1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioSTREET Samuel 4m Y Ryde 18 Dover St 406/9 10STREET Sarah 66 Y Ryde 22 Nelson St 406/10 12STREET Thomas 11 Y Ventnor Ventnor 406/5 34STREET William H 36 Mariner Y Ryde 22 Nelson St 406/10 12STREETS James H 60 AgLab Y Cowes Brunswick Place 407/5 12STREETS Mary 23 FS Y Newport Quay Street 407/2 95STREETS Zillah 60 Y Cowes Brunswick Place 407/5 12STRETCH Ann 70 Y Calbourne Shalfleet 408/8 9STRETCH Barnabas 35 Sawyer Y Calbourne Shalfleet 408/8 9STRETCH James 40 Sawyer Y Calbourne Shalfleet 408/8 9STRETCH John 15 MS Y Shorwell Carpenters Shop 408/9 20STRETCH William H 70 Sawyer Y Calbourne Shalfleet 408/8 9STRIBLING Eliza 25 Y Brading The Street 405/5 10STRIBLING George H 30 Bricklayer Y Brading The Street 405/5 10STRIBLING Mary 2 Y Brading The Street 405/5 10STRIBLING Mary Ann 30 Y Brading The Street 405/5 16STRIBLING Susan 25 Dressmaker Y Brading The Street 405/5 16STRIBLING Susannah 65 N Brading The Street 405/5 16STRIBLING William H 65 Carrier N Brading The Street 405/5 16STRIBLING William 14 Y Brading The Street 405/5 16STRICKLAND Charlotte 20 I Brading Bembridge 405/7 12STRICKLAND Frances 49 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 24STRICKLAND Isaac H 46 Smith Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 33STRICKLAND Judith 50 Laundress Y Newport Town Lane 407/2 41STRICKLAND NK 6m Y Brading Bembridge 405/7 12STRICKLAND Richard H 55 VetnrySurgn Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 24STRICKLAND Richard 12 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 24STRICKLAND Robert 13 Prisoner N Carisbrooke Parkhurst Prison 405/17 4STRICKLAND Susanna 20 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke 405/13 33STRICKLAND Walter H 45 Independent N Brading Bembridge 405/7 12STRINGER Joseph 6 N Newport High Street 407/2 59STRINGER Lucy 4 Y Newport Town Lane 407/2 41STRINGER Mary 14 N Newport High Street 407/2 59STRINGER Walter H 16 Tailor N Newport High Street 407/2 59STRONE Elizabeth 25 Independent Y Ryde Union Rd 406/9 38STRONG Elizabeth H 35 N Niton Lighthouse 407/1 4STRONG Elizabeth 8 N Newport Pyle Street 407/2 37STRONG Elizabeth 60 FS N Cowes West Cliff Ho 407/5 103STRONG Henry Stephen 15 Prisoner N Carisbrooke Parkhurst Prison 405/17 5STRONG John 35 Lightkeeper N Niton Lighthouse 407/1 4STRONG John 3 Y Niton Lighthouse 407/1 4STROUD Harriett 30 FS N Brading N Nunwell House 405/5 26STUBBS Charles 18 N Brighstone Village 405/8 12STUBBS Eliza 13 Y Brighstone Village 405/8 12STUBBS Henry H 47 Grocer N Brighstone Village 405/8 12STUBBS Mary Ann 41 N Brighstone Village 405/8 12STUBBS Mary Ann 15 Y Brighstone Village 405/8 12STURGESS Elizabeth 49 Y Newport Little London 407/2 103STURGESS Jane 25 N Cowes Medina Terrace 407/5 14STURGESS William H 49 Maltster Y Newport Little London 407/2 103STURK Anna H 66 Independent Y Newport Crocker Street 407/2 79SUDGEN Caroline 20 N Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 6SUDGEN Frank H 20 Clergyman N Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 6SUDGEN Sophia 25 N Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 6SULET William 20 Carpenter J Y Ventnor North View 406/5 28SULLIVAN Ellen 20 I Whippingham High Street Cstgrd Sttn 408/2 19SULLIVAN Ellen 1 N Whippingham High Street Cstgrd Sttn 408/2 19SULLIVAN John 30 Coastguard I Whippingham High Street Cstgrd Sttn 408/2 19SULLIVAN Patrick 7 I Whippingham High Street Cstgrd Sttn 408/2 19SULLIVAN Steven 12 I Whippingham High Street Cstgrd Sttn 408/2 19SUMMERS Ann 15 Independent Y Cowes Shooter's Hill 407/5 20SUMMERS Ann 4 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 32Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 558

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