CCSLC Modern Languages Syllabus - Caribbean Examinations ...

CCSLC Modern Languages Syllabus - Caribbean Examinations ...

CCSLC Modern Languages Syllabus - Caribbean Examinations ...

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SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESSPANISHCONTENTFRENCHSUGGESTED TEACHING ANDLEARNING ACTIVITIESASSESSMENTStudents should be able to:5. express their preferencesfor food and drink;Prefiero el pollo fritoMe gusta(n)/no megusta(n) pescado/camaronesJe préfère le poulet fritJ’aime les crevettesJe n’aime pasJe détesteStudents participate in a roleplay in which they are at arestaurant with some friends.Before ordering, they look at themenu and discuss theirpreferences.Students will respond to questionsposed by teacher about theirpreferences in food and drink.Marks will be allocated forcomprehension of stimuli.(c) Travel6. identify and giveinformation aboutdifferent modes oftransportation;¿Cómo vas/viajas…..?En carro/ avión/ enbicicleta/ encamioneta/ a pie/ enautobús/ en metroComment voyages-tu?En voiture/avionà bicyclette/en véloen autobus/car/trainà pied/en métroTeacher uses graphic organisersto create discussion on modes oftransportation.Students will match vocabularyrelated to modes oftransportation to photographsor pictures presented.Create mini-dialogues between travelagent and traveller by telephone.Marks will be allocated for correctpronunciation, intonation, spontaneityand correctness of structures andvocabulary.7. ask and respond tosimple requests abouttravel arrangements;Ir de vacacionesIr al extranjeroEl equipajeDivertirsePasarlo bienEl billete, el boleto deida/ de ida y vuelta.La agencia de viajes.Quiero comprar/reservar.¿Qué tiempo hace?Hace sol/viento, HacePartir en vacancesAller à l’étrangerLe billet aller retourS’amuser bienLe billet aller retourL’agence de voyageJe veux/voudraisacheter/réserverQuel temps fait-il ?Il fait du soleilTeacher presents graphic stimuli(video, pictures) depicting ascene at a travel agency anddiscusses it with students. Students role play makingreservations at a travel agency.Students make a list for itemsneeded for a trip or picnic.Working in groups of two, studentscreate dialogue discussing holidayplans, including preferences fordestinations.Marks will be allocated forappropriateness and correctness ofstructures and vocabulary.<strong>CCSLC</strong>/ML/O4/12 34

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