1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioSTEPHENS John H 30 Lab Y Ryde Newport Road 406/7 18STEPHENS John 49 Merchant Y Ryde Union St 406/9 25STEPHENS John H 45 Shoemkr Y Newport South Street 407/2 14STEPHENS John 15 Y Newport South Street 407/2 14STEPHENS John H 60 Builder Y Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 6STEPHENS John H 25 Customs Officer Y Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 6STEPHENS John 30 Grocer Y Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 7STEPHENS John 4 N Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 7STEPHENS Joseph H 71 Shoemkr Y Newport Pyle Street 407/2 32STEPHENS Katherine 21 Y Ryde Union St 406/9 25STEPHENS Kitty H 30 Dressmkr Y Cowes High Street 407/5 47STEPHENS Leonard 4 Y Freshwater Freshwater Mill 406/11 11STEPHENS Levi 14 Y Freshwater Afton Cott 406/11 2STEPHENS Louisa 19 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 24STEPHENS Louisa 21 Y Newport Crocker Street 407/2 80STEPHENS Louisa 14 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 34STEPHENS Maria 25 Y Carisbrooke Park Green 405/14 11STEPHENS Maria 23 Y Newport Quay Street 407/2 93STEPHENS Maria 35 N Newport Holyrood Street 407/2 97STEPHENS Martha 30 Independent N Ventnor Ventnor 406/5 38STEPHENS Mary 28 Y Carisbrooke Plaish 405/13 22STEPHENS Mary 64 Independent Y St.Helens St. Helens 406/2 28STEPHENS Mary 60 Independent N Ryde Bellevue Rd Rose Mount 406/10 14STEPHENS Mary 44 Y Freshwater Afton Cott 406/11 2STEPHENS Mary 7 Y Freshwater Afton Cott 406/11 2STEPHENS Mary 30 Y Freshwater Freshwater Mill 406/11 11STEPHENS Mary 10 N Freshwater Blackbridge 406/11 16STEPHENS Mary 20 FS Y Newport High Street 407/2 58STEPHENS Mary 13 Pupil Y Newport Lugley Street 407/2 74STEPHENS Mary 25 Y Newport St.Nicholas Castlehold 407/4 4STEPHENS Mary 15 Y Cowes High Street 407/5 34STEPHENS Mary 50 Housekeeper Y Shorwell Northcourt Park Cott 408/9 6STEPHENS Mary 25 Y Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 6STEPHENS Mary 8m M Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 7STEPHENS Rebecca H 40 Independent Y Cowes High Street 407/5 42STEPHENS Rebekah 5 Y Freshwater Afton Cott 406/11 2STEPHENS Sarah 60 Y Carisbrooke Park Green 405/14 11STEPHENS Sarah 30 Independent N Ventnor Ventnor 406/5 38STEPHENS Sarah 57 Y Newport Pyle Street 407/2 32STEPHENS Sela 54 Y Newport Holyrood Street 407/2 97STEPHENS Sophia 50 Dressmkr Y Cowes Northwood Lodge 407/5 77STEPHENS Sophia 30 Y Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 7STEPHENS Sophia 5 N Yarmouth Market Square 408/11 7STEPHENS Stephen 70 Independent N Carisbrooke Kitbridge 405/14 26STEPHENS Tom 2 Y Ryde Union St 406/9 25STEPHENS William 4 Y Brading Americas 405/6 33STEPHENS William 30 Y Carisbrooke Park Green 405/14 11STEPHENS William H 40 Aglab Y Freshwater Afton Cott 406/11 2STEPHENS William 2 Y Freshwater Freshwater Mill 406/11 11STEPHENS William H 30 Lacemkr Y Newport South Street 407/2 10STEPHENS William 19 Y Newport South Street 407/2 14STEPHENS William H 59 Lab Y Newport Little London 407/2 105STEPHENSON Barton 1 Y Calbourne Newtown 405/10 23STEPHENSON Elizabeth 25 N Calbourne Newtown 405/10 23STEPHENSON George H 30 Coastguard N Calbourne Newtown 405/10 23STEPHENSON William 30 MS S Calbourne Swainston 405/10 18STEPHENSON William 13 Prisoner N Carisbrooke Parkhurst Prison 405/17 8STEPHIN James H 70 AgLab Y Carisbrooke Little Park 405/14 12STEPHIN Jane 60 Y Carisbrooke Little Park 405/14 12STEVENS Ann 3 Y Arreton Sullens - St.G.D 405/1 5STEVENS Ann 30 FS N Ryde Upper Geo St Elden Villa 406/8 33STEVENS Ann 35 N Thorley Yarmouth Mill 408/10 11Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 553

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