Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College

Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College

Student Handbook 2010-2011 - Holyoke Community College


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access to email. email and electronic mailing lists. is authorized.<strong>Student</strong> EmailAll students registered for classes at the college are providedan email account. The college may use this emailaccount or the messaging system to send communicationsto the student body. <strong>Student</strong> email addresses willbe recorded in the college’s electronic directories andrecords. <strong>Student</strong>s are responsible for reading official collegeemail and messages in a timely fashion.Privacy IssuesWhile email is personalized and relatively confidential,there is no guarantee of absolute privacy in a computersystem. Computer users should be aware that state lawapplies to records stored in computers as well as onpaper. Recent rulings indicate that the public has a rightto review any documents created on email by governmentofficials and that companies who own the mediaon which email is implemented have the right to readthat email. Federal and state law may require the collegeto examine email under some circumstances includingprovision of messages to outside agencies. However,employees of Information Technology Division (ITD) atthe college are prohibited from accessing information forwhich they have no job-related “need to know.” Theyare also expected to maintain the strictest confidentialityregarding any information obtained during the courseof fulfilling their job function.Appropriate Use of EmailUse of electronic mail is to be consistent with theAcceptable Use Policy of <strong>Holyoke</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Use of HCC computers for electronic mail that is notconsistent with HCC’s Acceptable Use Policy may resultin termination of electronic mail privileges. Electronicmail should be used as a source of information and efficientcommunication by students, faculty and staff.Email GuidelinesSending email messages: sagecannot be guaranteed. Messages can be misdirectedand/or be forwarded by recipients to otherelectronic mail addresses. be forwarded to recipients at other electronic mailaddresses, assume that any message you send is permanent. label each. estgroups, bulletin boards, etc. ingthem a chance to respond.Receiving email messages: son,notify the sender. 9. Targeted AnnouncementsLuminis, the college’s portal, has the ability to communicatewith specific groups of users through the useof personal or campus announcements using a targetedannouncement process. These announcements canbe either official/unofficial announcements of collegeinformation and serve as a form of communication.Training on the use of targeted announcements is mandatory.Campus departments will have a limited numberof individuals having this access. The purpose of thispolicy is to set guidelines for the Luminis users. Targetedannouncements are categorized into two classifications:1. Campus announcements are created for the entirecampus community; faculty, staff and students toview in the Campus Announcements section ofLuminis.2. Personal announcements are based on a variety ofattributes, including role (student, faculty, etc.),major, and course. The announcement will be configuredto appear on the main page for each recipient.Appropriate Use of Announcements:Although Luminis Announcements are “internal” in thesense that they are only received by faculty, staff, andstudents of the college, care should be taken to ensurethat text is composed using an appropriate tone or attitude.Announcements are meant to be both informativeand cordial in their composition. Blunt statements andbrash directives must be avoided. Users having access tocreate announcements are responsible for their contentand must consider the appropriate use of the media. Ingeneral, announcements should not be made for activitiesor events concerning entities, clubs, or organizationsnot chartered or approved by the college. Messages thatare fraudulent, harassing, defamatory, obscene, threatening,or in violation of state laws shall not be posted.40

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