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JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - WRIT - C No. 37443 of 2011 at <strong>Allahabad</strong> Dated-21.10....http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShow<strong>Judgment</strong>.doPage 152 of 19710/21/2011State Government under Section 17(4) can have no effect on forming any opinion which was formed earlier butthe fact that land was allotted years after acquisition and taking possession proves the case of the petitioners thatthere was no urgency in the matter as to invoke Section 17(4) of the Act dispensing with inquiry. This <strong>Court</strong> evensubsequent to the decision of the State Government invoking Section 17(4) of the Act can verify and test thestrength of submissions made by the petitioners that invocation of urgency clause under Section 17(4) of the Actwas in routine manner and without application of mind.Shri. A.K. Mishra learned counsel appearing for an intervener laid emphasis on Section 17(1A) which was addedin the statute by U.P. Act 22 of 1954. It is submitted that urgency in case of Planned Development having beenstatutorily recognised, it is not open to the petitioners to contend that there was no urgency to invoke Section 17(1) and 17(4) for planned industrial development. It is relevant to note that Section 17(1A) was added by U.P. Act22 of 1954 since in Section 17 of the Act power to take possession was available only for waste or arable land,and the U.P. Amendment was brought to enable the Government to exercise power under Section 17(1) forplanned development which otherwise was not available under Section 17. It is further to note that byParliamentary Act 68 of 1984 the words ''waste and arable' land has been deleted and substituted by ''any landneeded for Public Purpose". This is not disputed by any one that Section 17(1) can be applied in case land isneeded for planned development. Moreover, Section 17(1A) and now Section 17 as amended at best empowersthe State to take possession but that does not mean that in all cases of planned development the enquiry underSection 5A shall also stand dispensed with. Thus Section 17(1A) as added in Uttar Pradesh does not change thestatus of acquisition for a planned development on any higher plan than all the acquisitions now covered bySection 17 as amended by Parliamentary Act 68 of 1984.In view of forgoing discussions, we are of the view that exercise of power by the State Government invokingSection 17(4) of the Act dispensing with inquiry under Section 5A of the Act is vitiated due to following reasons asdiscussed above:-(i)The original records of the State Government indicate that officers of the State Government did not advert to theissue of dispensation of inquiry under Section 5A of the Act nor gave any recommendation to that effect whichfurther indicate that direction issued by the State Government under Section 17(4) of the Act was made withoutapplication of mind;(ii)In the certificate given by the Collector (In Prapatra-10) only observation made was that it is necessary to takepossession immediately to complete the project without delay. However, in his certificate the Collector has notgiven any reason as to why inquiry under Section 5A of the Act be dispensed with, rather observation in thecertificate was that by invoking Section 17 of the Act the right of objection under Section 5A are automaticallydispensed with and he is in agreement with dispensation of inquiry. The Collector himself having not applied hismind, who was required to consider all aspects and no reasons/recommendations having been there in thenotings of the officers of the State Government as noticed above, there was no material on record to dispensewith the inquiry under Section 5A of the Act;(iii)Even assuming without admitting that reasons given by the GNOIDA in its Note of Justification for issuingnotification under Section 4/17 were considered and relied by the State Government for arriving on its subjectivesatisfaction to dispense with the inquiry under Section 5A, the subjective satisfaction is vitiated since the groundthat unless the land is not immediately provided, the land shall be encroached has been held by the Apex <strong>Court</strong> tobe a irrelevant ground in Om Prakash's & Radhy Shyam's cases (supra). The subjective satisfaction based on anirrelevant ground is vitiated in law.As observed above, the notifications issued under Section 4 read with Section 17(1) and 17(4) were identical withall acquisitions and the materials on record before the State Government including the certificates issued by theCollector in Prapatra-10 as well as the Note of Justification submitted by the authorities were in identical term,hence the invocation of Section 17(4) has to be held to be vitiated in all the above cases.Considering the dictum of the Apex <strong>Court</strong>, as noticed above and the facts as noticed above, we hold thatinvocation of Section 17(4) by the State Government dispensing with the inquiry under Section 5A of the Act whileissuing notification under Section 4 is vitiated. The dispensation of inquiry being invalid, all the petitioners wereentitled for an opportunity to file objection under Section 5A of the Act.6. Pre-notification and Post-notification delay:The petitioners in the writ petition have submitted that there was no urgency for invoking Sections 17(1) and 17(4), while issuing notification under section 4 which is also fully proved by the fact of delay which has occasionedeven before issuance of notification under section 4 and subsequent to section 4 notifications. The petitionershave submitted that in main writ petition of Gajraj, the Greater Noida Authority sent recommendation on 31.3.2006

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