Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

Bound for Success Scope and Sequence Statements

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SCIENCELife <strong>and</strong> LivingConcept In Year 1the student:In Year 2the student:In Year 3the student:In Year 4the student:In Year 5the student:In Year 6the student:In Year 7the student:In Year 8the student:In Year 9the student:• Recognises that there is alot of variation betweenliving things <strong>and</strong> identifiesa wide variety o<strong>for</strong>ganisms (e.g. says“apples are red <strong>and</strong> round<strong>and</strong> bananas are yellow<strong>and</strong> long”).• Recognises that livingthings reproduce youngthat look like the parents.• Knows there are a widevariety of different typeswithin a single group o<strong>for</strong>ganisms (e.g. knowsthere are many differenttypes of dogs, fish <strong>and</strong>birds <strong>and</strong> can describesome of the variation,saying “in that box ofwatermelons there aresome big ones <strong>and</strong> somelittle ones <strong>and</strong> the coloursare different”).• Realises that offspring aresimilar to their parents(e.g. says “in our familythere are three kids; mybrother look like my Mum<strong>and</strong> I look like my Dad”)• Knows that living thingsfrom the same family maynot look similar (e.g. says“those puppies from thatlitter are all differentcolours”) <strong>and</strong> that no twoliving things will lookexactly the same exceptidentical twins.• Knows that stages ofgrowth are similar in someanimals but different inothers (e.g. kittens canwalk when they’re bornbut human babies can’t).Knows that some plants<strong>and</strong> animals change verylittle from when they’reyoung to when they’refully grown (e.g. fish,lizards, worms, crabs)while other change a lot(e.g. birds, grasshoppers,frogs).• Knows that plant offspringcan differ from the parentplant. Knows that plantsdon’t give birth or lay eggsbut develop seeds whichcan grow into adult plants.Knows that some plantsgrow from cuttings <strong>and</strong>‘baby plants’, which growfrom the adult plant (e.g.suckers) <strong>and</strong> from seeds.• Knows that offspring arethe same as their parents insome ways <strong>and</strong> differentfrom their parents <strong>and</strong> alsofrom each other, in others(e.g. in a litter of pups theyall have legs, ears but aredifferent in colour,patterning, proportion,activity level, appetite <strong>and</strong>some are more like oneparent than others <strong>and</strong>some don’t resemble eitherparent) <strong>and</strong> appreciatesthis in human familiesalso.• Knows that where onlyone parent is involved theoffspring will lookidentical to the parent.• Knows that offspring havecombinations of inheritedfeatures from both parents.advantage to their survivalor a disadvantage. Knowsthe causes <strong>and</strong>consequences of mutationsto organisms <strong>and</strong> the effecton variety within species<strong>and</strong> on biodiversity ofliving things inecosystems.• Examines the theory ofevolution by naturalselection to explain thediversity of living things.Knows that changes to theenvironment can mean thatorganisms adapted to aparticular environmentmay have less chance ofsurvival, <strong>and</strong> that overtime these organisms as aspecies may becomeextinct <strong>and</strong> that newspecies may develop (e.g.knows why modern horseslook different to ancienthorses <strong>and</strong> why thescarcity of eucalypt treesfavoured as food by koalasmay lead to their eventualextinction). Knows thatadaptability <strong>and</strong> extinctionare consequences ofchange over time.<strong>Bound</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Success</strong> <strong>Scope</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Sequence</strong> <strong>Statements</strong> V2 Page 60 Working Document Semester One 2007

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