NEW YORK CATALOG 2012-2013 - Empire Beauty School

NEW YORK CATALOG 2012-2013 - Empire Beauty School

NEW YORK CATALOG 2012-2013 - Empire Beauty School

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What is the tuition refund andcancellation policy?All schools must have a tuition refund andcancellation policy for each programincluded in the catalog and in the studentenrollment agreement.Read and understand the school's policyregarding tuition refund and cancellationbefore you sign the enrollment agreement. Ifyou do not understand it, or are confused bythe school's explanation, get help before yousign. You may ask for assistance from theDepartment at the address included in thispamphlet.What should students know about"private school agents?"Private <strong>School</strong> Agents are employed byschools for the purpose of recruiting orenrolling students in the school; they are notschool counselors. Private school agentscannot require a student to pay a placementor referral fee. Each school agent must belicensed by the New York State EducationDepartment, must have an Agentidentification card and must be a salariedemployee of the school. <strong>School</strong> agents whocannot show an Agent Identification Cardare breaking the law if they try to intereststudents in enrolling in a particular school orgroup of schools. The name(s) of theagent(s) who enrolled a student must appearon that student's enrollment agreement.Therefore, you should write down the nameof the agent who talked to you. Each studentwill be required to confirm the name(s) ofthe agent(s) when signing the enrollmentagreement. A full refund shall be made toany student recruited by an unlicensedprivate school agent or even by a licensedagent if there is evidence that the agentmade fraudulent or improper claims. To findout if you are eligible to receive a refund,you must follow the complaint proceduresincluded in this page.What should students know about"grants and Federal Direct Student Loans"?A grant is awarded to a student based onincome eligibility, and it does not need to berepaid (for example, New York StateTuition Assistance Program (TAP) grants orPell grants provided by the federalgovernment).Federal Direct Student Loans are low interestloans provided under the Federal DirectStudent Loan Program. The decision to applyfor such a loan is yours--the school cannot requirethat you apply for a loan. You should understandthat if you pay school tuition with moneyloaned to you from a lender you are responsiblefor repaying the loan in full, with interest, inaccordance with the terms of the loanagreement. A failure to repay the loan canhurt your credit rating and result in legalaction against you. Even if you fail tocomplete your educational program, you arestill responsible for repaying all of themoney loaned to you.It is your right to select a lender for a FederalDirect Student loan. The school cannotrequire you to apply to a particular lender orlending institution. However, the school canrecommend a lender, but if it does, theschool must also provide you with astatement about your right and ability toobtain a loan from another lender and theinsurance premiums charged on these loans.Read and understand all the information andapplications for financial aid grants andloans before signing.Page 3 of 4

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