AP Physics B - Freehold Regional High School District

AP Physics B - Freehold Regional High School District

AP Physics B - Freehold Regional High School District


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What role does areference frame play indetermining the motionof an object?Determine if an object ismoving and explainanswerVideos (Reference Frames)Time elapse photosObserve objects in videosand determine how it ispossible for the object toappear moving in onescene but stationary inanother sceneObservations of teacherand students moving invarious scenariosDescribe changes in timeelapse photosHomework‐ Practicedescribing reference framesQuiz‐ Describe the referenceframe that would make anobject appear as moving andanother reference framethat would allow the objectto be stationaryCollect data regarding theposition and time of anobject in motionHow can motion bedescribed and depicted?What different types ofmotion are there?Collect data from movingobjects and analyzeinformation in the formof graphs and tablesFind patterns in data anduse these patterns todevelop models andexplanationsConstant motion cars, rolling bowling balls, tickertapetimer, stopwatches or clocks, motion sensors, markersor beanbags, graph paper, computers and data analysissoftwareUse data to make graphs ofposition vs. timeDescribe relationship usingtrend lines for dataObserve direction ofmotion and describereference frameDraw and interpret graphsof objects (moving atconstant rate)Calculate slope of the trendlineUse multiplerepresentations: Dotdiagrams and graphsWhat is meant bymagnitude and directionwhen describingmotion?What is meant by vectorand scalar quantity?What is the differencebetween vector andscalar quantitiesRecognize theimportance of vectorsand scalars indetermining an object'smotionDraw and add vectors tofind the resultant ormissing componentDifferentiate betweenresultant and vectorcomponentsGraph paper, rulers, and protractors.Text book or supplementary books with samplesCity/town mapsUse multiplerepresentations: Motiondiagrams and scaleddiagramsUse maps to finddisplacement, distance,and path lengthsDefine termsQuiz‐ Identify physicalquantities as vectors orscalarsHomework‐ Practice

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