2009 - TDM Berhad

2009 - TDM Berhad

2009 - TDM Berhad

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102 <strong>TDM</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong> (6265-P)Notes to the Financial Statements14. Investments in Subsidiaries (cont’d.)Proportion ofCountry ofownershipNames of subsidiaries incorporation Principal activities interest<strong>2009</strong> 2008% %World Wide Rubber Marketing Malaysia Dormant. 100 100Sdn. Bhd.**Medi Air Sdn. Bhd. ** Malaysia Dormant. 100 100HMMC (Ampang) Sdn. Bhd. ** Malaysia Dormant. 100 100* Audited by fi rms of auditors other than Ernst & Young.** Subsidiaries with auditors’ reports that draw reference to the going concern assumptions. These reports are not qualifi ed.*** Audited by a fi rm of auditors other than Ernst & Young. The auditors’ report draw reference to the going concern assumption and thedependence upon the fi nancial support of the Company. The report is not qualifi ed.# Consolidated based on unaudited fi nancial statements. The directors deem these as dormant companies and therefore the resultsare immaterial to the fi nancial statements of the Group.Additional investments in subsidiaries(i) PT Rafi Kamajaya AbadiOn 12 March 2008, the Company entered into a Sale and Purchase of Shares Agreement to purchase from Bapak H Rahman 34.49%of his existing shareholdings in PT Rafi Kamajaya Abadi for the purchase consideration of RM1,986,418.2008RM’000Property, plant and equipment 1,254Inventories 2Other receivables 6Cash and cash equivalents 695Due from related companies 21,959Due to related companies (52)Carrying value of net assets 1,907Goodwill on acquisition (Note 33) 79Total cost of acquisition 1,986The cash outfl ow on acquisition is as follows:Cash outfl ow arising on acquisition:Purchase consideration satisfi ed by cash represents net cash outfl ow of the Group 1,986

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