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eLegalix - Allahabad High Court Judgment Information System ...

eLegalix - Allahabad High Court Judgment Information System ...


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JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - WRIT - C No. 37443 of 2011 at <strong>Allahabad</strong> Dated-21.10.20... Page 75 of 197http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShow<strong>Judgment</strong>.do10/21/2011Learned Counsel for the interveners have also reiterated the submissions as have been noted above. Muchemphasis has been laid down on the ground that due to delay and laches, the writ petitions deserve to bedismissed. The acquired land having been put to developmental use and third party rights having intervened, thepetitioners are not entitled for any relief. All the allottees have made substantial payment to the authority as wellas invested huge amount in developmental activity including construction of building. The interveners after duecare and caution have obtained the allotments from the authority who had valid title. It is denied that land whichwas acquired for planned industrial development is being used for any other purpose. Planned industrialdevelopment is a comprehensive term which includes development of residential, commercial, institutional andindustrial sites. In any view of the matter the acquisition cannot be faulted even if the authority after acquisitionuses the land for any other public purposes. It is not the case that land is not being used for public purpose.Interveners are bonafide purchasers without any notice and has invested huge amount after taking loan from theBank. The petitioners are not entitled for any reliefs in these writ petitions. The interveners have obtainedallotment in open tender proceedings and after getting allotment got possession from the Authority and aftergetting the necessary approval/sanction of plan have made huge investments towards payment to the Authority.The petitioners have waived their right to challenge acquisition proceedings having accepted compensation under1997 Rules and having not taken any steps to challenge the acquisition within reasonable time. Subsequentdevelopments after allotment are the relevant factors to be considered, while considering any challenge to theacquisition belatedly made. Learned Counsel for the interveners referred to detail figures of payment made to theAuthority and investments made by them in developing the sites allotted to them including photographs whichhave been filed along with affidavit showing the developments made on the spot. Leaned Counsel for thedevelopers association has also referred to and given details of allotment made to various allottes, the extent ofdevelopments carried out by them.Learned Counsel for the parties have placed reliance on various judgments of the apex <strong>Court</strong> and this <strong>Court</strong>which have been extensively read by them in support of their respective submissions which shall be referred tohereinafter, while considering the respective submissions of the parties.From the pleadings of the parties and submissions of learned counsel for the parties as noticed above, followingissues fell for consideration in this bunch of writ petitions:-ISSUES1.Object and Purpose of the 1976 Act: Whether the development of industries is the dominant purpose and objectof U.P. Industrial Area Development Act, 1976?2.Whether Acquisition Compulsory: Whether for carrying out the development of industrial area under 1976 Act, itis compulsory and necessary to acquire the land by the Authority?3.Delay and Laches: Whether the delay and laches in the facts of the present case can bar the invocation ofConstitutional remedy under Article 226 of the Constitution of India?4.National Capital Regional Planning Board Act, 1985, its Consequences: Whether the Authority can carry outdevelopment, utilise the land acquired as per its Master Plan 2021 without its approval/clearance by NationalCapital Regional Planning Board, and what is effect on its function of land acquisition after enforcement of the1985 Act?5.Invocation of Sections 17(1) and 17(4): Whether invocation of Sections 17(1) and 17(4) of the Land AcquisitionAct and dispensation of inquiry under section 5A was in accordance with law in the cases which are underconsideration?6.Pre-notification and Post-notification delay: Whether delay caused before issuance of notification under Section4 and delay caused subsequent to notification under Section 4 can be relied for determining as to whetherurgency was such that invocation of Sections 17(1) and 17(4) was necessary?7.Colourable Exercise of Power: Whether acquisition of land are vitiated due to malafide and colourable exerciseof powers?8.Taking of Possession: Whether the possession of the land acquired was taken under section 17(1) of the LandAcquisition Act in accordance with law?

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