Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

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TECHNOLOGYMaterialsMany <strong>for</strong>ms of media are designed by people <strong>for</strong> particular social <strong>and</strong> commercial purposes. Each is designed using the same technology processes that are used to create all products of technology.ConceptIn Year 1the student:In Year 2the student:In Year 3the student:In Year 4the student:In Year 5the student:In Year 6the student:In Year 7the student:In Year 8the student:In Year 9the student:MaterialsUnderst<strong>and</strong>s that theproperties of materialsneed to be considereddepending on thepurpose of theproduct.(note the links to theScience KLA ‘natural<strong>and</strong> processes materials’)• Names <strong>and</strong> identifiesdifferent materials used ineveryday products <strong>and</strong>makes simple statementsabout why particularmaterials are suitable <strong>for</strong>the product (e.g. says“party hats are made frompaper because it is light<strong>and</strong> easy to shape ”). Sc• Tries simple methods <strong>for</strong>joining materials whencreating products (e.g.tries gluing <strong>and</strong> stapling tocreate a party hat <strong>and</strong>compares results).• Matches the characteristicsof materials to designrequirements. Sc• Considers products, <strong>and</strong>materials used to makethem, <strong>and</strong> proposes logicalreasons <strong>for</strong> designer’schoices (e.g. says “insectscan’t chew through theplastic <strong>and</strong> it lets inlight”). Sc• Uses a range ofconstruction materials todesign products whichrelate to the stories <strong>and</strong>activities they areundertaking in theclassroom.• Explains how the materialsthey have selected matchthe design needs of theproduct they are creating(e.g. says “we selectedcarrots because they arehealthy <strong>and</strong> last a longtime but not celerybecause it goes limp”) <strong>and</strong>chooses to cover theirmorning tea with plasticwrap so to protect it frominsects <strong>and</strong> to prevent itfrom drying out.• Examines the materialsused by others in theirproducts <strong>and</strong> discussesprobable reasons <strong>for</strong> theirchoices (e.g. says “theyprobably used clearplastic so that they can seewhat is inside thecontainer”). Sc• Selects materials from arange of similar materials<strong>for</strong> a purpose, explainingtheir choice (e.g. selectsfrom a range of pliablematerials where flexibilityis required, <strong>and</strong> explainswhy they suit the product).Sc• Compares variousmaterials by consideringenvironmentalappropriateness <strong>and</strong> theintended use of theproduct (e.g. says “Iselected plastic materialto print my brochure onbecause it will be hung ontrees in the rain<strong>for</strong>est <strong>and</strong>if it’s plastic it will lastlonger than if it ispaper”). Sc• Compares <strong>and</strong> contrastsmaterials consideringcombination of factorsincluding functionality,appearance, <strong>and</strong>environmental impact(e.g. says “we created ourpackaging from recycledcardboard <strong>for</strong> strength<strong>and</strong> to minimise the longtermimpact on theenvironment”). Sc• Compares <strong>and</strong> contrasts arange of modern materialswith those used in thepast, relating properties totheir per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>and</strong>suitability.• Compares <strong>and</strong> contrastsmaterials of similarproperties to identify amore specific materialappropriate to the designbrief.• Creates ‘eating green’products as part of a rangeof products to bedistributed through asupermarket, whereaccuracy, specialisttechniques <strong>and</strong> equipmentare required to make itemsto detailed specifications,<strong>and</strong> justifies their choiceof materials. Justifieschoice of specificmaterials in terms ofper<strong>for</strong>mance required,market research,environmental impacts<strong>and</strong> aesthetic qualities.Underst<strong>and</strong>s that thechoice <strong>and</strong> use ofequipment <strong>and</strong>techniques will varydepending onavailability, physicalconstraints, safetyrequirements,presentation <strong>and</strong>precision required.• Uses simple equipment,with care, to change theshape or appearance oftheir product (e.g. usesscissors carefully to cut apiece from their party hatso that it will lookdifferent).• Selects <strong>and</strong> usesequipment <strong>and</strong> techniques<strong>for</strong> manipulating materialsincluding cutting, shaping,joining (e.g. choosesheavy duty scissors to cutcardboard <strong>and</strong> kitchenscissors to cut the plasticnetting, <strong>and</strong> uses thisequipment with care).• Selects <strong>and</strong> usesappropriate equipment <strong>for</strong>processing materialsincluding baking,moulding, melting,pulping) with safety <strong>and</strong>hygienic control (e.g.chooses <strong>and</strong> carefully usesa heavy duty saucepan tomelt wax when making ac<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong> washes itbe<strong>for</strong>e the residue sets).• Creates products usingsimple h<strong>and</strong> tools tocombine materials withawareness of safetyrequirements. (e.g.combines parts A <strong>and</strong> B ofa glue using a palate knife<strong>and</strong> is careful to clean itafter use).• Creates products usingsimple h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> electrictools to process materialsin order to meet designrequirements (e.g. choosesan electric beater to beatthe eggs <strong>for</strong> a pavlovaknowing that a whiskwon’t make the eggmixture stiff enough).• Knows that lack ofappropriate care withequipment can shorten itslife or cause it not to workwell (e.g. knows that paintbrushes lose theirflexibility if they aren’twashed <strong>and</strong> storedproperly, <strong>and</strong> that caketins will rust if not driedout after use).• Recognises the need <strong>for</strong>accuracy when designing<strong>and</strong> creating products (e.g.says ”we had to cut a holein the centre of the roofreally carefully to fit oursolar cell so that it didn’tmove around” <strong>and</strong> “wehad to make sure we speltthe words right when icingthe cake”).• Compares <strong>and</strong> contrastsmaterials that are viableoptions in terms of designrequirements as well asimpacts <strong>and</strong> consequences<strong>for</strong> one or more definedaspects of appropriatenessincluding aesthetics,environment, culture <strong>and</strong>economics (e.g. creates aproduct <strong>for</strong> a gift <strong>and</strong>exemplifies a commitmentto recycling by processing<strong>and</strong> manipulatingdiscarded materials,making writing paperfrom recycled paper <strong>and</strong>toys from discardedtextiles).• Without prompting,maintains equipment afterits use (e.g. having painteda wall ensures that brushesare cleaned <strong>and</strong> storedproperly).• Operates equipment <strong>and</strong>applies specialisedtechniques to safelymanipulate <strong>and</strong>/or processmaterials to meetpredetermined st<strong>and</strong>ards.• Selects techniques <strong>and</strong>equipment to effectively<strong>and</strong> efficiently work thematerials, henceenhancing the qualitiesthat make them suitable<strong>for</strong> a product (e.g. uses afine grade of s<strong>and</strong>paper tos<strong>and</strong> a new table, bringingout the colour <strong>and</strong> textureof the timber <strong>and</strong>smoothing flaws createdin the making processes,<strong>and</strong> glazes a pastry withegg to improve itsappearance <strong>and</strong> make itmore appetising).<strong>Bound</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Success</strong> <strong>Scope</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sequence</strong> <strong>Statements</strong> V2 Page 85 Working Document Semester One 2007

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