2009 - TDM Berhad

2009 - TDM Berhad

2009 - TDM Berhad

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<strong>TDM</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong> (6265-P) 39PlanetCo-existing symbiotically with the land, <strong>TDM</strong> has alwaysplaced sustainable development at the very core ofour business philosophy so that we may harvest thebounty of the planet in harmony with the water, air andearth which nourishes it and our plantations.The commitment to protect the planet and theenvironment includes complying with existing lawsand the management of our investments by optimisingsoil conditions, utilising integrated pest controlmanagement and keeping the use of agri-chemicalsdown to a minimum level.Sustainability, to us, means adopting a holisticapproach and in addition to nurturing the planet’sresources <strong>TDM</strong> also seeks to nurture our people bycreating meaningful employment, distributing resourcesto include infrastructure development, having a role ineducation and welfare of our plantation workers andenriching the communities where we are present.Soil ConservationMinimizing soil erosion is a standard practice of thePlantation Division in accordance with Good AgriculturalPractices (GAP) and we have had successes usingMucuna bracteata, a shade tolerant legume whichalso improves soil fertility, organic content andmoisture conservation, in the Group’s entire replantingprogrammes.The surface soil management is complemented by theuse of Guatemala grass (Tripsacum laxum) which isa fi brous grass with a dense root system for terraceconstruction along high risk erosion areas at streamembankments and near bridges, as well as the oil palmchips in a single layer along planting rows to bind thesoil. As a substitute for inorganic fertiliser, bio-compostand mulch from nutrient rich empty fruit bunches,which also help to retain water in the soil.<strong>TDM</strong> has adopted a zero burning’ policy in ourreplanting programmes as part of our contribution tofi ght global warming and create a cleaner, greenerenvironment, which also allows us to enhance soilfertility by replenishing organic matter and improve itsphysical properties in a sustainable manner.

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