Annual Report 2010 - Scana Industrier ASA

Annual Report 2010 - Scana Industrier ASA

Annual Report 2010 - Scana Industrier ASA


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76<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>Scana</strong> <strong>Industrier</strong> <strong>ASA</strong>Below is a summary of all open currency contracts at 31.12.10:UnrealisedCurrency Net Net Maturity gain/loss (-)EUR Sale 17 919 2011 1 066GBP Sale 950 2011 77PLN Purchase 400 2011 2SEK Sale 51 000 2011 -71USD Sale 24 495 2011 1 545EUR Sale 1 700 2012 -92USD Sale 6 450 2012 170Total 2 697Below is a summary of all open currency contracts at 31 December 2009:UnrealisedCurrency* Net Nominal value Maturity gain/loss (-)EUR Sale 21 325 <strong>2010</strong> 3 066GBP Sale 675 <strong>2010</strong> 109PLN n/a - <strong>2010</strong> -9SEK n/a - <strong>2010</strong> -52USD Sale 8 228 <strong>2010</strong> 551EUR Sale 1 644 2011 -101USD Sale 220 2011 -113Total 3 451** PLN and SEK have a net nominal value of 0 as a result of counteractive sales and purchase contracts. The individual sales and purchasecontracts are assessed in the balance sheet and the net value of these is presented in the table above as unrealised gains/losses.Hedging interest rate riskFloating interest-bearing liabilities are hedged against changes in the interest rate level by entering into interest rate swaps. As at 31 December<strong>2010</strong>, 46% of the syndicate loan is secured with a fixed interest rate. In <strong>2010</strong>, the group entered into an interest rate swap with Nordea, where<strong>Scana</strong> receives floating rates of interest and pays fixed rates. Changes in the fair value of the agreement are recognised against the overall resultin line with the rules in IAS 39 on hedge accounting. The maturity profile on the interest rate swap is five years, while the interest-bearing liabilitymatures after two years. Any inefficiencies are recognised in the profit and loss account. For <strong>2010</strong>, the hedge ratio is considered to be effective,and the entire change in value linked to the interest rate swaps is consequently recognised against the total comprehensive income. As at 31December <strong>2010</strong>, the group has an interest rate swap totalling SEK 200 million, where the group pays a fixed interest rate and receives a floating rate.Currency Amount Fixed interest rate Maturity Fair valueSEK 200 000 3.21 % 25-04-14 -2 904The floating interest rate is set each quarter based on the 3-month STIBOR interest rate. Interest rate swaps that were hedging instruments includedin the cash flow hedging as at 31 December <strong>2010</strong>, are NOK -2.9 million before tax and recognised directly against the total comprehensiveincome as at <strong>2010</strong>.Hedging fluctuations in electricity pricesThe group has major electricity costs in relation to the production of its goods. <strong>Scana</strong> protects itself from fluctuations in electricity prices bybuying electricity derivatives for Swedish subsidiaries and <strong>Scana</strong> Steel Stavanger AS. The group has an agreement with Vattenfall PowerManagement AB to administer <strong>Scana</strong>’s electricity derivatives with the aim of hedging future electricity prices. The estimated electricityconsumption is hedged by up to 100 per cent for the coming months, while the hedged share of estimated consumption gradually becomeslower for periods further into the future. As at 31 December <strong>2010</strong>, electricity hedging is carried out for up to three years in the future. The valueof electricity derivatives is calculated based on the difference between the agreed future electricity price and the market’s forward prices on thevaluation date multiplied by the hedged volume. The change in the fair value of electricity derivatives is carried against the total comprehensiveincome to the degree it satisfies the performance requirements for hedge accounting in accordance with IAS 39. The ineffective share of thechanges in value is recognised in the profit and loss account.For the settlement of electricity derivatives, <strong>Scana</strong> receives a statement from Vattenfall based on the difference between the agreed price inaccordance with the electricity contracts and the price <strong>Scana</strong> has paid for its ongoing electricity consumption. This amount is recognised asother operating costs in such a way that the expensed electricity consumption is based on the hedged electricity prices at all times.

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