1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council

1841census namesort - Isle of Wight Council


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1841 Census <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wight</strong> Name OrderSurname Christian Names H M F Trade IW Parish Address HO107 FolioROACH Amelia 19 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Amelia 18 Y Shalfleet pt Portsfield 408/8 4ROACH Ann 1 Y Arreton Redway 405/1 32ROACH Ann 50 Independent Y Carisbrooke Nodehill 405/11 11ROACH Ann H 60 Post Office Y Cowes High Street 407/5 38ROACH Ann 24 Y Cowes Sun Hill 407/5 89ROACH Caroline 7 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Charles 20 Milkman Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 25ROACH Charles H 28 Schoolmaster Y St.Helens St.Helens School 406/2 20ROACH Charles 1 Y St.Helens St.Helens School 406/2 20ROACH Edith 15 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Elijah 5 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Eliza 37 Y Shalfleet pt Portsfield 408/8 4ROACH Elizabeth 30 Y Arreton Little Standen 405/1 5ROACH Ellen 7 Y Godshill Roud 406/1 14ROACH Ellen 20 Y Ventnor Grove House 406/5 25ROACH Emily 15 Y Whippingham East Medina House 408/4 30ROACH Emma 16 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 25ROACH Esther 12 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Frances 35 Y Arreton Redway 405/1 32ROACH Frances 2 Y Arreton Redway 405/1 32ROACH Frederick H 40 Yeoman Y Arreton Arreton Farm 405/1 37ROACH George 5 Y Ryde High St. East side 406/8 7ROACH Harold 21 Draper Asst Y Ryde Union St 406/9 36ROACH Henry H 40 Yeoman Y Chale West Side 405/21 15ROACH Henry H 30 Farmer Y Whippingham Little Pan Farm 408/4 13ROACH James H 33 Brushmkr Y Newport High Street 407/2 49ROACH James 39 Y Newport High Street 407/2 60ROACH James H 60 Mealman Y Whippingham East Medina House 408/4 30ROACH James 10 Y Whippingham East Medina House 408/4 30ROACH James H 45 AgLab Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH James 10 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Jane 40 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 25ROACH Jane H 50 Independent Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 25ROACH Jane 30 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 14ROACH John H 80 Yeoman Y Arreton Little Standen 405/1 5ROACH John H 40 Yeoman Y Arreton Perreton 405/1 42ROACH John H 24 Mariner Y Cowes Sun Hill 407/5 89ROACH John 16 AgLab Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Joseph 3 Y Ryde 18 Melville St 406/9 6ROACH Kate 15 Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 25ROACH Kate 60 Independent Y Ryde 8 Dover St 406/9 12ROACH Leonard 14 Y Whippingham East Medina House 408/4 30ROACH Louisa 30 Y St.Helens St.Helens School 406/2 20ROACH Margaret 25 Y Ventnor Grove House 406/5 25ROACH Mariah 37 Y Newport High Street 407/2 49ROACH Mary 60 Y Ryde High St. East side 406/8 9ROACH Mary 25 Y Ryde 8 Dover St 406/9 12ROACH Mary 30 Independent Y Ryde Castle Road 406/9 33ROACH Mary 1 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 14ROACH Rachell 20 FS Y Shanklin Shanklin 408/1 12ROACH Reuben H 47 AgLab Y Shalfleet pt Portsfield 408/8 4ROACH Ruth 40 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Sarah 50 Y Whippingham East Medina House 408/4 30ROACH Selah 2 Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 13ROACH Thomas H 25 Farmer Y Ventnor Grove House 406/5 25ROACH Walter H 25 Joiner Y Ryde 8 Dover St 406/9 12ROACH Walter 2 Y Ryde 8 Dover St 406/9 12ROACH William H 40 Yeoman Y Arreton Redway 405/1 32ROACH William H 50 Milkman Y Carisbrooke Carisbrooke Rd 405/12 25ROACH William H 60 Carpenter Y Ryde High St. East side 406/8 8ROACH William H 25 Masons Lab Y Whitwell Whitwell 408/5 14Transcript ©2006 Barry HALL 489

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