2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...

2013 Practitioner and Provider Manual - Presbyterian Healthcare ...


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Appeals <strong>and</strong> GrievancesMember Appeals <strong>and</strong> GrievancesWith written consent from the member to act astheir representative during the appeal process,providers may appeal a denied benefit certificationor a concurrent review decision to denyauthorization that was made by the medicaldirector. At the time of the decision, a provider ormember may request that <strong>Presbyterian</strong> reconsiderthe denial by submitting further documentation tosupport medical necessity. Such requests arereferred immediately to a medical director notpreviously involved in the case for resolution <strong>and</strong>are h<strong>and</strong>led according to the member appealguidelines.If benefit certification or prior authorization forservices for any <strong>Presbyterian</strong> member is requestedby a provider <strong>and</strong> denied by <strong>Presbyterian</strong>, aprovider may act on the member’s behalf <strong>and</strong> mayfile a request for an expedited appeal if the providerfeels that the member’s health or welfare are inimmediate jeopardy. <strong>Presbyterian</strong> then determinesif it meets expedited criteria. If the case is deemedexpedited, <strong>Presbyterian</strong> processes the expeditedappeal within 72 hours of receipt. (Time extensionsmay apply with written consent from the member.)For <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Centennial Care, unless themember or the provider requests an expeditedresolution, an oral appeal must be followed by awritten appeal that is signed by the member within13 calendar days; failure to file the written appealwithin 13 calendar days constitutes withdrawal ofthe appeal.The <strong>Presbyterian</strong> member appeals <strong>and</strong> grievanceprocess is published in the member h<strong>and</strong>books.<strong>Presbyterian</strong> provides a process that ensures allmembers have the right to exercise their right to anappeal <strong>and</strong> that they receive the decision within theappropriate <strong>and</strong> proper time frames for resolution oftheir appeals.Any member also has the right to file a grievance ifhe or she is dissatisfied with the services renderedthrough <strong>Presbyterian</strong>. In respect to grievances, themember is defined as any individual enrolled in<strong>Presbyterian</strong> or their designated representative. Aprovider may represent a member in a grievance orappeal with written consent from the member.Member grievances may include but are not limitedto dissatisfaction with providers, appropriateness ofservices rendered, timeliness of services rendered,availability of services, delivery of services,reduction or termination of services, disenrollment,or any other performance that is consideredunsatisfactory. The member should submit agrievance to the <strong>Presbyterian</strong> grievance <strong>and</strong>appeals coordinator within 30 calendar days of thedate the dissatisfaction occurred.The member should submit an appeal to thegrievance <strong>and</strong> appeals coordinator within 90 daysfrom the date of denial.Member Fair HearingA member may request a State Fair Hearing if heor she is dissatisfied with an action that has beentaken by <strong>Presbyterian</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the member hasexhausted <strong>Presbyterian</strong>’s internal process, within30 calendar days of the <strong>Presbyterian</strong>’s finaldecision. A representative of the member or themember’s estate, or a provider acting on behalf of20-32014 <strong>Practitioner</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Provider</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> - Ver. 3

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