History Table_166_Revised.pdf - Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

History Table_166_Revised.pdf - Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

History Table_166_Revised.pdf - Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

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<strong>History</strong> ChartCalibration Data Modules (CDM PROM)Chemistry Language Modules (CLM PROM)A CDM PROM is an electronic device that contains data required to perform various tests on theVITROS DT60/DT60 II Chemistry Systems. The data on the CDM includes all current VITROS DTSlide Generations (GEN) and VITROS Calibrator Kits. A new CDM is provided when new Slide GENsor new Calibrator Kits are released. Prior to using new Calibrator Kits or Slide GENs, the most currentCDM must be installed into the back of the VITROS DT60/DT60 II analyzer.A CLM PROM contains data required to perform various tests on the VITROS DT60/DT60 II Systems.The data on the CLM includes the messages that appear on the display screen and a list of all testsavailable on the system. The current CLM PROMS are Numbers 512 or 513.CDM New ReleasesCDM#Date CDM Additions & Revisions Products NotReleasedSupported0<strong>166</strong> 31-OCT-12 ALB GEN 61ALKP GEN 63AST GEN 65BUN GEN 61Ca GEN 55CHOL GEN 62CKMB GEN 82CRSC GEN 84Fe GEN 64GGT GEN 64GLU GEN 62LAC GEN 67LDH GEN 65Na GEN 54PHOS GEN 67URIC GEN 61DT Plus Calibrator Kit 42DT Specialty Calibrator Kit 43The following are notsupported withDT Calibrator Kit 42:ALT GEN 63BUN GEN 58CRSC GEN 81TBIL GEN 53URIC GEN 56The following are notsupported withDT Calibrator Kit 43:CHE GEN 58CDM Previous ReleasesCDM#DateReleasedCDM Additions & Revisions0165 26-MAR-12 BUN GEN 60Ca GEN 54CHE GEN 60CK GEN 67CKMB GEN 81GGT GEN 63GLU GEN 61HDLC GEN 61Li GEN 56NBIL GEN 73PHOS GEN 66TBIL GEN 55TP GEN 71TRIG GEN 65urCR GEN 85URIC GEN 60DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit 41Products NotSupportedNot Applicable<strong>Revised</strong> March 2013 Page 1 of 2

<strong>History</strong> ChartCDM#DateReleasedCDM Previous ReleasesCDM Additions & Revisions0164 13-OCT-11 ALB GEN 60ALKP GEN 62ALT GEN 64AST GEN 64Ca GEN 53CHE GEN 59CKMB GEN 80CRSC GEN 83Fe GENs 62 & 63LAC GEN 66LDH GEN 64NBIL GEN 72Mg GEN 62PHOS GEN 65TP GEN 70URIC GEN 59Products NotSupportedNot ApplicableCDM#DateReleasedCDM Previous ReleasesCDM Additions & Revisions0163 19-Apr-11 AMYL GEN 57ALB GEN 59ALKP GEN 61BUN GEN 59Ca GEN 52GLU GEN 60NBIL GEN 72NH3 GEN 59PHOS GEN 64TBIL GEN 54URIC GEN 58DT Calibrator Kit 38DT Isoenzyme Calibrator Kit 39DT Specialty Calibrator Kit 40Products NotSupportedThe following are notsupported withDT Calibrator Kit 38:AMYL GEN 54AMYL GEN 79AST GEN 61CHOL GEN 61HDLC GEN 59Na GEN 52<strong>Revised</strong> March 2013 Page 2 of 2

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