und Luftfracht - Senator International

und Luftfracht - Senator International

und Luftfracht - Senator International


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Air Freight Latin<strong>Luftfracht</strong>-LateinRegulated AgentRegulated AgentRoutingRoute of freight transport (e.g. shipment offreight via several airports)Routing OrderGeneral orders given to a specific businesspartner to send its shipments at the tariffsand pursuant to the services agreed to with<strong>Senator</strong>Unit Load Device (ULD)Various types of loading equipment used inair freight transportationUN-NummerThis 4 digit number, also known as SubstanceNumber, is an identification number for allhazardous goods and materialsVolume WeightVolume weight of bulky goodsRegulated AgentReglementierter BeauftragterRoutingTransportweg der Fracht (z.B. über diverseUmlade-Flughäfen)Routing OrderGenereller Auftrag an einen bestimmten Geschäftspartner,seine Sendungen zu dem mit<strong>Senator</strong> vereinbarten Tarifen <strong>und</strong> Services zuversendenUnit load devices (ULD)Verschiedene Lademittel im<strong>Luftfracht</strong>-TransportUN-NummerDiese vierstellige Nummer, auch Stoffnummergenannt, ist eine Kennnummer, die für allegefährlichen Stoffe <strong>und</strong> Güter (Gefahrgut) festgelegtwurdeWarsaw ConventionMontreal Convention<strong>International</strong> Convention on Airfreight CargoShipping (also regulates liability)War risk surcharge (WSC) orSecurity Surcharges (SSC0)War and security surcharges imposedby airlines since September 11, to coveradditional insurance costsRoad Feeder Service (RFS)(RFS) Airline replacement through trucks© SENATOR INTERNATIONAL 2012PAGE/SEITE 16

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