2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...


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Legalcomply with all state <strong>and</strong> federal laws regarding theprivacy, security, confidentiality <strong>and</strong> disclosure ofMA Plan Enrollees’ health information. The providerwill ensure maintenance of such information in anaccurate <strong>and</strong> timely manner <strong>and</strong> ensure thatenrollees may timely access such information uponrequest. (Source: 42 CFR § 422.118.)Cooperation with <strong>Presbyterian</strong>’s Programs<strong>Provider</strong> shall use their best efforts to cooperatewith <strong>and</strong> participate in, <strong>and</strong> to require allSubcontractors to cooperate with <strong>and</strong> participate in,<strong>Presbyterian</strong>’s quality improvement programs,member grievance systems, medication therapymanagement, <strong>and</strong> utilization managementprograms to the extent applicable to the Servicesprovided by <strong>Provider</strong>, including, but not limited to,credentialing, recredentialing, quality assurance,prospective, concurrent, <strong>and</strong> retrospective utilizationreview <strong>and</strong> management, medical recordsmaintenance, claims payment review <strong>and</strong>management peer review, <strong>and</strong> provider <strong>and</strong>member grievance procedures. <strong>Provider</strong> shall bebound by the appeal procedures of <strong>Presbyterian</strong>’sutilization review <strong>and</strong> quality assurance program.(Source: 42 CFR §§ 422.152, 422.202(c).)Communication with MA Plan Enrollees<strong>Presbyterian</strong> encourages the provider, <strong>and</strong> providershall encourage subcontractors, to freelycommunicate with plan enrollees regardingappropriate treatment alternatives, regardless ofbenefit limitations, in a culturally competent manner<strong>and</strong> in compliance with requirements of 42 USC §12101, as amended (otherwise known as the“American with Disabilities Act of 1990”).<strong>Presbyterian</strong> shall not penalize its employees,contractors, or subcontractors for discussingmedically necessary or appropriate care withenrollees. (Source: 42 CFR § 422.206(a)(1) & (2).)Indemnity<strong>Provider</strong> shall indemnify, defend <strong>and</strong> hold<strong>Presbyterian</strong> responsible for any loss, damage, orcosts (including reasonable attorneys’ fees)incurred in connection with claims arising out of orresulting from provider’s or a subcontractor’s failureto comply with all applicable Medicare Advantagerequirements.MA Plan Enrollee Hold Harmless<strong>Provider</strong> hereby agrees, <strong>and</strong> will require allsubcontractors to agree, to seek payment forcovered prescription drug services only from<strong>Presbyterian</strong>. In no event, including, but not limitedto, termination of the Agreement(s) or thisAmendment, non-payment by <strong>Presbyterian</strong>,<strong>Presbyterian</strong>’s insolvency or breach of theAgreement(s) or this Amendment, shall a provideror a subcontractor bill, charge, collect a depositfrom; seek compensation, remuneration, orreimbursement from; or have any recourse againstenrollees, their families, or people acting on theirbehalf for covered prescription drug services. Theforegoing sentence shall not prohibit collection byprovider or a Subcontractor of applicable copayments,co-insurance, <strong>and</strong> cost-sharing chargesfor non-covered services. (Source: 42 CFR §422.504(g)(1)(i) & (i)(3).)14-102014 <strong>Practitioner</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Provider</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> - Ver. 3

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