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时事通讯 - iacmr

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Publication Papers会 员 出 版 物Chen, C. C., & Chen, X. P. 2009. A critical analysis of guanxiand its negative externalities in Chinese organizations.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26, 37-53.Chen, X. P., Pillutla, M., & Yao, X. 2009. Unintendedconsequences of cooperation inducing and maintainingmechanisms in public goods dilemmas: Sanctions andmoral appeal. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,12(2).Chen, X.P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S. 2009. Passion andPreparedness in entrepreneurs' business planpresentations: A persuasion analysis of venture capitalists'funding decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 199-214.Chen, Y-R., Chen, X. P., & Portnoy, R. 2009. To whom dopositive norm and negative norm of reciprocity apply?Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 24-34.Chen, X. P., Pillutla, M., & Yao, X. (2009). Unintendedconsequences of cooperation inducing and maintainingmechanisms in public goods dilemmas: Sanctions andmoral appeal. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,12(2).Cui, Lin & Jiang, Fuming. 2009. Behind ownership decisionsof Chinese outward FDI: Resources and institutions. AsiaPacific Journal of Management. (Forthcoming).Egri, C.P., & Ralston, D. A. 2008. Corporate responsibility: Areview of international management research from 1998to 2007. Journal of International Management 14(4):319-339.Ralston, D.A., Egri, C.P., de la Garza-Carranza, M.T.Ramburuth, P., Terpstra-Tong, J., Pekerti, A., Grison,I., Herrig, H., Dabic, M., Tang, M., Wan, P., Hallinger,P., Palmer, I., Elenkov, D., Furrer, O., Potocan, V.V.,Wangenheim, F., Maignan, I., Perrewé, P., Rossi, A.M.,Lenartowicz, T., Ledgerwood, D.E., May, R.C., Weber,M., Jesuino, J.C., Fu, P.P., Naoumova, I., Casado, T.,Riddel, L., Richards, M., Butt, A., Danis, W., Castro,F.B., Ruiz-Gutiérrez, J., Milton, L., Ansari, M., Brock,D., Srinivasan, N., Starkus, A., Dalgic, T., Fidel LeónDarder, Thanh, H.V., Moon, Y.L., Chia, H.B., Kuo, C.,Molteni, M., Kangasniemi, M., Mellahi, K. & Wallace, A.(in press). Ethical Preferences for Influencing Superiors:Chen, C. C., & Chen, X. P. 2009. A critical analysis of guanxiand its negative externalities in Chinese organizations.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26, 37-53.Chen, X. P., Pillutla, M., & Yao, X. 2009. Unintendedconsequences of cooperation inducing and maintainingmechanisms in public goods dilemmas: Sanctions andmoral appeal. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,12(2).Chen, X.P., Yao, X., & Kotha, S. 2009. Passion andPreparedness in entrepreneurs' business planpresentations: A persuasion analysis of venture capitalists'funding decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 199-214.Chen, Y-R., Chen, X. P., & Portnoy, R. 2009. To whom dopositive norm and negative norm of reciprocity apply?Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 24-34.Chen, X. P., Pillutla, M., & Yao, X. (2009). Unintendedconsequences of cooperation inducing and maintainingmechanisms in public goods dilemmas: Sanctions andmoral appeal. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations,12(2).Cui, Lin & Jiang, Fuming. 2009. Behind ownership decisionsof Chinese outward FDI: Resources and institutions. AsiaPacific Journal of Management. (Forthcoming).Egri, C.P., & Ralston, D. A. 2008. Corporate responsibility: Areview of international management research from 1998to 2007. Journal of International Management 14(4):319-339.Ralston, D.A., Egri, C.P., de la Garza-Carranza, M.T.Ramburuth, P., Terpstra-Tong, J., Pekerti, A., Grison,I., Herrig, H., Dabic, M., Tang, M., Wan, P., Hallinger,P., Palmer, I., Elenkov, D., Furrer, O., Potocan, V.V.,Wangenheim, F., Maignan, I., Perrewé, P., Rossi, A.M.,Lenartowicz, T., Ledgerwood, D.E., May, R.C., Weber,M., Jesuino, J.C., Fu, P.P., Naoumova, I., Casado, T.,Riddel, L., Richards, M., Butt, A., Danis, W., Castro,F.B., Ruiz-Gutiérrez, J., Milton, L., Ansari, M., Brock,D., Srinivasan, N., Starkus, A., Dalgic, T., Fidel LeónDarder, Thanh, H.V., Moon, Y.L., Chia, H.B., Kuo, C.,Molteni, M., Kangasniemi, M., Mellahi, K. & Wallace, A.(in press). Ethical Preferences for Influencing Superiors:15

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