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Download - Andhra Pradesh Municipal Development Project Website


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Comprehensive Planning of Water Supply Service improvements In the following ULBs (1) Ananthapur <strong>Municipal</strong> Corporation,(2) Chittoor <strong>Municipal</strong>ity and (3) Badvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ityBadvel <strong>Municipal</strong>ity – Detailed <strong>Project</strong> Report (Final) - Environment1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose of the ReportThe Government of <strong>Andhra</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> (GoAP) has received a loan from World Bank to improve the servicesand support improvements in the financial, technical and management capacities of ULBs to sustain theinfrastructures being created to ensure the desired level of water supply.One of the major activities of the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) is to provide safe water supply to the inhabitants.However, lack of adequate fund for investment and maintenance of infrastructure including staff, the desiredlevel of water supply has reduced the effectiveness of water supply services. Inadequate water supply hasbeen identified as an essential issue. The Government of <strong>Andhra</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong> (GoAP) has recognized theproblems faced by the ULBs and has received a loan from the World Bank to improve the services andsupport improvements in the financial, technical and management capacities of ULBs to sustain theinfrastructures being created.This Environmental Assessment (EA) Report has been prepared for the Badvel Water Supply <strong>Project</strong> as partof APMDP. The major Sub-<strong>Project</strong> components are: (i) Laying of a new Distribution System, Construction ofElevated Level Storage Reservoir (ELSR), and (ii) Construction of Water Treatment Plant (WTP) includingIntake Well, Raw Water Rising Main and Clear Water Rising Main.This EA report covers the general environmental profile of Badvel and includes an overview of the potentialenvironmental impacts and their magnitude on physical, ecological, economic, and social and culturalresources within the subproject’s influence area during design, construction, and operation stages. AnEnvironmental Management Plan (EMP) is also proposed as part of this report which includes mitigationmeasures for significant environmental impacts during implementation of the <strong>Project</strong>, environmentalmonitoring program, and the responsible entities for mitigation and monitoring.1.2 Extent of the EA StudyThis EA report was prepared on the basis of detailed screening and analysis of all environmentalparameters, field investigations and stakeholder consultations to meet the requirements for environmentalassessment process and documentation per SEAMF and Government of India Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) Notification of 2006.1.3 Applicable LegislationThe implementation of sub-projects proposed under APMDP will be governed by the Environmental Acts,Rules, Policies, and Regulations of the GoI and the state of <strong>Andhra</strong> <strong>Pradesh</strong>. These regulations imposerestrictions on the activities to minimize/mitigate likely impacts on the environment.1.3.1 World bank PolicyThe policies involve in the projects under APMDP,• World Bank Operational Policy 4.11 on Cultural property• Environmental policy of TRANSCO• Operational Policy 4.01 (Environmental Assessment of projects)• OP 4.36 (Forestry)World Bank (WB) requires the consideration of environmental issues in all aspects of WB’s operations, andthe requirements for Environmental Assessment are described in EA guideline. This states that WB requiresenvironmental assessment of all project loans, program loans, sector loans, sector development programloans, loans involving financial intermediaries, and private sector loans.1

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