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Literatur zu Kants Ethik - Ethikseite

Literatur zu Kants Ethik - Ethikseite


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Kongresses, hrsg. von Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann und Ralph Schumacher,<br />

Berlin, New York, Bd. III, S. 131–40.<br />

2010 [45] Bacin, Stefano (2010): The Meaning of the Critique of Practical Reason for Moral Beings: the<br />

Doctrine of Method of Pure Practical Reason, in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.<br />

A Critical Guide, hrsg. von Andrews Reath und Jens Timmermann, Cambridge, S.<br />

197–215.<br />

2007 [46] Backström, Joel (2007): The Fear of Openness. An Essay on Friendship and the Roots of<br />

Morality, Åbo, S. 138–53 (“Respect vs. love (Kant)”).<br />

1993 [47] Baier, Annette (1993): Moralism and Cruelty: Reflections on Hume and Kant, Ethics 103, S.<br />

436–57. Wiederabgedruckt in Baier, Moral Prejudices. Essays on Ethics, Cambridge,<br />

Mass. 1995, S. 268–93.<br />

1958 [48] Baier, Kurt (1958): The Moral Point of View. A Rational Basis of Ethics, Ithaca, London, S.<br />

277–95 (“Kant’s Doctrines”). – Der Standpunkt der Moral. Eine rationale<br />

Grundlegung der <strong>Ethik</strong>, Düsseldorf 1974, S. 259–75 („<strong>Kants</strong> Lehren“).<br />

2010 [49] Bailey, Tom (2010): Analysing the Good Will: Kant’s Argument in the First Section of the<br />

Groundwork, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18, S. 635–62. 8<br />

1986 [50] Baker, Judith (1986): Do One’s Motives Have to be Pure?, in Philosophical Grounds of<br />

Rationality: Intentions, Categories, Ends, hrsg. von Richard Grandy und Richard<br />

Warner, Oxford, S. 457–73.<br />

1988 [51] Baker, Judith (1988): Counting Categorical Imperatives, Kant-Studien 79, S. 389–406.<br />

2011 [52] Bambauer, Christoph (2011): Deontologie und Teleologie in der kantischen <strong>Ethik</strong>,<br />

Freiburg/München.<br />

2003 [53] Banham, Gary (2003): Kant’s Practical Philosophy. From Critique to Doctrine, New York.<br />

2007 [54] Banham, Gary (2007): Kant’s Moral Theory, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15,<br />

S. 581–93.<br />

1998 [55] Barcalow, Emmett (1998): Moral Philosophy. Theories and Issues, Belmont, CA, 2. Auflage,<br />

S. 142–61 (“Kantian Moral Theory”).<br />

1971 [56] Barnes, G. W. (1971): In Defense of Kant’s Doctrine of the Highest Good, Philosophical<br />

Forum 2, S. 466–58.<br />

1984 [57] Baron, Marcia W. (1984): The Alleged Moral Repugnance of Acting from Duty, Journal of<br />

Philosophy 81, S. 197–220.<br />

8 “This article contends that the first section of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals provides a<br />

sophisticated and valid argument, and that commentators are therefore mistaken in dismissing this section<br />

as flawed. In particular, the article undertakes to show that in this section Kant argues from a conception of<br />

the goodness of a good will to two distinctive features of moral goodness, and from these features to his<br />

‘formula of universal law’. The article reveals the sophistication and validity of this argument by<br />

considering it in the light of a number of criticisms that are commonly levelled at the section. In conclusion,<br />

the article proposes that this interpretation of the section also has significant implications for the<br />

understanding of Kant’s method, his formulas and his basic conception of the ‘moral’.”

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