MDOC Employee Handbook - Michigan Corrections Organization

MDOC Employee Handbook - Michigan Corrections Organization

MDOC Employee Handbook - Michigan Corrections Organization

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Unless approved by the appropriate Executive PolicyTeam member, an employee shall not live with, norprovide lodging for, an offender except if the offenderis a family member of the employee, including aspouse where the employee’s marriage to the offenderexisted prior to the employment date or where thespouse became an offender after the employment date.In all cases where the employee lives with or provideslodging to an offender who is a family member, thismust be immediately reported in writing to theemployee’s Warden or appropriate Administrator.PERMISSIBLE CONTACT<strong>Employee</strong>s may have contact with another employeeof the Department who is the family member of anoffender. Approval from the appropriate ExecutivePolicy Team member or designee, or an “OffenderContact Exception Request” form is not required forsuch contact.<strong>Employee</strong>s may have contact with their immediatefamily, which is defined as spouse, parent(s), childrenor step-children, brother(s), sister(s), parent(s)-in-law,grandparent(s), grandchild(ren) and any person(s)whose financial or physical care the employee isprincipally responsible. The CAJ-202 form is notrequired for employees to have contact with anoffender who is a member of that employee’simmediate family. However, the employee is requiredto immediately provide written notice of the contact tothe Warden or appropriate Administrator.REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ANDAPPROVAL PROCESSIf contact is made with an offender, a family memberof an offender or a listed visitor of an offender outsidethe course of an employee’s job duties, such contactmust be reported in writing to the employee’simmediate supervisor or, if unavailable, to the nextavailable supervisor in their chain of command by the37

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