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JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - WRIT - C No. 37443 of 2011 at <strong>Allahabad</strong> Dated-21.10....http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShow<strong>Judgment</strong>.doPage 156 of 19710/21/2011In Writ Petition No.47502 of 2011 (Jugendra and othes vs. State of U.P. and others) of village Tusiyana followinghas been pleaded in paragraphs 11 and 31:-"11. It is now well established that the State Government, Greater Noida Authorities, Bulders and the Colonizershave hatched a conspiracy to deprive the farmers of their lands by malafide and colourable exercise of powers ofso called ''eminent domain' and thereby snatching away the lands of the farmers that being allotted to the buildersand colonizers and in the process to earn huge money therefrom.31. That, it has now come on record that it is for the benefit of certain individual that the large population offarmers and entrepreneurs are put to sword and are mad to suffer on account of malice of the respondents. In thiscontext it may not be lost sight that various farmers and entrepreneurs have lost their land and although they havebeen paid some compensation but the said compensation could not be equated with an alternative arrangementfor a recurring source of income. It is a matter of common knowledge that on account of such acquisition anddepriving the local youth in meaningful activity of engaging themselves in some business including business inindustrial sector, the local youth is finding its future rudderless and are now frequently engaging themselves incriminal activities and that it is for this reason that murders and kidnapping etc. galore in that part of the world.Planned development ''of the society' should be matter of concern for the State and not benefit of ''certainindividuals'. The acquisition proceedings result in pocketing of huge profits in the limited few by depriving the bulkof population either of their residential abode or their source of livelihood. Averments relating to advancements,development and such other ''colourful phrases' is in effect of camouflage and is a false perspective ofdevelopment. It may be noticed that the acquisition of petitioners land would not only deprive them of theirproperty and business but also result in depriving the person who have been working with the petitioners of theirright of livelihood."In Writ Petition No.37119 of 2011 (Dal Chand and others vs. State of U.P. and others) of village Roja Yakubpur,following was stated in paragraphs 7, 11 and 12:-"7. That the purpose for which the land of petitioners is sought to be acquired as per the notification is PlanIndustrial Development through the Authority which, on the fact of it, is incorrect and is, in fact, a camouflage. Itmay be stated here that State Government wrongly and illegally mentioned in the notification that the land is beingacquired for Plan Industrial Development through the Authority while, in fact, the land is sought to be acquired forthe purposes of transferring the same to private builders (in the present case respondents No.3 to 8) forconstruction residential colonies/flats. Thus the entire exercise which has been done is colourable exercise ofpowers and on this ground alone the impugned notifications and acquisition proceeding pursuant thereof, areliable to be quashed.11. That, however, the land which was acquired Plan Industrial Development by invoking urgency clause U/s. 17(4) of the Act and the inquiry as contemplated U/s. 5of the Act was dispensed with in the acquisition proceeding.The land acquired is not used for Plan Industrial Development through Authority and it is not used for the purposefor which it was acquired and is transferred to Respondent No.3 to 8 for the purposes of constructing residentialflats."12. That vide lease deed dated 28.07.2010 an area of 106196.00 sq. meter of Plot No. GH-01, Techzone-IVGreater Noida is transferred in favour of Respondent No.3 namely Amarpali Leisure Valley Developers Pvt. Ltd.for the development and marketing of Group Housing Pockets/flats/plots. A photocopy of the said lease deeddated 28.07.2010 is being filed as ANNEXURE-4 TO this writ petition."In paragraphs 13 to 17 of the said writ petition, details of allotments and lease deed dated 25th February, 2011 infavour of M/s. Amrapali Dream Valley Private Limited for an area of 354299 square meters, lease deed dated 17thFebruary, 2011 in favour of Amrapali Centurian Park Private Limited for an area of 272916 square meters, leasedeed dated 11th October, 2011 in favour of M/s Supertech Ltd. for an area of 85202.37 square meters, leasedeed dated 2nd April, 2011 in favour of Omar Nests Pvt. Limited for an area of 86037 square meters and leasedeed dated 3rd November, 2010 in favour of M/s Rajesh Projects (India) Limited for an area of 74731.24 squaremeters have been referred to and pleaded.Pleadings to the same effect have been made in almost all the writ petitions and reference of transfer to privateparties of substantial area of land acquired has been made.Learned counsel for the respondents although contended that there are no pleading or material to even allegecolourable exercise of power by the GNOIDA or the State Government but the said contention cannot beaccepted. The interveners have already filed applications and affidavit giving details of allotment which clearlysubstantiate the pleading that there has been mass transfer of acquired land to private builders by the GNOIDA

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