Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College

Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College

Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College


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Delayed OpeningBecause classes and labs start at different times, the “delayedopening” notices that are run on the television will give adefinite time (instead of saying “two hour delay”).Classes or labs that start at the time of the delayed schoolopening or thereafter will be held as scheduled. Example: ifHCC has delayed classes until 10 a.m. and you have a classstarting at 10 a.m. and another at 11 a.m., both classes willmeet as scheduled. Similarly, a class scheduled for 9-9:50a.m. will not meet.Classes or labs that have a starting time prior to the delayedschool opening will begin at the time of school opening ifthere are 45 or more minutes remaining in the originallyscheduled class period. Example: If HCC delays openinguntil 9 a.m., and you have a class from 8-9:15 a.m., youwill not have that class. Similarly, if you have a laboratoryscheduled from 8 -10:45 a.m., you should plan on attending.Note: The closure or delayed opening of the <strong>Holyoke</strong> PublicSchools does not translate to a closure or delayed opening ofHCC. The radio or television station must announce “<strong>Holyoke</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.”Children on Campus PolicyAlthough the college does not discourage the presence ofchildren if they are under visual and physical control of aparent or guardian, safety issues have prompted the developmentof a campus-wide policy for college protection.1. No child shall be on campus unattended by a parentor guardian. The college and its employees canassume no responsibility for the care and supervisionof visiting children. Children may accompanya parent or guardian on campus, but are not toattend classes or other learning environments (forexample, seminars, laboratories, clinics, field trips,learning centers or work stations).2. Children of work-study students shall not be broughtto the job.3. Children who are sick are not permitted on campus.Confidentiality of <strong>Student</strong> RecordsThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)affords <strong>Holyoke</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> students certain rightswith respect to their education records. They are:1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educationrecords within 45 days of the day the collegereceives a request for access. <strong>Student</strong>s must submitto the registrar a written request that identifiesthe records they wish to inspect. The registrarwill make arrangements for access and notify thestudent of the time and place where the recordsmay be inspected. If any requested records are notmaintained by the registrar, the registrar will obtainthe records from other college offices maintainingthem and have them ready for inspection at theappointed time. Copies may be obtained at $1 perpage, and will be available within two weeks of thedate requested.2. The right to request the amendment of the student’seducation records that the student believes are inaccurateor misleading. <strong>Student</strong>s may ask the collegeto amend a record that they believe is inaccurateor misleading. They must write the registrar, clearlyidentify the part of the record they question, andspecify why they believe it is inaccurate or misleading.If the college decides not to amend the recordas requested by the student, the college will notifythe student of the decision and advise the studentof his or her right to a hearing regarding the requestfor amendment. Additional information regardingthe hearing procedures will be provided to the studentwhen notified of the right to a hearing.3. The right to consent to disclosures of personallyidentifiable information contained in the student’seducation records, except to the extent that FERPAauthorizes disclosure without consent. One exceptionwhich permits disclosure without consentis disclosure to school officials with legitimateeducational interests. A school official is a personemployed by the college in an administrative, supervisory,academic, research, or support staff position(including law enforcement unit personnel andhealth staff); a person or company with whom thecollege has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor,collection agent, or data clearinghouse); a personserving on the Board of Trustees; or a student servingon an official committee, such as a disciplinaryor grievance committee, or assisting another schoolofficial in performing his or her tasks. A schoolofficial has a legitimate educational interest if theofficial needs to review an education record in orderto fulfill his or her professional responsibility.4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S.Department of Education concerning alleged failuresby the college to comply with the requirementsof FERPA. The name and address of the office thatadministers FERPA is:Family Policy Compliance OfficeU.S. Department of Education400 Maryland Avenue, SWWashington, DC 20202-4605Directory InformationThe following is considered directory information by<strong>Holyoke</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> and may be released to thirdparties without student consent: student name, address,telephone listing, major field of study, dates of attendance,enrollment status, participation in officially recognized activitiesand sports; height, weight, high school, and hometownof athletic team member; degrees and certificates awarded,dates of graduation and official college distinctions such asDean's List and honors.32

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