Guiding principles for reserve management - NCC Environmental ...

Guiding principles for reserve management - NCC Environmental ...

Guiding principles for reserve management - NCC Environmental ...

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ANNEXURE 1: ZONATION CATEGORIES (CHARACTERISTICS)The main characteristics of each use zone are summarized in the tables below:ZONE ZONE OBJECTIVE CHARACTERISTICSNaturalUsers:− To provide easy accessto experience the<strong>reserve</strong>’s naturallandscapes, habitats,species and heritageresources.Conservation:− To minimise andmitigate the effects ofvisitor use on the<strong>reserve</strong>’s naturalhabitats and speciesand its cultural sites.- Areas of extensive andaccessible naturalhabitats and species.- Areas with importantheritage sites andfeatures.- Areas whose primaryhabitats, species andcultural sites areresilient to the impactsof regular visitor use.- Areas with popular viewsites or natural andcultural attractions.- Areas with an extensiveand accessible road, trailand track network.- Areas that require activeconservation<strong>management</strong>interventions.- Areas with moderatelevels of visibilityobtrusiveness.VISITORACTIVITIES- Game viewing.- Motorised 2x4 selfdriveaccess ondesignated routes.- Permitted motorised4x4 trails ondesignated routes.- Day hiking trailsand/or short trails.- Bird hides, canoeing,mountain biking androck-climbing,where appropriate.- Other recreationalactivities that maybe consideredappropriate by<strong>reserve</strong><strong>management</strong>.- No accommodationor camping.−−−−−−−FACILITIES /INFRASTRUCTURESelf-drive roads and 4x4tracks. Roads may besurfaced where visitor uselevels are high.Management accessroads and <strong>management</strong>tracks.Perimeter firebreaks.Small picnic areas andablution facilities may beprovided.Parking or viewing sites/areas may be provided.No accommodation orcamping.Signage may be erectedto designate routes(including 4x4, horse,MTB, canoe, 2x4 selfdrive,etc.), closed areasor junctions.VISITOR ACCESS- Cater <strong>for</strong> all <strong>reserve</strong>visitors.- Vehicle access ondedicated routes,with pedestrianaccess from parkingareas or adjacentdevelopment zones.- On water, only nonmotorisedcraftsallowed, unlessotherwise agreed.MANAGEMENTGUIDELINESVisitor andconservation<strong>management</strong>:- Intensivemaintenance ofvisitor facilitiesandinfrastructure.- Activeen<strong>for</strong>cement of<strong>reserve</strong>regulations.− Intensiveconservation<strong>management</strong>activitiesundertaken.Consumptive Use:− Sustainable useof naturalresources may,where feasible,be considered onapplication, andsubject to a<strong>for</strong>mal permittingarrangement.Reserve Management Documents: Legalameetse Nature Reserve (Strategic Plan) 64

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