The complete issue (pdf format/28 pages) - ST Electronics

The complete issue (pdf format/28 pages) - ST Electronics

The complete issue (pdf format/28 pages) - ST Electronics

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eventsMINDEF Shared Services Commissioning EventSingapore, 30 May 2007Management Office, a businessunit of the Defence ManagementGroup, will oversee the contract.(Clockwise from left) Mr Lee Fook Sun, Dy President (Ops) and President (Defence Business) of <strong>ST</strong><strong>Electronics</strong> making a speech; the audience listening attentively; BG (NS) Winston Toh, GM of <strong>ST</strong>EEeServ,speaking at the event; attendees networking at the eventTo mark the commissioningof MINDEF Shared Services, acelebratory event was held on30 May 2007 at the DefenceTechnology Tower A Auditorium.Close to 200 attendees fromMINDEF, the SAF andDS(A) Mr Willie Tan Yoke Meng, Ministry ofDefence, unveils the commemorative plaque<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> witnessed thebeginning of a major milestone.At the event, Mr Willie Tan YokeMeng, Deputy Secretary (Admin)of MINDEF presented a commemorativeplaque to Mr LeeFook Sun, Deputy President (Ops)& President (Defence Business) of<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>.For the 10-year contract period,<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> (e-Services)[<strong>ST</strong>EE-eServ] - a subsidiary of<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> (Info-SoftwareSystems) – will manage the deliveryof MINDEF Shared Services.<strong>The</strong> MINDEF Shared ServicesMoving forward, <strong>ST</strong>EE-eServ willcontinue to work closely with itsstrategic partners, MINDEF andthe SAF, to deliver an even higherlevel of service experience toMINDEF’s stakeholders, partnersand customers.RSN Open HouseSingapore, 26-27 May 2007<strong>The</strong> Republic of Singapore Navy(RSN) hosted a two-day OpenHouse at Changi Naval Base from26 to 27 May 2007 to commemorateher 40th Anniversary.<strong>The</strong> opening ceremony wasofficiated by the Minister forManpower and Second Ministerfor Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen.<strong>ST</strong> Engineering participated inFirst Riyadh Security ExpoRiyadh, 22-25 April 2007<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>, together withits local partner Al AfandiEstablishment, participated as anexhibitor in the inaugural RiyadhSecurity Expo held in the capitalof the Kingdom of Saudi Arabiafrom 22 to 25 April 2007.<strong>The</strong> strategic positioning of thejoint-booth ensured maximumexposure for <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> andAl Afandi Establishment to thevisiting delegations and to theGuest of Honour, Minister ofInterior, HRH Prince Naif binAbdul Aziz Al Saud.<strong>The</strong> show’s main audience wasfrom the Ministry of Interior(MOI) which is responsible forall aspects of government relatedto security and the protection ofhuman life and property. Underits jurisdiction falls the Police,Internal Forces, Border Guards,Civil Defence, Fire Services,Special Security and InvestigationForces, amongst others.Companies present from<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> were <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>(Info-Comm Systems), whodemonstrated their SuperneT TMswitch, as well as <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>(Info-Software Systems), whodisplayed their Computer AidedDispatch (CAD) capability in theform of the product FLAMES.Second Defence Minister Dr Ng Eng Henlooking at solutions from <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>this event and showcased a rangeof products and solutions from itsair and sea platforms. One of themain highlights of the Navy OpenHouse was <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ ShipHandling Simulator (SHS), wherethe public tried their skills atmanoeuvring a warship. In additionto the SHS, <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> alsoshowcased its inhouse developedSuperneT TM Emergency IntegratedCommunication System <strong>ST</strong><strong>28</strong>00.volume 20 no. 2 25

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