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eLegalix - Allahabad High Court Judgment Information System ...


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JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - WRIT - C No. 37443 of 2011 at <strong>Allahabad</strong> Dated-21.10....http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShow<strong>Judgment</strong>.doPage 138 of 19710/21/2011"38. ..... The mind of the officer or authority concerned has to be applied to the question whether there is anurgency of such a nature that even the summary proceedings under s. 5A of the Act should be eliminated. It is notjust the existence of an urgency but the need to dispense with an inquiry under s. 5A which has to be considered.40. In the case before us, the public purpose indicated is the development of an area for industrial and residentialpurposes. This in itself, on the face of it, does not call for any such action, barring exceptional circumstances, asto make immediate possession, without holding even a summary enquiry under section 5A of the Act, imperative.On the other hand, such schemes generally take sufficient period of time to enable at least summary inquiriesunder section 5A of the Act to be completed without any impediment whatsoever to the execution of the scheme.Therefore, the very statement of the public purpose for which the land was to be acquired indicated the absenceof such urgency, on the apparent facts of the case, as to require the elimination of an enquiry under section 5A ofthe Act.41. Again, the uniform and set recital of a formula, like a ritual or mantara, apparently applied mechanically toevery case, itself indicated that the mind of the Commissioner concerned was only applied to the questionwhether the land was waste or arable and whether its acquisition is urgently needed. Nothing beyond that seemsto have been considered. The recital itself shows that the mind of the Commissioner was not applied at all to thequestion whether the urgency is of such a nature as to require elimination of the enquiry under section 5A of theAct. If it was, at least the notifications gave no inkling of it at all. On the other hand, its literal meaning was thatnothing beyond matters stated there were considered.42. All schemes relating to development of industrial and residential areas must be urgent in the context of thecountry's need for increased production and more residential accommodation. Yet, the very nature of suchschemes of development does not appear to demand such emergent action as to eliminate summary enquiresunder section 5A of the Act. There is no indication whatsoever in the affidavit filed on behalf of the State that themind of the Commissioner was applied at all to the question whether it was a case necessitating the elimination ofthe enquiry under section 5A of the Act. The recitals in the notifications, on the other hand, indicate thatelimination of the enquiry under section 5A of the Act was treated as an automatic consequence of the opinionformed on other matters. The recital does not say at all that any opinion was formed on the need to dispense withthe enquiry under section 5A of the Act....."The Apex <strong>Court</strong> in the aforesaid case has clearly laid down that public purpose, namely, development of an areafor industrial and residential purpose does not call for any such action, barring exceptional circumstances, fordispensation of summary inquiry under Section 5A.Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer in the case of State of Punjab and another vs. Gurdial Singh and others reported in(1980)2 S.C.C. 471 had laid down that authority should not invoke the provisions of Section 17(4) unless there isreal urgency. Following was laid down in paragraph 16:-"16. The fourth point about the use of emergency power is well taken. Without referring to supportive case-law it isfundamental that compulsory taking of a man's property is a serious matter and the smaller the man the moreserious the matter. Hearing him before depriving him is both reasonable and pre-emptive of arbitrariness, anddenial of this administrative fairness is constitutional anathema except for good reasons. Save in real urgencywhere public interest does not brook even the minimum time needed to give a hearing land acquisition authoritiesshould not, having regard to Arts. 14 (and 19), burke an enquiry under Sec. 17 of the Act. Here a slumberingprocess, pending for years and suddenly exciting itself into immediate forcible taking, makes a travesty ofemergency power."Justice Krishna Ayer further observed , "... At times, natural justice is the natural enemy of intolerant authority..."A two Judge Bench of the Apex <strong>Court</strong> had occasion to consider invocation of Section 17(4) of the Act in context ofMeerut Development Authority in the case of State of U.P. vs. Pista Devi reported in (1986)4 S.C.C. 251. In theaforesaid case the Apex <strong>Court</strong> observed that provision of housing accommodation in these days has become amatter of national urgency and judicial note of that can be taken. The three Judge bench judgment in NarayanGovind Gavate's case (supra) was referred to but was distinguished on the premise that the said matter related tothe year 1963 and due to increase of population it is no longer possible for the <strong>Court</strong> to take a view that schemefor development of residential areas do not appear to demand such emergent action as to eliminate summaryinquiries under Section 5-A of the Act. Following was observed in paragraph 5 of the said judgment:-"5. .....The provision of housing accommodation in these days has become a matter of national urgency. We may

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