AP Physics B - Freehold Regional High School District

AP Physics B - Freehold Regional High School District

AP Physics B - Freehold Regional High School District


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Unit 13: Capacitors / RC circuitsCapacitors & Capacitance (2 hrs)Objective:a. Measure the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.b. To determine the capacitance of two capacitors in parallel.c. To determine the capacitance of two capacitors in seriesUnit 14: Electromagnetism1. Magnetic Field Strength (1hr)Objective: to measure the strength of a magnetic field as a function of distance from acurrent carrying wire through the use of a Hall Effect device.2. Magnetic Deflection (1 hr)Objective:a. to measure the effect of a uniform magnetic field on a moving beam of chargedparticles and to show the magnetic force on a moving charged particle is given bythe cross product of the magnetic field and velocity times the magnitude of the charge3. Magnetic Force on a current carrying wire (1 hr)Objective:a. To determine the direction and the magnitude of the magnetic force exerted on acurrent carrying wire while sitting in a uniform magnetic field.4. Magnetic Force between Current Carrying wires (1 hr)Objectives:a. to determine the relationship between the magnetic field near a current carrying wireand the distance from that wire (i.e. to verify the BiotSavart Law and/or Ampere’s Law).b. to measure both the magnitude and direction of the magnetic force between twocurrent carrying wires.Unit 15: Simple Harmonic MotionSimple Harmonic Motion (2 hrs)Objectives:a. to develop the concept of simple harmonic motion through the use of the simplependulum and a simple mass spring systemb. to determine which characteristics [arc length L, length l and mass m] affect theperiod of a simple pendulum and how they affect this period.c. to develop a set of equations which will predict the position, velocity and accelerationof a simple pendulum as a function of time.d. to measure the decay constant of a simple pendulum and use it to predict theamplitude of a simple pendulum as a function of time.e. to demonstrate the role of hypothesis

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