August 2008 Centenary Year - Plymouth Motor Club

August 2008 Centenary Year - Plymouth Motor Club

August 2008 Centenary Year - Plymouth Motor Club

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short notice because of an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease, I wasinvited to take part, together with all the Works Drivers, in thefirst ever Televised Rallycross event which took place at Lydden Hill,and a new type of <strong>Motor</strong> Sport was born that day!! Other drivers thereincluded Paddy Hopkirk and Graham Hill, ( Damon`s Dad for thebenefit of younger readers !!), and I even managed to find myself inthe winning team with them!!.Thank you for allowing me the space to share some historyand memories of past members of the PMC with you, and may I sendall present members of The PMC my very best wishes for the next 100years.....and thanks again for a great evening!!Rodney Harper.Spotlamp is published on the penultimate Friday of each month (hopefully!).Contributions should be sent to the Editor, address as published in the list of <strong>Club</strong>Officers, or Emailed to Spotlamp@blueyonder.co.uk (in MS Word plain text ).Copy should arrive by the 13th of the month. The Editor reserves the right to amendarticles received as necessary. The views expressed in Spotlamp are the views of theindividual contributors, & not necessarily those of the Editor, or of the <strong>Club</strong> & itsOfficers. Copyright <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 2007 ©<strong>August</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 23

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