1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioCUSHEN John William 2 Y Cowes Bath Road 407/5 50CUSHEN Lucy 12 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 37CUSHEN Lucy 45 Y Cowes Duke <strong>of</strong> York Inn 407/5 19CUSHEN Martha 49 Y Cowes MarketLane 407/5 96CUSHEN Mary Ann 15 FS Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 38CUSHEN Mercy 4 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 37CUSHEN Sarah 20 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 41CUSHEN Thomas H 40 Dealer& Innkpr Y Cowes Duke <strong>of</strong> York Inn 407/5 19CUSHEN Thomas 8 Y Cowes MarketLane 407/5 96CUSHEN Thomas 15 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 37CUSHEN William H 49 Cooper Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 37CUSHEN William 25 Independent Y Newport High Street 407/2 56CUSHEN William 11 Y Cowes MarketLane 407/5 96CUTHBERT Eliza 47 Independent I St.Helens Pondwell 406/2 20CUTLER Betsy 40 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER Emma 20 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER John 10 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER Josiah 15 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER Mary 7 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER Samuel 2 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER Stephen 4 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER William H 50 Builder N Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTLER William 15 Y Ryde Lind Street 406/7 14CUTTLER Sarah 40 FS N Ryde 6 Upper Dover Rd 406/9 9CUTTS Susan H 30 Lacewkr Y Cowes Brunswick Place 407/5 13CXXSE Julia 17 FS N Ventnor Ventnor 406/5 34DABB Sarah 56 Charwoman Y Newport Scarrots Lane 407/2 4DABB William 21 Lab Y Newport Scarrots Lane 407/2 4DABELL Alexander H 30 Hairdresser N Newport High Street 407/2 56DABELL Charlotte 20 Milliner Y Newport High Street 407/2 49DABELL Ellen 30 Y Arreton Dunnings Cottage 405/1 8DABELL Ellen 3 Arreton Dunnings Cottage 405/1 8DABELL Esther 30 Fruiterer N Newport High Street 407/2 49DABELL Frederick 2 Y Arreton Dunnings Cottage 405/1 8DABELL James 25 ?? N Arreton Dunnings Cottage 405/1 8DABELL Martha 55 N Newport High Street 407/2 49DABELL William 4 Y Arreton Dunnings Cottage 405/1 8DABELL William H 60 Lacemkr N Newport High Street 407/2 49DAGNELL Blacklock 7 N Cowes High Street 407/5 41DAINTREE Charlotte 2m Y Carisbrooke Albany Barracks 405/19 3DAINTREE Edward Castlerock 29 Prsn SM N Carisbrooke Albany Barracks 405/19 3DAINTREE Edward Nichls 4 N Carisbrooke Albany Barracks 405/19 3DAINTREE Emma 2 N Carisbrooke Albany Barracks 405/19 3DAINTREE Mary 28 N Carisbrooke Albany Barracks 405/19 4DAINTREE Mary Ann 6 N Carisbrooke Albany Barracks 405/19 3DAISH Alfred 3 Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 4DAISH Ann 30 Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 11DAISH Claressa 5 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 23DAISH Cornelius H 25 Ostler Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 8DAISH Edward H 30 Carpenter Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 40DAISH Elizabeth 10m Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 8DAISH Elizabeth 4 Y Whippingham Dover Place 408/2 12DAISH Ellen 4 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 40DAISH Emily 1 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 39DAISH Frances 12 Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 12DAISH Hannah 30 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 39DAISH Hannah 30 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 40DAISH Harriet 30 Y Whippingham Dover Place 408/2 12DAISH Henry 7 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 40DAISH Jacob 25 AgLab Y Whippingham Dover Place 408/2 12DAISH James 3 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 39DAISH James 1 Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 4Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 149

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