1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioPURKIS William 11 Y Ryde Geo St Woodbine Cott 406/10 5PURNELL Alfred 3 Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURNELL Eliza 35 Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURNELL Eliza 12 Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURNELL George 9 Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURNELL James H 40 Cabinetmkr Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURNELL James 15 Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURNELL Sarah 7 Y Ryde Cross St 406/8 28PURSE Elizabeth 21 Y Cowes Mary Terrace 407/5 7PURSE Mary 25 Y Cowes Thetis Terrace 407/5 8PURSE Sarah 50 Y Cowes Thetis Terrace 407/5 8PURSE Stephen 29 Ship wright J Y Cowes Mary Terrace 407/5 7PURSE Stephen H 57 Ship wright J Y Cowes Thetis Terrace 407/5 8PURVES James 20 Coastguard N Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 11PUSHMAN George 20 Mason J Y Ventnor Mill Road 406/5 24PYKE Ann 35 N Ryde Player St. 406/8 11PYKE George H 35 Independent Y Ryde Player St. 406/8 11QUAIF John 40 MS Y Bonchurch Upper Mount House 405/4 7QUEEN Eliza 35 Independent N Ryde Bellevue Rd Denbigh Ho 406/10 16QUELCH John 25 Shoemkr Y Ryde Player St. 406/8 12QUICHEL William 18 Schoolmaster App F Ryde High St. East side 406/8 5QUICKFALL Elizabeth 30 Y Godshill Cowlease 406/1 38QUICKFALL Frank 10 Y Godshill Cowlease 406/1 38QUICKFALL John H 30 Woodman Y Godshill Cowlease 406/1 38QUICKFALL John 12 Y Godshill Cowlease 406/1 38QUICKFALL Thomas 7 Y Godshill Cowlease 406/1 38QUIGLEY Ann 80 I Carisbrooke House <strong>of</strong> Industry 405/18 6QUINTON Hubert 25 Baker J Y Yarmouth High Street 408/11 9QUIRK Amelia 6 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK Ann 35 Sempstress Y Carisbrooke Bedford Place 405/12 10QUIRK Charlotte 11m Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK Elizabeth 50 Y Carisbrooke House <strong>of</strong> Industry 405/18 7QUIRK Elizabeth 35 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK Frances 50 Ptnt Mantamakr Y Carisbrooke Lunatic Asylum 405/20 3QUIRK George 3 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK James 9 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK Sarah 13 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK Thomas H 40 Carpenter J Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK Thomas 11 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 103QUIRK William 15 MS Y Newport Holyrood Street 407/2 61QUIRK William H 52 Lab Y Newport Little London 407/2 105RABBETS Joseph 60 AgLab N Northwood Horseshoe 407/6 21RABBETS Louisa 60 Y Northwood Horseshoe 407/6 21RABBITS Eliza 30 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 31RABBITS Frederick 6 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 31RACKETT Abraham 20 Lab Y Newport South Street 407/2 14RACKETT Alfred 15 Tailor App Y Carisbrooke New Village 405/12 11RACKETT Ann 25 Y Carisbrooke Melbourne Pl. Newvillage 405/12 16RACKETT Ann 34 Y Mottistone Mottistone Village 406/14 5RACKETT Ann 50 Y Newport South Street 407/2 14RACKETT Celia 16 Y Newport South Street 407/2 14RACKETT David 11 Y Mottistone Mottistone Village 406/14 5RACKETT Edwin H 38 Saddler Y Newport Pyle Street 407/2 29RACKETT Eliza 15 FS Y Carisbrooke Nodehill 405/11 9RACKETT George 16 Carpenter Y Newport Pyle Street 407/2 38RACKETT George 20 Lab Y Newport Little London 407/2 104RACKETT Henry H 36 Lacemaker Y Carisbrooke Clarendon St Newvillage 405/12 14RACKETT Henry 17 Tinman App Y Carisbrooke Clarendon St Newvillage 405/12 14RACKETT Henry 6 Y Carisbrooke Melbourne Pl. Newvillage 405/12 16RACKETT Henry H 38 Y Mottistone Mottistone Village 406/14 5RACKETT Henry 2 Y Mottistone Mottistone Village 406/14 5RACKETT Henry 10 Y Newport Sea Street 407/2 100Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 467

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