72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada - waughfamily.ca

72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada - waughfamily.ca

72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada - waughfamily.ca


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AFTER THE ARMISTICE.sports, and apart from gloves supplied by the Y.M.C.A.dozens <strong>of</strong> pairs were bought by the Battalion, and themanly art flourished exceedingly. The result <strong>of</strong> this enthusiasm was evident at the boxing elimination held onMarch 12th, when the Kiltie boxers scored four successive knockouts in the opening bouts, and by theirexceptionally excellent performance earned the right torepresent the Brigade in the Divisional finals in no fewerthan four weights.On March 15th the Battalion attended en masse theFinals <strong>of</strong> the 4th Canadian Divisional Boxing Championship in Brussels. The whole affair was elaborately stagedin one <strong>of</strong> the large theatres. Sergt. Skinner <strong>of</strong> the <strong>72nd</strong>won the Divisional middleweight championship after asplendid display <strong>of</strong> clever, fast boxing. The bouts concluded with an exhibition bout between M. Georges Carpentier,the famous French heavyweight, and Staff-Sergeant Charles <strong>of</strong> the British gymnastic staff. Thusended the most successful boxing contest ever staged bythe Division.Meanwhile, during the boxing craze, other sports hadbeen <strong>ca</strong>rried on with great assiduity. Indoor baseball,football, badminton and track events all claimed theiradherents. The natural stadium which had been fitted upas an athletic field was always the scene <strong>of</strong> some variety<strong>of</strong> sport. All this led up to Brigade and Divisional eliminations. These concluded, the Canadian Corps stagedtheir final championships on March 22nd, held in thatsplendid enclosed stadium the Palais des Sports. These attracted large numbers <strong>of</strong> khaki-clad spectators. Capt.E. J. H. Cardinall <strong>of</strong> the <strong>72nd</strong> won the Corps championship in the Badminton Singles, while Major J. Foulkes,D. S. 0., <strong>of</strong> the 4th Divisional Staff, and Capt. Cardinall,<strong>ca</strong>ptured the Doubles Championship in the same event.The Battalion, while well represented in track events, wasunable to take any other first places.181

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