuju i danas te su dostupni kupcima<br />

istančanog ukusa i nešto dubljeg džepa.<br />

Lampa “Fortuny” tvrtke Pallucco dostupna je i kod nas<br />

i može se nabaviti preko tvrtke za dizajniranje rasvjete<br />

u arhitekturi “Lumenart” iz Pule.

A piece of cult<br />

Written by: Nataša Bodrožiæ<br />

Mariano Fortuny Y Madrazo: FORTUNY 1907<br />

“Fortuny” Forever<br />

Besides painting and working with textile, Fortuny experimented by using electric light in<br />

scene design. That brought to the design of lamp “Fortuny”, which was created after a<br />

stage light in the theatre that enabled the lighting on the stage to be changed effortlessly,<br />

ranging from the daylight of the clear sky to eclipse and dusk<br />

Mariano Fortuny Y Madrazo (1871. – 1949.), one<br />

of the most versatile artists of the late 19th and<br />

early 20th century, designer of clothes, textiles<br />

and lighting, photographer, architect, inventor,<br />

born in Granada, educated in Paris and spent most<br />

of his life in Venice, has left a huge mark on his era with his<br />

work. He dressed the greatest ladies of his time, put lighting<br />

on the most important stages, cooperated with the<br />

greatest writers and created one of the most beautiful<br />

lamps, which was named “Fortuny” after its creator.<br />

Artistic Family<br />

Mariano Fortuny comes from an artistic family; his father<br />

was a famous Spanish painter, while his mother’s art-favourable<br />

family has permanently supported the wellknown<br />

Prado Museum in Madrid. Fortuny belongs to the<br />

“art nouveau” circle of artists, along with Tiffany, Lalique<br />

and the pre-Raphaelite painters. Although he graduated<br />

as a painter in Paris, he left his biggest mark in history by<br />

designing clothes and textile, inspired by the Classical Period<br />

and the Orient. He discovered the special technique<br />

of colouring silk, but he also constructed and patented<br />

machines that produced fabric with prints, reproducing<br />

the depth, colouring and beauty of an archaic brocade,<br />

velvet and tapestry.<br />

At the very beginning of the 20th century, Fortuny was<br />

attracted to new styles in textile design and fashion, as<br />

well as the new aesthetical and functional concepts<br />

that were promoted by reformers of new applied types<br />

102<br />

of art, such as the English designer William Morris and<br />

painter E. Burne Jones, and particularly by their theories<br />

on the modern style that is liberated from all prohibitions<br />

and conventions. Soon enough, he also becomes one of<br />

those artists who subtly start changing the world with his<br />

talent, inventiveness and broadness of spirit.<br />

Entering the World of Fashion<br />

Fortuny enters the world of fashion in 1907. That was the<br />

year he designed his most spectacular “art nouveau”<br />

dress “Delfi”, made from fluted silk and inspired by an<br />

antique Greek sculpture. A long, very simple and light<br />

dress, it sensually adhered to the body and allowed the<br />

freedom of movement. Featuring a revolutionary shape,<br />

slightly arty, discretely seductive, but predominantly functional,<br />

the dress usually ended with Venetian coloured<br />

beads at the edges. Marcel Proust himself, impressed<br />

with its beauty, wondered in one of his texts about the<br />

specialty of such a clothing piece. Doubting whether to<br />

acknowledge its value due to the exceptional historical<br />

role model or its pure uniqueness, the French writer slightly<br />

sensed the individualistic fashion style of the 20th century<br />

that was emerging on the horizon.<br />

Models of Fortuny’s silken dresses were worn by the icons<br />

of that era, such as Sara Berhnard, Eleonora Duse and<br />

Isadora Duncan, while the great American director Orson<br />

Welles had the costumes for his film “Othello” made<br />

from his recognizable fabrics. These days, Fortuny’s models<br />

are extremely valuable collector’s items, and his work

“Fortuny” funkcionira kao rotirajuća podna lampa<br />

s mehanizmom za prilagođavanje visine / “Fortuny”<br />

functions as a rotating floor lamp with a mechanism<br />

that adjusts the height<br />

Rođendanski model lampe<br />

“Century” / “Birthday” model of<br />

the lamp named “Century”<br />

has affected many contemporary designers, such as the<br />

Japanese creator Issey Miyake.<br />

Experimenting with Light<br />

At the turn of the century, besides painting and working<br />

with textile, Fortuny experimented by using the then-invented<br />

electric light in scene design. During that same<br />

year of 1907, the “Fortuny” lamp was designed after a<br />

stage light in the theatre that enabled the lighting on the<br />

stage to be changed effortlessly, ranging from the daylight<br />

of the clear sky to eclipse and dusk. Lamp “Fortuny”<br />

functions on a similar principle and clearly demonstrates<br />

the designer’s philosophy that “objects do not become<br />

visible due to the amount of light, but rather due to its<br />

quality”. This elegant lamp subtly defuses the light that<br />

overflows like an opal through silken curtains that are<br />

spread over its gentle construction. The silk was manually<br />

coloured on the original lamp, and it contained golden<br />

motifs inspired by Oriental art, while glass beads and silken<br />

leashes were added at the end.<br />

Floor lamp “Fortuny” is again being manufactured since<br />

1985, and it is produced by Italian company “Pallucco”.<br />

Due to the 100th anniversary of this exceptional designer<br />

piece, the lamp was modified in order to put extra-emphasis<br />

on its pure and simple lines. The white colour, which<br />

discretely points out its elegant construction, and silver<br />

rays in a futuristic rhythmical sequence make it fresh and<br />

extremely attractive, adjusting it to the dynamic present<br />

period. “Fortuny” functions as a rotating floor lamp with a<br />

mechanism that adjusts the height, and it’s available in<br />

white, beige or black, as well as in an ornamental version<br />

of the background, featuring a white print on a beige<br />

or black surface. The newest “birthday” model of this<br />

lamp named “Century” also has silver prints on the background’s<br />

inside.<br />

The “Fortuny” lamp is an example of early modernist preoccupation<br />

with industrial materials, functionalism and<br />

position of the object in a room. Distinct like a modernist<br />

sculpture, the lamp dominates the room in a certain way,<br />

but in no moment does the decorative side dominate the<br />

functional side. However, if you put the “Fortuny” lamp in<br />

a spacious interior, it will hardly stay unnoticed.<br />

Mariano Fortuny Y Madrazo has spent most of his creative<br />

and overall life in Venice. That’s where he bought<br />

the impressive palace Pesaro Orfei, which he turned into<br />

a huge atelier/laboratory named Palazzo Fortuny, and<br />

today that is the home of museum “Fortuny”, where you<br />

can find numerous products of his work. Celebrated as<br />

the “Venetian Magician” in his time by his contemporaries,<br />

Mariano Fortuny will remain remembered in the<br />

history of art and design as one of the last “renaissance<br />

people” in the true sense of that term. Constant curiosity<br />

pushed him into brand new quests, whether it meant<br />

travelling the broad European or Oriental spaces, or<br />

reaching down deep into the history of ancient Greece<br />

and Egypt. Inspired by the work and figure of German<br />

compositor, but also philosopher, Richard Wagner, Fortuny<br />

defined his own aesthetical ideals. He claimed that<br />

an artist should control every stage of his artistic process,<br />

down to the slightest of details, and that no artistic discipline<br />

outweighs the other one because they are all just<br />

as important. An artist who invented the boat propeller,<br />

inventor who designed Isadora Duncan’s most beautiful<br />

dresses, an aesthete who made his own furniture and<br />

painting equipment, set pages on his own books, and<br />

also a theoretician of light who implemented his own theories<br />

in practice while achieving amazing results, Mariano<br />

Fortuny has left an undeniable influence on modern life.<br />

Fortuny’s fabrics are still manufactured, and they have<br />

just as much quality, are incredibly durable and covered<br />

in a dose of mystique because Fortuny’s methods were<br />

never completely revealed to the public, according to<br />

the legend. Still, some of his designer pieces, such as the<br />

“Fortuny” lamp, are still manufactured and further perfected,<br />

and are available to buyers of refined taste and<br />

a deeper pocket.<br />

Pallucco’s “Fortuny” lamp is also available in our area<br />

and can be purchased through the “Lumenart” company<br />

from Pula, which deals with designing architectural<br />

lighting.<br />


Dekoracije<br />

104<br />

HARLEQUIN, www.harlequin.uk.com<br />

Zidne tapete iz nove kolekcije Estravagance, inspirirane prirodom / Wallpapers from the<br />

new Estravagance collection, inspired by nature

Boje jeseni<br />

Colours of the Autumn<br />

Pripremila / Edited by: Ana Perišin<br />

Drvo se koristi za izradu namještaja od samih početaka<br />

civilizacije, uspješno odolijevajući naletima<br />

modernih materijala koji mu pariraju cijenom<br />

i mogućnostima obrade.<br />

Izvanredne mehaničke mogućnosti, odlična izolacijska<br />

svojstva i prirodan izgled koji se može<br />

uklopiti u svaki stil... samo su neke od dobrih karakteristika<br />

drva. Kad se k tome doda još i činjenica<br />

da s godinama drveni namještaj dobiva na ljepoti,<br />

izbor je logičan. Ormar od hrastova drva za<br />

rustikalni stil, ultramoderan stol od tikovine, korpe<br />

od pruća za romantični ugođaj... što god izaberete,<br />

nećete pogriješiti jer drvo nikad ne prestaje<br />

biti u trendu.<br />

Colours that are presented to us by autumn, a season<br />

filled with luscious aromas and tastes, are an<br />

eternal inspiration for decorators.<br />

The autumn colours - different shades of brown,<br />

green, orange and grey - should definetely be used<br />

in your home as well.<br />

Wallpapers inspired by nature, soft pillows and<br />

blankets from natural materials, candlesticks, brushwood<br />

baskets filled with chestnuts... all that in warm<br />

autumn colours, and a pleasant ambience is guaranteed.<br />

There is a countless number of ideas. Let your imagination<br />

run wild and invite autumn into your home.<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Vaze Turkey u različitim zemljanim bojama /<br />

Vases Turkey in different colours of the earth<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Jastuci za sjedalicu / Cushions for<br />

a chair<br />

Posude KoKo različitih boja, dizajn Kristina Riska i Kati<br />

Tuominen-Niittylä / KoKo dishes in different colours,<br />

designed by Kristina Riska and Kati Tuominen-Niittyla<br />

ARABIA FINLAND, www.arabia.fi<br />

MODUS, Tkalčićeva 48, Zagreb<br />

IKEA, www.ikea.com<br />

Naslonjač Ikea Stockholm,<br />

dizajn Tork Björklund /<br />

Armchair Ikea Stockholm,<br />

designed by Tork Bjorklund<br />


Dekoracije<br />


Jastuci Dalston i Helston na stoliću iz kolekcije Ross - narančasta<br />

za dobro raspoloženje / Cushions Dalston and<br />

Helston on a coffee table from the Ross collection – orange<br />

for a good mood<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Posude veselih boja i različitih veličina /<br />

Dishes in merry colours and different sizes<br />

PARRI, www.parridesign.it<br />

Naslonjač Mumy/B, dizajn Marco<br />

Maran / Armchair Mumy/B, designed<br />

by Marco Maran<br />


SAGAFORM / www.sagaform.se<br />

Svijećnjak Shine od puhanog stakla, dizajn<br />

Marie Olofsson / Candlestick Shine from<br />

blown glass, designed by Marie Olofsson<br />

POLTRONA FRAU / www.poltronafrau.it<br />

Moderna klasika - stolica Jokey, dizajn<br />

Francois Azambourg /<br />

A modern classic – chair Jokey, designed<br />

by Francois Azambourg<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

www.doma.hr<br />

MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi<br />

Poslužavnik uzorka Puutarha,<br />

dizajn Kristina Isola / A tray<br />

with a Puutarh sample,<br />

designed by Kristina Isola<br />

Jesenski plodovi u staklenoj posudi<br />

sa svijećom / Fruits of the autumn in<br />

a glass dish with a candle<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Košare od pruća u toploj narančastoj boji /<br />

Brushwood baskets in the warm colour of orange<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Prekrivači Turkey / Blankets Turkey<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Razigrane police različitih veličina /<br />

Playful shelves in different sizes<br />


Dekoracije<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o.,<br />

salon CASA<br />


www.flexform.it<br />

Klupa Betty /<br />

Bench Betty<br />

IKEA, www.ikea.com<br />

Košara od pruća Turkey, idealna za skupljanje jesenskih<br />

plodova / Brushwood basket Turkey, ideal<br />

for collecting fruits of the autumn<br />

SAGAFORM / www.sagaform.se<br />

Svijećnjak Shine osvježit će prostor / Candlestick<br />

Shine will freshen up the room<br />

Prugasta kutija Vacker /<br />

A striped Vacker box<br />

AU MAISON / www.aumaison.dki<br />

Jastuci Lounge i Desiree Velvet /<br />

Cushions Lounge and Desiree Velvet<br />

MARIMEKKO / www.marimekko.fi<br />

Ručnici iz jesenske kolekcije,<br />

dizajn Fujiwo Ishimoto / Towels<br />

from the autumn collection,<br />

designed by Fujiwo Ishimoto<br />

FLEXFORM / www.flexform.it<br />

Sofa iz kolekcije Sunny / A sofa from the Sunny collection<br />


NANIMARQUINA, www.nanimarquina.com<br />

Decorations<br />

Tepih iz kolekcije Seagras, dizajn Nani Marquina / A<br />

carpet from the Seagras collection, designed by Nani<br />

Marquina<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Zidni sat Wood, inspiriran jesenskim lišćem i prošlim<br />

vremenima / A Wood clock on the wall, inspired<br />

by autumn leaves and times gone by<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Prekrivač u ugodnim zemljanim bojama / A<br />

blanket in pleasant colours of the earth<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Vaze različitih veličina i oblika / Vases in different<br />

sizes and shapes<br />

DOMA Namještaj d.o.o., salon CASA<br />

Stalak za novine Raven izrađen<br />

od poliuretana / A Raven<br />

newspaper rack made out of<br />

polyurethane<br />

KARTELL, www.kartell.it<br />

Model Mademoiselle,<br />

Philippe Starck u suradnji<br />

s Burberryjem / Model<br />

Mademoiselle, Philippe<br />

Starck in cooperation with<br />

Burberry<br />


Nekretnine<br />

karta Hrvatske<br />

map of Croatia<br />

ZAGREB glavni grad / capital<br />

<br />


UMAG<br />

KAŠTEL<br />


POREČ<br />

ROVINJ<br />


<br />


<br />

IKA<br />

KRK<br />


<br />

RAB<br />


<br />


PRVIĆ<br />


SPLIT<br />

BRAČ<br />




<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Nekretnine<br />

sadraj/contents<br />

BRAÈ 112 str.<br />

CRIKVENICA 114 str.<br />

DUBROVNIK 117 str.<br />

IKA 118 str.<br />

IVANIÆ GRAD 119 str.<br />

KAŠTEL 122 str.<br />

KRK 123 str.<br />

KUPRES 129 str.<br />

MAKARSKA 131 str.<br />

OPATIJA 132 str.<br />


OPRTALJ 134 str.<br />

POREÈ 135 str.<br />

PRVIÆ 136 str.<br />

RAB 137 str.<br />

ROVINJ 143 str.<br />

SAMOBOR 145 str.<br />

SPLIT 146 str.<br />

TRIBUNJ 148 str.<br />

UMAG 149 str.<br />

VODICE 150 str.<br />

ZAGREB 150 str.<br />

posebna ponuda<br />

special offer<br />

Hotel Stari grad<br />

str. 117<br />

Real estate<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Brač<br />

Na otoku Braču, u uvali Splitska, nalazi se zemljište površine od 450 m 2 do 1020 m 2 na kojem se grade atraktivne vile.<br />

Površine vila su od 110 m 2 do 220 m 2 i građene su u mediteranskom stilu. Pri gradnji su korišteni vrhunski materijali, a<br />

vile će biti opremljene s podnim grijanjem, klima-uređajima, dizajnerskim kupaonicama, vrhunskim kuhinjama, zidnim<br />

ormarima i neizravnom rasvjetom prostorija. Ispred vila je planirana izgradnja bazena, a okućnica će biti kultivirana.<br />

Završetak radova je planiran za rujan 2008.<br />

At a bay called Splitska on the island of Brač, we find a parcel with 450 m 2 to 1020 m 2 of surface where attractive villas<br />

are being built. The villas’ surfaces range from 110 m 2 to 220 m 2 and they are constructed in Mediterranean fashion.<br />

Top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the villas will be equipped with floor heating, air<br />

conditioning, designer bathrooms, top-notch kitchens, wall closets and non-direct room lighting. There are plans to<br />

build a swimming pool in front of the villas, while the courtyard will be cultivated. The construction is planned to end<br />

in September of 2008.<br />

112<br />

Cijena / Price: 350.000 € - 695.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 455 330

Nekretnine<br />

Brač<br />

Prodaje se konoba u Povljima, malome mjestu smještenom u dubokoj uvali nedaleko od istočne punte Brača. Konoba<br />

je napravljena u starodalmatinskom stilu (stolovi i klupe od punog hrasta te zidovi u bračkom kamenu). Unutrašnji<br />

dio konobe ima 66 m 2 , te se sastoji od kuhinje, šanka, spreme, dva WC-a i salona. Kapacitet konobe je 80 sjedećih<br />

mjesta. Konoba se nalazi na samoj rivi te postoji koncesija za stolove na rivi od 60 m 2 . Mogućnost kupnje na kredit.<br />

There is a tavern on sale in Povlji, which is a small town located in a deep bay not far from the eastern point of Brač. The<br />

tavern was made in archaic Dalmatian style (tables and benches from full oak and walls in Brač stone). The tavern’s interior<br />

has 66 m 2 of surface, and it consists of the kitchen, bar, storage room, two bathrooms and saloon. Capacity of the tavern<br />

is 80 seats. The tavern is located at the main promenade itself and concession was issued for 60 m 2 of tables at the main<br />

promenade. There is an option of purchasing on credit.<br />

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 582 426, +385 (0)91 210 8566, +385 (0)91 271 2006<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Crikvenica<br />

U Crikvenici se prodaje prekrasna novosagrađena troetažna luksuzna vila ukupne stambene površine 400 m 2 . Vila<br />

ima bazen, garažu te ljetnu kuhinju u vrtu površine 12 m 2 i udaljena je od mora 700 metara. U suterenu je uređena<br />

konoba s krušnom peći i velikim drvenim stolom. Vila ima ukupno sedam soba, četiri kupaonice i tri kuhinje. Na svakoj<br />

etaži su natkrivene terase s pogledom na more. Smještena je na izuzetno mirnoj lokaciji i okružena je zelenilom.<br />

Prodaje se kompletno namještena.<br />

We find a wonderful, newly built, three-storey luxurious villa on sale in Crikvenica, with the overall residential surface of<br />

400 m 2 . The villa has a swimming pool, garage and a summer kitchen in the garden that takes up 12 m 2 , and it is 700<br />

meters from the sea. The basement features a decorated tavern with an oven and a large wooden table. The villa has as<br />

much as seven rooms, four bathrooms and three kitchens. Every storey features a covered terrace with the view over the<br />

sea. It is located at an extremely peaceful location and surrounded by greenery. It is on sale as completely furnished.<br />

114<br />

Cijena / Price: 1.200.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 617 6677

Avantura<br />

HUM<br />

Najmanji grad na svijetu<br />

Hum je smješten u srcu Istre, u buzetskoj općini /<br />

Predivna unutrašnjost Istre ostavit će vas bez daha / Beautiful Istria inside<br />

Hum is located in the heart of Istria, in the Buzet Community<br />

will take you breath away<br />

još u srednjem vijeku, točnije u 11. stoljeću. Upravo tada nica određenih već u ranom srednjem vijeku. Humski<br />

je na ostacima stare utvrde izgrađen Humski kaštel, pa se kaštel nalazio na platou u zapadnom dijelu gradića<br />

zatim i prvi niz kuća budućega gradića.<br />

unutar obrambenih zidova, na mjestu gdje se danas dijelom<br />

nalaze župna crkva, župni dvor i najzapadniji dio<br />

U to je vrijeme Istra pripadala Franačkom Carstvu i u<br />

tom je sklopu 1040. godine postala zasebnom markom. sjevernog niza kuća. Tlocrt kaštela imao je oblik pravokutnika<br />

veličine 35x30 m. Ulaz u kaštel bio je iznutra, iz<br />

U Humu žive tek tri obitelji, što ukupno iznosi tek 17 stanovnika. Zanimljivo je da se od<br />

Markgrof Ulrich I. je na pograničnim predjelima svoje države<br />

obnovio i podigao niz kaštela, među kojima i ovaj grada. Njegova je osnovna namjena bila obrambena.<br />

11. stoljeća do danas, izvan humskih gradskih zidina gotovo ništa nije gradilo, naselje<br />

je ostalo unutar granica određenih već u ranom srednjem vijeku<br />

u Humu. Godine 1102. Ulrich II. daje Hum, uz niz drugih A onda se uz kaštel postupno gradilo i naselje. Nastao je<br />

kaštela, kao feud akvilejskom patrijarhu. U darovnici se tako gradić položen po hrptu izduženog brijega, unutar<br />

navodi “castrum Cholm” (prema starom hrvatskom obliku<br />

Hlm) i to je prvo spominjanje Huma. Tim činom zaprakutnog<br />

oblika dužine stotinjak i širine oko 35 metara.<br />

gradskih zidina koje zatvaraju površinu približno pravo-<br />

Piše: Patricia Müller Foto: Turistička zajednica Istarske županije<br />

vo počinje povijest Huma kao utvrde. I u kasnjim povijesnim<br />

izvorima, sve do 17. stoljeća, Hum se spominje kao kuća što se pružaju od istoka prema zapadu, dvije uli-<br />

Prostornu organizaciju gradića čine tri paralelna niza<br />

stra ima tartufe, i autohtono istarsko govedo – boškarin.<br />

Ima i prekrasnu obalu uz sjeverozapadno podru-<br />

rekorda. U Humu žive tek tri obitelji, što ukupno iznosi tek<br />

“castrum”, dakle tvrđava, čime se naglašavala njegova ce koje ih odjeljuju i trapezasti trg kod glavnih gradskih<br />

na svijetu! Podatke čuva i Guinnessova knjiga svjetskih<br />

čje hrvatskog Jadrana, te predivne vile s bazenima 17 stanovnika.<br />

fortifikacijska uloga.<br />

vrata. Kaštel je dvjema ulicama bio izravno povezan sa<br />

Iu “zapuštenim” dijelovima unutrašnjosti, za kojima su Ovaj zanimljivi gradić smješten je u srcu Istre, u buzetskoj<br />

Danas je ovaj gradić spomen-grad, kao jedan od rijetkih<br />

sačuvanih primjera urbanog razvoja isključivo unudale<br />

su na ulice, pa je tako bio omogućen brz dolazak<br />

svim dijelovima grada. Stambene kuće u sva tri niza gle-<br />

poludjeli stranci i domaći koji se žele pošto-poto odvojiti<br />

barem na trenutak od vreve svakodnevice i uživati u može, sa svih strana, doći automobilom, autobusom ili<br />

tar ranosrednjovjekovnih zidina. Zanimljivo je da se od vojne posade i brzo sklanjanje svih gradskih žitelja u ka-<br />

općini. Od grada Buzeta udaljen je 14 km, do njega se<br />

netaknutom prirodnom okruženju. No, Istra ima i nešto vlakom, ali mnogi ga izletnici pohode i pješice.<br />

11. stoljeća do danas, izvan humskih gradskih zidina štel. Najstariji je srednji niz, nastao poslije izgradnje kaštela<br />

tako što su konoliziranim graničarima, koji su u slu-<br />

što zasigurno ne postoji nigdje drugdje. Najmanji grad Hum je svoj današnji izgled u osnovnim konturama dobio<br />

gotovo ništa nije gradilo, naselje je ostalo unutar gra-<br />

44 45<br />

Nekretnine<br />

Samo<br />

275,00 kn<br />

12<br />

brojeva<br />

Deko Rustica<br />

Deko Rusticus<br />

Dekokamen - luksuz koji<br />

U<br />

sebi moete priuštiti<br />

Zbog odličnih estetskih, mehaničkih i izolacijskih svojstava, dekokamen je pogodan<br />

za oblaganja unutrašnjih i vanjskih zidova. S obzirom da se izrađuje u različitim paletama<br />

boja, odličan je izbor za gotovo sve prostorije koje traže dozu originalnosti<br />

Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ<br />

Foto: www.dekokamen.hr<br />

prošlosti je kamen bio osnovni građevinski<br />

materijal, no danas je jednako popularan jer<br />

predstavlja sam vrh estetike, onaj potreban<br />

dodir prirode u četiri zida, te vrhunski ukus. Kameni<br />

zidovi jednako lijepo izgledaju na starijim ili novoizgrađenim<br />

arhetipskim kućama i kao stilske obloge<br />

u luksuznim stanovima. No, sam prirodni kamen ima i<br />

brojne nedostatke. Primjerice, svaki tip prirodnog kamena<br />

ima svoj optimalni način impregnacije, no u našim<br />

krajevima poznati su tek neki od načina, a mnoga<br />

sredstva za imregnaciju su nedostupna. Kako prirodni<br />

kamen ne bi povlačio ružne mrlje od masnoće i vlage,<br />

on mora biti vrhunski impregniran. Osim toga valja<br />

istaknuti i vrlo visoke cijene samih materijala i cijene postavljanja<br />

prirodnog kamena. Sam proces postavljanja<br />

samog kamena, odnosno oblaganja zidova, prilično je<br />

zahtjevan i skup, a stručnjake koji su specijalizirani za<br />

rad s kamenom nije uvijek lako pronaći. Na svu sreću,<br />

Info<br />

Info<br />

Dekokamen - luksuz koji<br />

ete priuštiti<br />

građevinski i tehnološki napredak uvijek donosi nešto<br />

novo, zanimljivo i atraktivno, a jedan upravo takav proizvod<br />

dolazi iz tvrtke Dekokamen.<br />

građevinski i tehnološki napredak uvijek donosi nešto<br />

novo, zanimljivo i atraktivno, a jedan upravo takav proizvod<br />

dolazi iz tvrtke Dekokamen.<br />

Interijeri<br />

Što je dekokamen<br />

Ukratko, radi se o unikatnom proizvodu od laganog betona,<br />

točnije mješavine cementa CEM – II 52.5 koji se<br />

odlikuje odličnim mehaničkim karakteristikama, kvarcnog<br />

pijeska i ekspandirane gline te ostalih strukturnih<br />

elemenata, i, naravno, boje. Dekokamen se izrađuje ručno<br />

i vrlo vjerno imitira prirodni kamen. Gotovi proizvodi<br />

iz tvrtke, temeljeni na američkoj tehnologiji, realistične<br />

su imitacije prirodnog kamena, odnosno njegovih<br />

tekstura i boja koje su specifičnezaodređenapodne-<br />

blja. Odljeven iz kalupa prirodnog kamena, dekorativni<br />

kamen proizvodi se s brazdama na stražnjoj strani, što<br />

uvelike pojednostavljuje i olakšava proces postavljanja<br />

koji se ne razlikuje znatno od postavljanja keramičkih<br />

Ukratko, radi se o unikatnom proizvodu od laganog betona,<br />

točnije mješavine cementa CEM – II 52.5 koji se<br />

odlikuje odličnim mehaničkim karakteristikama, kvarcnog<br />

pijeska i ekspandirane gline te ostalih strukturnih<br />

elemenata, i, naravno, boje. Dekokamen se izrađuje ručno<br />

i vrlo vjerno imitira prirodni kamen. Gotovi proizvodi<br />

iz tvrtke, temeljeni na američkoj tehnologiji, realistične<br />

su imitacije prirodnog kamena, odnosno njegovih<br />

tekstura i boja koje su specifičnezaodređenapodne-<br />

blja. Odljeven iz kalupa prirodnog kamena, dekorativni<br />

kamen proizvodi se s brazdama na stražnjoj strani, što<br />

uvelike pojednostavljuje i olakšava proces postavljanja<br />

koji se ne razlikuje znatno od postavljanja keramičkih<br />

Piše: Helena Pajiæ Foto: www.designhotels.com<br />

39<br />

Wegnerove sjedalice iz 1963. godine / Wegners<br />

three-leg ged chairs produced in 1963.<br />

Londonski hotel Rockwell, nadahnut spoj klasike i modernoga<br />

Vjeèna elegancija protiv<br />

sezonskih trendova<br />

Arhitektonski studio Squire and Partners odlučio se za suzdržan pristup oživljavanju prostora,<br />

u kojemu će jednako bitnu ulogu igrati arhitektonsko naslijeđe prošlih stoljeća,<br />

odabir retro boja koje su u trendu i, dijelom, geometrijskih uzoraka iz sedamdesetih, te<br />

najluksuzniji noviteti udobnog življenja<br />

70<br />

ZAŠTO SE<br />



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Nekretnine<br />

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TRAVANJ/APRIL 2007<br />

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LIPANJ/JUNE 2007<br />

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SRPANJ/JULY 2007<br />

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<strong>100%</strong> <strong>DESIGN</strong> <strong>LONDON</strong><br />

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Nekretnine<br />

Dubrovnik<br />

U samom središtu povijesnog Dubrovnika smješten je hotel Stari grad. U prošlosti je hotel pripadao obitelji Drašković,<br />

dok je danas spomenik kulture pod zaštitom Grada. Hotel ima osam dvokrevetnih ili jednokrevetnih soba te predivnu<br />

terasu s pogledom na obližnji otok Lokrum i gradić Cavtat. Uređen je u antiknom stilu.<br />

Hotel Stari Grad is located in the very centre of historic Dubrovnik. The hotel used to belong to the Drašković family, but now<br />

it is a cultural monument protected by the City of Dubrovnik. The hotel has eight two-bed or one-bed rooms and a wonderful<br />

terrace overlooking the neighbouring island Lokrum and a little town called Cavtat. It is furnished in antique style.<br />

Cijena / Price: 3.300.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)20 437 046<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Ika<br />

Samo kilometar zapadno od Ičića smješteno je malo ribarsko naselje Ika, u kojemu se prodaje kuća stambene površine<br />

250 m 2 . Kuća ima dvije etaže: prizemlje i kat. U prizemlju su dva apartmana, dok je na prvom katu jedan prostrani<br />

apartman površine 100 m 2 s velikim balkonom iz kojeg se pruža predivan pogled na Kvarner. U suterenu su garaža,<br />

spremište i kotlovnica. Kuća se nalazi na kultiviranoj okućnici površine 1000 m 2 .<br />

There is a small fishermen settlement Ika just a kilometre west of Ičići, and that’s where we find a house with 250 m 2 of<br />

residential surface for sale. The house has two storeys: ground floor and upper floor. The ground floor features two apartments,<br />

while the upper floor reveals a spacious 100 m 2 apartment with a large balcony that provides a magnificent view<br />

over Kvarner. The basement features the garage, storage room and boiler room. The house is located on a cultivated<br />

courtyard with 1000 m 2 of surface.<br />

118<br />

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708

Nekretnine<br />

Ivanić Grad<br />

U Ivanić Gradu, nedaleko Zagreba, prodaje se nedovršena troetažna kuća. Kuća je pogodna za stanovanje, ali i<br />

kao višenamjenski poslovni objekt za ugostiteljsko-turističku djelatnost. Smještena je na prekrasnoj parceli površine<br />

600 m 2 , okružena stablima lipe, uz samo jezero. Početak gradnje kuće je bio 1981., a nadograđena je 2000.<br />

godine.<br />

In Ivanić Grad, near Zagreb, there is an unfinished three-storey house on sale. The house can serve a residential purpose,<br />

but also as a multi-optional restaurant-tourism facility. It is located on a beautiful 600 m 2 parcel, surrounded by lime trees<br />

and very near a lake. The house was originally started in 1981, and was upgraded in 2000.<br />

Cijena / Price: 185.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3094 007, +385 (0)99 3094 007, +385 (0)91 3094 007<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Ivanić Grad<br />

U Moslavini, na lijevoj obali rijeke Lonje, u Ivanić Gradu, prodaje se novoizgrađena kuća. Kuća ima stambenu površinu<br />

210 m 2 te je smještena na parceli površine 1068 m 2 . Ispred kuće je bazen dubine dva metra. Kuća se sastoji od dviju<br />

etaža, prizemlja i kata, a u sklopu su i dvije garaže i kotlovnica. Grijanje je etažno plinsko, a voda je iz hidrofora.<br />

There is a newly built house for sale in Ivanić Grad, at the left coast of river Lonja in the region of Moslavina. The house has<br />

210 m 2 of residential surface and is located on a 1068 m 2 parcel. There is a swimming pool in front of the house and it’s two<br />

metres deep. The house consists of two storeys – ground floor and upper floor – and there are also two garages and a boiler<br />

room. There is gas storey heating, and the water comes from a hydrophore.<br />

Cijena / Price: 175.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 2145 053<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Kaštel<br />

Prodaje se obiteljska kuća s prekrasnim vrtom i velikom uređenom okućnicom na kraju naselja, u mirnom mjestu u<br />

Istri, pokraj Buja. Kuća je luksuzno uređena i opremljena te ima površinu 300 m 2 . Na kraju parcele površine 4000 m 2<br />

nalazi se i poslovni prostor površine 550 m 2 te ima još i dovoljno prostora za izgradnju teniskih terena i bazena. Ovo<br />

je zadnja kuća u građevinskoj zoni te prevladava mir i zelenilo.<br />

There is a family house with a beautiful garden and a large maintained courtyard on sale, and it’s located on the outskirts<br />

of a peaceful settlement near Buje in Istria. The house is luxuriously decorated and furnished, and it has 300 m 2<br />

of surface. At the very end of the parcel, which takes up 4000 m 2 , we find a facility for business premises with 550 m 2<br />

of surface, and there is also plenty more room to build tennis courts and swimming pools. This is the final house in this<br />

construction zone, and is therefore characterized by peace and greenery.<br />

122<br />

Cijena / Price: 1.100.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 6176 677, +385 (0)98 296 839, +385 (0)52 721 001

Nekretnine<br />

Krk<br />

U samom centru Malinske na otoku Krku smještene su dvije novoizgrađene zgrade. U svakoj zgradi se nalaze samo četiri<br />

apartmana površina od 49 do 102 m 2 na tri etaže. Apartmani u prizemlju, veličine 102 m 2 , s tri sobe i dnevnim boravkom,<br />

imaju uređenu okućnicu površine 200 m 2 s automatskim navodnjavanjem, popločanom terasom i dva parkirna mjesta.<br />

Zgrade odlikuje vrhunska kvaliteta izgradnje (alu-stolarija s griljama, demit fasada, prvoklasna keramika i sanitarije, klasičan<br />

parket, opremljene kupaonice, podno grijanje i klimatizacija).<br />

There are two newly built buildings in the centre of Malinska at the island of Krk. Each building features only four apartments<br />

that take up three storeys and range from 49 to 102 m 2 . The ground-floor apartments have 102 m 2 of surface, consist of<br />

three bedrooms and a living room, and also have a decorated 200 m 2 courtyard with automatic watering, tiled terrace and<br />

two parking spaces. The buildings were constructed with utmost quality (“alu” joinery with archaic shutters, “demit” facade,<br />

first-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, classic parquet, equipped bathrooms, floor heating and air conditioning).<br />

Cijena / Price: 2600 - 2800 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 547 4709<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Krk<br />

Na otoku Krku, u malome mjestu Baška Draga, prodaje se autentična primorska kuća. Kuća ima površinu od 120 m 2 i<br />

sastoji se od tri etaže: prizemlja i dva kata. U prizemlju su konoba s posebnim ulazom, dnevni boravak s kaminom i kupaonica.<br />

Na katu su kuhinja, spavaća soba i kupaonica, dok je na trećoj etaži velika spavaća soba s kupaonicom i terasom s<br />

koje se pruža pogled na okolicu. Kuća je smještena na kultiviranoj okućnici površine 220 m 2 , na kojoj se nalazi bazen i grill<br />

terasa s kaminom. Pri adaptaciji su sačuvani autentični detalji uz upotrebu tradicionalnih materijala (prirodni kamen, puna<br />

cigla i drvo). Lokacija je iznimno mirna, a od mora je udaljena samo dva kilometra.<br />

In a small town called Baška Draga at the island of Krk, we find an authentic seaside house for sale. The house has 120 m 2<br />

of surface and it consists of three storeys: ground floor and two upper floors. The ground floor features a pantry room with a<br />

special entrance, as well as a living room with a fireplace and a bathroom. The first floor consists of a kitchen, bedroom and<br />

bathroom, while the second floor features a large bedroom with a bathroom and a terrace that provides the view over the<br />

surrounding area. The house is located on a cultivated 220 m 2 courtyard that features a swimming pool and a grill-terrace<br />

with a fireplace. During the process of adaptation, authentic details were preserved by using traditional materials (natural<br />

stone, full brick and wood). The location is extremely quiet and the sea is merely 2 km away.<br />

124<br />

Cijena / Price: 270.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 437 959, +385 (0)91 547 4709

Nekretnine<br />

<br />

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<br />

Krk<br />

Na otoku Krku, u mjestu Korniću, prodaje se luksuzno uređena stara kamena kuća na dvije etaže. Kuća ima površinu<br />

od 150 m 2 , a sastoji se od prostranog dnevnog boravka s kaminom, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice, dvije<br />

kuhinje i pomoćne prostorije s velikim terasama. Kultivirana okućnica ima površinu od 830 m 2 , te je ograđena<br />

kamenim zidom i kovanom ogradom. Kuća je u potpunosti adaptirana prije dvije godine uz upotrebu vrhunskih materijala,<br />

klimatizirana je, te opremljena kvalitetnim namještajem, kuhinjskim uređajima i prvoklasnim sanitarijama.<br />

Od mora je udaljena dva kilometra.<br />

In a town called Kornić at the island of Krk, there is an old and luxuriously decorated two-storey stone house for sale. The house<br />

has 150 m 2 of surface, and it consists of a spacious living room with a fireplace, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two kitchens<br />

and additional rooms with large terraces. The cultivated courtyard has 830 m 2 of surface and is enclosed with a stone wall and<br />

wrought-iron fence. The house was completely adapted two years ago by using top-notch materials; it has air conditioning, and<br />

it is furnished with quality furniture, kitchen appliances and first-class sanitary facilities. The sea is 2 km away.<br />

Cijena / Price: 350.000<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 437 959, +385 (0)91 547 4709<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Krk<br />

Na sjeverozapadnoj obali otoka Krka, u Malinskoj, prodaje se dvojna kuća primorske arhitekture. Kuća ima dvije etaže:<br />

prizemlje i kat, ukupne stambene površine 100 m 2 . U prizemlju su garaža, glavni ulaz, kupaonica, dnevni boravak s kuhinjom<br />

i velikom terasom. Unutarnje stube vode na kat na kojem su tri spavaće sobe i kupaonice. Kuća je kvalitetno građena<br />

(aluminijska stolarija s roletama, termo fasada, prvoklasna keramika i sanitarije, kovana ograda) te ima klima-uređaje i<br />

SAT/TV. Ispred kuće je vrt površine 150 m 2 te parkiralište za dva automobila. Smještena je na atraktivnoj i mirnoj lokaciji uz<br />

zelenilo, a od mora je udaljena 400 metara.<br />

In a town called Malinska at the northwestern coast of the island of Krk, there is a dual house of typical coastal architecture<br />

for sale. The house has two storeys: ground floor and upper floor, which take up 100 m 2 of residential surface.<br />

The ground floor features a garage, main entrance, bathroom, living room with a kitchen and a grand terrace. The<br />

indoor staircase leads to the upper floor that consists of three bedrooms and a bathroom. The house is superbly built<br />

(“alu” joinery with shutters, thermo-façade, first-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, wrought-iron fence) and it features<br />

air-conditioners and SAT/TV. There is a 150 m 2 garden in front of the house, as well as two parking spaces. The<br />

location of the house is very attractive and peaceful with plenty of greenery, while the sea is 400 metres away.<br />

Cijena / Price: 200.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 437 959, +385 (0)91 547 4709<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Krk<br />

U malome mjestu Vrbniku, smještenom na stijeni nad morem, prodaju se apartmani vrhunske izrade, s jedinstvenim<br />

pogledom na more. Na prodaju su jednosobni, površine 51 m 2 , i dvosobni apartmani, površine od 82 i 108 m 2 , s<br />

velikim terasama i parkirališnim mjestima. Ispred objekta je bazen površine oko 60 m 2 . Apartmani će biti useljivi u<br />

svibnju 2008. godine.<br />

In a small town called Vrbnik, which is located on a rock above the sea, we find supremely built apartments for sale, and<br />

they provide a unique view over the sea. Apartments for sale include one-room (51 m 2 of surface) and two-room (82 and<br />

108 m 2 ) apartments with large terraces and accompanying parking spaces. There is a 60 m 2 swimming pool in front of<br />

the object. The moving-in process for these apartments will begin in May of 2008.<br />

128<br />

Cijena / Price: 1900 €/m 2 (dvosobni / two bedrooms); 2100 €/m 2 (jednosobni / one bedrooms)<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 372 238, +385 (0)51 372 260

Nekretnine<br />

Kupres<br />

Na Kupresu, u predjelu Čajuša, prodaje se ekskluzivna samostojeća troetažna kuća stambene površine 190 m 2 .<br />

Kuća je koncipirana tako da se donji kat može odvojiti te u njemu samostalno živjeti - kao apartman s dvije sobe,<br />

kupaonicom i dnevnim boravkom s kuhinjom. Prvi kat se sastoji od kuhinje, kupaonice, blagovaonice i dnevne sobe s<br />

kaminom, dok visoko potkrovlje ima tri sobe s kupaonicom. Planirano je centralno grijanje s mogućnošću isključivanja<br />

svakog kata posebno. Donji dio kuće je obložen kamenom te daje poseban izgled samog objekta. Cijela parcela je<br />

ograđena kaskadama sa zelenim površinama, a smještena je oko 300 m od hotela Adria Ski te skijaških staza. Kuća<br />

ima jedno garažno mjesto te tri vanjska parkirališna mjesta.<br />

In a part of Kupres called Čajuša, there is an exclusive detached three-storey house on sale with 190 m 2 of residential<br />

surface. The house is designed so the ground floor can be separated and individually lived in – as an apartment with two<br />

bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen. The upper floor consists of a kitchen, bathroom, dining room and living<br />

room with a fireplace, while the high loft has three rooms and a bathroom. Central heating is planned and every floor<br />

will have the individual option of disconnection. The downstairs of the house is paved in stone and that gives a special<br />

appearance to the object. The entire parcel is enclosed by cascades with green surfaces and it is situated 300 m from<br />

Hotel Adria Skia and ski tracks. The house has one garage space and three outside parking lots.<br />

Cijena / Price: 120.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 544 033, +385 (0)21 544 034, +385 (0)98 370 628<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Makarska<br />

U istočnom dijelu Makarske, na predjelu Dugiš, prodaju se stanovi u dvjema stambenim zgradama. U prvoj zgradi,<br />

čija je orijentacija jugozapad-istok, nalazi se 30 stanova, dok se u drugoj zgradi, orijentacije J-S, nalazi 45 stanova.<br />

Na raspolaganju je ostalo osam stanova površina 51, 70, 74 i 80 m 2 . Zgrade imaju podzemnu garažu (30 mjesta)<br />

s mogućnošću izravnog ulaska u stambeni dio, uz daljinsko otvaranje. Nalaze se u blizini škole i neposrednoj blizini<br />

centra grada, 200 do 500 m od mora. Pri opremanju i gradnji korišteni su visokokvalitetni materijali. Zgrade imaju<br />

prekrasan pogled na Makarsko primorje te Brački kanal.<br />

In a settlement Dugiš in the eastern part of Makarska, two residential buildings feature apartments for sale. The first<br />

building, oriented in the southwest-east direction, consists of 30 apartments, while the second building has 45 apartments<br />

and a south-north orientation. Eight apartments have remained available, and their surface is 51, 70, 74 and<br />

80 m 2 . The buildings have an underground garage (30 parking spaces) with the possibility of direct entrance into the<br />

residential section, along with remote-control opening. The location is near a school and very near the town centre, as<br />

well as 200 to 500 metres from the sea. Materials of the highest quality were used during construction and furnishing.<br />

The buildings have a wonderful view over the Makarska coast and the Brač Gulf.<br />

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 474 7817, +385 (0)91 596 0075<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Opatija<br />

U Opatiji, jednom od najljepših mjesta na Kvarneru, prodaje se vila stambene površine 874 m 2 . Sastoji se od četiri<br />

etaže: prizemlja i tri kata, te je smještena na okućnici površine 861 m 2 . Ishodovana je građevinska dozvola za potpunu<br />

adaptaciju u stambene i poslovne svrhe. Opatija je sa svojim austrougarskim duhom, koji se osjeća i danas, idealan<br />

odabir za one koji žele raskoš i luksuz. Vila je udaljena samo 20 metara od mora te je idealna za duge šetnje uz poznato<br />

opatijsko šetalište Lungomare.<br />

In Opatija, one of the most beautiful towns in Kvarner, we find a villa with 874 m 2 of residential surface for sale. It consists<br />

of four storeys: ground floor and three floors, and is located on an 861 m 2 courtyard. A construction licence was issued<br />

that allows complete adaptation for residential and business purposes. Opatija and its Austro-Hungarian spirit, which is<br />

evident to this day, is an ideal choice for those who want grandeur and luxury. The villa is only 20 metres from the sea<br />

and is ideal for long walks along the famous Opatija promenade Lungomare.<br />

132<br />

Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 320 974, +385 (0)51 320 702, +385 (0)51 320 708

Nekretnine<br />

Opatijska rivijera<br />

U blizini Opatije, na strmim padinama Lovrana, prodaje se dvoetažna vila s potkrovljem ukupne stambene površine<br />

630 m 2 . Vila sadrži četiri velika apartmana u suterenu, stan u prizemlju te šest moderno uređenih soba na prvom i<br />

drugom katu. Oko vile je prekrasno uređena okućnica površine 1722 m 2 , u kojoj je smješten bazen, velika ljetna terasa<br />

s grillom i veliko parkiralište. Vila je izgrađena na mirnoj lokaciji, s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Uz<br />

centralno grijanje, postoji i solarna instalacija, a cijela vila je klimatizirana. Nekretnina je izgrađena 2003. godine, a<br />

zbog veličine i lokacije idealna je za turizam ili za kliniku.<br />

Very near Opatija, on the sharp slopes of Lovran, we find a two-storey villa with a loft, at about 630 m 2 of residential<br />

surface. The villa features four large apartments at basement level, an apartment on the ground floor, and six rooms<br />

on the first and second floors that are decorated in modern fashion. The villa is surrounded by a wonderfully decorated<br />

courtyard with 1722 m 2 of surface, which features a swimming pool, large summer terrace with a grill and a large<br />

parking lot. The villa was built at a peaceful location, which provides a wonderful view over the sea. Along with central<br />

heating, there is also solar installation, and the entire villa is air-conditioned. The real estate was built in 2003, and<br />

thanks to its size and location, it is ideal for tourism or for a clinic.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1.700.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 705 764<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Oprtalj<br />

U sjeverozapadnoj Istri, na visokom brežuljku iznad doline Mirne, u starom dijelu mjesta Oprtalj, prodaje se prekrasna<br />

kamena kuća. Kuća je kompletno renovirana i restaurirana, stilski je uređena te su drvenarija i stolarija u cijelosti<br />

promijenjene. Kuhinja je uređena u starom istarskom stilu, a unutarnji zidovi su kameni i fugirani. Kuća ima konobu s<br />

kaminom iz koje se izlazi u vrt i terasu s prekrasnim pogledom. Terasa i vrt površine oko 150 m 2 su ograđeni te postoji<br />

mogućnost izgradnje bazena u vrtu. Na terasi je priprema za saunu i tuš.<br />

At the northeast of Istria, in an older part of a town called Oprtalj on a high slope above the valley of Mirna, there is<br />

a beautiful stone house on sale. The house is completely renovated and restored, as well as stylishly decorated, and<br />

the joinery and woodwork have been completely replaced. The kitchen is decorated in the archaic Istrian style, and the<br />

inside walls are fuged and made of stone. The house has a pantry with a fireplace and with an exit to the garden and<br />

terrace with a wonderful view. Terrace and garden of 150 m 2 are fenced and there is a possibility to build a swimming<br />

pool in the garden. The terrace is prepared for a sauna and shower.<br />

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Cijena / Price: 225.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 721 001, +385 (0)91 617 6677, +385 (0)98 296 839

Nekretnine<br />

Poreč<br />

U Baderni, malom mjestu nedaleko od Poreča, nalazi se novoizgrađeno naselje Astarea. Astarea je jedinstveno humano<br />

naselje u kojem kvadrat stambene površine pokriva kvadrat zelenila. Kvalitetni dvosobni stanovi s uređenim okolišem te<br />

blizina svega najboljeg što Istra može ponuditi idealni su za one koji žele doživjeti obje Istre u punom sjaju.<br />

In Baderna, small town near Poreč, there is new residential settlement named Astarea. The Astarea residential settlement<br />

is a unique human project of housing estate constructed by the principle of the “square foot of living space per<br />

square foot of greenery’’.The high quality apartments with a marvellous landscape all around as well as the vicinity of<br />

all the best things that Istria can offer, are perfect accommodation for those who want to live to see both Istria’s in their<br />

full brigtness.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1354,66 - 2171,55 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 619 351<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Prvić<br />

Na malom otoku Prviću u šibenskom arhipelagu, prodaje se kamena kuća u staroj gradskoj jezgri. Kuća se sastoji od<br />

dviju etaža i potkrovlja čija je stambena površina 132 m 2 . U prizemlju je konoba površine 44 m 2 . Unutrašnjost kuće<br />

je potpuno obnovljena i klimatizirana. Na katu je komforni apartman s jednom spavaćom sobom. U potkrovlju su dva<br />

manja studio apartmana. Balkon je sa stražnje strane kuće. Udaljenost od mora je samo 30-ak metara.<br />

On a small island of Prvić in Šibenik’s archipelago, there is a stone house for sale in the old town centre. The house<br />

consists of two storeys and an attic, and takes up 132 m 2 of residential surface. There is a 44-m2 pantry on the ground<br />

floor. The house’s interior is completely renovated and air-conditioned. There is a very comfortable apartment with one<br />

bedroom on the upper floor. The attic features two smaller studio apartments. The balcony is located at the backside<br />

of the house. The sea is merely 30 metres away.<br />

Cijena / Price: 249.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313<br />

Rozi Hort Art<br />

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Nekretnine<br />

Rab<br />

U Barbatu, malom mjestu na otoku Rabu poznatom po čistome moru i pješčanim plažama, prodaje se vila s dva<br />

dvoetažna stana svaki površine 135 m 2 s pripadajućom okućnicom. Vila je smještena u novoizgrađenom elitnom<br />

naselju urbanih vila, na udaljenosti 50 m od plaže s privatnim kolnim prilazom, kao i putem do mora. S vile se pruža<br />

prekrasan pogled na more. Pri uređenju su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali i suvremena tehnologija građenja, čime<br />

je postignuta visoka kvaliteta izgrađenih objekata.<br />

In Barbat, a small town on the island of Rab that is renowned for its crystal-clear sea and sand beaches, there is a<br />

villa on sale with two two-storey apartments, each with 135 m 2 of surface and an accompanying courtyard. The villa<br />

is located in the newly built, elite settlement of urban villas, merely 50 meters away from the beach and with a private<br />

driveway, as well as the path to the sea. The villa provides a glorious view over the sea. In the process of decoration,<br />

only top-quality materials were used, as well as a modern construction technology, which guarantees the high quality<br />

of constructed objects.<br />

Cijena / Price: 180.000 € + PDV svaki / each<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958<br />


Nekretnine<br />

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Nekretnine<br />

Rab<br />

Na izuzetnoj lokaciji na otoku Rabu prodaje se prizemlje obiteljske vile, površine 184 m 2 , koje se sastoji od atraktivno<br />

uređenog studio apartmana i dvosobnog stana. Vila ima i predivno uređenu okućnicu površine oko 500 m 2 . Postoji<br />

mogućnost kupnje voćnjaka površine 600 m 2 . Ova iznimno kvalitetno izgrađena obiteljska vila, s otvorenim pogledom<br />

na more, idealna je za odmor.<br />

At an exceptional location at the island of Rab, a 184 m 2 ground floor of the family villa is on sale, and it consists of an<br />

attractively decorated studio-apartment and a two-room flat. The villa also has a wonderfully maintained courtyard with<br />

about 500 m 2 of surface. There is an option of purchasing a 600 m 2 orchard. This family villa was built in extremely<br />

quality fashion and it boasts with an open view over the sea, which makes it ideal for a vacation.<br />

Cijena / Price: 300.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Rab<br />

Na otoku Rabu, na mirnoj lokaciji, prodaje se poslovno-stambeni objekt (pansion) površine oko 500 m 2 . Objekt je<br />

okružen šumom crnike i nalazi se u blizini ACI-jeve marine, na okućnici površine 3200 m 2 . Sastoji se od tri etaže i<br />

podruma. U prizemlju su restoran sa salom i terasom, na prvom i drugom katu je devet spavaćih soba s kupaonicama<br />

i terasama. U sklopu je i pomoćni stambeni objekt površine 65 m 2 . Cijeli objekt ima centralno i solarno grijanje.<br />

Okućnica je ograđena i kultivirana.<br />

At a peaceful location at the island of Rab, there is a business-residential object (room and board) of about 500 m 2 of surface<br />

for sale. The object is surrounded by a holm-oak forest and is located near the ACI marina, on a 3200 m 2 courtyard. It<br />

consists of three storeys and a basement. The ground floor features a restaurant with saloon and terrace, while the first and<br />

second floor reveal nine bedrooms with bathrooms and terraces. There is also an additional residential object with 65 m 2 of<br />

surface. The entire object has central and solar heating. The courtyard is fenced and cultivated.<br />

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Cijena / Price: 890.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958

Nekretnine<br />

Rab<br />

U elitnom dijelu Raba, u neposrednoj blizini centra i mora, prodaju se jedinstvene vile s luksuzno opremljenim apartmanima<br />

različitih površina, od 30 do 70 m 2 , s izdvojenim ostavama i prostranim terasama. Apartmani su moderno<br />

opremljeni, a pri uređenju su korišteni vrhunski materijali. Ispred vila su veliki zajednički vanjski bazen, uređeni park s<br />

igralištem za djecu te podzemna garaža. Iako su u neposrednom dodiru sa samim središtem otoka Raba, ove vile ujedno<br />

odlikuje iznimno mirna lokacija.<br />

In the elite part of Rab, very near to the centre and the sea, we find unique villas on sale, and they feature luxuriously<br />

equipped apartments of various sizes (30-70 m 2 ), detached pantries and spacious terraces. The apartments are furnished in<br />

a very modern manner, and top-notch materials were used during decoration. In front of the villas, we find a large joint outdoor<br />

swimming pool, decorated park with a playground for children, as well as an underground garage. Although they are<br />

very connected to the very centre of the island of Rab, these villas are also characterized by an extremely peaceful location.<br />

142<br />

Cijena / Price: 1800 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 724 958

Nekretnine<br />

Rovinj<br />

U malom mjestu smještenom nedaleko od Rovinja, na zemljištu površine 1390 m 2 , podignuta je obiteljska kuća površine<br />

413 m 2 . Kuća se sastoji od dvije etaže podijeljene na tri etažirana stana različitih površina. U prizemlju se nalazi stan<br />

od 232,90 m 2 koji se sastoji od: dviju natkrivenih terasa, ulaza s pretprostorom, hodnika, dviju spavaćih soba (jedna je<br />

s garderobom), dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, dviju kupaonica, toaleta, dva spremišta i konobe. Do<br />

gornjeg kata, koji se sastoji od dva stana površina cca 90 m 2 , vode dva odvojena stubišta. Jedan stan sastoji se od: dviju<br />

spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka, kuhinje s blagovaonicom, hodnika, spremišta, kupaonice i natkrivene terase, dok se<br />

drugi stan sastoji od: dviju spavaćih soba, dnevnog boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, kupaonice s pretprostorom,<br />

hodnika, lođe i natkrivene terase. Cijeli posjed je kultiviran i ograđen kamenim zidom te ima dva ulaza. Na posjedu se<br />

nalazi bazen, vrt (s vanjskim navodnjavanjem iz cisterne), maslinik i dvorište s osam parkirališnih mjesta.<br />

In small settlement situated close to Rovinj on the land surface of 1.390 m 2 there is family house of 413 m 2 living area.<br />

House comprises two floors divided on three storey apartments with different surfaces. In ground floor there is apartment<br />

of 232,90 m 2 comprises two covered terraces, entrance with lobby, hallway, two bedrooms (one with wardrobe),<br />

lounge with kitchen and dining room, two bathrooms, toilet, two storage rooms and a cellar. Two separated stairways<br />

leads to the upper floor which is comprise two apartments of 90 m 2 . One apartment consists of two bedrooms, living<br />

room, kitchen with dining room, hall, storage room, bathroom and covered terrace, while second apartment comprises<br />

two bedrooms, lounge with kitchen and dining room, bathroom with hallway, hall, balcony and covered terrace. Whole<br />

estate is cultivated, fenced with stone wall and it has two entrances. On the property there are pool, small garden (with<br />

outdoor watering from tank), olive trees and courtyard with eight parking places.<br />

Cijena / Price: 980.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 517 1932<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Samobor<br />

U Samoboru, malom pitoresknom mjestu nedaleko od Zagreba, prodaje se u potpunosti renovirana kuća stambene površine<br />

170 m 2 . Kuća ima tri etaže: prizemlje, kat i potkrovlje. U prizemlju je smješten apartman površine 30 m 2 . Okućnica ima površinu<br />

658 m 2 . Grijanje je plinsko centralno. Kuća je smještana na na uzvisini te ima prekrasan otvoren pogled na Samobor.<br />

In a small picturesque town called Samobor not far from Zagreb, we find a completely renovated house for sale with<br />

170 m 2 of residential surface. The house has three storeys: ground floor, upper floor and loft. The ground floor features<br />

a 30 m 2 apartment. The courtyard takes up 658 m 2 . There is central gas heating. The house is located on a hill that<br />

provides a wonderful open view over Samobor.<br />

Cijena / Price: 340.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 560 6793, +385 (0)1 332 7102<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Split<br />

U malom mjestu nedaleko od Splita, na uzvisini s otvorenim pogledom na stobrečki zaljev, prodaje se urbana vila na<br />

četiri etaže ukupne stambene površine 700 m 2 . Na prvoj etaži se nalazi podrum s pet garažnih mjesta. Prizemlje se sastoji<br />

od kotlovnice, vinoteke, prostorije za fitness, saune s garderobom i sanitarnog čvora s tuševima. Na prvom katu je<br />

zatvoreni grijani bazen, ostava, kuhinja s blagovaonicom i terasom, dnevni boravak s kaminom, garderoba i sanitarni<br />

čvor. Drugi kat sadrži četiri spavaće spbe, tri kupaonice i dvije garderobe te je svaka soba povezana s pripadajućom<br />

terasom. Uređenju okoliša je posvećena velika pažnja. Uz standardne instalacije vila je opremljena podnim grijanjem,<br />

centralnim usisavanjem, s dva sefa, videonadzorom i alarmom, a razvedene su telefonske i kompjuterske instalacije.<br />

In a small town nearby Split, on a slope that clearly overlooks the Stobreč Gulf, there is a four-storey urban villa for sale,<br />

at about 700 m 2 of overall residential surface. The first storey features a basement with five garage places. The ground<br />

floor consists of a boiler room, wine room, fitness room, sauna with wardrobe space, as well as sanitary facilities with<br />

showers. The first floor features indoor heated swimming pool, pantry, kitchen with a dining room and terrace, living<br />

room with a fireplace, wardrobe and sanitary facilities. The second floor consists of four bedrooms, three bathrooms<br />

and two wardrobe spaces, and every room is connected with the accompanying terrace. Environment preservation was<br />

also given great attention. Along with standard installations, the villa is equipped with floor heating, a central vacuuming<br />

system, indented telephone and computer installations, two vaults, video-supervision and alarm.<br />

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Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 452 875

Nekretnine<br />

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Prodaju se stanovi u izgradnji u luksuzno uređenim<br />

vilama na izvrsnoj lokaciji u Duilovu.<br />

Kompleks se sastoji od pet zgrada i u ponudi<br />

ima 19 stanova različite kvadrature. Raspored<br />

vila je izuzetan s obzirom na prisutnost<br />

zelenih površina. Svi stanovi su orijentirani<br />

jug-sjever, a na raspolaganju su ostala još<br />

četiri stana različitih kvadratura: 35,05 m 2 ;<br />

44,80 m 2 ; 57,20 m 2 i 66,10 m 2 .<br />

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Beautiful villas in Duilovo for sale on excellent location away from city traffic<br />

and high density living. Community will have five buildings with 19 apartments<br />

available. Placement of villas are wonderful with green areas present.<br />

All apartments are placed north-south and there are available only four<br />

apartments on sale with different surfaces: 35,05 m 2 ; 44,80 m 2 ; 57,20 m 2<br />

and 66,10 m 2 .<br />

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Nekretnine<br />

Tribunj<br />

Na mirnoj lokaciji iznad Tribunja, prodaje se troetažna obiteljska kuća. Ukupna stambena površina kuće je 225 m 2 . U<br />

suterenu je podrum, a u prizemlju veliki dnevni boravak iz kojeg se izlazi na terasu, kuhinja, blagovaonica, kupaonica,<br />

ostava i pretprostor. Na katu su hodnik, dvije spavaće sobe, kuhinja s blagovaonicom, kupaonica i dva balkona. Potkrovlje<br />

se sastoji od dva studio apartmana od kojih jedan ima terasu. Oko kuće je uređena okućnica površine 404 m 2 s<br />

grillom i parkiralištem. S terasa se pruža predivan otvoreni pogled na slikoviti arhipelag.<br />

At a peaceful location above Tribunj, we find a three-storey family house for sale. The overall residential surface of the house<br />

is 225 m 2 . The sub-level features a basement, while the ground floor offers a large living room with an exit to the terrace, as<br />

well as the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, pantry room and hallway. The upper floor consists of a hallway, two bedrooms,<br />

kitchen with a dining room, bathroom and two balconies. The loft features two studio apartments, one of which has a terrace.<br />

A maintained 404 m 2 courtyard with a grill and a parking lot is surrounding the house. The terraces provide an open view<br />

over the picturesque archipelago.<br />

Cijena / Price: 390.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313<br />

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Nekretnine<br />

Umag<br />

Samo nekoliko koraka od centra Umaga, u pitomom zelenom istarskom krajoliku, prodaju se tri urbane vile s ukupno<br />

24 visokokvalitetna izgrađena i opremljena stana. Vile su udaljene 400 m od luke i šetnice uz more te 1,2 km<br />

od plaže. Visina stropova u stanovima je 275 cm. Oko cijelog podruma se nalazi suhi rov kao dodatna izolacija.<br />

Prednost ovih stanova: imaju etažno plinsko centralno grijanje, svaki stan sa svojim brojilom. Pri gradnji i opremanju<br />

su korišteni kvalitetni materijali (4-slojna vrhunska toplinska i zvučna međukatna i krovna izolacija, mitsubishi split<br />

sistem klima-uređaji u svakoj prostoriji, protuprovalna blindo vrata, visokokvalitetna talijanska sobna vrata, talijanska<br />

keramika i sanitarije, egzotični masivni parketi, svaki stan ima brojilo za potrošnju energenata, sva unutarnja i vanjska<br />

stubišta, balkoni i okućnica izrađeni su od granita, instalacije: telefon, internet, SAT/TV...). Stanovi imaju prostrane<br />

terase i lođe. Svakom stanu pripada jedno parking mjesto pored vile. Postoji mogućnost kupnje klasične garaže u<br />

podrumu, svaka s daljinskim zatvaranjem. Prva vila je prodana i useljiva. U drugoj i trećoj vili ostalo je još nekoliko<br />

stanova na raspolaganju. Skoro useljenje.<br />

In the quiet, green Istrian landscape, just several steps away from the centre of Umag, there are three urban villas on sale,<br />

featuring as many as 24 high-quality constructed and furnished apartments. The villas are 400 metres from the harbour and<br />

the seaside promenade, and about 1,2 kilometres from the beach. The ceilings in the apartments are 275 cm high. There<br />

is a dry trench surrounding the entire basement, and it serves as extra-isolation. These apartments have one advantage:<br />

they have storey gas central heating – every apartment with its own meter. While constructing and furnishing the villas, only<br />

materials of the highest quality were used (four-layered, top-notch heat and sound isolation between floors and on the roof,<br />

“Mitsubishi Split” air-conditioning systems in every room, anti-burglary armoured doors, Italian high-quality doors for rooms,<br />

Italian ceramics and sanitary facilities, exotic massive parquets, a meter to measure the usage of energy for every apartment,<br />

granite-made indoor and outdoor staircases, balconies and courtyard, as well as instalations: telephone, internet and SAT/<br />

TV…). Apartments have spacious terraces and loggias. Every apartment gets one parking space next to the villa. There is an<br />

option of purchasing a classic garage in the basement, which would be remote-controlled. The first villa is sold out and it can<br />

be moved into. In the second and third villa there are few apartments available. It can be moved in soon.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1950-2100 €/ m²<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 751 087, +385 (0)98 486 100, +385 (0)99 253 5284<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Vodice<br />

U malom mjestu Čista Velika, nedaleko od Vodica, prodaje se obiteljska kuća na dvije etaže. Površina kuće je 280 m 2 ,<br />

a parcela na kojoj je kuća zauzima površinu od 620 m 2 . U podrumu su dvije prostorije površine 30 m 2 . Na prizemnoj<br />

etaži je stan s dvije spavaće sobe, jednom lođom, velikom kupaonicom od 13 m 2 , odvojenim WC-om i velikom terasom.<br />

Na drugoj etaži su dva jednosobna stana, od kojih svaki ima površinu od oko 50 m 2 . Pokraj kuće je garaža. Udaljenost<br />

od mora je 15 km.<br />

There is a two-storey family house for sale in small settlement Čista Velika close to Vodice. The house has 280 m 2 of<br />

surface, and the parcel that features the house takes up 620 m 2 . The basement has two 30 m 2 rooms, while the ground<br />

floor features an apartment with two bedrooms, loggia, large 13 m 2 bathroom, separated toilet and a large terrace.<br />

The upper floor consists of two one-room apartments, each taking up 50 m 2 . There is a garage next to the house. The<br />

sea is 15 km away.<br />

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Cijena / Price: 220.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)22 213 506, +385 (0)91 754 4313

Nekretnine<br />

Zagreb<br />

U okolici Zagreba, u mjestu Novo Ćiče, prodaje se dvoetažna kuća stambene površine 260 m 2 . Kuća se sastoji od<br />

dva četverosobna stana, svaki površine 130 m 2 . Svaki stan se sastoji od velikog dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice,<br />

ostave i tri sobe, te ima zasebni ulaz. Ispod kuće je radionica s kancelarijom i sanitarnim čvorom. Kuća je smještena<br />

na prostranoj i uređenoj okućnici površine 1024 m 2 . Ima dvije garaže i vrt sa staklenikom.<br />

In a town called Novo Ćiče near Zagreb, there is a two-storey house for sale and it has 260 m 2 of residential surface.<br />

The house consists of two four-storey apartments, each taking up 130 m 2 of surface. Every apartment features a large<br />

living room, kitchen, bathroom, pantry and three bedrooms, as well as an individual entryway. There is a workshop<br />

with an office and sanitary facilities in front of the house. The house is located on a spacious and maintained 1024 m 2<br />

courtyard. It has two garages and a garden with a greenhouse.<br />

Cijena / Price: 250.000 €<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3094 007, +385 (0)99 3094 007, +385 (0)91 3094 007<br />


Zagreb - Exclusive apartments in Šestine<br />

- at the foot of Sljeme zone<br />

Nekretnine<br />

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Zagreb - Ekskluzivni stanovi Nekretnine u<br />

podsljemenskoj zoni - Šestine<br />

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Nekretnine<br />

Zagreb<br />

U zapadnom dijel, Zagreba, na obroncima Medvednice, nalaze se tri stambena objekta u kojima se prodaju stanovi<br />

različitih kvadratura (od 50 do 160 m 2 ) s lođama, terasom i zasebnim spremištem. Cijeli kompleks se odlikuje vrhunskom<br />

opremom u kombinaciji s kvalitetnom gradnjom. Svi stanovi imaju rolete na daljinsko upravljanje, protuprovalna<br />

vrata, videoportafon, parkete egzota, vimar-elektroničku infrastrukturu, etažno plinsko centralno grijanje, klimu,<br />

satelitsku antenu i internet. Cijela parcela je ograđena, a na sjeveroistočnoj strani se nalaze natkrivena parkirališta.<br />

Jugozapadna strana je uređena kao park s biranom hortikulturom. Ispred objekata se nalazi grijani bazen površine<br />

12x6 m, sjenice s vrtnim garniturama, sunčalište s ležaljkama i suncobranima te dječje igralište. Objekti su smješteni<br />

u blizini osnovne škole, vrtića, trgovačkih centara i tržnice. Useljenje je predviđeno za studeni 2007.<br />

On the slopes of Medvednica in the western part of Zagreb, we find three residential objects that feature different-sized<br />

apartments (from 50 to 160 m 2 ) for sale, and they all have loggias, a terrace and an individual storage-room. The<br />

entire complex prides itself on top-notch equipment, which is combined with quality construction. All apartments have<br />

remote-controlled shutters, anti-burglary doors, video portaphone, “exota” parquets, vimar-electronic infrastructure,<br />

storey central gas heating, air conditioning, satellite antenna and Internet access. The whole parcel is fenced, and the<br />

northeast side features covered parking areas. The southeast section was decorated as a park with carefully chosen<br />

horticulture. In front of the objects, we can find a heated swimming pool with 12x6 metres of surface, as well as arbours<br />

with garden ensembles, a sunbathe-area with deckchairs and sunshades, and a playground for children. The objects<br />

are located near a preliminary school, kindergarten, shopping malls and a market. The moving-in process is planned<br />

for November 2007.<br />

154<br />

Cijena / Price: 2000 - 2200 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)01 363 4729, +385 (0)98 912 5454

Nekretnine<br />

Zagreb<br />

U podsljemenskoj zoni, iznad Gajnica, gradi se vila sa stanovima na prodaju. Stanovi su različite kvadrature, od 60 m 2<br />

do 84 m 2 . Vila se sastoji od tri etaže i suterena. Zajedničke prostorije će biti trim-kabinet, sauna i drvarnica za svaki stan<br />

posebno, te mali park u zelenilu iza same vile. Svi stanovi su kvalitetno opremljeni (protuprovalna vrata, PVC stolarija,<br />

hrastov parket, keramika visoke kvalitete, ograde od inoksa, videoportafon, SAT/TV, telefoni, vlastita brojila, etažno<br />

plinsko grijanje, hidromasažne tuš-kabine ili kade i visokokvalitetne sanitarije). Useljenje je planirano za veljaču 2008.<br />

Svaki stan ima dva parkirališna mjesta.<br />

There is a villa being built in the sub-Sljeme zone above Gajnice, and it features apartments for sale. Apartments have<br />

different sizes that range from 60 m 2 to 84 m 2 . The villa consists of three storeys and the basement level. Rooms that will<br />

be shared will include a fitness room, sauna and storage in the basement for every individual apartment, as well as a<br />

little park in the greenery behind the villa itself. All apartments are superbly equipped (anti-burglary door, PVC joinery,<br />

oak parquet, high-quality ceramics, INOX fences, video port-phone, SAT/TV, telephones, individual meters, storey gas<br />

heating, hydro-massage shower baths or regular bath tubs and high-quality sanitary facilities). The moving-in process<br />

is planned for February 2008. Every apartment gets two parking spaces.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1700 - 1800 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 22 22 228<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Zagreb<br />

U zapadnom dijelu grada Zagreba, u Vrapču, prodaju se stanovi u dva objekta na tri etaže. U ponudi su ostala još<br />

samo četiri stana (po dva u svakom objektu). Stanovi su luksuzno opremljeni (prvoklasna keramika, hrastov parket,<br />

vrhunska aluminijska stolarija, klima, protuprovalna vrata, videoportafon i dva prakirališna mjesta). Iz stanova se<br />

pruža prekrasan pogled na cijeli grad. Objekti će biti okruženi zelenilom, a smješteni su u blizini škole, vrtića, doma<br />

zdravlja i tržnice.<br />

In Vrapče in the western part of Zagreb, apartments are on sale in two three-storey objects. Only four more apartments<br />

are still available (two a piece in each of the objects). The apartments are luxuriously equipped (first-class ceramics,<br />

oak parquet, top-notch aluminium joinery, air conditioning, anti-burglary doors, video port-phone and two parking<br />

spaces). The apartments provide a wonderful view over the entire city. The objects will be surrounded by greenery, and<br />

they are located near a school, kindergarten, medical centre and the marketplace.<br />

156<br />

Cijena / Price: 1700 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 22 22 228

Nekretnine<br />

Zagreb<br />

Na mirnoj lokaciji u Gornjoj Kustošiji gradi se stambeni kompleks s tri objekta, okružena zelenilom. Površine stanova koji<br />

su na raspolaganju su 66 m 2 , 69,71 m 2 , 84,82 m 2 , 120,52 m 2 i 132,24 m 2 . Prednost ovih objekata je što se ne nalaze<br />

u blizini glavne ceste. Blizu kompleksa su osnovna škola, vrtić, trgovački centar, tržnica i autobusna postaja.<br />

There is a residential object being built at a peaceful location in Gornja Kustošija, and it features three objects surrounded<br />

by green surfaces. The sizes of the available apartments are 66 m 2 , 69,71 m 2 , 84,82 m 2 , 120,52 m 2 and<br />

132,24 m 2 . The advantage of these objects is that they are not located near the main highway. Near the complex, we<br />

find an elementary school, kindergarten, shopping mall, marketplace and bus station.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1850 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 301 3117, +385 (0)91 301 3117, +385 (0)99 22 22 228<br />

Planirajte raspored<br />

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programa:<br />

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Posjetite nas na sajmu Ambienta,<br />

16.-21.10.2007., u paviljonu 6<br />

Zagrebaèkog velesajma.<br />

1.<br />

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www.ambient.hr<br />


Nekretnine<br />

Zagreb<br />

U stambeno-poslovnoj zgradi u Dubravi, koja je smještena na prestižnoj lokaciji u istočnom dijelu grada nalazi se 125<br />

stanova, poslovni prostori i 160 parkirališnih mjesta. Kvadrature stanova su 58, 60, 68, 75 i 89 m 2 , a u prizemlju su<br />

predviđeni ekskluzivni poslovni prostori s različitim poslovnim sadržajima koji zaokružuju stambenu ponudu. Zgrada<br />

ima osam nadzemnih etaža te tri podzemne na kojima će biti osigurano parkiranje. Stanovi imaju protuprovalna vrata,<br />

etažno plinsko grijanje, PVC stolariju, hrastov parket, prvoklasnu keramiku i sanitarije, digitalni termostat za grijanje...<br />

Zgrada ima neposredan pristup sa sjeverne i južne strane na javnoprometnu površinu, a u blizini su tri osnovne škole i tri<br />

dječja vrtića. Hortikulturno uređenje parcele je sastavni dio ovog projekta i čini projektnu cjelinu, a udio zelene površine<br />

usklađen je s odredbama GUP-a i iznosi minimalno 20%. Predviđeno useljenje: svibanj 2008.<br />

In a residential-business building in Dubrava, which is located at the prestigious location in the eastern part of town,<br />

we find 125 apartments, business premises and 160 parking spaces. The apartments’ sizes are 58, 60, 68, 75 and<br />

89 m 2 , and the ground floor is planned to feature exclusive business premises with various business contents, which<br />

round up the residential offering. The building has eight over-ground floors and three underground floors, which are<br />

planned to feature parking spaces. The apartments have anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, PVC joinery, oak<br />

parquet flooring, top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities, digital thermostat for heating… The building has immediate<br />

access from the northern and southern side to the public traffic area, and there are also three elementary schools and<br />

three kindergartens nearby. The horticultural decoration of the parcel is an integral part of this project and it makes it<br />

a complete project unit, and the green surface’s share is adjusted to the regulations of the GUP physical plan and it<br />

amounts to minimally 20%. The building will be ready for its first tenants in the May, 2008.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1780 - 1880 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988<br />


Nekretnine<br />

BLOK D<br />

100 %<br />

kredit<br />

AKCIJA<br />

BLOK A<br />

BLOK B<br />


BLOK C<br />

Zagreb<br />

U Španskom, u zapadnom dijelu grada, nalazi se stambeno-poslovni kompleks od 9 zgrada (4-7 katova) s velikim liftovima,<br />

931 stan (34, 39, 58, 61 i 78 m 2 ) gdje će cjelokupno parkiranje biti osigurano u podzemnim garažama u dvije/tri<br />

etaže s ukupno 974 parkirališna mjesta. Na -2 etaži su predviđena i parkirališta za osobe s invaliditetom. U sklopu projekta<br />

su predviđeni i popratni sadržaji: trgovine, banke, poslovni prostori za kiosk, krojačnica, kemijska čistionica, ljekarna,<br />

solarij, frizeraj, kafići, pizzeria, tri osnovne škole i tri dječja vrtića. Atraktivnost ove lokacije je mirnoća kvarta, a ipak<br />

blizina brze prometnice – Ljubljanske avenije, koja spaja zapadni dio grada s centrom. Stanovi su opremljeni protuprovalnim<br />

vratima, etažnim plinskim grijanjem, digitalnim termostatotom za grijenje, PVC stolarijom, hrastovim parketom,<br />

prvoklasnom keramikom i sanitarijama... Kompleks je smješten uz potok Vrapčak te je također predviđen i zeleni pojas<br />

sa sadržajima za mlađe i starije. Akcija: 100 % kreditiranja. Predviđeno useljenje: svibanj 2008.<br />

In the western part of town called Špansko, we find a residential-business complex featuring 9 buildings (4-7 floors)<br />

with large elevators, 931 apartments (34, 39, 58, 61 and 78 m 2 ), while the entire parking issue will be solved with<br />

two or three storey underground garages, featuring 974 parking spaces. Some parking spaces for disabled people are<br />

planned at the –2 storey. You can find many accompanying features within the project; stores, banks, business premises<br />

for a news-stand, tailor store, dry cleaner’s, pharmacy, solarium, hairdresser’s, coffee shops, pizzeria, three elementary<br />

schools and three kindergartens. The added appeal to this location lies in the peaceful neighbourhood, and yet the fast<br />

highway is very near – The Ljubljana Avenue, which connects the western part of the town with the centre. Apartments<br />

are furnished with anti-burglary doors, storey gas heating, digital thermostat for heating, PVC joinery, oak-wooden parquet,<br />

top-class ceramics and sanitary facilities… The complex is located next to the Vrapčak stream, and it has a green<br />

area predicted with many features for both the younger and the older. Special offer: 100 % credit financing. Moving in<br />

will be possible in May, 2008.<br />

Cijena / Price: 1720 - 1890 €/m 2<br />

Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 655 5641, +385 (0)98 9594 370, +385 (0)98 9826 988<br />


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