Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College

Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College

Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College


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Cooperating <strong>College</strong>s of Greater Springfield(CCGS)HCC is a member of CCGS, along with AmericanInternational <strong>College</strong>, Bay Path <strong>College</strong>, Elms <strong>College</strong>,Springfield <strong>College</strong>, Springfield Technical <strong>Community</strong><strong>College</strong>, Western New England <strong>College</strong>, and Westfield State<strong>College</strong>. CCGS serves to integrate the resources of its eightmember colleges. <strong>Student</strong>s who are taking daytime coursesand already carrying at least six credits are eligible to enrollin up to two courses at participating CCGS institutions.Note that evening and online courses are not availablethrough CCGS. Please contact the <strong>Student</strong> Records Office(FR 221), (413) 552-2319 for more information.Cooperative Education (Co-op)Kittredge 319, (413) 552-2322<strong>Holyoke</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> offers the opportunity to supplementand enrich a traditional academic program with workexperience related to various fields of study. These experiencesprovide students with knowledge and experience useful inmaking informed career decisions, setting career goals, andplanning further education. It allows students the opportunityto put theory into practice and to develop the work skillsneeded for success.<strong>Student</strong>s earn three credits for their Co-op experience.Faculty coordinators conduct weekly co-op seminars andsupervised the cooperative education experience through visitsto work sites. The coordinator and the employer evaluatestudent learning and job performance. Cooperative educationhas the support of local businesses and community organizations..The program is in its 35th year and has served as amodel for other co-op programs at colleges throughout thecountry. Cooperative education is available in many degreeprograms, program options, and certificates, each of which hasspecific course pre-requisites.Counseling ServicesFR 233, (413) 552-2232HCC offers counseling to all students to assist in educational,career, and personal/social development. The goalof Counseling Services is to assist students in defining andaccomplishing personal and academic goals. CounselingServices strives to provide a supportive learning environmentto help students overcome barriers to successful collegeperformance and grow toward attaining a satisfying andmeaningful lifestyle.A staff of professional counselors assists students in exploringtheir educational and career goals, planning their educationalprograms, and identifying the various demands andimplications of college life. Services are provided individuallyand in groups.Services such as psychological testing, clinical diagnosis andtreatment, psychotherapy or family therapy are not providedby the college. Should a student require assistance outsidethe scope of college counseling services, referrals are made toappropriate community agencies.The counseling staff utilizes the ethical standards of professionalorganizations. Accordingly, each individual’s right toprivacy is maintained. A staff of highly qualified counselorsis available to meet with students. To make a day or eveningappointment, stop by or call.Credit by Examination<strong>Student</strong> Records, (413) 552-2319HCC grants credit for sufficient scores on certain AdvancedPlacement, and <strong>College</strong>-Level Examination Program (CLEP)examinations. An official score report must be sent directlyfrom the testing agency to HCC. The <strong>Student</strong> Records(FR 221) can provide more information on minimum scorerequirements and credit awards. For more information, consultthe <strong>College</strong> Catalog.Dining ServicesG building, second floor (413) 552-2740Dining services at HCC are available to all students, staff,faculty, and visitors to the college. Tentative operating hoursduring fall and spring semesters are Mon.– Fri.: 7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Operating hours are limited during final examsand vacations. A snack bar is located in the student loungearea on the first floor between Frost and Donahue buildings.Tentative operating hours during fall and spring semestersare Mon.– Thu. 7:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Fri.: 7:30 a.m.–2:00p.m. Catering services are available and can be arranged bycalling Aramark.Distance EducationMarleb 229, (413) 552-2236Because many students have busy home and work schedules,HCC offers both online and Brick & Click courses as anadditional option for pursuing a college education. Onlinelearning means that the student and the instructor do nothave to be at the same place at the same time for teachingand learning to occur. However, online courses are notself-paced and do have time-oriented assignments. ThroughHCC’s online learning platform, WebCT, your classroom isa website that can be accessed from anywhere in the world,and the lectures are read instead of sitting and listening tothe instructor. Discussions and communication with theinstructor and classmates takes place in a web-based messagearea and are typed instead of spoken. You will need to logonto the class several times a week to see if there is anythingnew that pertains to your studies. Most courses require studentparticipation of a minimum of three to five days a week.10

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