Educating Our Educators (March 2011) - Algoma District School Board

Educating Our Educators (March 2011) - Algoma District School Board

Educating Our Educators (March 2011) - Algoma District School Board

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SmudgingSmudging is a purification ceremony that is practiced among many aboriginal peoples in North America.Similar to the sweat lodge ceremony, smudging is a healing ritual and cleanses the body, mind and soul.However the actual practice of the smudging ceremony is simpler than that of a sweat lodge and therefore itis commonly practiced by oneself or in collectively at other ceremony, gatherings, serious discussions, orjust to start the day.It is taught through oral tradition that when the Great Spirit placed the four kingdoms here on mother earth –mineral, plant, animal and human, that four sacred plants entered into an agreement with us humans. Thesefour plants agreed to sacrifice their lives so that we could have their purifying smoke to cleanse with and topray with, maintaining a balance within ourselves and each other, in exchange for our respectful treatment ofthem. This means that we are to pick these plants with honor, asking for permission and giving thanks,taking only what is needed and not damaging the plant. The four plants that entered into this agreementknown as the sacred medicines include: sage, sweet grass, cedar and tobacco.Cultural Smudging ProtocolThe <strong>Algoma</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Board</strong> respects and supports the Aboriginal, cultural practices associated withthe use of the four sacred medicines.The ADSB recognizes and supports Aboriginal traditions practiced in schools and facilities by students, staffand Aboriginal partners for cultural events and meetings.<strong>Algoma</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Board</strong> will permit the use of the four sacred medicines in connection with Aboriginalcultural practices at cultural and educational events, meetings, and relevant classroom presentations.Cultural Sensitivity ProtocolEffective January 1, 2009 the <strong>Algoma</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Board</strong> officially recognizes and supports the culturalpractices associated with the various heritages represented by the students and staff within its organization.These practices include cultural and educational events, meetings and relevant classroom presentations,being sensitive not to impinge on the rights of others.Both of these protocols are attached as a resource<strong>Educating</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Educators</strong> – <strong>Educating</strong> <strong>Our</strong> Aboriginal StudentsRevised <strong>March</strong> <strong>2011</strong>57

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