1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioGREENFIELD William 2m Y Cowes Prospect Road 407/5 101GREENHAM Albert 10 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Ann 11 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 34GREENHAM Ann 30 Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM Ann 3 Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM Ann 13 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Cornelius H 42 Mariner Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Deborah H 45 Sholl Dealer Y Ryde Pier Street 406/7 34GREENHAM Eliza 35 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 33GREENHAM Elizabeth 9 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 34GREENHAM Elizabeth 70 Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM Elizabeth 30 Dressmaker Y St.Helens Salterns 406/2 24GREENHAM Elizabeth 57 Independent N Ryde Union Rd 406/9 33GREENHAM Elizabeth 21 Independent N Ryde Union Rd 406/9 33GREENHAM Emma 2 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Fanny 7 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 34GREENHAM Fanny 6 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Frank 7m Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 34GREENHAM Frank 1d Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Georganna 9 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM George H 31 Tanner J Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM George 8 Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM George H 47 Pilot Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM George 20 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM Hannah 50 Y Calbourne Elen 405/10 16GREENHAM Hannah 48 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM Henry 6 Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM Henry 39 Waterman Y Ryde Newport Road 406/7 5GREENHAM James H 35 AgLab Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 33GREENHAM James 16 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 33GREENHAM James 20 Cabinetmkr Y Ryde Pier Street 406/7 34GREENHAM Jane 39 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Jane 14 Y Ryde Pier Street 406/7 34GREENHAM Jemena 8 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Jennet 20 Independent N Ryde Union Rd 406/9 33GREENHAM Julia 15 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 21GREENHAM Martha 5 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 34GREENHAM Mary 13 Y Arreton Wheatsale 405/1 34GREENHAM Mary 70 Independent Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10GREENHAM Mary 15 Y Ryde Pier Street 406/7 34GREENHAM Maryanna 22 Strawbonnetmkr Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM Robert 18 Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM Robert 40 Mariner Y Ryde 2 Castle St 406/10 9GREENHAM Samuel 4m Y St.Helens Seaview 406/2 22GREENHAM Sarah 15 Milliner App Y Ryde Pier Street 406/7 34GREENHAM William H 35 AgLab Y Calbourne Elen 405/10 16GREENHAM William H 70 AgLab N Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENHAM William 2m Y Carisbrooke Furlongs 405/13 36GREENWOOD Martha 30 FS Y Ryde High St. East side 406/8 4GREENYER Ellen 4 Y Carisbrooke Nodehill 405/11 7GREENYER Sarah H 29 Clearstarcher Y Carisbrooke Nodehill 405/11 7GREGORY Alfred 10 Y Ryde Player St. 406/8 13GREGORY Alfred 8 N Cowes Mary Terrace 407/5 4GREGORY Amelia 15 FS Y Cowes Medina Terrace 407/5 14GREGORY Ann 14 Y Ryde Player St. 406/8 13GREGORY Ann 73 Independent Y Newport Holyrood Street 407/2 95GREGORY Charles 11 N Cowes Mary Terrace 407/5 4GREGORY Charlotte 40 Y Ryde Player St. 406/8 13GREGORY Charlotte 8 Y Ryde Player St. 406/8 13GREGORY Edward 39 MS N Brading Darts Cottage 405/7 12GREGORY Elizabeth H 90 Independent Y Carisbrooke Nodehill 405/11 11GREGORY Elizabeth 15 FS Y Cowes Union Road 407/5 91Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 228

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