2009 - TDM Berhad

2009 - TDM Berhad

2009 - TDM Berhad

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<strong>TDM</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong> (6265-P) 47Code of Business EthicsIntroductionThe Code of Business Ethics describes and reinforces <strong>TDM</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong>’s guiding values and commitment to doing business responsibly,ethically and in a sustainable manner. We believe in applying the principles of our code of business ethics in every transaction which affectsour people, our customers and our stakeholders and it is practised on the basis of integrity, mutual trust and respect which are essential to along-term, mutually benefi cial relationship.This Code of Business Ethics (the Code) sets forth the guidelines and ethical standards of conduct required of the Board of Directors, Chairman,Chief Executive Offi cer, heads of departments, managers, executive offi cers and all other employees of <strong>TDM</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong> (<strong>TDM</strong>).The Code, as well as its intent, is intended to defi ne the conduct of all Group activities in accordance with the high standards of integrity andin compliance with all applicable laws and regulations; and applies to the Group, all its subsidiaries and other business entities controlled by it.Our commitment to the Code and conduct prescribed by it extends to all our stakeholders, which encompasses everyone and every organisationwhich has an interest in the operations of <strong>TDM</strong>, including:• Customers• Employees and their Families• Stockholders and Owners• The Board and Board Committee Members• Vendors and Suppliers• Industry Affi liates• The CommunityCompliance With Laws, Rules And Regulations<strong>TDM</strong> will comply with all relevant laws, regulations and by-laws as a pre-requisite for maintaining ethical behaviour and expects the samecompliance from our business associates in the course of all related transactions.All employees, Executive Offi cers and Board Members are also required to comply with all laws, rules and regulations which apply to the Groupin all areas of business.While it is the Group’s philosophy to address matters internally, the Code takes precedence in not preventing or discouraging any party fromreporting any illegal activity including the violation of any Federal, State or International laws, rules or regulations to the appropriate authorities.The purpose of the Code is to promote ethical practices and in doing so, should not be an obstacle to any party to testify, participate or assistin any legal proceeding or investigation and in upholding the intent. No employee, Executive Offi cer or Board Member shall discharge, demote,suspend, threaten, harass or in any manner discriminate against an employee for reporting any violation in good faith.ProfessionalismHaving committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers, the Groupstrives to develop high standards of employee competency to produce high quality products and services.Results will be achieved by showing respect and acting responsibly which is the principle by which <strong>TDM</strong> conducts itself when dealing with people,customers, employees and the environment. In doing so, all parties are to be treated with dignity and courtesy to protect and improve the workenvironment, while abiding by the laws, rules and legislation which exist to add value to how we do business.We shall also act responsibly towards our customers, co-workers and organisation by providing timely delivery of consistently high quality goodsand services as we work together to add value to the business.With results being essential to our investors and the business, the Code shall be an essential guide to the attainment of our goals which will beachieved by behaving ethically, legally and morally.

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