2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...


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Claims <strong>and</strong> PaymentCentennial Care COB<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care is, by law, the payerof last resort for <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Caremembers. Therefore, if a <strong>Presbyterian</strong> CentennialCare member is eligible for benefits under anotherinsurance plan, you must file a claim <strong>and</strong> obtain anEOB/EOP from the other insurance plan, asrequired by your contract. Coverage requirementsof the other insurance plan must be satisfied.In coordinating benefits between the primaryinsurance carrier <strong>and</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> CentennialCare, <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care still acts in thesame capacity that the HSD Medical AssistanceDivision has in the past as the payer of last resort.<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care’s normal priorauthorization guidelines <strong>and</strong> plan requirementsapply when <strong>Presbyterian</strong> is acting as the primarycarrier if the other carrier denied the services.<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care does not makepayment for services denied by another carrierwhen the provider or member did not follow therequirements of the primary plan.<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care does not require aprior authorization or referral in the followingcircumstances:When the member’s primary insurance does notinclude a benefit that is covered by <strong>Presbyterian</strong>Centennial CareWhen the member’s primary insurance hasreached annual plan maximums, or maximums onspecific benefits that are covered by <strong>Presbyterian</strong>Centennial CareCentennial Care Third-Party Liability<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care is responsible foridentification of third-party coverage of members<strong>and</strong> coordination of benefits with applicable thirdparties.<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care is required to informHSD within 20 calendar days of receivinginformation regarding any member who has otherhealth coverage <strong>and</strong> must provide documentationwithin 20 calendar days to the HSD Third PartyLiability Unit, enabling HSD to pursue its right underfederal <strong>and</strong> state law, regulations, <strong>and</strong> rules.<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care has the sole right ofcollection to recover from a third-party resource orfrom a provider who has been overpaid because ofa third-party resource for 12 months from the date<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care first pays the claim toinitiate recovery <strong>and</strong> attempt to recover any thirdpartyresources available to Medicaid members, forall services provided by <strong>Presbyterian</strong> CentennialCare.Without mitigating any rights the <strong>Presbyterian</strong>Centennial Care provider has pursuant to federal<strong>and</strong> state law <strong>and</strong> regulations, HSD has the soleright ofCollection from a third-party resource which<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care has failed to identifywithin 12 months from the date <strong>Presbyterian</strong>Centennial Care first pays the claim.Recovery from <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care or a<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care provider who hasbeen overpaid because of the combined paymentsof <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care <strong>and</strong> a third-partyresource when <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care has18-122014 <strong>Practitioner</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Provider</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> - Ver. 3

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