2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...


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<strong>Presbyterian</strong> Customer Service Centerproviders are financially responsible for languageinterpretation services provided. Direct billingarrangements are available with CLI. CLI isaccessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week bycalling 1-800-225-5254. <strong>Presbyterian</strong> MedicalGroup (PMG) can contact the Community OutreachProgram for the Deaf (COPD) for American SignLanguage translation services. COPD can bereached at (505) 255-7636.Advance DirectiveMembers have the right to make health caredecisions <strong>and</strong> to execute advance directives. Theyalso have the right to accept or refuse treatment.An advance directive is a formal document,completed by a member in advance of anincapacitating illness or injury, which indicates themember’s preferences regarding health caretreatment. Once an advance directive is created,both the member <strong>and</strong> the provider should have acopy. If a member is admitted to a hospital, thehospital should also have a copy.As long as a member can speak for themselves,providers must honor their wishes, except as amatter of conscience. <strong>Provider</strong>s must document ina prominent part of the member’s current medicalrecord whether or not an individual has executedan advance directive.Under the New Mexico Uniform <strong>Healthcare</strong>Decisions Act, if a health care practitioner orprovider declines to comply with a member’sinstruction or health care decision as a matter ofconscience, the practitioner or provider mustcontinue to provide care to the member until atransfer can be executed. The practitioner orprovider must promptly inform the member, ifpossible, or an agent authorized to make healthcare decisions for the member. Unless the memberor the agent refuse assistance, the practitioner orprovider must immediately make all reasonableefforts to assist in the transfer of the patient toanother health care practitioner or provider that iswilling to comply with the instruction. Presbyteri<strong>and</strong>oes not impose conditions that bar the providerfrom implementing advance directives as a matterof conscience if they have not filed a conscienceprotection waiver with Centers for Medicare <strong>and</strong>Medicaid Services. <strong>Presbyterian</strong> is not required toprovide care that conflicts with an advancedirective. <strong>Presbyterian</strong> is not required to providecare that conflicts with an advance directive.A member can obtain the brochure Making<strong>Healthcare</strong> Decisions from the PCSC, whichprovides information <strong>and</strong> forms for completing anadvance directive. These are important legaldocuments, however, <strong>and</strong> members shouldconsider consulting an attorney to assist them inpreparing an advance directive.Types of directives includeLiving will. This lets members detail whichtreatments they want <strong>and</strong> do not want if theycannot speak for themselves.Durable power of attorney for health care.This lets members appoint a friend or relativeto make medical decisions for them if theycannot do it themselves.19-122014 <strong>Practitioner</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Provider</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> - Ver. 3

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