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JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - WRIT - C No. 37443 of 2011 at <strong>Allahabad</strong> Dated-21.10.20... Page 77 of 197http://elegalix.allahabadhighcourt.in/elegalix/WebShow<strong>Judgment</strong>.do10/21/2011development of certain areas of U.P. according to plan and even thereafter 1976 Act was enacted which has tobe for a purpose and object as indicated into the preamble. The object of the Act was for the development ofcertain areas in the State into industrial and urban township. The object of the Act is further delineated from theStatement of Object and Reasons as published in the gazette which is to the following effect:"With a view to stepping up the industrial development of the State, it is essential to develop suitable areas in theState into industrial township and to constitute an Authority for that purpose. The Authority shall be a bodycorporate and will have statutory powers similar to those of an Improvement Trust in regard to the development ofsites, construction of buildings etc. In the first instance Government's intention is to create such an industrialcomplex in district Bulandshahr near Okhla and in future to develop similar other areas.This Bill is, accordingly, being introduced for carrying out the above purposes."The statement of object and reasons as above clearly spells out the purpose for enactment i.e. to step upindustrial development of the State which was possible only when suitable areas in the State were developed intoindustrial township and to constitute an Authority for that purpose. The main purpose of the Act for which the Actwas enacted was industrial development of the State. Legislative intendment was that by developing industrialtownship in different area of the State, industrial development of the State could only be possible. The dominantpurpose and object of the Act was thus to develop industrial township. Section 3 of the Act provided forconstitution of the Authority which is to the following effect :"(1) The State Government may, by notification, constitute for the purposes of this Act, An authority to be called(Name of the area) Industrial Development Authority, for any industrial development area.(2) The Authority shall be a body corporate.(3) The Authority shall consist of the following :-(a) The Secretary to the Government, Uttar Pradesh, Industries Department or his Nominee not below the rank ofJoint Secretary-ex-officio. -Member Chairman(b) The Secretary to the Government, Uttar Pradesh, Member Public works Department or his nominee notbelow the rank of Joint Secretary ex-officio. - Member(c) The Secretary to the Government, Uttar Pradesh, Local Self-Government Department or his nominee notbelow the rank of joint Secretary-ex officio. -Member(d) The Secretary to the Government, Uttar Pradesh, Finance Department or his nominee not below the rank ofJoint Secretary-ex officio. - Member(e) The Managing Director, U.P. State Industrial Development Corporation-ex officio. -Member(f) Five members to be nominated by the State Government Government by notification. - Members(g) Chief Executive Officer. -Member Secretary"Section 6 provided for functions of the Authority. At this very stage, it is useful to quote the constitution of theAuthority as provided in Section 4 (3) of the 1973 Act which is to the following effect:"(3) The Authority in respect of a development area which includes whole or any part of a city as defined in theUttar Pradesh Municipal Corporation Act. 1959, shall consist of the following members namely-(a) a Chairman to be appointed by the State Government;(b) a Vice-Chairman to be appointed by the State Government;(c) the Secretary to the State Government, in charge of the Department in which, for the time being, the businessrelating, to the Development Authorities is transferred, ex-officio;(d) the Secretary to the State Government in charge Of the Department of Finance, ex-officio;

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