Contents - Akademi Sains Malaysia

Contents - Akademi Sains Malaysia

Contents - Akademi Sains Malaysia

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ASM PublicationsThe Red Jungle Fowl ofPeninsular <strong>Malaysia</strong>Shaik Mohd Amin Babjee(2009)ISBN 978-983-9445-29-9Price: RM35.00 / USD12.00Academy of Science <strong>Malaysia</strong>Annual Report 2008Price: RM50.00 / USD25.00Journal of Science & Technology in the TropicsVol. 4, No. 2, December 2008ISSN 1823-5034Price: RM40.00 / USD15.00Animal Feedstuffs in <strong>Malaysia</strong>– Issues, Strategies and Opportunities(2009)ISBN 978-983-9445-30-5Price: RM40.00 / USD15.00Seismic and Tsunami Hazards andRisks in <strong>Malaysia</strong>(2009)ISBN 978-983-9445-32-9Price: RM35.00 / USD15.00Groundwater Colloquium 2009“Groundwater Management in<strong>Malaysia</strong> – Status and Challenges”ISBN 978-983-9445-45-9Price: RM100.00 / USD40.00ASM Inaugural Lecture 2009High Temperature Superconductors:Material, Mechanisms and ApplicationsRoslan Abd-ShukorISBN 978-983-9445-37-4Price: RM40.00 / USD15.00Strategi Pembangunan danPengurusan Lestari bagi Tasik danEmpangan Air di <strong>Malaysia</strong>Jilid 1: Laporan Utama89

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