Performance Improvement Report - 2011 - AiMHi

Performance Improvement Report - 2011 - AiMHi

Performance Improvement Report - 2011 - AiMHi

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Environmental BarriersBarrier:AccessibilityThe door in the Children’s Life Skills and Infant Development Program area isdifficult to open and maneuver a wheelchair through the door.Solution:Barrier:The Properties Coordinator continues to explore solutions to this problem as thereare issues that must be addressed in securing this area for children. The FundDevelopment Committee has agreed to look for grant opportunities for this project.Licensing currently requires homes to be modified if there are three or moreresidents living together in a home. Renovations needed for these modifications areexpensive.Solution:<strong>AiMHi</strong> will approach Licensing to approve three people living together in supportedliving residences.Employment BarriersBarrier:Solution:Persons with developmental disabilities need paid employment.Infinite Employment Solutions will continue to develop paid employment opportunitiesfor people by providing services that can be purchased by the community.Infinite Employment Solutions will consistently investigate career interests withpeople individually, and work towards helping them find work with Prince Georgebusinesses.44

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