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eLegalix - Allahabad High Court Judgment Information System ...


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JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - WRIT - C No. 37443 of 2011 at <strong>Allahabad</strong> Dated-21.10.20... Page 41 of 197http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShow<strong>Judgment</strong>.do10/21/2011purpose, they did not come forward to challenge the notification. However, the very purpose of acquisition hasbeen changed, the respondents are playing fraud, and they are proposing to use it for construction of commercialand residential houses, hence they have come in the writ petition. No notice under Section 9 was issued orserved upon the petitioners. The petitioners are willing and ready to refund the compensation. They are entitled toreturn of their land. Counter affidavit has been filed by the State stating therein that the petitioners have notexplained the inordinate delay in challenging the notification. Possession of the land in dispute was transferred tothe Authority on 01.11.2007 and 10.04.2008. Compensation has been distributed amongst the farmers to the tuneof 93.49%. Award under Section 11 of the Act has been declared on 10.08.2011. Possession memo has beenfiled as Annexure-C.A.-4. Relevant certificates were sent by the Collector with justification to the StateGovernment. Copy of the award has also been brought on record along with the counter affidavit. Counteraffidavit has also been filed by respondent No.3 reiterating the pleadings of the State Government. It has alsobeen stated that after taking over possession area has been demarcated as Sector Kappa-II. The authority hasconstructed roads, laid sewer lines and electricity transmission lines. The area has to be used as TransportationHubb. Affidavit on behalf of M/S Paramount Vilas Private Limited has been filed along with InterventionApplication. It has been stated that there is inordinate delay in filing the writ petition. Lease deed has beenexecuted in favour of the aforesaid company on 11.04.2011 allotting the plots to the company to build cluster ofresidential units. The Company has made huge investment. Intervention Application has also been filed by M/SDivine Con Build Private Limited, claiming execution of lease deed in favour of the applicant on 11.04.2011.Allotments are claimed by the U.P.S.I.D.C. It is alleged that the land has been acquired for U.P.S.I.D.C., whichhas launched scheme for group housing. Award under Section 11 of the Act has been made on 10.08.2011. Oneof the writ petitions, namely, writ petition No25464 of 2008, Prem Hari vs. State of U.P. and others was filed on21.05.2008, challenging the notification taking similar pleadings. It has also been pleaded that in plot No.305there is abadi of the petitioner in an area of 1060 sq. meters of land.Writ petitions in Group 5 relate to village Biraundi Chakrasenpur. Writ petition No.46501 of 2011, Jagdish vs.State of U.P. and others is being treated as leading writ petition. In the said writ petition counter affidavits havebeen filed by the State as well as by the authority. Notification under Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act wasissued on 28.11.2002 proposing acquisition of 163.2208 hectares of land of the village in question. The provisionsof Sections 17 (1) and 17 (4) of the Act had been invoked. The purpose mentioned in the notification was plannedindustrial development. Declaration under Section 6 of the Act was made on 29.01.2003. The petitioners claim tobe still in possession of the land. The petitioners claim that there was no application of mind while invoking theprovisions of Sections 17 (1) and 17 (4) of the Act. The respondents have not complied with the mandatoryprovisions of Section 17 (3A) of the Act. The State Government till date has not taken possession of the land.Compensation under agreement was received in the year 2007. Abadi plots of influential persons have been leftfrom acquisition. Abadi plots of illiterate persons have been included in the acquisition. In the land underacquisition there is abadi of the petitioners. Acquisition proceedings are nothing but colourable exercise of powerby the State Government. Counter affidavit has been filed by the State stating therein that the possession of landwas taken on 07.05.2003 and 94% compensation has already been disbursed. Award under Section 11 of the Acthas also been declared on 09.09.2009. 85% of the land owners have accepted compensation under agreement.There is delay in filing writ petition. The petitioners are not in possession of the land. Section 11A of the Act is notattracted since possession was taken after invoking the power under Section 17 of the Act. Counter affidavit hasalso filed on behalf of the Authority. Land use under the development plan was shown as residential. Constructionof flats by the builders has been made. It has been denied that the petitioners were forced to accept thecompensation.In writ petition No.46747 of 2011, Kashi Ram Vs. State of U.P. and others, it has been stated that no industry hascome up in the area and only some builders have come up. It is stated that no possession has been taken fromthe petitioners in accordance with law. In other writ petitions relating to village Biraundi Chakrasenpur, grounds ofchallenge to the notification, more or less, are similar.Writ petition No.46130 of 2011, Roshan vs. State of U. P. And others has been filed challenging the notificationdated 31.07.2007 issued under Section 4 of the Act proposing to acquire plot No.64Kha area 0.8233 Hectares.Urgency clause was invoked by dispensing enquiry under Section 5A of the Act. Declaration under Section 6 ofthe Act was made on 15.01.2008. Petitioners' case is that they are still in actual possession of the land in dispute.The respondents have not complied with the provisions of Section 17(3A) of the Act. No award has yet beenmade. Very nominal sum of money was paid to the petitioners. There was no sufficient material for invoking theprovisions of Sections 17 (1) and 17 (4) of the Act. Acquisition of land is nothing but colourable exercise ofpowers. Counter affidavit has been filed by the State, stating that the possession of the land has been taken on09.05.2008. The only tenure holder, who has filed writ petition, has already received the compensation under theagreement. There were sufficient materials for invoking the urgency clause under the provisions of Sections 17 (1)and 17 (4) of the Act. Development has been made in the area by constructing roads, laying down sewer lines

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