Savills plc 2012 Annual Report - (PDF) - Investor relations

Savills plc 2012 Annual Report - (PDF) - Investor relations

Savills plc 2012 Annual Report - (PDF) - Investor relations


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Remuneration Committee members and attendeesThe Committee members are the Independent Non-Executive Directors and the Non-Executive Chairman as follows:Remuneration Committee Member Position CommentsClare Hollingsworth Chair of the Committee with effect from 2 April <strong>2012</strong> IndependentMartin Angle Member of the Committee with effect from 2 January 2007 IndependentTim Freshwater Member of the Committee with effect from 1 January <strong>2012</strong> IndependentPeter Smith Member of the Committee with effect from April 2009 Non-Executive ChairmanFormer MembersCharles McVeighChairman of the Committee until 2 April <strong>2012</strong> whenIndependenthe ceased to be a memberTimothy IngramMember of the Committee until his retirement as aDirector with effect from 9 May <strong>2012</strong>IndependentOur business Our governance Our resultsRemuneration Committee Attendee Position CommentsJeremy Helsby Group Chief Executive Attends by invitation (except when hisown remuneration is discussed)Chris Lee Group Legal Director & Company Secretary Provides advice and support as well asacting as secretary to the Committee(except when his own remunerationis discussed)The Directors’ biographies can be found on page 34 of this report.Members’ attendance at Committee meetings is listed in the Corporate governance report on page 40 of this <strong>Report</strong> and Accounts.No member of the Committee has any personal financial interest in the matters being decided, other than as a shareholder,nor any day to day involvement in running the business of <strong>Savills</strong>.Advisor to the CommitteeDuring <strong>2012</strong>, Towers Watson continued to provide independent commentary on matters under consideration by the Committeeand updates on best practice, legislative requirements and market developments to the Committee. Towers Watson are appointedby the Committee. Fees paid to Towers Watson during <strong>2012</strong> in respect of advice on Directors’ pay were £26,600.Terms of referenceThe Committee’s terms of reference are available from the Group Legal Director & Company Secretary upon request or can beviewed on the Company’s website (www.savills.com).External directorships<strong>Savills</strong> recognises that its Executive Directors may be invited to become Non-Executive Directors of other companies. Suchnon-executive duties can broaden experience and knowledge which can benefit <strong>Savills</strong>. Subject to approval by the Board andany conditions that it might impose, the Executive Directors and GEB members are allowed to accept external non-executivedirectorships and retain the fees received, provided that these appointments are not likely to lead to conflicts of interest. Fornon-executive directorships which are considered to arise by virtue of an Executive Director’s or GEB member’s position within<strong>Savills</strong>, the fees are paid directly to <strong>Savills</strong>.During <strong>2012</strong>, Simon Shaw received a fee of £30,000 in relation to his continuing appointment as Non-Executive Chairman ofSynairgen <strong>plc</strong>.Remuneration Committee meetingsThe Remuneration Committee has at least three meetings during the year and met four times during <strong>2012</strong>. The principal agendaitems were as follows:– review of the Group’s remuneration policy and consideration of the proposed new legislation relating to Executive pay andthe implications of this for remuneration policy;– review of the remuneration packages of Executive Directors and GEB members;– approval of the granting of PSP awards;– approval of the granting of share awards to other levels of management; and– review of the Directors’ Remuneration report.<strong>Savills</strong> <strong>plc</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and Accounts <strong>2012</strong> 53

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