Contesting Workplace Discrimination in Court - American Bar ...

Contesting Workplace Discrimination in Court - American Bar ...

Contesting Workplace Discrimination in Court - American Bar ...


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OUTCOMESTrials—<strong>in</strong>variably theleast commonEDL outcome—become<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly<strong>in</strong>frequentthroughout theentire 1987-2003period.Figure 6.3 shows changes <strong>in</strong> EDL outcomes over time. Each outcome—settlement, dismissal, summary judgment, and trial—reveals a degree of volatility. Settlements <strong>in</strong>creased steadily between 1987 and 2000, before decreas<strong>in</strong>g somewhat sharplybetween 2001-03. Proportions of dismissals and summary judgments stay steady until 2001-03, after which they diverge <strong>in</strong>opposite directions: dismissals go up while summary judgments substantially decrease. And f<strong>in</strong>ally, trials—<strong>in</strong>variably the leastcommon EDL outcome—become <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly <strong>in</strong>frequent throughout the entire 1987-2003 period. Indeed, after account<strong>in</strong>gfor about 12 percent of all outcome between 1987-92, by 2001-03, that proportion had dropped dramatically to just overone percent of EDL outcomes.figure 6.3 :percent of outcomesby time periodsettleddismissedsummary judgmenttrial-46-

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