Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

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SCIENCEWorking Scientifically(Note that this str<strong>and</strong> should be addressed simultaneously with all Science content str<strong>and</strong>s)Concept In Year 1the student:In Year 2the student:In Year 3the student:In Year 4the student:In Year 5the student:In Year 6the student:In Year 7the student:In Year 8the student:In Year 9the student:dependent <strong>and</strong>independent variablesthey devise a method tocollect the data requiredto answer the question ortest the prediction).controlled. N- reflection <strong>and</strong>analysis to prepare aplan• Plans <strong>and</strong> conducts simpleinvestigations <strong>and</strong> learnshow to use appropriatetools <strong>and</strong> equipment..• Predicts what they thinkwill happen in theinvestigation <strong>and</strong> why theythink it will happen.• Contributes ideas aboutfactors that may have anaffect on the investigation.• Follows suggestions tocollect, record <strong>and</strong> presentdata.• Makes a prediction aboutwhat might happen <strong>and</strong>knows their investigationis aimed at showingwhether or not theirprediction comes true.• Contributes ideas aboutfactors or variables thatmay have an effect on theinvestigation <strong>and</strong> begins tounderst<strong>and</strong> how thesemight make the results‘unfair’ if they are not thesame each time.• Suggests the type ofvariables that need to beconsidered when doing aninvestigation (e.g. ifplanting seeds to test theeffect of salt water, says“the type of seeds oramount of salt in the waterare important”).• Shows an underst<strong>and</strong>ing offair testing (i.e. the need<strong>for</strong> conditions to be thesame so that the test is‘fair’) (e.g. says ‘I think weshould give all plants thesame amount of water’ or ‘if our group is blowingbubbles in the wind theywon’t last as long as thatgroup’s bubbles will on thever<strong>and</strong>ah so it’s not fair’).• Knows the need <strong>for</strong>controlled variables tomake a fair comparison<strong>and</strong> can suggest severalvariables that need to becontrolled.• Plans how they will collectdata <strong>and</strong> chooses theequipment to be used froma selection suggested orsupplied by the teacher. N• Knows the need to conductpreliminary trials to refineprocedures.• Plans the method of datacollection, independentlychoosing equipment. N- collecting,processing <strong>and</strong>interpreting data• Collects <strong>and</strong> uses simpleequipment (e.g. h<strong>and</strong> lens,cup filled with water,spoon).• Conducts simpleinvestigations with only afew steps, following theteacher’s instructions.• Makes simplemeasurements as part oftheir observations (e.g.measures a cup or half cupof water be<strong>for</strong>e they watera plant, <strong>and</strong> uses a ruler tomeasure how high a plantis in centimeters). N• Uses simple instruments tomake measurements (e.g.graduated jug, cup,teaspoon, h<strong>and</strong> lens). N• Keeps simple records(data) to indicate anymeasurements taken (e.g.uses pencil strokes or‘sticky dots’ to show on abasic chart how manysteps they took betweentrees in the playground orthe number of seeds foundin each apple). N• Carries out simpleinvestigations with a smallnumber of steps followingthe teacher’s instructions.• Collects data <strong>and</strong>in<strong>for</strong>mation aboutobservations in various<strong>for</strong>ms (e.g. puts ticks orcrosses in a simple table toshow which foods a snaileats or records the dailytemperature on a chart, orcan use ‘sticky dots’ toshow a graph of how far aball rolled on carpetcompared to cement). N• Makes accuratemeasurements <strong>and</strong>underst<strong>and</strong>s at a basic levelwhy things need to bemeasured when makingobservations (ie knowsthat saying ‘this one isbigger than that one <strong>and</strong> sois that’ is not an accurateobservation). N• Knows that some pieces ofequipment are better <strong>for</strong> atask than others (e.g. sayswhy it is better to use ateaspoon to measure a verysmall amount than a cup).N• Checks measurements byre-measuring or recountingnumbers.• Organises their data indifferent ways (e.g. lists,simple tables, groups,graphs with ‘sticky dots’).N• Presents their data toothers in different <strong>for</strong>mats(e.g. a diagram, talk orwriting) to show whathappened.• Carries out investigationsinvolving a small numberof steps, related to theirquestions <strong>and</strong> predictions,<strong>and</strong> collects required data.• Uses simple equipment tomake non-st<strong>and</strong>ardobservations ormeasurements (e.g. cup).N• Recognises the need to beaccurate in measuring (e.g.says “I have to pour a halfa cup of water on the potplant so that it gets thesame as every other plantor it won’t be fair”)• Knows that checkingmeasurements is importantwhen writing down results.• Organises <strong>and</strong> presentsdata in different ways (e.g.a labelled diagram, table,simple graph or writtenreport). N• Compares measurements<strong>and</strong> data within <strong>and</strong>between groups. N• Collects data, checking<strong>and</strong> repeating observationswhile conducting theirinvestigations.• Makes measurements (e.g.to the nearest cm or 20 ml)using appropriateequipment such as amedicine glass,demonstrating safety <strong>and</strong>care. N• Presents data inappropriate ways (e.g. sayswhat happened in words orpictures or simple graphsusing ‘sticky dots’ on achart).• Collects datademonstrating signs ofawareness orunderst<strong>and</strong>ing of the need<strong>for</strong> accuracy, <strong>and</strong> repeatstrials without promptingby the teacher (e.g. says “Ineed to do it againbecause I might have madea mistake the first time”).• Uses st<strong>and</strong>ardmeasurements such as5mls, 10 ml, 15 ml, 20ml.N• Presents data appropriatelysuch as in an unstructuredtable showing ‘ticks’ or‘crosses’ or writtenresponses or a bar graph. N• Undertakes systematicobservations <strong>and</strong> datacollection, taking steps tominimize error. N• Explains the need <strong>for</strong>repeated trials in terms ofhow error can effect theresults of the investigation.• Measures variables that arediscrete (e.g. single eventssuch as height a ballbounces). N• Demonstrates consistencyin the use of equipment<strong>and</strong> attempts greaterprecision in theirmeasurements. N• Records data in a simple,organized table (no linesrequired). N• Uses appropriate means ofpresenting data (e.g.structured table with lines,bar graphs, models <strong>and</strong>diagrams) <strong>and</strong>communicates effectivelyusing scientificterminology.• Demonstrates consistencywhen using equipment,using the same procedureeach time.• Measures more precisely(e.g. to within one or twogradations such as time inseconds or liquids in ml).• Conducts repeat trialswithout prompting <strong>and</strong> canexplain why they improveaccuracy in results.• Records data in anorganized table withcorrect headings whereappropriate. N• Chooses appropriatemeans of presenting data<strong>and</strong> can say whether agraph is required. N• Underst<strong>and</strong>s the differencebetween discrete <strong>and</strong>continuous data. N• Plots graphs accuratelywith correctly labelledaxes., selecting range <strong>and</strong>intervals. N• Explains the relationshipbetween variables. N• Recognizes variables thatwere difficult to control(e.g. external factors suchas air temperature,humidity). N• Uses appropriatetechniques to improvereliability of their results.• Uses independent variablesthat are usually continuousrather than discrete (e.g.time). N• Takes care with accuracyof measurements <strong>and</strong>collection of data. N• Uses equipmentconsistently, using thesame units <strong>and</strong> procedureseach time. N• Take precisemeasurements to onegradation. N• Explains trends <strong>and</strong>patterns in data <strong>and</strong>presents in<strong>for</strong>mation usingappropriate <strong>for</strong>mat.• Calculates averages fromrepeat trials. N• Recognizes which type ofgraph suits the data (line,bar, pie) <strong>and</strong> plots dataaccurately with correctlylabelled axes. N• Selects origin <strong>and</strong>underst<strong>and</strong>s why a brokenaxis may be required. N<strong>Bound</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Success</strong> <strong>Scope</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sequence</strong> <strong>Statements</strong> V2 Page 48 Working Document Semester One 2007

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