1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioTILL Mary H 41 Y Binstead Fishbourne 405/3 5TILL Mary Jane 20 Y Binstead Fishbourne 405/3 5TILL William 6 Y Binstead Fishbourne 405/3 5TIMOTHY John Jacob 40 Agent N Ryde Union St 406/9 25TINCKLER Charles 15 Shoemaker App Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINCKLER Elizabeth 35 Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINCKLER James 25 Lab Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINCKLER Robert 15 Lab Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINCKLER Thomas H 50 Farmer Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINCKLER Thomas 15 Sadler App Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINCKLER William 20 Lab Y Ryde High Street 406/7 10TINKLER Edward 13 N Ryde Beldonnia Tower 406/7 9TIPPER Maria 32 N Ryde Union St 406/9 33TIPPER Robert H 36 Stationer N Ryde Union St 406/9 33TOAGURRE Jose Maula 15 F Ryde 10 Upper Dover Rd 406/9 8TOASDIVINE James 54 MS Y Brading Bembridge Lodge 405/7 5TODD James 15 MS N Niton Mount Cleves 407/1 5TODD Thomas 30 Carpenter S Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 7TODGHAM James 11 Y Brading The Street 405/5 17TODGHAM Sophia H 40 School Mistress Y Brading The Street 405/5 17TODGHAM William 15 Shoemaker Y Brading The Street 405/5 17TODMOR William 50 Carpenter J Y Cowes Union Road 407/5 92TODYHORN James H 40 Lab Y Newport Lugley Street 407/2 75TODYHORN Lydia 45 Y Newport Lugley Street 407/2 75TOFF John 15 Prisoner S Carisbrooke Parkhurst Prison 405/17 5TOGOOD Charlotte 11 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD Francis 2 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD Harriett 40 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD Henry 8 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD James 5 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD Jane 13 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD Jeremiah 20 Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOGOOD William H 45 AgLab Y Brading N Little Carpenters 405/5 23TOLAN Rebecca 29 N Newport St James' Square 407/2 64TOLAN William 25 Tailor N Newport St James' Square 407/2 64TOMER Ernest 2 Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 5TOMER Rosalie 8 Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 5TOMER Sarah H 36 N Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 5TOMKINS Ellen 15 Y St.Helens St.HelensVillage 406/2 43TOMLIN Caroline 20 Y Cowes Bath Road 407/5 49TOMLIN Charles 20 Coastguard N Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 11TOMLIN Elizabeth 35 Y Cowes Bath Road 407/5 51TOMLIN Henry 50 Ptnt Mariner Y Carisbrooke Lunatic Asylum 405/20 3TOMLIN Joseph H 75 Greengrocer Y Cowes High Street 407/5 39TOMLIN Joseph H 35 Mariner Y Cowes Bath Road 407/5 51TOMLIN Mary 70 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 39TOMLIN Mary H 55 Lodgings Y Cowes Bath Road 407/5 49TOMLINSON Mary 25 FS N Arreton Fernhill 405/2 18TOMPKINS Betty 70 Y Brading Brading Street 405/5 6TOMPKINS James H 75 AgLab Y Brading Brading Street 405/5 6TOMPKINS John 40 Independent N Ryde Pier Street 406/7 34TOMS Ann 4 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMS Eliza 8 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMS George 6 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMS Henry H 35 AgLab N Ryde Stone Pitts 406/7 7TOMS Jane 30 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMS Jane 11 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMS Joseph 9 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMS Mary 70 Independent N Carisbrooke Trafalgar Place 405/11 38TOMS Mary Ann 12 Y Carisbrooke Nogim 405/13 35TOMS Thomas 2 Y Ryde Stone Pitts House 406/7 7TOMSON Emily 8 Y Freshwater Farringford 406/11 13Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 577

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